Больше историй

17 апреля 2024 г. 08:05


2000 лет уже как прошло...

Похоже, что ситуация с рынком труда, национальной экономикой, политической конкуренцией в государстве на примере Римской республики имеет много общего с современными странами. Не стоит брать какую-то отдельную страну или группу стран. Просто очень много черт и явных признаков того, что человечество в вопросах повседневной жизни особо-то и не изменилось. Все тоже самое и похоже, вечное: выжить, не уступить и не сдаваться, победить.

...the Optimates (the “Best Men”) had long dominated the Senate and jealously guarded their privileges. In the late Roman Republic, those who championed the rights of the plebs—the Populares (the “People’s Men”)—sought popular support against the Optimates, either in the interests of the people themselves, or more often, in pursuit of their own careers. The self-interested Optimates resisted making the social and economic reforms that were urgently required to meet the changing needs of the Roman people. In Italy and the provinces an unequal system of taxation and corrupt governance were causing social unrest, while in the city of Rome itself, the infrastructure was barely able to cope with a growing population. The empire’s rapid expansion had brought a flood of slave labor from the provinces, driving many Roman farm workers and smallholders off the land and into the city in search of work.