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The irresistible Sully, who in the intervening years has come by some unexpected good fortune, is staring down a VA cardiologist’s estimate that he has only a year or two left, and it’s hard work trying to keep this news from the most important people in his life: Ruth, the married woman he carried on with for years . . . the ultra-hapless Rub Squeers, who worries that he and Sully aren’t still best friends . . . Sully’s son and grandson, for whom he was mostly an absentee figure (and now a regretful one). We also enjoy the company of Doug Raymer, the chief of police who’s obsessing primarily over the identity of the man his wife might’ve…
Цикл: Норт-Бат, книга №2

Форма: роман

Оригинальное название: Everybody's Fool

Дата написания: 2016

Первая публикация: May 3, 2016

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2017 г.Премия Вудхауза (Юмористическая литература)
2016 г.Выбор сайта Goodreads (Лучшая проза)


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