Моя оценка

Ellen May Ngewthu is a soldier and leader of the Cassini Division, the elite defense force of the utopian Solar Union. Here in the twenty-fourth century, the forts of the Division, in orbit around Jupiter, are the front line in humanity's long standoff with the unknowable post-humans godlike beings descended from the men and women who transformed themselves with high technology centuries ago.

The post-humans' capacities are unknown . . . but we know they disintegrated Ganymede, we know they punched a wormhole into Jovian space, and we know that the very surface of the solar system's largest planet has been altered by them. Worse, we know…
Цикл: Fall Revolution, книга №3

Форма: роман

Первая публикация: 1998

Язык: Английский

Номинант: 2000 г.Прометей (Роман)
2000 г.Небьюла (Роман)
1999 г.Премия Артура Ч. Кларка (Роман)

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