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Eighteen months before Kathryn Schulz's father died, she met the woman she would marry. In Lost & Found, she weaves the story of those relationships into a brilliant exploration of the role that…
Издательство: Random House

ISBN: 9780525512462

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

256 pages, Hardcover


"Schulz's mind flows beautifully on the page. While this book is classified as a memoir, it can also be read as a sweeping set of essays. Schulz's prose is lucid and intentional, yet unexpected and compassionate. She doesn't race to make her point and that expansive pace is what makes this book such a pleasure. Hers is a nimble and profoundly humane mind, capable of carrying the various threads of her thinking onward without losing the integrity of the fabric she's creating ... Schulz uses her life's stories as a launching point for an omnivore's exploration of science, space, history, art, and writing in order to elaborate her points. Rather than dwell on her personal life, weighing the reader down with the operatic twists of some memoirs, Schulz treads lightly on the drama of her days. She's not writing for her own personal catharsis ... While this memoir is no quest for healing or a chronicle of family secrets, there is great weight in Schulz's most personal moments. Being privy to her budding romance is a window into intense tenderness and deep gratitude ... Where other memoirs concentrate on facts and family history, Schulz finds a way to subvert the genre, taking it to philosophical levels while maintaining a grounded intimacy."

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