Моя оценка

A discarded painting in a junk pile, a skeleton in an attic, and the greatest racehorse in American history: from these strands, a Pulitzer Prize winner tells a sweeping story of spirit, obsession,…
Издательство: Little, Brown and Company

ISBN: 9781408710098

Год издания: 2023

Язык: Английский


"These are the ingredients with which Geraldine Brooks begins her new novel, Horse, and, goodness, they are just as beguiling as her fluid, masterful storytelling ... I raced through the novel's first half and then slowed and slowed as I went on, so worried for what might happen to Jarret and Theo and to Lexington that I could hardly bear to find out. Horse is not a grim book, but it did sometimes make me very angry, and it did make me cry. Horse is a reminder of the simple, primal power an author can summon by creating characters readers care about and telling a story about them — the same power that so terrifies the people so desperately trying to get Toni Morrison banned from their children's reading lists."

Лауреат: 2023 г.Дейтонская литературная премия мира (Художественная книга)
2023 г.Книжная премия Анисфилд-Вольф (Художественная литература)

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