
Дэн Симмонс 4.4
В 1845 году экспедиция под командованием опытного полярного исследователя сэра Джона Франклина отправляется на судах «Террор» и «Эребус» к северному побережью Канады на поиск Северо-Западного прохода из Атлантического океана в Тихий — и бесследно исчезает. Поиски ее затянулись на несколько десятилетий, сведения о ее судьбе собирались буквально по крупицам, и до сих пор картина происшедшего пестрит белыми пятнами — хотя осенью 2014 года грянула сенсация: после более чем полутора веков поисков «Эребус» был наконец обнаружен, и ученые уже приступили к изучению останков корабля, идеально сохранившихся в полярных водах; ну а два года спустя, осенью 2016-го, при помощи дистанционно управляемой мини-субмарины был найден и «Террор». Но еще за несколько лет до этого поразительного открытия Дэн Симмонс, знаменитый автор «Гипериона» и «Эндимиона», «Илиона» и «Олимпа», «Песни Кали» и «Темной игры смерти», предложил свою версию событий: главную угрозу для экспедиции составляли не сокрушительные объятия льда, не стужа с вьюгой и не испорченные консервы — а неведомое исполинское чудовище, будто сотканное из снега и полярного мрака.

В 2017 году на телеэкраны должна выйти 10-серийная экранизация «Террора», снятая компанией Ридли Скотта Scott Free Productions. Постановщиком выступит Эдвард Бергер, в работе над сценарием участвовал сам Симмонс, главные роли исполнят Джаред Харрис, Киаран Хайндс, Тобайас Мензис, Пол Реди. На 2018 год уже заявлен и второй сезон.
Люциус Шепард 0.0
A chilling and mysterious voice becomes audible to Sanie shortly after she and her husband Jackson move into the decaying antebellum mansion that is the Bullard ancestral home in rural South Carolina. At first, she wonders if the voice might be a prank played by Jackson's peyote-popping brother Will or his equally off-kilter sister Louise. But soon Sanie discovers that the ghostly voice is merely a single piece in the decadent, baroque puzzle that comprises the Bullard family history rank with sensuality, violence, repression and madness.
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Thomas Ligotti 5.0
In the realm of the supernatural, Thomas Ligotti is the master of stylish, eerie writing of the highest quality. This new edition brings together his collected short stories with 'Teatro Grottesco', a sequence of new stories not published before.
Авторский сборник
Люциус Шепард 0.0
This is a collection of short stories from the pen of Lucius Shepard.
Эллен Датлоу 0.0
As stated in her introduction to Inferno, Ellen Datlow asked her favorite authors for stories that would "provide the reader with a frisson of shock, or a moment of dread so powerful it might cause the reader outright physical discomfort; or a sensation of fear so palpable that the reader feels compelled to turn on the bright lights and play music or seek the company of others to dispel the fear."

Mission accomplished. Datlow has produced a collection filled with some of the most powerful voices in the field: Pat Cadigan, Terry Dowling, Jeffrey Ford, Christopher Fowler, Glen Hirshberg, K. W. Jeter, Joyce Carol Oates, and Lucius Shepard, to name a few. Each author approaches fear in a different way, but all of the stories' characters toil within their own hell. An aptly titled anthology, Inferno will scare the pants off readers and further secure Ellen Datlow's standing as a preeminent editor of modern horror.
Tim Lucas 0.0
Introduction by Martin Scorsese. Foreword by Italian Horror Pioneer Riccardo Freda. This is the Complete Story of Mario Bava's life and careers as director, cameraman and special effects artist. Interviews with more than 100 actors, co-workers, friends and family members. The Definitive Study of each of his films: production histories, cast biographies, critical analysis, and video information. Never-before Published Photos including the only color shots taken on the set of BLACK SUNDAY. Original Mario Bava Storyboards - including the boards for the unfilmed project BABY KONG. Original Mario Bava Artwork - Some in Full Color! Bava's Secret Filmography: His uncredited works as director, cameraman and special effects artist. Complete Videography and Discography. Eugenio Bava (Mario's father) Filmography

Soon available in ebook form!
Conrad Williams 0.0

The Unblemished artfully interweaves the stories of a serial killer who believes he is the rightful son and heir to an ancient dynasty of flesh-eating monsters, and a mother determined to protect her only daughter from the stuff of nightmares. The fate of each of them and the survival of the entire human race depends on one man, Bo Mulvey, who possesses the ancient wisdom the blood thirsty evil needs to achieve its full and horrifying potential.
Norman Partridge 3.4
It is Halloween, 1963. They call him the October Boy, or Ol' Hacksaw Face, or Sawtooth Jack. Whatever the name, everybody in this small Midwestern town knows who he is. How he rises from the cornfields every Halloween, a butcher knife in his hand, and makes his way toward town, where gangs of teenage boys eagerly await their chance to confront the legendary nightmare. Both the hunter and the hunted, the October Boy is the prize in an annual rite of life and death. Pete McCormick knows that killing the October Boy is his one chance to escape a dead-end future in this one-horse town. He's willing to risk everything, including his life, to be a winner for once. But before the night is over, Pete will look into the saw-toothed face of horror - and discover the terrifying true secret of the October Boy...
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Луис Трондем 2.9
Beaten up, tattered, and weather worn, this volume has crossed through space to become the first extra-terrestrial comic book in print on earth. The language and even the alphabet are alien, but as human readers will soon discover, the themes and stories are universal. These interwoven stories and vignettes start out quite simply, but a darker, more complex side is gradually revealed as alien characters act out very human problems, from peer pressure to intolerance to the challenges of friendship. Beneath its apparently childlike and cartoony style, A.L.I.E.E.E.N. explores human nature, cruelty, and kindness with surprising depth and loads of humor.

A.L.I.E.E.E.N. is a nominee for the 2007 Eisner Awards for Best U.S. Edition of International Material and Best Writer/Artist - Humor.
Авторский сборник
Глен Хиршберг 0.0
From the author of the acclaimed novel THE SNOWMAN'S CHILDREN and the award-winning collection THE TWO SAMS comes American Morons, a new collection of dazzling and haunting tales...

Two traveling college students confront their disintegrating relationship and the new American reality in a breakdown lane along the Italian Superstrade. A woman chases the ghost of her neglectful father to a vanished amusement park at the end of the Long Beach pier. Two recently retired teachers learn just how much Los Angeles has taken from them.

In these atmospheric, wide-ranging, surprisingly playful, and deeply mournful stories, grandkids and widows, ice cream-truck drivers and judges, travelers and invalids all discover -- and sometimes even survive -- the everyday losses from which the most vengeful ghosts so often spring.
William Schafer, Bill Sheehan 0.0
Lords of the Razor is a stunning new anthology in which ten gifted writers (among them Chet Williamson, Thomas Tessier, Bradley Denton, Christopher Golden, and the late, great Hugh B. Cave) offer their own eclectic visions of this dark icon of modern horror. Bookended by a pair of chilling Lansdale stories (the 1985 tale in which the God makes his first appearance and a superb new novella written expressly for this volume), Lords of the Razor is both a lovingly wrought act of homage and an enthralling collection filled with horrific encounters, sharply etched characters, and moments of surprising, sometimes demented, humor.

