
Моя оценка

No. 7 Ocean Drive is a multimillion-dollar beachfront house in the Hamptons, but its beautiful exterior hides a horrific past. This house was the setting for a series of depraved killings that have…
Издательство: Random House UK

ISBN: 978-0-09-959489-5

Год издания: 2016

Язык: Английский

Editorial Reviews
Library Journal, 04/01/2015

King of the best sellers list, Patterson delivers (with Ellis, his coauthor on last year's Invisible) a stand-alone thriller about a classy Hamptons house with a terrible history of violence. Sixteen years ago, it burned down in a suspicious blaze with a couple caught inside, after which it was rebuilt; now a Hollywood mogul and his mistress are found dead there. Local Noah Walker had a connection to the recent victims and must figure out the house's dark secrets or he will be charged with their deaths.


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