Янь Лянькэ

阎连科 (Yan Lianke)

  • 19 книг
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  • 62 читателя
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Новинки Яня Лянькэ

  • Когда солнце погасло Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 978-5-6050402-8-6
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Поляндрия NoAge
    Язык: Русский

    Жаркой летней ночью в небольшом китайском городке разгорается эпидемия сомнамбулизма. Люди засыпают и во сне принимаются делать то, что им больше всего хотелось сделать наяву: одни идут мстить, другие — грабить и насиловать. Бредущие сквозь кромешную тьму, они готовы преступить мораль, здравый смысл, законы и само время, чтобы воплотить в жизнь свои тайные желания. Скоро эпидемия захватывает всю провинцию, и самые страшные кошмары вырываются на свободу и управляют явью.

  • Heart Sutra Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 9781784744663
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Chatto & Windus
    To tell the truth, religious faith is really just a matter of believing stories. The world is governed by stories, and it is for the sake of stories that everyone lives on this earth.
    Yahui is a young Buddhist at university. But this is no ordinary university. It is populated by every faith in China: Buddhists, Daoists, Catholics, Protestants and Muslims who jostle alongside one another in the corridors of learning, and whose deities are never far from the classroom.
    Her days are measured out making elaborate religious papercuts, taking part in highly charged tug-of-war competitions between the faiths and trying to resist the daily temptation to return to secular life and abandon the ascetic ideals that are her calling. Everything seems to dangle by a thread. But when she meets a Daoist student called Mingzheng, an inexorable romance of mythic proportions takes hold of her.
    In this profoundly otherworldly novel, Chinese master Yan Lianke remakes the campus novel in typically visionary fashion, dropping readers into an allegorical world ostensibly far from our own, but which reflects our own questions and struggles right back at us.
  • Hard Like Water Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 1529110939, 9781529110937
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    This is the story of the freewheeling love affair between married soldier Aijun and Hongmei, a beautiful young woman from his village in the Balou Mountains.

    Intoxicated with one another, Aijun and Hongmei hurl themselves into their town's revolutionary struggle. Spending their days and nights stamping out feudalism, writing pamphlets and organising rallies, they become inseparable: they are the engines of history.

    But as their political activity reaches new heights, so does the danger of getting caught...
  • Three Brothers: Memories of My Family Yan Lianke
    ISBN: 9780802148094
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Grove Press
    Язык: Английский
    In this heartfelt, intimate memoir, Yan Lianke brings the reader into his childhood home in Song County in Henan Province, painting a vivid portrait of rural China in the 1960s and '70s. Three Brothers is a literary testament to the great humanity and small joys that exist even in times of darkness.

    With lyricism and deep emotion, Yan chronicles the extraordinary lives of his father and uncles, as well as his own. Living in a remote village, Yan's parents are so poor that they can only afford to use wheat flour on New Year and festival days, and while Yan dreams of fried scallion buns, and even steals from his father to buy sesame seed cakes. He yearns to leave the village, however he can, and soon novels become an escape. He resolves to become a writer himself after reading on the back of a novel that its author was given leave to remain in the city of Harbin after publishing her book. In the evenings, after finishing back-breaking shifts hauling stones at a cement factory, sometimes sixteen hours long, he sets to work writing. He is ultimately delivered from the drudgery and danger of manual labor by a career in the Army, but he is filled with regrets as he recalls these years of scarcity, turmoil, and poverty.

