Джеффри Чосер

Geoffrey Chaucer

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Последние издания книг Джеффри Чосера

  • Кентерберійські оповіді. Частина ІІ Джеффрі Чосер
    ISBN: 978-617-664-154-4
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Астролябія
    Язык: Украинский
    Перший український переклад шедевра класика англійської літератури Джеффрі Чосера (бл. 1343–1400). Це збірка історій, які розповідають одне одному прочани, що вирішили піти на прощу до гробниці святого Томи Бекета в Кентербері. Серед оповідачів — представники майже всіх верств тогочасного англійського суспільства, а їхні розповіді, вельми різноманітні за тематикою, влучно відображають триб їхнього життя. Це своєрідна енциклопедія життя середньовічного суспільства. Окрім блискучої неповторної іронії, властивої стилю цього шедевра, для нього характерні жвавість, нескінченна доброта, безмежна довіра до людей і надзвичайне уміння захоплюватися навіть жахливими рисами, які часом демонструють його герої. Книга проілюстрована фрагментами Еллесмерівського манускрипту 1410 року.
  • Кентерберійські оповіді. Частина І Джеффри Чосер
    ISBN: 978-617-664-153-7
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Астролябія
    Язык: Украинский
    Перший український переклад шедевра класика англійської літератури Джеффрі Чосера (бл. 1343–1400). Це збірка історій, які розповідають одне одному прочани, що вирішили піти на прощу до гробниці святого Томи Бекета в Кентербері. Серед оповідачів — представники майже всіх верств тогочасного англійського суспільства, а їхні розповіді, вельми різноманітні за тематикою, влучно відображають триб їхнього життя. Це своєрідна енциклопедія життя середньовічного суспільства. Окрім блискучої неповторної іронії, властивої стилю цього шедевра, для нього характерні жвавість, нескінченна доброта, безмежна довіра до людей і надзвичайне уміння захоплюватися навіть жахливими рисами, які часом демонструють його герої. Книга проілюстрована фрагментами Еллесмерівського манускрипту 1410 року.
  • The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 978-5-521-06150-1
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: T8 RUGRAM
    Язык: Английский

    The procession that crosses Chaucer's pages is as full of life and as richly textured as a medieval tapestry. The Knight, the Miller, the Friar, the Squire, the Prioress, the Wife of Bath, and others who make up the cast of characters -- including Chaucer himself -- are real people, with human emotions and weaknesses. When it is remembered that Chaucer wrote in English at a time when Latin was the standard literary language across western Europe, the magnitude of his achievement is even more remarkable. But Chaucer's genius needs no historical introduction; it bursts forth from every page of The Canterbury Tales.

  • The Canterbury Tales Джеффри Чосер
    ISBN: 978-5-521-05730-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Т8

    Джеффри Чосер - известный писатель и поэт XV века, "отец английской поэзии", основоположник национальной литературы и художественного английского языка. "Кентерберийские рассказы" - это сборник, представляющий собой настоящий памятник литературы позднего Средневековья. Автор не останавливается на одном стиле повествования, - читателя ждут самые разнообразные рассказы: смешные и хулиганские, трогательные и грустные, которые обязательно запомнятся вам на долгие годы. Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!

  • The Legend of Good Women Джеффри Чосер
    ISBN: 978-1517564469
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    The Legend of Good Women is a poem in the form of a dream vision by Geoffrey Chaucer. The poem is the third longest of Chaucer’s works, after The Canterbury Tales and Troilus and Criseyde and is possibly the first significant work in English to use the iambic pentameter or decasyllabic couplets which he later used throughout the Canterbury Tales. This form of the heroic couplet would become a significant part of English literature no doubt inspired by Chaucer. The prologue describes how Chaucer is reprimanded by the god of love and his queen, Alceste, for his works—such as Troilus and Criseyde—depicting women in a poor light. Criseyde is made to seem inconstant in love in that earlier work, and Alceste demands a poem of Chaucer extolling the virtues of women and their good deeds. For thy trespas, and understond hit here: Thou shalt, whyl that thou livest, yeer by yere, The moste party of thy tyme spende In making of a glorious Legende Of Gode Wommen, maidenes and wyves, That weren trewe in lovinge al hir lyves; And telle of false men that hem bitrayen, That al hir lyf ne doon nat but assayen The poet recounts ten stories of virtuous women in nine sections. The legends are: Cleopatra, Thisbe, Dido, Hypsipyle, Medea, Lucrece, Ariadne, Philomela, Phyllis and Hypermnestra. The work is a similar structure to the later Monk’s Tale and like that tale, and many of his other works, seems to be unfinished. Chaucer’s sources for the legends include: Virgil’s Aeneid, Vincent of Beauvais, Guido delle Colonne’s Historia destructionis Troiae, Gaius Julius Hyginus’ Fabula and Ovid’s Metamorphoses and Heroides.
  • Parliament of Fowls Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 9781517564421
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace
    Язык: Английский

