Кларисе Лиспектор

Clarice Lispector

  • 43 книги
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Кларисе Лиспектор — библиография

  • Искренняя дружба Кларисе Лиспектор
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Uma amizade sincera
    Дата написания: 1971
    Первая публикация: 2010
    Перевод: Этери Радзиховская
    Язык: Русский
    Рассказ принадлежит к психологическому направлению бразильского постмодернизма. Из: Тайное счастье (Felicidade Clandestina).
  • Час звезды Клариси Лиспектор
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: A hora da estrela
    Дата написания: 1977
    Первая публикация: 2000
    Перевод: Елена Белякова
    Язык: Русский
    Повесть "Час звезды" в необычной форме рассказывает о тяжелой жизни девушки с северо-востока в Рио-де-Жанейро, о ее несчастной любви и смерти.
  • An Apprenticeship or The Book of Pleasures Кларисе Лиспектор
    Дата написания: 2022
    'He'd wait for her, she knew that now. Until she learned'
    Lori yearns for love yet is scared of herself, and of connecting with another human. When she meets Ulisses, a Professor of Philosophy, she is forced to confront her fears. As both of them will learn, to be worthy of another person, they must first be fully themselves. The book of which Clarice Lispector said, 'I humanized myself', An Apprenticeship is about the ultimate unknowability of the other in a relationship, and what it means to love and be loved.
  • Passion According to G. H. Кларисе Лиспектор
    Дата написания: 2022
    G.H., a well-to-do Rio sculptress, enters the room of her maid, which is as clear and white 'as in an insane asylum from which dangerous objects have been removed'. There she sees a cockroach - black, dusty, prehistoric - crawling out of the wardrobe and, panicking, slams the door on it. Her irresistible fascination with the dying insect provokes a spiritual crisis, in which she questions her place in the universe and her very identity, propelling her towards an act of shocking transgression. Clarice Lispector's spare, deeply disturbing yet luminous novel transforms language into something otherworldly, and is one of her most unsettling and compelling works.
    Clarice Lispector was a Brazilian novelist and short story writer. Her innovation in fiction brought her international renown. References to her literary work pervade the music and literature of Brazil and Latin America. She was born in the Ukraine in 1920, but in the aftermath of World War I and the Russian Civil War, the family fled to Romania and eventually sailed to Brazil. She published her first novel, Near to the Wildheart in 1943 when she was just twenty-three, and the next year was awarded the Graca Aranha Prize for the best first novel. Many felt she had given Brazillian literature a unique voice in the larger context of Portuguese literature. After living variously in Italy, the UK, Switzerland and the US, in 1959, Lispector with her children returned to Brazil where she wrote her most influential novels including The Passion According to G.H. She died in 1977, shortly after the publication of her final novel, The Hour of the Star.
  • The Chandelier Кларисе Лиспектор
    Дата написания: 2022
    Clarice Lispector's masterly second novel, now available in English for the first time
    'She found the best clay that one could desire: white, supple, sticky, cold ... She would get a clear and tender material from which she could shape a world'
    Like the clay from which she sculpts figurines as a girl, Virginia is constantly shifting and changing. From her dreamlike childhood on Quiet Farm with her adored brother Daniel, through an adulthood where the past continues to pull her back and shape her, she moves through life, grasping for the truth of existence. Illuminating Virginia's progress through intense flashes of image, sensation and perception, The Chandelier, Lispector's landmark second novel, is a disorienting and exhilarating portrait of one woman's inner life.
  • Hour of the Star Кларисе Лиспектор
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: A hora da estrela
    Дата написания: 1977
    Перевод: Benjamin Moser
    Язык: Английский
  • Near to the Wild Heart Кларисе Лиспектор
    Оригинальное название: Perto do Coração Selvagem
    Дата написания: 1943
    Перевод: Alison Entrekin
    Язык: Английский
    Clarice Lispector's sensational, prize-winning debut novel Near to the Wild Heart was published when she was just twenty-three and earned her the name 'Hurricane Clarice'. It tells the story of Joana, from her wild, creative childhood, as the 'little egg' who writes poems for her father, through her marriage to the faithless Otavio and on to her decision to make her own way in the world. As Joana, endlessly mutable, moves through different emotional states, different inner lives and different truths, this impressionistic, dreamlike and fiercely intelligent novel asks if any of us ever really know who we are
