

Эксперт Лайвлиба

29 сентября 2017 г. 21:45


5 Abridged King- good King

Well, it seems I begin to love Mr King of horror. To be honest, this is first his book I really liked. I haven't read a lot of them but those I read were not really good (IMHO, of course). "Salem's lot was ok but "The Shining" and few other novels were a total bullsh*t. On my point of view, King's books are unreasonably huge! Just a pile of written papers.. So much words, so much empty characters, so much endless lines which even do not relate to the story itself. And narrative is just overslow. Undortunately, his books for me WERE just waste of time. Im not scared, i get bored, I feel sleepy. That was BEFORE I read this one. Gosh, I really liked it and I know why- all the stories here abbreviated in times and this made them good. After editing and cutting needless information, stories…


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