    A philosophical portrait of grief, death, home, and fate that gleams with Yan's quick wit and gift for imagery, Three Brothers is a personal portrait of a politically devastating period, and a celebration of the power of the family to hold together even in the harshest circumstances.
  • Three Brothers: Memories of My Family Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 1784743151, 9781784743154
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Chatto & Windus
    Язык: Английский
    In this heartfelt, intimate memoir, Yan Lianke brings the reader into his childhood home in Song County in Henan Province, painting a vivid portrait of rural China in the 1960s and '70s and chronicling the extraordinary lives of Yan Lianke's father and uncles, as well as his own. Yan's parents are so poor that they can only afford to use wheat flour on New Year and festival days, and as a child he dreams of fried scallion buns, and once steals from his father to buy a sesame seed cake. Yan yearns to leave the village, however he can, and soon novels become an escape. He resolves to become a writer himself after reading on the back of a novel that its author was given leave to remain in the city of Harbin after publishing her book. In the evenings, after finishing back-breaking shifts hauling stones at a cement factory, sometimes sixteen hours long, he sets to work writing. A career in the Army ultimately allows Yan to escape village life, but he is filled with regrets as he recalls these years of scarcity, turmoil, and poverty. A powerful portrait of the trials of daily life, as well as a philosophical meditation on grief, death, home, and fate, and gleaming throughout with Yan's quick wit and gift for imagery, Three Brothers is a personal portrait of a politically devastating period, and a celebration of the power of the family to hold together even in the harshest circumstances.
  • The Day the Sun Died Yan Lianke
    ISBN: 9781784706036
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vintage Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    ‘One of the masters of modern Chinese literature’ Jung Chang
    This gripping dystopia contrasts the reality of life in China today with the sunny optimism of the ‘Chinese dream’.
    One dusk in early June, in a town deep in the Balou mountains, fourteen-year-old Li Niannian notices that something strange is going on. As the residents would usually be settling down for the night, instead they start appearing in the streets and fields. There are people everywhere.
  • The Explosion Chronicles Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 9781784701925
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    With the Yi River on one side and the Balou Mountains on the other, the village of Explosion was founded a thousand years ago by refugees fleeing a volcanic eruption. But in the post-Mao era, the name takes on a new significance as the rural community grows explosively from a small village to a town to a city to a vast megalopolis.
    Behind this rapid expansion are three rival clans linked together by a web of ambition, madne
  • The Years, Months, Days Yan Lianke
    ISBN: 1784708062, 978-1784708061
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    A terrible drought hits the population of a small mountain village and they flee to better climes. Incapable of marching for days, one old man and his blind dog stay behind, keeping watch over his single ear of corn. Every day is a victory over death.
  • Папапа. Современная китайская повесть Мо Янь
    ISBN: 978-5-89332-280-4
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Гиперион
    Язык: Русский

    В настоящий сборник включены произведения крупнейших современных китайских писателей, лауреатов престижных национальных и международных премий, переведенные на многие языки мира. Один из них, Мо Янь, "объединивший с помощью галлюцинаторного реализма народные сказки с историей и современностью", в 2012 году был удостоен Нобелевской премии по литературе. Разные по содержанию, стилю и времени создания, эти произведения объединяет одно очень важное обстоятельство - они принесли авторам по-настоящему серьезный успех и определили их дальнейший творческий путь. "Папапа" Хань Шаогуна, например, до сих пор считается одним из самых загадочных…

  • The Explosion Chronicles Yan Lianke
    ISBN: 0802125824 
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский
    With the Yi River on one side and the Balou Mountains on the other, the village of Explosion was founded more than a millennium ago by refugees fleeing a seismic volcanic eruption. But in the post-Mao era the name takes on a new significance as the community grows explosively from a small village to a vast metropolis. Behind this rapid expansion are members of the community’s three major families, including the four Kong brothers; Zhu Ying, the daughter of the former village chief; and Cheng Qing, who starts out as a secretary and goes on to become a powerful political and business figure. Linked together by a complex web of loyalty, betrayal, desire, and ambition, these figures are the driving force behind their hometown’s transformation into an urban superpower.

    Brimming with absurdity, intelligence, and wit,The Explosion Chronicles considers the high stakes of passion and power, the consequences of corruption and greed, the polarizing dynamics of love and hate between families, as well as humankind’s resourcefulness through the vicissitudes of life. 
  • The Four Books Yan Lianke
    ISBN: 978-0802123121
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press
    Язык: Английский
    From master storyteller Yan Lianke, winner of the prestigious Franz Kafka Prize and a finalist for the Man Booker International Prize, The Four Books is a powerful, daring novel of the dog-eat-dog psychology inside a labor camp for intellectuals during Mao’s Great Leap Forward. A renowned author in China, and among its most censored, Yan’s mythical, sometimes surreal tale cuts to the bone in its portrayal of the struggle between authoritarian power and man’s will to prevail against the darkest odds through camaraderie, love, and faith.