The stories (each accompanied by a striking black and white illustration by award winning artist Glenn Chadborne) range in setting from Boston to Vietnam, from Texas to the American Midwest, from the poverty stricken rural South to the stately homes of England. Throughout, these vastly entertaining stories manage, somehow, to remain true both to their original source of inspiration and to the individual sensibilities that produced them. The result is a unique collaborative effort, a feast of pure storytelling, and a fitting tribute to the imaginative genius of Joe R. Lansdale, (hisownself).
С. Т. Джоши 0.0
Horror and the supernatural have fascinated people for centuries, and many of the most central figures appear over and over again. These figures have gained iconic status and continue to hold sway over popular culture and the modern imagination. This book offers extended entries on 24 of the most enduring and significant figures of horror and the supernatural, including The Sea Creature, The Witch, The Alien, The Vampire, The Werewolf, The Sorcerer, The Ghost, The Siren, The Mummy, The Devil, and The Zombie. Each entry is written by a leading authority on the subject and discusses the topic's essential features and lasting influence, from the classical epics of Homer to the novels of Stephen King. Entries cite sources for further reading, and the Encyclopedia closes with a selected, general bibliography. Entries include illustrations, sidebars of interesting information, and excerpts from key texts.

Horror and the supernatural have fascinated people for centuries, with many of the most central figures appearing over and over again across time and cultures. These figures have starred in the world's most widely read literary works, most popular films, and most captivating television series. Because of their popularity and influence, they have attained iconic status and a special place in the popular imagination. This book overviews 24 of the most significant icons of horror and the supernatural.
Bret Easton Ellis 3.8
Imagine becoming a bestselling novelist, and almost immediately famous and wealthy, while still in college, and before long seeing your insufferable father reduced to a bag of ashes in a safety-deposit box, while after "American Psycho" your celebrity drowns in a sea of vilification, booze, and drugs.
Then imagine having a second chance ten years later, as the Bret Easton Ellis of this remarkable novel is given, with a wife, children, and suburban sobriety - only to watch this new life shatter beyond recognition in a matter of days. At a fateful Halloween party he glimpses a disturbing (fictional) character driving a car identical to his late father's, his stepdaughter's doll violently "malfunctions", and their house undergoes bizarre transformations both within and without. Connecting these aberrations to graver events - a series of grotesque murders that no longer seem random and the epidemic disappearance of boys his son's age - Ellis struggles to defend his family against this escalating menace even as his wife, their therapists, and the police insist that his apprehensions are rooted instead in substance abuse and egomania.
"Lunar Park" confounds one expectation after another, passing through comedy and mounting horror, both psychological and supernatural, toward an astonishing resolution - about love and loss, fathers and sons - in what is surely the most powerfully original and deeply moving novel of an extraordinary career.
Средняя Форма
Кейтлин Кирнан 3.1
Ханна, пытаясь заработать денег, согласилась побыть полотном на одной частной вечеринке...
Ричард Боус 0.0
После событий 11-го сентября на улицах Нью-Йорка начали появляться люди в странных старинных одеждах, а к главному герою приходят воспоминания о друге, умершем очень давно.
© A.Ch
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Enki Bilal 3.0
Memories collects Enki Bilal's two graphic novels, Memories of Outer Space and Memories of Other Times, into one deluxe trade paperback. These science fiction stories showcase his early career (from 1972 to 1981) as his style and voice evolved and he went from fledgling artist to international superstar.

Collaborating with a number of writers, including Jean-Pierre Dionnet (Exterminator 17, Métal Hurlant), Bilal writes and illustrates a series of short stories that depicts surreal and fantasic worlds with a sci-fi twist.

Fan's of Bilal's work on The Nikopol Trilogy, Townscapes, The Beast Trilogy and his other Humanoids/DC Comics trade paperbacks will enjoy this very diverse and insightful gathering of Bilal's earlier works.
Авторский сборник
Joe Hill 3.9
From the New York Times bestselling author of NOS4A2 and Horns comes this award-winning collection of short fiction.

Imogene is young, beautiful . . . and dead, waiting in the Rosebud Theater one afternoon in 1945. . . .

Francis was human once, but now he's an eight-foot-tall locust, and everyone in Calliphora will tremble when they hear him sing. . . .

John is locked in a basement stained with the blood of half a dozen murdered children, and an antique telephone, long since disconnected, rings at night with calls from the dead. . . .

Nolan knows but can never tell what really happened in the summer of '77, when his idiot savant younger brother built a vast cardboard fort with secret doors leading into other worlds. . . .

