Книги полинезийских авторов на английском языке / Maori & Hawaiians — 20 книг


Здесь будут представлены книги, написанные полинезийскими авторами непосредственно на английском языке, либо переводы этих работ на английский. Художественные произведения в основном о маори и гавайцах (но есть и некоторые другие полинезийские народы).

Вити Ихимаэра
Год издания:1998
Издательство:Penguin eBooks (NZ Adult)

Caught in the middle of the clash between two great Maori clans, Simeon, grandson of Bulibasha and Ramona, struggles with his own feelings and loyalties as the battles rage . . .…

Бекки Манавату
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Mākaro Press

Taukiri was born into sorrow. Auē can be heard in the sound of the sea he loves and hates, and in the music he draws out of the guitar that was his father’s. It spills out of the…

The Whale Rider
Witi Ihimaera
Год издания:2008
Издательство:Penguin Books

Eight-year-old Kahu craves her great-grandfather’s love and attention. But he is focused on his duties as chief of a Maori tribe in Whangara, on the East Coast of New Zealand — a…

The Graphologist's Apprentice
Whiti Hereaka
Год издания:2010
Издательство:Huia Pub.

When January's obsession with a married man begins to jeopardise her emotional stability, she decides to risk it all and respond to a mysterious card with the words Tell me a…

Dogside Story
Патриция Грейс
Год издания:2002
Издательство:University of Hawaii Press

There is conflict in the whanau. The young man, Te Rua, holds a secret for life, the one to die with. But he realizes that if he is to acknowledge and claim his daughter, the…

The Bone People
Keri Hulme
ISBN:0330485415, 9780330485418
Год издания:2001
Издательство:Pan Macmillan

Winner of the Booker Prize in 1985, The Bone People is the story of Kerewin, a despairing part-Maori artist who is convinced that her solitary life is the only way to face the…

Sharks in the Time of Saviours
Kawai Strong Washburn
Год издания:2020

In 1994 in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, seven-year-old Nainoa Flores is saved from drowning by a shiver of sharks. His family, struggling to make ends meet amidst the collapse of the…

Purakau: Maori Myths Retold by Maori Writers
Вити Ихимаэра, Whiti Hereaka
Год издания:2019
Издательство:Penguin Random House New Zealand Limited

A lively, stimulating and engaging retelling of purakau - Maori Myths - by contemporary Maori writers. Ka mua, ka mrui Ancient Maori creation myths, portrayals of larger-than-life…

Where the Rekohu Bone Sings
Тина Макерети
Год издания:2014

From the Chatham Islands/ Rekohu to London, from 1835 to the 21st century, this quietly powerful and compelling novel confronts the complexity of being Moriori, Maori and Pakeha.

The Descendants
Kaui Hart Hemmings
Год издания:2008

Narrated in a bold, fearless, hilarious voice and set against the lush, panoramic backdrop of Hawaii, The Descendants is a stunning debut novel about an unconventional family…

Kaui Hart Hemmings
Год издания:2015
Издательство:G. P. Putnam's Sons

Lea Lane has lived in between all her life.

Part Hawaiian, part Mainlander.
Perpetual new girl at school. Hanging in the shadow of her actress mother’s spotlight. And now:…

Shark Dialogues
Kiana Davenport
Год издания:1994
Издательство:Scribner Book Company

An epic saga of seven generations of one family encompasses the tumultuous history of Hawai'i as a Hawaiian woman gathers her four granddaughters together in an erotic tale of…

Song of the Exile
Kiana Davenport
Год издания:1999
Издательство:Ballantine Books

In this epic, original novel in which Hawaii's fierce, sweeping past springs to life, Kiana Davenport, author of the acclaimed Shark Dialogues, draws upon the remarkable stories…

House of Many Gods
Kiana Davenport
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Ballantine Books

From Kiana Davenport, the bestselling author of Song of the Exile and Shark Dialogues, comes another mesmerizing novel about her people and her islands. Told in spellbinding and…

House of Skin
Kiana Davenport
Год издания:2010
Тип:Сетевое издание

From best-selling Hawaiian author, Kiana Davenport, comes HOUSE OF SKIN, her first collection of prize-winning stories, including The O. Henry Awards, The Pushcart Prize, and The…

Cannibal Nights
Kiana Davenport
Год издания:2011
Тип:Сетевое издание

From bestselling Hawaiian author, Kiana Davenport, comes CANNIBAL NIGHTS, Pacific Stories Volume II, a follow-up to her bestselling collection, HOUSE OF SKIN, PRIZE-WINNING…

Патриция Грейс
Год издания:2020
Серия:Modern Classics

'Destroy the land and sea, we destroy ourselves'

On the remote coast of New Zealand, at the curve that binds land and sea, a small Maori community live, work, fish, play and…

Célestine Hitiura Vaite
ISBN:0143052640, 9780143052647
Год издания:2005
Издательство:Penguin Canada
Серия:Materena Mahi

"Her name is Materena Mahi, and she's the best listener in Tahiti." "Materena starts her new job as a professional cleaner at the same time she becomes the mother of her beautiful…

Célestine Hitiura Vaite
ISBN:0143052632, 9780143052630
Год издания:2005
Издательство:Penguin Canada
Серия:Materena Mahi #1

Women who want romance, men who won't commit, interfering in-laws-some things never change, even in a tropical paradise... Materena never really thinks about marriage until Pito,…

Tiare: Best Listener In All Of Tahiti And Everything That Happened Next
Célestine Hitiura Vaite
ISBN:0143052659, 9780143052654
Год издания:2006
Издательство:Penguin Canada
Серия:Materena Mahi

Pito Tehana is a big zero—that's the word on the coconut radio. His lovely wife, Materena, is now a big radio star, and yet she hasn't turned into a bigheaded faaoru. But Pito…