    In the ninety-ninth district of a sprawling reeducation compound, freethinking artists and academics are detained to strengthen their loyalty to Communist ideologies. Here, the Musician and her lover, the Scholar—along with the Author and the Theologian—are forced to carry out grueling physical work and are encouraged to inform on each other for dissident behavior. The prize: winning the chance at freedom. They're overseen by preadolescent supervisor, the Child, who delights in reward systems and excessive punishments. When agricultural and industrial production quotas are raised to an unattainable level, the ninety-ninth district dissolves into lawlessness. And then, as inclement weather and famine set in, they are abandoned by the regime and left alone to survive.
  • Lenin's Kisses Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 9780701186968
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Chatto & Windus
    Язык: Английский
    Deep within the Balou mountains lies a small rural town populated by disabled people. Blind, deaf and disfigured, the 197 citizens of the Village of Liven have until now enjoyed a peaceful, mutually supportive life out of sight and mind of the government. But when an unseasonal snowstorm wipes out that year’s crops, a county official dreams up a money-making scheme that will boost his career and raise money for the district. He convinces the villagers to set up a travelling freak-show showcasing their disabilities, including Blind Tonghua’s Acute Listening Act, Guess the Age of the Old Man, Deafman Ma’s Firecrackers-on-the-Ear and One-Eye’s Needle Threading. With the money, he intends to buy Lenin’s embalmed corpse from an ailing Russia and install it in a splendid mausoleum in the mountains to attract tourism to this sleepy district. However, as we all know, even the best intentions can go astray. Provocative and bitingly funny, Lenin’s Kisses is a rollicking tragicomedy that stands as a cautionary tale of the all-consuming desire for power and wealth.
  • Lenin's Kisses Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 9780701188078
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Chatto & Windus
    Язык: Английский
    Deep within the Balou mountains lies a small rural town populated by disabled people. Blind, deaf and disfigured, the 197 citizens of the Village of Liven have until now enjoyed a peaceful, mutually supportive life out of sight and mind of the government. But when an unseasonal snowstorm wipes out that year’s crops, a county official dreams up a scheme that will raise money for the district and boost his career. He convinces the villagers to set up a travelling freak-show, to include Blind Tonghua’s Acute Listening Act, Guess the Age of the Old Man, Deafman Ma’s Firecrackers-on-the-Ear and One-Eye’s Needle Threading. With the money, he intends to buy Lenin’s embalmed corpse from an ailing Russia and install it in a splendid mausoleum in the mountains to attract tourism to this sleepy district. However, as we all know, even the best intentions can go awry. Provocative and funny, Lenin’s Kisses melds fable, history and satire into a fantastical cautionary tale about contemporary China’s all-consuming desire for power and wealth.
  • Lenin's Kisses Yan Lianke
    ISBN: 978-0099569480
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    Deep within the Balou mountains lies a small rural town populated by disabled people. Blind, deaf and disfigured, the 197 citizens of the Village of Liven have until now enjoyed a peaceful, mutually supportive life out of sight and mind of the government. But when an unseasonal snowstorm wipes out that year's crops, a county official dreams up a scheme that will raise money for the district and boost his career.

    He convinces the villagers to set up a travelling freak-show, to include Blind Tonghua's Acute Listening Act and Deafman Ma's Firecrackers-on-the-Ear. With the money, he intends to buy Lenin's embalmed corpse from an ailing Russia and install it in a splendid mausoleum in the mountains to attract tourism to this sleepy district. However, as we all know, even the best intentions can go awry.
  • Dream of Ding Village Yan Lianke
    ISBN: 978-1780332628
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Corsair