The past isn't dead. It isn't even past. . . .
С. Т. Джоши, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz 0.0
The literature of the supernatural has had a distinguished history over the past two centuries, while the incorporation of the supernatural in literary works can be traced back as far as classical antiquity. Such prominent writers as Edith Wharton and Henry James made use of the supernatural in their writings, and numerous contemporary writers continue to do so. Supernatural literature is widely enjoyed by high school students and general readers, and scholars are devoting more and more attention to it. This encyclopedia provides thorough coverage of the literature of the supernatural. The most exhaustive work of its kind, it covers authors and works from the ancient world to the present. Two of the world's foremost authorities on supernatural literature have coordinated a team of internationally recognized contributors, including: Mike Ashley, Benjamin F. Fisher, Paula Guran, Stephen Jones, Darrell Schweitzer, and Brian Stableford. While other references chiefly offer biographical and critical information, this encyclopedia also provides entries on numerous special topics, including: Alien Abduction, Curses, Dreams and Nightmares, Fantasy Tales, Feminism, Hinduism, Islam, Munsey Magazines, Occultism, Southern Gothic, Urban Legends, Voodoo, Werewolves, and many more. The set includes roughly 1,000 alphabetically arranged entries and presents the work of some 70 contributors. It provides entries on such major canonical writers as Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare, and Oscar Wilde, while also devoting attention to Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, R. L. Stine, and other popular contemporary writers. Entries also include special topics and cultural traditions in the genre. Entries citeworks for further reading, and the encyclopedia closes with a selected, general bibliography of major works on supernatural literature. Supernatural literature figures prominently in the curriculum, and students are often interested in reading such works on their own. This encyclopedia is an essential tool for student research on supernatural literature and world literary traditions, and is equally valuable for teachers planning related courses. Both school and public libraries need this work to support the interests of general readers.
Рэмси Кэмпбелл 4.0
Книжный должен быть уютным и привлекательным, по крайней мере, таким его хочет видеть новый директор магазина «Тексты», американец, недавно переехавший в Великобританию.
Но это оказывается довольно трудно, так как в его магазине, одном из целой сети, творится что-то неладное. Здание постоянно скрывает густой туман. Каждый раз, когда работники приходят утром, многие книги лежат на полу, некоторые изорваны или пропитаны какой-то влагой. Компьютеры сбоят, а по ночам, даже отключенные, мерцают странным серым светом. Заказы исчезают. На купленных видеокассетах вместо фильмов оказываются тени, изображающие древние битвы и жертвоприношения. Когда на стоянке перед магазином машина насмерть сбивает одну из продавщиц, директор решает перейти к жестким мерам. Грядет проверка, и он оставляет весь персонал на ночное дежурство, чтобы перебрать ассортимент и выяснить, кто же устраивает в помещении беспорядок.
Но на экранах камер видеонаблюдения уже показались странные существа, полупрозрачные, но оставляющие после себя склизкие следы. И туман становится все непрогляднее, а опасность и ужас подкрадываются все ближе.
Дебютный роман
John Harwood 3.7
The ghost story comes alive in a spellbinding first novel. Viola Hatherley was a writer of ghost stories in the 1890s whose work lies forgotten until her great-grandson, as a young boy in Mawson, Australia, learns how to open the secret drawer in his mother's room. There he finds a manuscript, and from the moment his mother catches him in the act, Gerard Freeman's life is irrevocably changed. What is the invisible, ever-present threat from which his mother strives so obsessively to protect him? And why should stories written a century ago entwine themselves ever more closely around events in his own life? Gerard's quest to unveil the mystery that shrouds his family, and his life, will lead him from Mawson to London, to a long-abandoned house and the terror of a ghost story comes alive.
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Хидеши Хино 3.8
Юный Санпэй мало приспособлен для жизни в человеческом обществе - в школе его донимают хулиганы, дома приходится терпеть ругань и оплеухи отца. Однако жизнь мальчика кардинально меняется после того, как его кусает странная ярко-красная гусеница. После мучительной болезни Санпэй превращается в ядовитую ползучую тварь и в своем новом обличье отправляется исследовать мир, простирающийся за стенами дома и школы.
Авторский сборник
Brian Evenson 0.0
Brian Evenson's fifth story collection constructs a human landscape as unearthly as it is mundane. Replete with the brutality, primordial waste, and savage blankness familiar to readers of his earlier works, Evenson's Kafkaesque allegories entice the mind while stubbornly disordering it.
In the title story an obsessive consciousness folds back on itself, creating a vertiginous melange of Poe and Borges, both horrific and metaphysical. Here, as in "Moran's Mexico," and "Greenhouse," the solitary nature of reading and writing leads characters beyond human limits, making the act of putting words to paper a monstrous violation opening onto madness. In "White Square" the representation of humans by dimly colored shapes confirms our feeling that something lies behind these words, while seeming to mock us with the futility of seeking it. Evenson's enigmatic names-Thurm, Bein, Hatcher, Burlun-placeable landscapes, and barren rooms all combine to create a semblance of conceptual abstraction, as though the material universe had come to exist inside someone's head.

Small wonder that Evenson's work has attracted so much attention among philosophers, literary critics, and other speculative intelligences, for it continuously projects a tantalizing absence, as though there were some key or code that, if only we knew it, would illuminate everything. However, the blade of discernment wavers, and we are left to our own groping interpretations.
Peter Straub 3.4
A woman kills herself for no apparent reason. A week later, her teenage son disappears. The vanished boy's uncle, Tim Underhill, returns to his home town of Millhaven to discover what he can. A madman known as the Sherman Park Killer has been haunting the neighbourhood, but Underhill believes that Mark's obsession with a local abandoned house is at the root of his disappearance.
He fears that Mark came across its last and greatest secret - a lost girl, one who has coaxed Mark deeper and deeper into her mysterious domain. Only by following in their footsteps will Underhill uncover the shocking truth.
Дебютный роман
Matthew B.J. Delaney 0.0
It is May 1943. On the remote island of Bougainville, in the South Pacific, a squad of United States Marines beats their way through the thick jungle. They've landed to do battle with the Japanese soldiers on the island, but in short order, they begin to realize that the forbidding battleground holds an ancient secret a hundred times more terrifying than any enemy army---especially when they start finding the bodies.

Flash-forward to July 2008. In the slums---and the skyscrapers---of Boston, a new kind of depraved serial killer is stalking human prey and terrifying the city. The bodies have been found posed and mutilated in bizarre ways that the two police officers in charge of the case have never seen before---and never want to see again. Are the two scenarios connected?

Detectives Jefferson and Brogan have no idea that to solve the biggest case of their careers, their investigation must take them around the world and through time and history---from a mysterious salvaged submarine with a shocking secret, to an inhumane prison where the inmates are even more scared than usual of "the Pit,"and finally back to the beginning: the sinister island in the South Seas where something inhuman has been biding its time
Брайан Ходж 2.7
В восточноевропейской стране начинается гражданская война. Ее полноценными участниками становятся военные корреспонденты. Им предстоит понять, что же на самом деле является искусством войны.
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Эрик Пауэлл 5.0
Авторский сборник
Michael Marshall Smith 0.0
In this stellar retrospective collection, Smith (Spares, etc.) proves that effective horror fiction depends as much on solid grounding in the ordinary as on the evocation of the extraordinary. Most of the 30 stories (including four original to the volume) feature characters so believably common and unassuming-"emotionally homeless, culturally pointless" is the way one describes himself-that the nightmares that overtake them hit with the unexpected force of a sucker punch. In the title story, a friendly infotech type finds his tediously clinical work on computers slowly drawing him into a voyeuristic hell of Internet pornography. "A Place to Stay" conveys the strange experience of a man's vampirization through the disorienting fragmentation of his daily routines. The protagonist of "Being Right" leads a life so seemingly humdrum that the reader is disarmed to discover it's the manifestation of a repellent psychopathology. Smith's skill at presenting emotionally credible characters gives him easy access to a wide range of themes, from "To See the Sea," a Lovecraftian tale with a flesh-creeping surprise, to "To Receive Is Better," an O. Henryesque shocker. Most of these stories have been available only in the author's native U.K., and this omnibus gathering will introduce American readers to one of the best writers of short horror fiction to emerge in the 1990s.
Авторский сборник
Glen Hirshberg 0.0
With this unique collection, acclaimed author Glen Hirshberg breathes new life into an age-old literary tradition. In the title story a husband struggles with the grief and confusion of losing two children, and forms an odd bond with the infant spectrals that visit him in the night. “Dancing Men” depicts one of the creepiest rites of passage in recent memory when a boy visits his deranged grandfather in the New Mexico desert. “Struwwelpeter” introduces us to a brilliant, treacherous adolescent whose violent tendencies and reckless mischief reach a sinister pinnacle as Halloween descends on a rundown Pacific Northwest fishing village. Tormented by his guilty conscience, a young man plumbs the depths of atonement as he and his favorite cousin commune with the almighty Hawaiian surf in “Shipwreck Beach.” In “Mr. Dark’s Carnival,” a college professor confronts his own dark places in the form of a mysterious haunted house steeped in the folklore of grisly badlands justice.
Эллен Датлоу 0.0
This collection single-handedly redefines the ghost story, going far beyond the accustomed tropes and gore of horror stories to consider the only realm that still truly frightens us: the unknown. The Dark takes a look at the tormented and unquiet dead; the darkness in us, the living; and the sometimes tenuous boundary between the two.
Эрик Ларсон 3.5
Это классический документальный триллер о первом американском серийном убийце, действовавшем под псевдонимом… Холмс.

