Моя оценка

Sara Linton--resident medical examiner/pediatrician in Grant County, Georgia, --has plenty of hardship to deal with, including defending herself in a heartbreaking malpractice suit. So when her husband, Police chief Jeffery Tolliver, learns that his friend and coworker detective Lena Adams has been arrested for murder and needs Sara's help, she is not sure she can handle the pressure of it all.

But soon Sara and Jeffery are sitting through evidence, peeling back the layers of a mystery that grows darker by the day--until an intricate web of betrayal and vengeance begins to unravel. And suddenly the lives of Sara, Lena, and Jeffery are…
Цикл: Округ Грант, книга №6

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: July 31, 2007

Язык: Английский

Лауреат: 2007 г.Премия «Хеббан» за триллер (Лучший международный триллер)
Номинант: 2008 г.Премия "Криминальный триллер" (Международный автор года)

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