How to Be a Brit: Includes the Classic Bestseller How to Be an Alien

Джордж Микеш


Моя оценка

The indispensable manual for everyone who longs to attain True Britishness George Mikes's perceptive best-seller provides a complete guide to the British Way of Life. Having been born in Hungary, he…
Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.

Лучшая рецензия на книгу

15 августа 2019 г. 16:35


2 It got me bored

Probably if I lived in the XX century and if I was born 60 years earlier I would have enjoyed this book. Plus, I have never been to England. Maybe those who did would appreciate this book much more than I did. Several chapters were interesting, e.g. the one about wine snobbery (because I think that this is something universal that still applies to any wine snob).

I managed to read the whole book for one only reason: the author's English is really good, he has a rich vocabulary and the book is written in a way which makes it very easy to read.

ISBN: 978-0-241-97500-8

Год издания: 2015

Язык: Русский

Мягкая обложка, 272стр.
Формат: 130x195

Жанры:  Юмористическая проза



Всего 1

15 августа 2019 г. 16:35


2 It got me bored

Probably if I lived in the XX century and if I was born 60 years earlier I would have enjoyed this book. Plus, I have never been to England. Maybe those who did would appreciate this book much more than I did. Several chapters were interesting, e.g. the one about wine snobbery (because I think that this is something universal that still applies to any wine snob).

I managed to read the whole book for one only reason: the author's English is really good, he has a rich vocabulary and the book is written in a way which makes it very easy to read.

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