The Review of Contemporary Fiction : Vol. V, #1 : Claude Simon


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Литературный журнал "The Review of Contemporary Fiction" : Claude Simon
Серия: Литературный журнал "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Издательство: Dalkey Archive Press

Anthony Cheal Pugh, “Interview with Claude Simon: Autobiography, the Novel, Politics”
Claude Simon, “Reflections on the Novel: Claude Simon’s Address to the Colloquium on the New Novel, New York University, October 1982″
Ludovic Janvier, “Claude Simon’s Answers to Some Questions Written by Ludovic Janvier”
Claude Simon, “Fiction Word by Word”
Leon Roudiez, “History and Fiction in Claude Simon’s Novels”
Anthony Cheal Pugh, “From Drawing, to Painting, to Text: Claude Simon’s Allegory of Representing and Reading in the Prologue to The Georgics“
Jean H. Duffy, “The Textualization of Time in Conducting Bodies, Triptych and The World About Us“
Ludovic Janvier, “On Body-Circuits”
Jean-Claude Lieber, “A Cumbersome Hero”
Alastair Duncan, “Simon and Sartre”
Celia Britton, “The Georgics: The Limits of History”
John Fletcher, “The General in The Georgics“
Maria Minich Brewer, “Claude Simon: The Critical Properties of Painting”
Anna Otten, “Claude Simon’s I/Eye”
Jean-Claude Vareille, “What We Learn from an Open Window”
Joseph M. Conte, “Metaphor and Metonomy in Flann O’Brien’s At Swim-Two-Birds“
Books Received
Note to Future Contributors

ISBN: 9781564781055

Год издания: 1985

Язык: Английский

Мягкая обложка, 159стр.

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