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Stunning for her daring originality, the author of Negroland gives us what she calls "a temperamental autobiography," comprised of visceral, intimate fragments that fuse criticism and…
Издательство: Pantheon Books

ISBN: 9781524748173

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

256 pages, Hardcover


"Every sentence of Constructing a Nervous System gives the reader a sense of a roving, highly individuated consciousness in conversation with itself ... The book also serves as an excellent guide for how to write sublime criticism ... Jefferson doesn't live down to this idea of a cartoon critic. She suffers no fools, flatters no one's tastes, and delivers gusts of uncompromising prose. Her remit is extremely broad ... There are also more sobering sections on the long reach of anti-Black racism ... One of the strongest sections (and they are all strong) braids together a story of this 'unsheltered I' with a tour-de-force critique of the expectations heaped on Black female athletes ... Nervous System, at its best, resembles dance: a spine-tingling pas de deux for memory and culture, with not a movement wasted. When we reach the last page, we are ready for an encore."

Лауреат: 2023 г.Фолио (Документальная литература)
Номинант: 2023 г.Медаль Эндрю Карнеги (Публицистика)

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