    The "Parlement of Foules" (also known as the "Parliament of Foules," "Parlement of Briddes," "Assembly of Fowls," "Assemble of Foules," or "The Parliament of Birds") is a poem by Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) made up of approximately 700 lines. The poem is in the form of a dream vision in rhyme royal stanza and is the first reference to the idea that St. Valentine's Day is a special day for lovers. The poem begins with the narrator reading Cicero's Somnium Scipionis in the hope of learning some "certeyn thing." When he falls asleep Scipio Africanus the Elder appears and guides him up through the celestial spheres to a gate promising both a…

  • The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 9780553210828
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский

    The Canterbury Tales

  • The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 9788853006387
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Cideb, Black Cat Cideb
    Язык: Английский
    Beyond all doubt the greatest work of English literature before Shakespeare, Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales brings together an unforgettable group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, pilgrims who came from all ranks of society, from the crusading Knight and burly Miller to the worldly Monk and the famously lusty Wife of Bath. Their tales are as various as the tellers, including romance, bawdy comedy, beast fable, learned debate, parable, and Eastern adventure. The resulting collection gives us a set of characters so vivid that they have often been taken as portraits from real life, and a series of stories as hilarious in their comedy as they are affecting in their tragedy. Even after 600 years, their account of the human condition is fresh and true. David Wright's verse translation has long been admired for its brilliance and fidelity. This new edition adds representative passages from the important but overlooked prose tales, Melibee and the Parson's Tale, in new translations by Christopher Cannon, who also provides a new critical introduction and invaluable notes.
  • Reading Chaucer's Poems Джеффри Чосер
    ISBN: 9780571230655
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Geoffrey Chaucer is rightly regarded as the Father of English Literature. His observant wit, his narrative skill and characterization, his linguistic invention, have been a well from which the language's greatest writers have drawn: Shakespeare, Pope, Austen, Dickens among them. A courtier, a trade emissary and diplomat, he fought in the Hundred Years War and was captured and ransomed; his marriage into the family of John of Gaunt ensured his influence in political society. For more than a decade, he was engaged on his most famous work of all, The Canterbury Tales, until his death around 1400; there is no record of the precise date or the circumstances of his demise, despite vivid and colourful speculation.

    Bernard O'Donoghue is one of the country's leading poets and medievalists. His accessible new selection includes a linking commentary on the chosen texts, together with a comprehensive line-for-line glossary that makes this the most approachable and accessible introduction to Chaucer that readers can buy.
  • The Wife of Bath Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 9780141398099
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Penguin Classics
    Язык: Английский
    'Those husbands that I had,
    Three of them were good and two were bad.
    The three that I call "good" were rich and old...'

    One of the most bawdy, entertaining and popular stories from The Canterbury Tales.
  • Illustrated Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 978-1-4095-9831-2
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Usborne Publishing Ltd.
    Язык: Английский

    An odd group of strangers sets off on a pilgrimage to Canterbury, telling stories along the way. The stories, retold in this selection, are outrageous, romantic, funny and every bit as entertaining now as when they were first written, over 600 years ago. Retold by Sarah Courtauld, Susanna Davidson & Dr. Abigail Wheatley.

  • Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 9788853014177
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Cideb, Black Cat Cideb
    Язык: Английский
    In Chaucer’s classic, much-loved collection of tales a host of medieval characters come alive on the page – and they are as lively and colourful now as they were seven hundred years ago! In this retelling of five of the stories in modern English, Chaucer’s pilgrims entertain us with tales of knights and ruffians, desperate lovers, resourceful women, talking animals… and more.
  • Рассказы (сборник) Джеффри Чосер
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Союз
    Язык: Русский

    Джеффри Чосер, виднейший из английских поэтов и писателей Средневековья, крупнейшая фигура английской литературы. Предполагают, что он родился между 1340 и 1344 в Лондоне. Джон Чосер, отец Джеффри, преуспевающий виноторговец, занимал пост помощника королевского кравчего в Саутгемптоне. Произведения Чосера трудно датировать точно. Вероятно, поэма «Книга герцогини», написанная в 1369 году, стала первой большой поэмой Чосера. После нее последовали другие поэтические произведения и сборник Кентерберийских рассказов, объединенных единым сюжетом – паломничеством к гробнице св. Томаса Бекета в Кентербери. Здесь представлены все характеры позднего…

  • Five Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 9780194247221
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Английский
    The year is 1386 and the first flowers of spring are here. A number of pilgrims are going to Canterbury to visit the tomb of Saint Thomas Becket, and they all tell stories on the way. Who should be the stronger in a marriage - the husband or the wife? And what happens when two men fall in love with the same woman? In these five stories from Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales we find different answers to these questions from the Knight, the Wife of Bath, the Clerk of Oxford, the Merchant, and the Franklin.
  • Five Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 9780194247580
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Oxford University Press
    Язык: Английский
    The year is 1386 and the first flowers of spring are here. A number of pilgrims are going to Canterbury to visit the tomb of Saint Thomas Becket, and they all tell stories on the way. Who should be the stronger in a marriage - the husband or the wife? And what happens when two men fall in love with the same woman? In these five stories from Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales we find different answers to these questions from the Knight, the Wife of Bath, the Clerk of Oxford, the Merchant, and the Franklin.
  • The Canterbury Tales Джеффри Чосер
    ISBN: 9781405878920
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    'We'll give a free dinner to the person who tells the best story. Now, put up your hands if you agree.' The pilgrims all held up their hands. A group of pilgrims are travelling together for five days from London to Canterbury. On the way, each pilgrim has to tell a story to keep the others amused. Some stories are happy, and some are sad. But they all have a message, and we can learn from them.

  • The Canterbury Tales Джеффри Чосер
    ISBN: 978-0-141-39321-6
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Русский

    With their astonishing diversity of tone and subject matter, The Canterbury Tales have become one of the touchstones of medieval literature. Translated here into modern English, these tales of a motley crowd of pilgrims drawn from all walks of life - from knight to nun, miller to monk - reveal a picture of English life in the fourteenth century that is as robust as it is representative.

  • The Canterbury Tales: A Selection Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 978-0-451-41678-0
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Signet Classics
    Язык: Английский

    While Geoffrey Chaucer composed several magnificent works of poetry, his reputation as "the father of English literature" rests mainly on The Canterbury Tales, a group of stories told by assorted pilgrims en route to the shrine of Thomas ? Becket in Canterbury Cathedral. From the mirthful and bawdy to the profoundly moral, the tales, taken in their entirety, reflect not only the manners and mores of medieval England, but indeed, the full comic and tragic dimensions of the human condition. Considered the greatest collection of narrative poems in English literature, The Canterbury Tales was composed in the Middle English of Chaucer's day,…

  • The Canterbury Tales Джеффри Чосер
    ISBN: 978-0-141-44229-7
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Русский

    The Canterbury Tales is a major part of England's literary heritage. From the exuberant Wife of Bath's Arthurian legend to the Miller's worldly, ribald farce, these tales can be taken as a mirror of fourteenth-century London. Incorporating every style of medieval narrative - bawdy anecdote, allegorical fable and courtly romance - the tales encompass a blend of universal human themes. Ackroyd's retelling is a highly readable, prose version in modern English, using expletive and avoiding euphemism, making the Tales much more accessible to a new generation of readers. The edition also includes an introduction by Ackroyd, detailing some of the…

  • The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
    ISBN: 978-1840226928
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Wordsworth Editions
    Язык: Английский

    It was Boccaccio’s Decameron which inspired Chaucer, in the 1390s, to begin work on The Canterbury Tales, which was still unfinished at his death in October 1400. It tells the story of a group of 30 pilgrims who meet at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, on the south bank of the Thames opposite the city of London, and travel together to visit the then famous shrine of St Thomas Becket in Canterbury cathedral.

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