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Фил Клей 3.8
'We shot dogs. Not by accident. We did it on purpose and we called it "Operation Scooby". I'm a dog person, so I thought about that a lot'

So begins this unprecedented book about the human cost of war by former marine captain and Iraq veteran, Phil Klay.

REDEPLOYMENT takes readers to the frontlines of the wars in Iraq, asking us to understand what happened there, and what happened to the soldiers who returned.

Interwoven with themes of brutality and faith, guilt and fear, helplessness and survival, the characters in these stories struggle to make meaning out of chaos. Written with a hard-eyed realism andstunning emotional depth, REDEPLOYMENT marks Phil Klay as one of the most talented new voices of his generation.
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Элис Освальд 4.0
In this daring new work, the poet Alice Oswald strips away the narrative of the Iliad—the anger of Achilles, the story of Helen—in favor of attending to its atmospheres: the extended similes that bring so much of the natural order into the poem and the corresponding litany of the war-dead, most of whom are little more than names but each of whom lives and dies unforgettably and unforgotten in the copious retrospect of Homer’s glance. The resulting poem is a war memorial and a profoundly responsive work that gives new voice to Homer’s level-voiced version of the world. Through a mix of narrative and musical repetition, the sequence becomes a meditation on the loss of human life.
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Питер Форбс 0.0
Nature has perfected the art of deception. Thousands of creatures all over the world—including butterflies, moths, fish, birds, insects and snakes—have honed and practiced camouflage over hundreds of millions of years. Imitating other animals or their surroundings, nature’s fakers use mimicry to protect themselves, to attract and repel, to bluff and warn, to forage, and to hide. The advantages of mimicry are obvious—but how does “blind” nature do it? And how has humanity learned to profit from nature’s ploys?

Dazzled and Deceived tells the unique and fascinating story of mimicry and camouflage in science, art, warfare, and the natural world. Discovered in the 1850s by the young English naturalists Henry Walter Bates and Alfred Russel Wallace in the Amazonian rainforest, the phenomenon of mimicry was seized upon as the first independent validation of Darwin’s theory of natural selection. But mimicry and camouflage also created a huge impact outside the laboratory walls. Peter Forbes’s cultural history links mimicry and camouflage to art, literature, military tactics, and medical cures across the twentieth century, and charts its intricate involvement with the perennial dispute between evolution and creationism.

As Dazzled and Deceived unravels the concept of mimicry, Forbes introduces colorful stories and a dazzling cast of characters—Roosevelt, Picasso, Nabokov, Churchill, and Darwin himself, to name a few—whom its mystery influenced and enthralled. Illuminating and lively, Dazzled and Deceived sheds new light on the greatest quest: to understand the processes of life at its deepest level.
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Наоми Кляйн 4.3
"Доктрина шока" - новая книга Наоми Кляйн, жестокая правда о современном мировом порядке, история о том, как американская "свободная рыночная экономика" покоряет мир. Каждая катастрофа глобального масштаба завершается сегодня новым триумфом частного капитала. Эти события - примеры новой стратегии завоевания мира, которую Наоми Кляйн называет "доктриной шока": использование замешательства народов и государств, возникающие в результате массовых общественных потрясений - войн, террористических атак, природных катаклизмов, - для проведения экономических реформ, известных как "шоковая терапия".
"Доктрина шока" разрушает миф о том, что глобальная рыночная экономика торжествует по всему миру и принимается странами на основе свободного волеизъявления их народов. Автор показывает глубокую связь между "корпоративной" модернизацией современного общества и секретными экспериментами ЦРУ по управлению человеческим поведением.