
Моя оценка

Итак, мы в Америке, отстоящей от нашего времени лет на 500. Как Вы думаете, мог бы коллекционер, приобретший, ну, скажем, двенадцатискоростной электрический миксер, оказаться тем же лицом, которое приобрело пеньковый половик «Милости просим»? А чем заняться милой девушке и молодому американцу, неведомо как переместившимся на 500 лет вперед?

В русском переводе пропал финал. Недостающей фрагмент по английски выглядит следующим образом:


They charged out through the front door into the blinding light with their hands up.

The TNT stood for thermonuclear toluene.

* * *

«Dr. Culpepper,« Mr. Pepys said, «this is Mr. Cristopher Wren. That is Mr. Robert Hooke. Pray, be seated, sir. We have begged you to wait upon the Royal Society and advantage us with your advice as the foremost physician-astrologer in London. However, we must pledge you to secrecy.»

Dr. Culpepper nodded gravely and stole a glance at the mysterious basket resting on the table before the three gentlemen. It was covered with green felt.

«Imprimis,« Mr. Hooke said, «the articles we shall show you were sent to the Royal Society from Oxford, where they were required of various artificers, the designs for same being supplied by the purchaser. We obtained these specimens from the said craftsmen by stealth. Secundo, the fabrication of the objects was commissioned in secret by certain persons who have attained great power and wealth at the colleges through sundry soothsayings, predictions, auguries and premonstrations. Mr. Wren?»

Mr. Wren delicately lifted the felt cloth as though he feared infection. Displayed in the basket were: a neat pile of soft paper napkins; twelve wooden splinters, their heads curiously dipped in sulphur; a pair of tortoise shell spectacles with lenses of a dark, smoky color; an extraordinary pin, doubled upon itself so that the point locked in a cap; and two large Puffy flannel cloths, one embroidered HIS, and the other, HERS.

«Dr. Culpepper,« Mr. Pepys asked in sepulchral tones, «are these the amulets of witchcraft?»

Форма: рассказ

Оригинальное название: The Flowered Thundermug

Дата написания: 1964

Первая публикация: 1964

Перевод: Е. Короткова

Язык: Русский (в оригинале Английский)

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