

Эксперт Лайвлиба

15 мая 2012 г. 23:52



there is a common superstition that art - no, the ART - is supposed to run beyond the edge aiming for becoming a bleeding heart on a spear. and so this is the offer that is usually expected from it, expected even by those who don't understand or appreciate it, ironic, huh? now, this book is nice. you know classic 'nice': good people with their little or less weaknesses on their way straight to 'almost perfect' ['cause 'absolutely perfect' is bad taste, you know =) ]. and when one hears that, one thinks [censored =D ] the book's been convicted of a crime really! 'the descendants' is also simple and simply written, it is lifelike, almost boring, hawaiian, correct, a bit too american, sad, but optimistic, maybe slightly naive and not dirty... oh, boy, sounds like a death sentence =D i guess…


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