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30 апреля 2024 г. 10:48


3 Men just being men <3

"Ariadne" by Jennifer Saint provides a new take on the well-known Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, focusing on Ariadne, a character often overlooked in traditional stories. The book aims to give Ariadne a stronger voice, showing her growth from a naive princess to a woman in charge of her fate. However, the book doesn't fully succeed in making her character captivating. Ariadne often seems passive and uninteresting until later in the story.

The book's pace is uneven. It starts with interesting chapters but then slows down, getting bogged down with too much detail that makes the middle of the book less engaging. Despite these issues, the novel still offers an intriguing version of Greek mythology. Saint writes well and vividly brings the ancient world to life, providing a view into the lives of both gods and humans.

Although "Ariadne" has its flaws and might not stand out among other books that retell myths, it is still an enjoyable read for those who are curious about seeing an old story from a new angle. The book has potential and can be a good introduction to Greek mythology, especially for those not familiar with Ariadne's story.