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18 декабря 2021 г. 18:29


4 Camus as Soft Imperialist

Camus claims that the purpose of his work is to strike a middle ground between Arab nationalists and French chauvinists. Does he succeed, or does he simply become a softer apologist for French imperialism? I think that although his work brought up a big number of controversies and debates, Albert Camus did in fact succeed at positioning himself in the middle ground. While reading Algerian Chronicles, we should bear in mind that he himself was born in Algeria and lived there until he was about 30, when he moved to France. He still constantly paid short visits to his homeland and most of his relatives still did live in Algeria. I believe he considered Algeria to be his hometown. From my point of view, the main idea in this collection of essays, which Camus keeps repeating is that he is…


Форма: эссе

Оригинальное название: L'été à Alger

Первая публикация: 1998

Перевод: Н. Галь

Язык: Русский (в оригинале Французский)


Всего 4

18 декабря 2021 г. 18:29


4 Camus as Soft Imperialist

Camus claims that the purpose of his work is to strike a middle ground between Arab nationalists and French chauvinists. Does he succeed, or does he simply become a softer apologist for French imperialism? I think that although his work brought up a big number of controversies and debates, Albert Camus did in fact succeed at positioning himself in the middle ground. While reading Algerian Chronicles, we should bear in mind that he himself was born in Algeria and lived there until he was about 30, when he moved to France. He still constantly paid short visits to his homeland and most of his relatives still did live in Algeria. I believe he considered Algeria to be his hometown. From my point of view, the main idea in this collection of essays, which Camus keeps repeating is that he is…



Частное мнение дилетанта)

9 июля 2021 г. 22:47


5 О непокорности и любовном аромате рожкового дерева

А скажите, как у вас с Парижем, Прагой и Флоренцией? Чувствовали ли вы тоску по простору и взмахам крыльев? Может крыши утреннего Монмартра не так хороши после долгого проживания, а круассан недостаточно восхитителен, при обмакивании в чашку горячего кофе?

Я бы тоже задумалась, если бы мне, прямо в лицо, открылся, словно рот или рана, Алжир. Тот который страна и город. И между прочим, опасный в своей самодостаточности, потому как душу иссушает и только даёт. Вот так просто - сплошное наслаждение и никакого желания учиться и работать. Страшное место, требующее ясновидцев, сиречь безутешных душ. И тут же тебе - солнце, море, красно-белые терассы, цветы и девушки со стройными ногами. И будь счастлив... пока молод. А уж потом то конечно ждёт тебя Италия или там Прованс - для прибежища и…



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