Моя оценка

A Taiwanese American woman’s coming-of-consciousness ignites eye-opening revelations and chaos on a college campus in this outrageously hilarious and startlingly tender debut…
Издательство: Penguin Press

ISBN: 9780593298350

Год издания: 2022

Язык: Английский

403 pages, Hardcover


"Disorientation is a satire, and it is frequently funny and insightful, with plenty to say about art, identity, Orientalism and the politics of academia ... The satire loses its bite when the novel diverges too far from observable reality ... Ingrid sometimes feels less like a naïve 29-year-old grad student than an alien visitor from a parallel earth ... And yet, the zaniness is, on balance, entertaining, rising to a delightful climax at Ingrid's dissertation defense. The detail work is sometimes shoddy...but the construction holds, with no lack of charm or character."

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