    Told through the eyes of Xiao Qiang, a young boy killed by his family's neighbours, this seminal novel tells the tragic and shocking story of the blood-contamination scandal in China's Henan province. Villagers, coerced into selling vast quantities of blood for money, are infected with the AIDS virus when they're injected with plasma to prevent the onset of anaemia. Whole villages are wiped out as the sickness spreads, but no one takes responsibility for the epidemic and nothing is done to care for those left behind. As Xiao tells of the fate of his village, his family is torn apart by suspicion and retribution. This searing novel relates the tragedy of one village among many and the absurdity of a situation caused and perpetuated by the Chinese government. With black humour and biting satire, Yan Lianke's novel is a powerful allegory of the moral vacuum at the heart of Communist China, tracing the relentless destruction of a community. 'I come from the bottom of society. All my relatives live in Henan, one of the poorest areas of China. When I think of people's situation there, it is impossible not to feel angry and emotional. Anger and passion are the soul of my work.' Yan Lianke
  • Dream of Ding Village Yan Lianke
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Grove Atlantic
    Язык: Английский
    Officially censored upon its Chinese publication, and the subject of a bitter lawsuit between author and publisher, "Dream of Ding Village" is Chinese novelist Yan Lianke's most important novel to date. Set in a poor village in Henan province, it is a deeply moving and beautifully written account of a blood-selling ring in contemporary China. Based on a real-life blood-selling scandal in eastern China, "Dream of Ding Village" is the result of three years of undercover work by Yan Lianke, who worked as an assistant to a well-known Beijing anthropologist in an effort to study a small village decimated by HIV/AIDS as a result of unregulated blood selling. Whole villages were wiped out with no responsibility taken or reparations paid. "Dream of Ding Village" focuses on one family, destroyed when one son rises to the top of the Party pile as he exploits the situation, while another son is infected and dies. The result is a passionate and steely critique of the rate at which China is developing and what happens to those who get in the way.
  • Serve the People! Yan Lianke
    ISBN: 978-1845295042
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Constable

    This political satire by one of China's most distinguished authors has been banned in its native land for its depiction of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) during the Cultural Revolution. Set in 1967, at the peak of the Mao cult, when 'Serve the People' was one of the great man's most famous slogans, it tells the story of the bored wife of a military commander who artfully seduces a peasant soldier. When the lovers discover that the sacrilegious act of breaking a statue of Mao deliciously increases their desire, they compete to see who can destroy the most sacred icons of their Great Leader - smashing the commander's beloved Mao…

  • Canci?n celestial de Balou Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 9788415509745
    Издательство: Bookwire
    Язык: Испанский
    Novela corta pero intensa y ?pica, que funde lo humano, la naturaleza y la muerte. Una f?bula sobre el sacrificio personal y el amor de una madre. En una peque?a aldea escondida en los montes Balou, You Sipo, una campesina local, trabaja d?a y noche para sacar adelante la cosecha mientras desespera por el futuro de sus hijos, a quienes en la aldea todos apodan los cuatro imb?ciles You. You Sipo no tiene quien la ayude, solo el fantasma de su marido la acompa?a en la b?squeda de una soluci?n a sus problemas. Un d?a, de la forma m?s sorprendente, aparece una cura para la maldici?n familiar, sin embargo, el precio es tan alto e inconcebible que tal vez solo una madre estar?a dispuesta a pagarlo. Una historia poderosa, bella y perturbadora sobre el sacrificio que acarrea asumir, hasta sus ?ltimas consecuencias, el compromiso de la sangre, de la familia y del amor cuando nos enfrentamos a las condiciones m?s adversas.  Canci?n celestial de Balou es Yan Lianke en estado puro.
  • The Four Books Янь Лянькэ
    ISBN: 978-0-09-956949-7
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    In the ninety-ninth district of a sprawling labour camp, the Author, Musician, Scholar, Theologian and Technician - and hundreds just like them - are undergoing Re-education, to restore their revolutionary zeal and credentials. In charge of this process is the Child, who delights in draconian rules, monitoring behaviour and confiscating treasured books. But when bad weather arrives, followed by the 'three bitter years', the intellectuals are abandoned by the regime and left on their own to survive. Divided into four narratives, the Four Books tells the story of the Great Famine, one of China's most devastating and controversial periods. This book was the winner of The Franz Kafka Prize 2014. It was nominated For Czech Award Magnesia Litera 2014; Hua Zhong World Chinese Literature Prize 2013; Finalist for the Man Booker International Prize 2013; Winner of The Hua Zhong World Chinese Literature Prize 2013; shortlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2012; shortlisted for the Prix Femina Etranger 2012; shortlisted for the Man Asian Literary Prize 2011; Winner of the Lao She Literature Award 2004; and winner of the Lu Xun Award 1997.