Доктор Холмс творил свои мрачные дела в конце 19-го века, в Чикаго, где к Всемирной выставке 1893 года он выстроил свой зловещий отель (в народе его прозвали "замок") с лабиринтами и комнатами без окон. Позже осмотр подвала этого дома вызвал шок даже у бывалых полицейских и циничных репортеров: личный крематорий, стол для вивисекций, множество орудий пыток и останки десятков пропавших туристов…

Холмс был так хитер, что только случайность вывела сыщиков на его след. Каким же образом полиция сумела найти маньяка, признанного первым в истории США серийным убийцей, и какие ужасные тайны хранит его прошлое?

Эта книга – будоражащее путешествие в холодный и извращенный мир идеального социопата.
Джек Кейди
Специальная награда
Джек Кейди / Jack Cady
3 книги
1 в избранном
Дэн Симмонс 3.8
"К сожалению, я не призрак. И ничего не знаю о жизни после смерти. Я никогда не верил в привидения, в существование рая, в бессмертие души и прочие подобные вещи. Не верю и теперь. Конечно же, я не помню, как умер, и знаю об этом событии не больше, чем мой друг Дейл Стюарт. За одиннадцать лег своей жизни я ни разу не покидал Иллинойс. Через сорок один год после моей смерти Дейл приехал на ферму, где я погиб. Зима в тот год была очень суровой..."
Дебютный роман
Александр Ирвин 2.9
Согласно ацтекским мифам, когда кончается один календарный цикл и начинается другой, наступает время перемен - и к власти могут прийти новые боги...
Мистика? Но так не считает миллионер Райли Стин, к которому случайно попали тайные документы некоего Аарона Бэра, твердо верившего, что если в Священный день ацтекского календаря провести таинственный "ритуал вызова" и принести в жертву над мумией маленькую девочку, рожденную в должное время и в должном месте, - можно вызвать рвущегося к власти над миром жестокого бога Тлалока.
Стин, одержимый жаждой могущества, уже почти подготовил ритуал.
Однако ему противостоит отец похищенной девочки Арчи Прескотт, чернокожий проводник по Мамонтовым пещерам Стивен Бишоп и загадочное тайное общество "Искатели пути"...
Thomas Ligotti 4.3
When junior manager Frank Dominio is suddenly demoted and then fired, it seems there was more than a grain of truth to his persecution fantasies. But as he prepares to even the score with those responsible for his demise, he unwittingly finds an ally in a dark and malevolent force that grants him supernatural powers. Frank takes his revenge in the most ghastly ways imaginable—but there will be a terrible price to pay once his work is done. This tale of corporate horror and demonic retribution will strike a chord with anyone who has ever been disgruntled at work.
Средняя Форма
Дейл Бейли 3.6
Отгремела очередная предвыборная гонка, и вот-вот станет известно, кого же американцы желают видеть своим президентом в ближайшие четыре года. Для Роба, руководившего кампанией сенатора Бертона, провал и последующее увольнение — дело уже решенное. Но тут случается то, чего никто не смог бы предвидеть: мертвые восстают из могил и приходят на избирательные участки, чтобы опустить свои бюллетени наравне с живыми людьми. И голосуют они только за Бертона... Роб сразу понимает, что как-то причастен к этому кошмару — или чуду. Но чтобы по-настоящему осознать свою роль в происходящем и проделать долгий путь к самому себе, ему понадобятся многие месяцы... И пусть даже с воскресением мертвых не заканчиваются глупые политические игры; главное, что этот мир уже изменился — неотвратимо, безумно, раз и навсегда.
Дон Тумасонис 3.7
Почтовые открытки и обрывки текста на них расскажут историю о трагических событиях, произошедших в какой-то балканской стране с несколькими путешественниками.
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Clive Barker 4.3
A dazzling fantasy adventure for all ages, the first of a quartet.

Abarat: an archipelago of amazement and wonder. A land made up of twenty-five islands, each one representing one hour of the day, each one a unique place of adventure and danger (and one mysterious place out of time), all ruled over by the evil Christopher Carrion, Lord of Midnight, and his monstrous grandmother, Mater Motley.

Candy Quackenbush, a 16-year old from Chickentown, Minnesota, crosses by accident from our world into Abarat, and discovers she has been there many, many times before. She has friends there and she has enemies. As Candy makes her journey between all the islands of the archipelago, she will discover a plot by Christopher Carrion to block out the Sun, Moon and stars to achieve a condition of Permanent Midnight. In order to prevent this disaster, Candy must find the courage to confront the Lord of Midnight; and in doing so come to know who she really is: a revelation which will transform her own understanding of her place in the epic events.

The first book of Abarat is a spellbinding adventure for all ages, combining the heartstopping tension of a thriller with the powerful charm of the most enduring fable. And beneath all, it possesses the quicksilver imagination of one of the finest writers at work today. The four books of Abarat have been rightly called Clive Barker’s Narnia, his Wonderland. A sumptuous treat that will capture the imaginations of adults and children alike.
Авторский сборник
Чет Уильямсон 0.0
CONTENTS: Preface; Introduction by Joe R. Lansdale; Offices; A Lover's Alibi; Lares & Penates; I'll Drown My Book; Prometheus's Ghost; Miss Tuck and the Gingerbread Boy; The Music of the Dark Time; Return of the Neon Fireball; The House of Fear; Blue Notes; O Come Little Children; Other Errors, Other Times; Ex-Library; Jabbie Welsh; The Cairnwell Horror; His Two Wives; From the Papers of Helmut Hecker; The Bookman; A Father's Dream; Coventry Carol; A Place where a Head Would Rest; The Blood-Red Sea; Excerpts from the Records of the New Zodiac and the Diaries of Henry Watson Fairfax; A Collector of Magic; Subtle Knowing; Figures in Rain; Sundowners; Story Notes and Sources.
In this award-winning anthology, you’ll encounter a strange museum where the past comes alive, a man who uses a time-traveling car to commit murder, an attempt to market Dr. Jekyll’s famous formula, a series of cards that reveal a terrifying ritual, and many other original stories guaranteed to take you on a terrifying journey into the heart of modern horror fiction. Among the stellar contributors are Stephen Baxter, Ramsey Campbell, Graham Masterton, Christopher Fowler, Tanith Lee, and David J. Schow.
Рэмси Кэмпбелл 0.0
Ramsey Campbell, probably collects 140,000 words of Campbell's non-fiction from the last three decades. The subjects range from the perils of authorship to the delights of amateur fiction and film, from drugs to nightmares, from the Highgate Vampire to the Dracula Society's marching song.
Кейтлин Кирнан 1.0
Chance Matthews is drawn into a battle between angels and monsters because of something in her possession-a fossil of a creature that couldn't possibly have ever existed. But it did. And still does.
Дебютный роман
David Searcy 0.0
Frank Delabano is a retired science teacher living an unremarkable life in an unremarkable suburb. But in a sunny corner of his backyard lies his secret treasure: a magnificent rose garden. When his beloved blooms are threatened by a mysterious burrowing pest, he sends away for an organic remedy: an exotic tropical plant guaranteed to be "antithetical to garden varmints but harmless to pets and everything else."

