Dark Terrors #4

 - Dark Terrors #4

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The highlights of the world's most critically acclaimed original horror anthology include chilling tales of…
Серия: The Gollancz Book of Horror
Издательство: Gollancz

* Introduction by Stephen Jones & David Sutton
* The Great Fall by Richard Christian Matheson
* Normal Life by Christopher Fowler
* The Wedding Present by Neil Gaiman
* Never to Be Heard by Ramsey Campbell
* Tumbleweeds by Donald R. Burleson
* Family History by Stephen Baxter
* The Incredible True Facts in the Case by David J. Schow
* Mr. Guidry’s Head by Roberta Lannes
* Inside the Cackle Factory by Dennis Etchison
* Entertaining Mr. Orton by Poppy Z. Brite
* The Country of Glass by Joel Lane
* My Pathology by Lisa Tuttle
* Curing Hitler by Thomas Tessier
* Weak End by James Miller
* Sullivan’s Travails by Jay Russell
* The Suicide Pit by Conrad Williams
* Making Monsters by Geoff Nicholson
* A Place to Stay by Michael Marshall Smith
* Suburban Blight by Terry Lamsley

ISBN: 0575065818, 9780575065819

Год издания: 1998

Язык: Английский

Hardcover, 349 pages

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