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England, 1989. Over the course of a burning hot summer, two very different men - traumatized Falklands veteran Calvert, and affable, chaotic Redbone - set out nightly in a clapped-out camper van to…
Издательство: Bloomsbury

ISBN: 9781526631404

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский


"There are many adjectives I could use for Benjamin Myers' novel. It is fascinating, clever, angry, poignant, beautifully constructed but the one I shall plump for is: it is lovely. I do not use that word lightly. It is a work of love, and a work about works of love, and a work that evokes a sense of love in the reader. It is not charming or whimsical or quirky,...It is, as well as lovely, a deeply serious book ... One of the novel's joys is its resistance to explanation ... does have its own very neat closure. As this mismatched pair strive ever for perfection, and chuckle over their ginger beer and cider about all the theories, there was always going to have to be an ending. The ending is perfect. To return to the visual arts and to the ways we look at nature, it is both apocalyptic and the summation of auto-destructive art as imagined by Gustav Metzger. This too will pass."

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