The strange "gopherbane" plants take care of the problem . . . and much more. Building to an unforgettable climax, Ordinary Horror tells an unsettling, richly atmospheric tale of creepily evolving menace.
Элизабет Хэнд 2.9
Другое название - "Клеопатра Баттерфляй"
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Гарт Эннис, Carlos Esquerra 4.0
From acclaimed writer Garth Ennis (The Boys, Preacher, The Punisher) and artist Carlos Ezquerra comes this post-apocalyptic tale It's eight years after the Burn - when the Sun began to die and boiled the Earth's oceans dry. The Earth is now a desolate wasteland, ruled by pirates who terrorize and murder the remaining pockets of humanity. Out of this desolation come a vicious but mysterious killer called "The Pilgrim."
Авторский сборник
Дэвид Сильва 0.0
It's the only window in the room and it's scarred with spider-webbed cracks.
Sometimes on warm summer afternoons, he sits alone here, staring out at the world through the shattered glass. What he sees doesn't always look right, but then there are strange things in the world.

Through Shattered Glass, David B. Silva's first short story collection, takes readers on an imaginative journey through the lives of seventeen ordinary people struggling with extraordinary events in their lives.

The Calling: an adult son cares for his mother, who is dying from cancer, over the final few months of her life. As the cancer grows stronger it permeates their relationship, every event inside the house, and eventually leads to a powerful, unexpected ending that seems almost inevitable.

Dry Whiskey: Something horrible happened last night. There's blood on the bumper of the old pickup, and Will's father thinks he might have hit something on the way home from the bar, but he isn't sure. When they hear that Joey Eagan was killed last night in a hit and run off Buzzard Roost Road, Will's old man vows to finally give up his heavy drinking. But drying out takes a toll of its own.

The Hollow: Michael Carpenter is a lonely twelve-year-old who lives in the quiet little town of Appleton where nothing worthwhile ever seems to happen. That is until today. Because today Michael made friends with something alive in the hollow of the old oak not far from home...

Empty Vessels: Thirty-five years have passed since a stranger by the name of Blaine left Marshall's mother an empty vessel, neither alive nor dead. And after years of searching for the stranger, Marshall thinks he might have found the man. Only he's not really human...

Dwindling: A boy watches helplessly while his world crumbles around him as one after another of his siblings disappears.

A Time For Every Purpose: What if a childhood friend unexpectedly shows up on your doorstep one day with a tale of terror that's still unfolding?
Alone of His Kind: After a tragic loss, a man meets someone who has dealt with a similar loss in a most unusual way.

A Night In Fog: A trouble man reaches out to his brother, trying to explain his past action and gradually drawing his brother into a realm where the line between reality and fantasy has blurred.

Slipping: A desperate advertising man, frustrated with the way commercials are flashed before viewers with ever increasing speed, becomes aware of the fragileness of time.

Plus eight additional stories and an Introduction by Dean Koontz!
Ричард Чизмар 0.0
Nearly twenty years ago, the legendary Night Visions series was conceived by Dark Harvest Press as a showcase for the outstanding short fiction being produced today by the best of the established authors and the most talented of the new writers in the fields of horror and dark fantasy.
Now, from the grave, Night Visions returns with original novellas by Jack Ketchum and John Shirley, and five new stories by David B. Silva...

A nightmare creature, buried by children, returns to claim them as adults.

A woman's flat tire turns into a memorable stretch of bad luck as she becomes a passenger in a car bound for Hell.

A man spends his life trying to forget the misdeeds of his past.

A small group of teenagers must overcome an ancient evil.

Experience the return of terror in Night Visions 10, edited by World Fantasy award-winner Richard Chizmar.
Дэвид Дж. Шоу 0.0
A collection of columns and essays by rabble-rouser Schow.
Элис Купер
Живая Легенда
Элис Купер / Alice Cooper
2 книги
1 в избранном
Tim Powers 3.5
There are histories beneath history.

After a ten-year hiatus, British academic Andrew Hale is abruptly called back into the Great Game by a terse, cryptic telephone message. Born to "the trade" and recruited at the age of seven by a most secret Secret Service, Hale, in 1963, is forced to confront again the nightmare that has haunted his adult life: a lethal unfinished operation code-named Declare.

Two decades earlier, as a young double agent infiltrating the Soviet spy network in Nazi-occupied Paris, Hale first encountered the incomprehensible rhythms of an invisible world. And from that moment on nothing was ever safe and knowable again. There also, his life became eternally linked with two others' lives that would recurrently intersect his at its most dangerous junctures: his "comrade operative," the fiery and beautiful Communist agent Elena Teresa Ceniza-Bendiga, the object of Hale's undying love, and Kim Philby, the mysterious traitor to the British cause... and perhaps to all humanity. Together they form an unlikely trimuvirate with one shared destiny: Declare.

But the Great Game is greater and far more terrible than Andrew Hale ever imagined. There is another, larger war raging unseen all around him, a cataclysmic secret conflict masked by a "Cold War" of national ideologies. And it is drawing Hale, Elena, and Philby inexorably toward world-shattering consequences on a Biblical mountain in the Middle East... and to a hideous feast of broken minds, destroyed lives, and devoured souls.
Дебютный роман
Sean Desmond 0.0
With the fall of his senior year at the College upon him, the nameless protagonist of Adams Fall finds himself under the great strain of senior year with a thesis to write, a Marshall to apply for, and a girlfriend to elude. It is a full, but manageable plate for one of "the country's best and brightest."

A resident of Adams house's reportedly haunted B-entry, he is familiar with tales of phantom footsteps, vanished laundry, lurking shadows. But when he begins to find himself the object of the house's cruel attentions his world quickly begins to unravel. As the protagonist's grades slip, so slips his mind.
Into his privileged ivy-league world enters a charming and vindictive playboy from the College's past who relishes reminding the protagonist of the circumstances surrounding the suicide of his first year roommate. When the protagonist is faced with the mutilated body of a woman he had been sneaking around with, he resolves to discover the identity of the ghost in order to put an end to its raging and to maintain his sanity.

