The Review of Contemporary Fiction : Vol. IV, #3 : Camilo Jose Cela


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Литературный журнал "The Review of Contemporary Fiction" – Camilo Jose Cela
Серия: Литературный журнал "The Review of Contemporary Fiction"
Издательство: Dalkey Archive Press

Camilo José Cela, “La Mancha in My Heart”
Camilo José Cela, “The World of the Bullfight on the Eve of the Spanish Civil War: The Tertulia in ‘Despedide’s Tavern’ on the Afternoon Before the Uprising”
Camilo José Cela, “Supper with Lola Pacheco”
Camilo José Cela, “The Latest Word on the Horse Casinaide, ‘Almost-Nobody'”
Camilo José Cela, “Inventory of the Dark: From Pisando la Dudosa Luz del Dia”
Anthony Kerrigan, “The Color of Seed”
Camilo José Cela, “The Novel as Concept”
Janet Perez, “The Game of the Possible: Francoist Censorship and the Techniques of Dissent”
James Liddy, “I Must Be Talking about Mrs. Caldwell to El Rey de Son Armadans”
M. Antolin Rato, “Cela: Writing About Death”
Roger D. Tinnell, “Camilo Jose Cela”
Carol Wasserman, “A Stylist, an Institution, a Book: Cela, Censorship and Mazurca para dos Muertos“
Anthony Kerrigan, “Introduction to The Family of Pascual Duarte“
David William Foster, “Cela and Spanish Marginal Culture”
Robert Kirsner, “Trauma and Tenderness in the Novels and Travels of Camilo Jose Cela”
Francisco Umbral, “Cela: The Writer’s Trade (In Darkness)”
Janet Perez, “Historical Circumstance and Thematic Motifs in San Camilo, 1936“
Juan Antonio Masoliver Rodenas, “Mazurca para dos Muertos Seen Through Its Characters”
Jack Byrne, “Mother Caldwell Writes to Her Dearly Beloved Son, The Drowned Sailor, on 213 Separate Occasions”
John W. Kronik, “Pascual’s Parole”
Kenneth Tindall, “Waterwatch: Chapter from The Banks of the Sea“
“From Metcalf to Bowles to Peabody, Etc.”
Gilbert Sorrentino, “Fictional Infinities”
Books Received
Note to Future Contributors
Annual Index

ISBN: 9781564781048

Год издания: 1984

Язык: Английский

Мягкая обложка, 177стр.
Product Dimensions: 15 x 1.5 x 25 cm

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