The Review of Contemporary Fiction : Vol. VII, #2 : Samuel Beckett


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Литературный журнал "The Review of Contemporary Fiction" : Samuel Beckett
Серия: Литературный журнал "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Издательство: Dalkey Archive Press

Nicholas Zurbrugg, “Introduction: Samuel Beckett—The Wider Context”
Samuel Beckett, “Three Extracts from Dream of Fair to Middling Women“
Deirdre Bair, “Dream of Fair to Middling Women A Preface and Postscript”
William Burroughs, “Beckett and Proust”
Nicholas Zurbrugg, “A Footnote to William Burrough’s Article ‘Beckett and Proust”
Robert Lax, “Beckett and Deep Sleep“
Michael O’Brien, “A Note on Ill Seen Ill Said and a Note on Criticism”
Michael Horovitz, “Notes on Three Novels by Samuel Beckett”
James Liddy, “Island Truancies: The Sauntering of Mercier and Camier”
Dom Sylvester Houedard, “‘What’s a door doing here?’ A Squint at Beckett’s Layered Question”
Rosemary Poutney, “The Structuring of Lessness“
Kenneth Gaburo, “The Music in Samuel Beckett’s Play“
Nicholas Zurbrugg, “Interview with David Warrilow”
Nicholas Zurbrugg, “Interview with Philip Glass”
Nicholas Zurbrugg, “Interview with Billie Whitelaw”
Germaine Baril, “From Characters to Discrete Events: The Evolving Concept of Dramatis Personae in Beckett’s Radio Plays”
S. E. Gontarski, “What Where II: Revision as Re-creation”
Peter Gidal, “The Anti-Zoom (A Little Polemic against Metaphor)”
Rosalind E. Krauss, “LeWitt in Progress”
Sol LeWitt, “2 Versions of a Drawing for Beckett’s Come and Go“
Paul Taylor, “Self and Theatricality: Samuel Beckett and Vito Acconci”
Nam June Paik, “Waiting for Commercials”
Bernard Heidsieck, “In Memory of Christine Tsingos”
Lourdes Castro, “Beckett and Proust”
Charles Altschul, “The New Overbrook The Lost Ones: Story of the Work”
Charles Klabunde, “Statement on The Lost Ones“
Tom Phillips, “‘No Matter. Try Again. Fail Again. Fail Better'”
Michael Horovitz, “For Samuel Beckett (writ waking from a dream of Acte sans Paroles II)”
John Christie, “Molloy’s Solution”
John J. Sharkey, “Poemsequence for Samuel Beckett”
John Taylor, “Parisian Notes”

ISBN: 9781564781086

Год издания: 1987

Язык: Английский

Мягкая обложка, 220стр.

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