Adams Fall is an elegant blend of ghost story and psychological thriller, with a tip of its hat to Henry James.
Дебютный роман
Mark Z. Danielewski 3.9
Years ago, when House of Leaves was first being passed around, it was nothing more than a badly bundled heap of paper, parts of which would occasionally surface on the Internet. No one could have anticipated the small but devoted following this terrifying story would soon command. Starting with an odd assortment of marginalized youth -- musicians, tattoo artists, programmers, strippers, environmentalists, and adrenaline junkies -- the book eventually made its way into the hands of older generations, who not only found themselves in those strangely arranged pages but also discovered a way back into the lives of their estranged children.

Now, for the first time, this astonishing novel is made available in book form, complete with the original colored words, vertical footnotes, and newly added second and third appendices.

The story remains unchanged, focusing on a young family that moves into a small home on Ash Tree Lane where they discover something is terribly wrong: their house is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.

Of course, neither Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Will Navidson nor his companion Karen Green was prepared to face the consequences of that impossibility, until the day their two little children wandered off and their voices eerily began to return another story -- of creature darkness, of an ever-growing abyss behind a closet door, and of that unholy growl which soon enough would tear through their walls and consume all their dreams.
Мелани Тем, Стив Резник Тем 2.6
Стив и Мелани живут в огромном викторианском доме на холме вместе с пятью детьми, четырьмя кошками и тремя собаками. А еще вместе с ними живет человек на потолке...
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Джонен Васкез 0.0
I FEEL SICK is the first full-color comic book written and drawn by the comic artist Jhonen Vasquez and colored by Rosearik Rikki Simons.

It revolves around Devi d. from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (JTHM), and her dealings with the same supernatural and/or psychological forces that drove Johnny to lunacy.
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Джонен Васкез 5.0
I FEEL SICK is the first full-color comic book written and drawn by the comic artist Jhonen Vasquez and colored by Rosearik Rikki Simons.

It revolves around Devi d. from Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (JTHM), and her dealings with the same supernatural and/or psychological forces that drove Johnny to lunacy.
Авторский сборник
Стив Резник Тем 0.0
The first major English-language collection of the short fiction of acclaimed author Steve Rasnic Tem. This mammoth retrospective covers two decades of writing & features over three dozen stories with several pieces appearing for the first time.
Classic novellas, never-before-published stories, essays on the history, literature, and films of Halloween, and real-life memories of October 31st-from today's best practitioners of fear:

Dean Koontz * Peter Straub * Poppy Z. Brite * Rick Hautala * Steve Rasnic Tem * Elizabeth Engstrom * Thomas Ligotti * Gary A. Braunbeck * Jack Ketchum * Thomas F. Monteleone * Hugh B. Cave * Simon Clark * Christopher Golden * Ray Bradbury * Jack Ketchum * Alan M. Clark * Gahan Wilson * Paula Guran * John Shirley * Tom Piccirilli * Jack Cady * David B. Silva * Robert Morrish * William F. Nolan * Michael Cadnum * Richard Laymon * Douglas Clegg * Douglas E. Winter * Stanley Wiater * Caitlín R. Kiernan * Lewis Shiner * Yvonne Navarro * Tim Lebbon * Kim Newman * F. Paul Wilson * Owl Goingback * Dennis Etchison * Stephen Mark Rainey * Charles L. Grant * Kelly Laymon * Dominick Cancilla * Kristine Kathryn Rusch * Michael Marshall Smith * Wayne Allen Sallee * Ramsey Campbell * Ed Gorman * Stefan Dziemianowicz * Peter Crowther
Стюарт О’Нэн 0.0
Set just after the Civil War, A Prayer for the Dying is the story of a small Wisconsin town gripped by a mysterious, deadly epidemic, and one man desperate to save it. Torn between his loyalty to his family, his faith in God, and his terror of this vicious disease, Jacob Hansen struggles to preserve his sanity amid the chaos and violence around him.
Дебютный роман
Майкл Циско 3.9
«Студент богословия» — жемчужина неоготической прозы, роман, зовущий в сомнамбулическое путешествие по улицам Сан-Венефицио, города, будто явившегося из лихорадочных снов Франца Кафки и Сантьяго Карузо. Странствуя с безымянным героем среди лемуров, гротесков и призраков в попытках воскресить запретное книжное знание, читатель сам превращается в словопыта, меняя мир и себя черной алхимией слов.
Lucius Shepard 0.0
When Rawley called, Michael had no idea what he would be getting into. He was offered a chance to take on a strange case. There were reports of native "crocodile men" murdering tribesmen. Such reports were not uncommon in the wilds of Africa, but in this case a "crocodile man" has actually confessed to the murders...
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Уильям Месснер-Лобс, Роберт Роуди, Брайан Азарелло, John Rozum, Джо Р. Лансдейл, Дин Моттер, Colin Raff, Grg Ruckaпоказать всех 2.5
It's the little things in life that matter most: tiny leak in the fuel line; the faint smell of decay that won't wash off; the way a knife blade catches the light. These are the things that stick with us, no matter how much we want to forget— the things that make us flinch. No one is more familiar with this unnerving territory than the twisted souls whose hallucinatory work is preserved between these covers— an unprecedented gathering of fever dreams and waking nightmares scraped directly from the darkest corners of the greatest minds in comics.
Neil Barron 4.5
Although the fantastic impulse has been embodied in folklore, literature, art, and film, distinguished work has always been uncommon. This guide directs readers and viewers to the best, better, or historically important works of the fantastic imagination, as well as to the scholarship that helps us understand their nature and appeal. Arranged chronologically, narrative introductions provide historical and analytical perspectives on the period or subjects covered while annotated bibliographies describe and evaluate the books and other materials judged most significant for literary, extraliterary, or historical reasons. More than 2,300 works of fiction and poetry are discussed, each cross-referenced to other works with similar or contrasting themes. Winners and nominees for major awards are identified. Books that are part of a series are flagged, with a complete list of books in series included in a final chapter, along with a comprehensive list of awards, of translations, and of young adult and children's books. A chapter on teaching fantasy and horror literature provides aid for teachers of every experience level, from high school through college. Fantastic illustration, films, TV and radio, and Internet sites are all discussed in detail. Comprehensive, up-to-date, carefully organized with multiple indexes, this guide will appeal to anyone with the slightest interest in fantastic literature, film, or illustration.
Томас Тессье 0.0
Two couples, both skeptical and desperate, are drawn together by a medium named Oona, a fragile, beautiful young woman who knows things that no other living person should know. Is her gift real, or is it the sign of a consuming madness? Can she lead them all to important truths, or will they be trapped in the tightening web of terror and death?

Fog Heart was named one of the best books of the year by Publishers Weekly, and awarded the International Horror Guild's honors for Best Novel.
Дебютный роман
Michael Marano 0.0
Dawn Song is a darkly erotic exploration of supernatural evil in very human circumstances. Lawrence is an invisible bookstore clerk in Boston, drawn through no choice of his own into the greatest conflict of all--a struggle for dominance between two of the most powerful devils in Hell.

