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Like many before her, Maria Lagana has come to Hollywood to outrun her past. Born in Rome, where every Sunday her father took her to the cinema instead of church, Maria immigrates with her mother to…
Издательство: Hogarth

432 стр

ISBN: 978-0451495204

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский


"Provocative, mellifluous ... Hamid's opening deliberately echoes the language of Kafka and Lewis, teeing up a spellbinding tale that peels back transformations both great and small ... Hamid's technique is indelible, a buoyancy that belies the gravity of his themes. Most (not all) of his paragraphs are single beautiful sentences that purl and flow over punctuation scattered like pebbles, with repetitions and cadences that tow the reader forward, gently ... The Last White Man may lack the pixie dust of Exit West, but it's another bracing achievement from a consummate master, its silken prose breathing fresh air into fusty debates about race and identity."


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