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24 декабря 2022 г. 21:06


Habit, routine, and inertia

I'm referring to the physics textbook again today. Inertia will help you achieve your goals without straining at all. Repetition and routine are your main tools for achieving big goals.

Earlier, I wrote about Charles Bukowski's "flow" method: do it all at once. But what if your task is huge? If it can't be accomplished in one go?

This is where habits help you. They keep you afloat, help you keep level regardless of the weather or your mood.
A quote from Sartre's "Nausea": "I don't get down - on the contrary: this morning I took a bath, I shaved. But when I recall all these little efforts to take care of myself, I don't understand how I could have made them — they're so worthless. It must have been habit that did them for me. The habits aren't dead, they keep fussing, quietly, imperceptibly, they do their job - washing me, wiping me down, dressing me, like babysitters."

It's hard to get a habit. But giving it up won't be easy either. A good habit is like a street dog you've been feeding every day. Dog won't let go of you now.
Do something for thirty days (Make sure you do it every day!). This is how you will kick a new habit. There will come a moment when donuts won't seem delicious. There will come a moment when you wonder about your progress: "When did I get those abs?", "How did I save so much money?", "How do I know so much?"


Inertia will help you achieve your goals without straining at all.

Ах, если бы... Если только Вы не ледник и не слишком наивная и/или слишком большая страна...

An object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion stays in motion...

...unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed upon it. *

Sir Isaac Newton, 1687

Первый закон механики, он же -- Закон Инерции...

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