As the media frenzy of the Gulf War buildup enthralls the city, Lawrence feels the presence of something ethereal and beautiful that has come to Boston, as he has, in search of fulfillment and love everlasting. If he only knew what it was...
Питер Страуб 2.8
Другое название - "Мистер Клабб и Мистер Кафф"
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Warren Ellis, Darick Robertson 4.5
After years of self-imposed exile from a civilization rife with degradation and indecency, cynical journalist Spider Jerusalem is forced to return to a job that he hates and a city that he loathes. Working as an investigative reporter for the newspaper The Word, Spider attacks the injustices of his surreal 23rd Century surroundings. Combining black humor, life-threatening situations, and moral ambiguity, this book is the first look into the mind of an outlaw journalist and the world he seeks to destroy.
Авторский сборник
Джон Ширли 0.0
Including 16 stories never before assembled, "Black Butterflies" follows on the heels of the author's notorious collection, "New Noir". "John Shirley is an adventurer, returning from dark and troubled regions with visionary tales to tell. I heartily recommend a journey with John Shirley at your side".--Clive Barker.
The highlights of the world's most critically acclaimed original horror anthology include chilling tales of contemporary horror by some of the biggest and bestselling authors currently being published, both in the mainstream and dark fantasy fields: Poppy Z Brite, Ramsey Campbell, Dennis Etchison, Christopher Fowler, Neil Gaiman, Terry Lamsley, Richard Christian Matheson, Geoff Nicholson, Kathryn Ptacek, David Schow, Michael Marshall Smith and many others.
This exciting new guide to historic and contemporary horror, ghost and gothic writers features the men and women who've kept readers turning pages into the wee hours of the night. Your patrons with a penchant for this genre will find all the details they need to answer their questions on 450 authors. Author entries feature a biography; a complete list of the author's publications; selected critical and biographical works; and comments by the entrant, when available. A critical essay written by an expert in the field helps readers better understand the author and his or her works.

Coverage includes these authors: Clive Barker Stephen Vincent Benet Mary Higgins Clark Douglass Clegg Isak Dinesen Nathaniel Hawthorne Shirley Jackson Doris Lessing H.P. Lovecraft Dorothy Macardle Joyce Carol Oates Edgar Allan Poe Anne Rice Martin Cruz Smith Fay Weldon Edith Wharton And many others A title index helps readers find entries even when they're unsure of the author's name. A comprehensive reading list helps your patrons find reference and critical sources to continue their research.
Ramsey Campbell 0.0
Oswald Priestley was widowed ten years ago, when his daughter was just a child. He's done his best to raise her and give her proper values. But now she's a teenager, convinced she knows everything about life and that her father knows nothing. She's moody and sullen. She talks back. Her grades are dropping. And to make matters worse, she's taken up with a boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Amy Priestley is a normal teenager. Her boyfriend may be lower class, but he's kind and intelligent. Amy doesn't remember her mother. She does remember that as a child she was afraid of Nazareth Hill, the abandoned asylum that looms over the town. Now Nazareth Hill has been made into apartments, and she and her father have moved in. Their neighbors are a little eccentric at first, and as time passes, their odd quirks become less amusing and more dangerous. Amy is convinced that something in the building's past is contaminating its present. Her search for the truth irritates her increasingly irrational father, who is also trapped in a role dictated by Nazareth Hill. When the truth becomes known, no one wants to believe it - not Amy's boyfriend, not her former allies among Nazareth Hill's tenants, and especially not her father. It is said that the truth shall set you free. In Nazareth Hill, the truth brings captivity and death.
Дебютный роман
Mary Ann Mitchell 0.0
Beverly thought she had found something special with Carl, until she realized that he had stolen from her. But he hadn't stolen just her money or her property...he had stolen her very life. Suddenly she was helpless and alone, able only to watch in growing despair as her flesh began to decay and each day transformed her more and more into a corpse - a corpse without the release of death.
But Beverly was not truly alone, for Carl was always nearby, watching her and waiting. He knew that soon he would need another unknowing victim, another beautiful woman he could seduce...and destroy. And when lovely young Megan happened into his web, he knew he had found his next lover. For what could possibly go wrong with his plan, a plan he had practiced to perfection so many times before?
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Garth Ennis 0.0
The third amazing new edition in the PREACHER series, collecting issues #18-26.

Jesse Custer heads for France to rescue Cassidy, the Irish vampire, from the clutches of religious fanatics. His search leads him into a no-holds-barred battle against the forces of the Grail. Also told here is the story of how Cassidy became a vampire in the first place.
Авторский сборник
Brian McNaughton 0.0
Imagine earthy Tolkienesque characters in a setting full of cemeteries, graverobbers, necromancers, corpse-eaters--even a huge labyrinthine necropolis. Imagine mephitic gardens where the sarcophage, selenotrope, and necrophilium bloom. Then throw in star-crossed lovers, crazed zealots, stalwart heroes, bloodthirsty renegade armies, hideous monsters, and likeable misfits. You've got just a hint of the wondrous and original visions in the dark fantasy world of Brian McNaughton.
Horror scholar S. T. Joshi, in the afterword to this collection of stories, notes the strong influence of Clark Ashton Smith, Lord Dunsany, H. P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and Greco-Roman decadent works such as Petronius's Satyricon. "McNaughton seems to have mastered one of the most difficult of literary arts: to draw upon the classics of the field without losing his own voice.... The world that McNaughton has created in this book is the world of the ghoul; and who knows but that The Throne of Bones will become the standard textbook for the care and feeding of ghouls just as Dracula has become that for vampires?"
Douglas E. Winter 0.0
Pestilence, floods, war, social upheaval, drug crime, wicked leaders, conspiracies, corruption even visions of death-dealing aliens -- this superb collection of stories takes an unforgettable imaginative journey into terror and transcendence. Each decade of the twentieth century is assigned to one of the top fantasy/horror authors of the modern age who evokes the particular madness of that decade as it contributes to a prophecy for the next century. Decade by decade as the millennium approaches in these powerful, chilling tales, the tension builds toward a dramatic revelation that is both a prophetic warning and a visionary answer for all humankind.