  • The Besieged City Кларисе Лиспектор
    Дата написания: 2019
    'She suddenly leaned toward the mirror and sought the loveliest way to see herself'
    Lucrecia Neves is vain, unreflective, insolently superficial, almost mute. She may have no inner life at all. As she morphs from small-town girl to worldly wife of a rich man, and her small home town surrenders to the forces of progress, Lucrecia seeks perfection: to be an object, serene, smooth, beyond the burden of words or even thought itself. A book that obsessed its author, The Besieged City is unlike any other work in Lispector's canon: a story of transformation, of what it means to see and to be seen.
  • Breath of Life Кларисе Лиспектор
    Дата написания: 2012
    A Breath of Life is Clarice Lispector's final novel, 'written in agony', which she did not live to see published. Sensual and mysterious, it is a mystical dialogue between a god-like author and the creation he breathes life into: the speaking, shifting, indefinable Angela Pralini. As he has created Angela, so, eventually, he must let her die, for life is merely 'a kind of madness that death makes.' This is a unique, elegiac meditation on the creation of life, and of art.
  • Час зірки Кларісе Ліспектор
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: A hora da estrela
    Дата написания: 1977
    Первая публикация: 2016
    Перевод: Ярослав Губарев
    Язык: Украинский
  • Un al? de vida Кларисе Лиспектор
    Aquesta ?s l'obra p?stuma de Clarice Lispector i la seva recerca definitiva: un di?leg entre l'autor i el seu personatge, ?ngela Pralini. El jo de l'un i de l'altre es prenen la mida de l'esquena, llancen crits al cel fins que les seves veus es confonen. Fins que ?ngela s'allibera de les paraules del seu creador. ?Qu? passa quan el personatge supera l'autor? Si hi ha alg? capa? de revelar el misteri, aquest geni es diu Lispector.
  • Недомогание ангела Кларисе Лиспектор
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Mal-estar de um anjo
    Дата написания: 1984
    Первая публикация: 2010
    Перевод: Этери Радзиховская
    Язык: Русский
  • Искушение Кларисе Лиспектор
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Tentação
    Дата написания: 1971
    Первая публикация: 2010
    Перевод: Этери Радзиховская
    Язык: Русский
    Из: Тайное счастье (Felicidade Clandestina).
  • Он меня поглотил Кларисе Лиспектор
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: Ele me bebeu
    Перевод: Этери Радзиховская
    Язык: Русский
  • Курка Клярісе Ліспектор
    Форма: рассказ
    Первая публикация: 2015
    Перевод: Віра Вовк
    Язык: Русский
  • Труп Кларисе Лиспектор
    Форма: рассказ
    Первая публикация: 1995
    Перевод: Валентин Діденко
  • Іштлан Кларисе Лиспектор
    Форма: рассказ
    Первая публикация: 1995
    Перевод: Валентин Діденко
  • Metsiku südame ligi Clarice Lispector
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Perto do coração selvagem
    Перевод: Riina Roasto
    Язык: Эстонский
    Brasiillanna Clarice Lispector (1920–1977) on XX sajandi võimsaim Ladina-Ameerika naiskirjanik, kelle kohta on öeldud, et ta nägi välja nagu Marlene Dietrich ja kirjutas nagu Virginia Woolf. Seal, kus on kahvatu näoga hetked, oimetud seinad, kus hämarad ruumid lainetavad minestuse äärel, hägused asjad kiiguvad toanurkades, kuhu langeb kinnisilmi udu – see on paik, kuhu Brasiilia üks kuulsamaid modernistlikke kirjanikke, Clarice Lispector, oma lugeja viib. Romaani peategelase, isepäise Joana metsik süda aimdub tema sisekaemusest ning tundmustest, mida ümbritsevad inimesed ja elusündmused temas tüdrukupõlve, armumise ja abielu jooksul äratavad. Tundmatu 23-aastase noore naise avaldatud romaan tekitas ilmudes oma uudse ja väga isikupärase stiiliga tõelist sensatsiooni ning andis kirjanikule hüüdnime Orkaan Clarice. Lispector sündis Lääne-Ukrainas, kuid juutide massilise tagakiusamise tõttu oli perekond sunnitud põgenema ning emigreerus Brasiiliasse, kui Clarice oli kaheaastane. Tema tuntumate teoste seas on novellikogumik „Peresidemed”, romaan „G.H. passioon” ning veidi enne surma ilmunud „Tähetund”. Kirjanik loob oma teostes unenäolise maailma täis ähma, tavatuid võrdlusi, segaseid sõnu; aeg on segi paisatud, asjad ja tegelased ilmuvad ootamatult, muudavad kuju, moonduvad ja segunevad üksteise sisse. Juba esikteoses „Metsiku südame ligi” (Perto do coração selvagem, 1943) on esindatud Lispectori loomingu eriomased jooned: kiretu sisekaemus, argisuse analüüs, õõvastav neutraalsus, poeetiline ja võõrastav keelekasutus.
  • Осажденный город Клариса Лиспектор
    Форма: роман
    Перевод: Инна Тынянова
    Язык: Русский
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