A singular publishing event, Revelations is a stunning anthology-novel by modern superstars of fantasy and horror, including New York Times -- bestselling author Clive Barker, David J. Schow, and Ramsey Campbell.
Эдвард Брайант
Живая Легенда
Эдвард Брайант / Edward Bryant
1 книга
18 в избранном
Marc Laidlaw 0.0
The mandalas have always been among us, unseen and uncalled. Those few occult masters who have encountered them have known to leave them alone, for to these unholy forces we are mere playthings, insignificant tools to be used, fed upon - and eventually discarded. — When New-Age charlatan Derek Crowe learns the secrets of the mandalas he sees only the opportunity for easy money. He ignores the warnings, alters the mystical texts to make the dreaded mandalas seem benevolent to a gullible public, then publishes his book and waits for the profits to roll in. but Crowe is all too successful. For he has inadvertently released upon the earth a horror that is beyond all understanding or control - a horror both infinite and hungry.
Дебютный роман
Del Stone Jr. 0.0
"On a rain-slick bend in the road ... he came upon a mob of the dead and lost control of his motorcycle and crashed. He awakened to find them stripping his flesh. He felt nothing. He killed them and brushed the dirt from his jacket. And felt nothing. He saw that he had become one of them. And felt nothing. Yet he was different. Death had not robbed him of his mind, as it had the other ones." Imagine the American Southwest in the aftermath of biological apocalypse. The dead have arisen, ravenous for flesh, and the landscape is so blasted and fierce that only a few pockets of human survivors remain. A loner named Hitch rides a Harley and swings a meat hook on a chain. He is a zombie, but he can think. And he can order other zombies to do his bidding. Dead Heat packs a unique hero, over-the-top action, wicked humor, and cosmic science-fiction horror into a killer combination that won the 1996 International Horror Critics Guild Award for best first novel. Not only is Dead Heat probably the best zombie-biker novel ever written, it's better than you'd think a zombie-biker novel could be.
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Mike Mignola 4.4
A murder in a New York wax museum and a missing corpse lead Hellboy into ancient Romanian castles on the trail of a sleeping legend: the original nobleman vampire. Nazi scientists prepare for the return of their occult master and the end of the world, and Hellboy confronts his purpose on earth.
Авторский сборник
Terry Lamsley 0.0
Conference With the Dead contains ten stories, six of them published here for the first time; all of them set in and around Terry's Derbyshire home town. In Terry Lamsley's fiction, our world, and the world of something else, exist side by side, with only the thinnest of lines dividing them. It is a line that is all-too easily, and often inadvertently, crossed, as his characters frequently discover. 'Why do I have this compulsion to fill an innocent, harmless little town like Buxton with all kinds of horrors?' says Terry. 'Better not to ask, I guess.' In his Introduction to this volume Ramsey Campbell writes: 'While Under the Crust was a remarkable debut . . . Conference With the Dead is finer still. . . . This is a major book by one of the major living talents in the field.
без автора 0.0
Prepare yourself for a chilling excursion to the dark side of fiction through the most frightening places that linger just beyond the imagination. With its haunting tales of dread that will stab an icy shaft of fear straight into your very soul, Darkside: Horror For the Next Millennium" is modern macabre fiction at its very best. Welcome to the new definition of terror....
Уильям Браунинг Спенсер 0.0
Philip Kenan is battling a series of bad jobs -and the monsters from H.P. Lovecraft's fiction go with him.

Philip's first confrontation with the monsters set in motion a bizarre chain of events that finally sent his girlfriend Amelia packing. Now the battle rages from the dank, cramped sweatshop of Philip's former place of employment, Ralph's One Day Résumés, to the gleaming, deadly corridors of corporate giant Pelidyne. Can he save Amelia this time, or will the monsters triumph and consign all humanity to an existence of grim servitude?
Дуглас Е. Уинтер 2.8
Десятимутные ролики в кабинке дешевого порно-кинотеатра, которые будут повторятся столько раз, сколько десятицентовиков опущено в щель автомата — как метафора нашей земной жизни; и порно актриса, как символ всех невстреченных женщин, остающаяся желанной даже во время своего последнего стриптиза...
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Алан Мур, Эдди Кэмпбелл 4.4
Легендарный сценарист Алан Мур и художник Эдди Кэмпбелл создали одну из самых значительных вещей во всей комикс-культуре. В книге "Из ада" Мур рассказывает историю Джека Потрошителя, самой одиозной фигуры в мире серийных убийств, окруженный множеством мифом и домыслов. Мур с бесконечным изяществом строит вокруг уайтчепелских убийств сложнейшую конструкцию из масонских заговоров, исторических параллелей, мифологических и художественных отсылок – а зачем с тем же изяществом разрушает ее, признаваясь, что предложенный им вариант событий вовсе не является истиной в последней инстанции. Как бы то ни было, "Из ада" – впечатляющее полотно жизни низов Лондона конца XIX века и подробнейший экскурс в глубины подсознания безумца, без которого весь двадцатый век был бы иным.
Авторский сборник
Эд Горман 0.0
This is Jim Thompson meets Stephen King." (Mysteries and More) In the deep woods, a well. In the well, a Voice. . . . The Voice speaks of lust, and blood, and murder to any who listen. Under the spell of Cindy Brasher, almost any young man will listen. In its first general release, here is Ed Gorman's underground classic of dark suspense--"An amazing noir like no other," declares Duane Swierczynski. Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine describes Gorman as "one of suspense fiction's best storytellers." Bestselliing author Dean Koontz adds: "Gorman's writing is strong, fast and sleek as a bullet.
This premier collection of the year's finest horror stories contains fear-filled tales from some of the best contemporary writers, such as Brian Hodge, Joel Lane, Ian McLeod, Kim Newman, and others.
Ким Ньюман 3.7
1888 год. Королева Виктория сочеталась законным браком с Владом Цепешем, валашским князем, больше известным, как граф Дракула…
Да, Дракула Кима Ньюмана не стал волочится за женой какого-то стряпчего, провоцировать Ван Хельсинга и его команду бесстрашных бойцов, ставя под угрозу веками лелеемый план по основанию новой расы существ, чья дорога проляжет через Смерть, а не через Жизнь. Он счел, что свои замыслы легче воплотить, находясь на вершине власти могущественнейшей из империй.
Вампиры вышли из подполья в прямом и переносном смысле. И галерея знакомых персонажей британской истории и литературы обогатилась портретами весьма необычных личностей. Знакомьтесь: вампирша Женевьева Дьедонне и Чарльз Борегар из клуба «Диоген». Удастся ли им раскрыть тайну Джека Потрошителя?
Дебютный роман
Michael A. Arnzen 0.0
Living in pain, an insane, egomaniacal tattoo artist is obsessed with the mad images in his mind and the need for recognition, so he seeks new flesh to fulfill his ambition, until his art becomes death itself.
Графическая история/иллюстрирова...
Джо Р. Лансдейл, Timothy Truman, Sam Glanzman 0.0
East Texan Joe Lansdale didn't start out as a writer of comics, but he had always admired two DC characters, Jonah Hex and Batman, for their quality of being "dark knights." Jonah Hex is no sleek crusader, though: He's ugly, bizarre, and "just damn ornery." This bound mini-series of five comic books is about a man of the old South in a splatter-western world--a world of weird horror and macabre humor. With wicked full-color art by Timothy Truman and Sam Glanzman.
Авторский сборник
Neil Gaiman 4.0
A collection of Neil Gaiman's short fiction; an odd assortment of enigmatic and wonderful tales- including Troll Bridge, Chivalry and Cold Colours - to amuse and delight, illustrated by Charles Vess, P. Craig Russell, Jill Carla Schwarz, Michael Zulli, and Rrandy Broecker.
без автора 3.5
Twenty stories of vampiric erotica, or more precisely depravity with sex prominently featured. People are skinned alive and a pair of women make love to a man until he dies. By the author of Drawing Blood.