
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Барнаби Ричардс 0.0
Using the sparsest vocabulary, Barnaby Richards creates a visually stunning world explored by a robot whose language consists solely of the word "Blip". As readers follow the robot's journey, they will delight in the surreal vistas and remarkable inhabitants of the planet, all while being gently guided through a heartfelt story of finding the familiar in an unfamiliar place.

Barnaby Richards lives in London, where he shares a studio with his wife Alice and their cat Mosca. He has been doodling pictures of his little robot in the margins of notebooks and the corners of pictures for many years. Barnaby was inspired to write Blip! when he felt it was time his robot found a friend.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Дебора Андервуд 0.0
Once upon a planetoid,
amid her tools and sprockets,
a girl named Cinderella dreamed
of fixing fancy rockets.

With a little help from her fairy godrobot, Cinderella is going to the ball--but when the prince's ship has mechanical trouble, someone will have to zoom to the rescue! Readers will thank their lucky stars for this irrepressible fairy tale retelling, its independent heroine, and its stellar happy ending.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Louis Sachar 4.0
From the author of the acclaimed bestseller "Holes, " winner of the Newbery Award and the National Book Award, comes a new middle-grade novel with universal appeal. Combining horror-movie suspense with the issues of friendship, bullying, and the possibility of ecological disaster, this novel will intrigue, surprise, and inspire readers and compel them to think twice about how they treat others as well as their environment.
"Be careful. Your next step may be your last."
Fifth grader Tamaya Dhilwaddi and seventh grader Marshall Walsh have been walking to and from Woodbridge Academy together since elementary school. But their routine is disrupted when bully Chad Wilson challenges Marshall to a fight. To avoid the conflict, Marshall takes a shortcut home through the off-limits woods. Tamaya reluctantly follows. They soon get lost, and they find trouble. Bigger trouble than anyone could ever have imagined.
In the days and weeks that follow, the authorities and the U.S. Senate become involved, and what they uncover might affect the future of the world.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Эрнест Клайн 3.5
Зак Лайтман всю свою жизнь мечтал о том, чтобы с ним случилось что-то экстраординарное. Ведь реальный мир должен обладать большим потенциалом, чем многочисленные научно-фантастические фильмы, книги и видеоигры, которым с таким упоением отдаются подростки, не так ли?

Конечно, Зак осознает разницу между мечтой и реальностью. Геймеры – всего лишь мальчишки, ловко управляющиеся с клавиатурой, и спасать вселенную в виртуальном мире совсем не то же самое, что рисковать в настоящем бою.

Но однажды он видит из окна летающую тарелку. Нет, он не сошел с ума, и этот инопланетный монстр – точная копия корабля из игры "Армада", в которой Зак считает себя асом.

А на следующий день правительство США делает ему предложение, от которого трудно отказаться…

Теперь у старшеклассника из ничем не примечательного городка появился реальный шанс стать героем, и применить свои навыки геймера на практике. Только что-то слишком подозрительным выглядит этот сценарий превращения заурядного любителя компьютерных игр в героя спецвойск…
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Джеффри Беннетт 0.0
The long-awaited prequel to the other books in the Science Adventures with Max the Dog series, this installment follows Max on his trip to the International Space Station where he shares in the adventures of astronaut life and helps save everyone from a potential disaster along the way. The book teaches children to see themselves and the planet in a new light and encourages readers to discover how they can help make the world a better place. Accompanying the story of how Max saves the day are numerous “Big Kid Box” sidebars that offer science facts and other pieces of fascinating information. Grown-ups and kids learn about science together with this fun and educational picture book.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Уильям Александер 0.0
Gabe Fuentes is in for the ride of his life when he becomes Earth’s ambassador to the galaxy in this otherworldly adventure from the National Book Award–winning author of Goblin Secrets.

Gabe Fuentes is reading under the covers one summer night when he is interrupted by a creature who looks like a purple sock puppet. The sock puppet introduces himself as the Envoy and asks if Gabe wants to be Earth’s ambassador to the galaxy. What sane twelve-year-old could refuse?

Some ingenious tinkering with the washing machine sends Gabe’s “entangled” self out to the center of the galaxy. There he finds that Earth is in the path of a destructive alien force—and Gabe himself is the target of an assassination plot. Exactly who wants him out of the way? And why?

Back home, Gabe discovers that his undocumented parents are in danger of being deported. Can Gabe survive long enough to solve two sets of “alien” problems? He runs for his life, and through Minneapolis and outer space, in this fast-paced adventure from a National Book Award–winning author.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Уильям Кэмпбелл Пауэлл 0.0
What happens when you turn eighteen and there are no more tomorrows?
It is the year 2049, and humanity is on the brink of extinction….

Tania Deeley has always been told that she’s a rarity: a human child in a world where most children are sophisticated androids manufactured by Oxted Corporation. When a decline in global fertility ensued, it was the creation of these near-perfect human copies called teknoids that helped to prevent the utter collapse of society.

Though she has always been aware of the existence of teknoids, it is not until her first day at The Lady Maud High School for Girls that Tania realizes that her best friend, Siân, may be one. Returning home from the summer holiday, she is shocked by how much Siân has changed. Is it possible that these changes were engineered by Oxted? And if Siân could be a teknoid, how many others in Tania’s life are not real?

Driven by the need to understand what sets teknoids apart from their human counterparts, Tania begins to seek answers. But time is running out. For everyone knows that on their eighteenth “birthdays,” teknoids must be returned to Oxted—never to be heard from again.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Джеффри Браун 4.4
Легендарная книга "Вейдер и его Маленькая Принцесса" - теперь на русском! Джеффри Браун, знаменитый американский автор и художник комиксов, задался вопросом, что бы было, если бы Лея Органа провёла детство со своим отцом - генералом Имперской Армии и Тёмным Лордом Ситхов Дартом Вейдером. .Книга состоит из коротких одностраничных комиксов, которые покорили миллионы читателей по всему миру. Комиксы наполнены шутками, которые обязательно понравятся всем поклонникам саги "Звёздные Войны" и не только! .
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Рей О'Райан 0.0
When Zack arrives at Sprockets Academy for the first day of school, all of the differences between Earth and Nebulon begin to pile up and make Zack miss his home in Dubbsville, Texas, even more. But things start to look up when he receives a mysterious surprise. What could it possibly be?
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Дэн Крокос 0.0
The Planet Thieves is the first thrilling installment of a new middle-grade series by Dan Krokos.

Two weeks ago, thirteen-year-old Mason Stark and seventeen of his fellow cadets from the Academy for Earth Space Command boarded the SS Egypt. The trip was supposed to be a short routine voyage to log their required spacetime for summer quarter.

But routine goes out the airlock when they're attacked by the Tremist, an alien race who have been at war with humanity for the last sixty years.

With the captain and crew dead, injured, or taken prisoner, Mason and the cadets are all that's left to warn the ESC. And soon they find out exactly why the Tremist chose this ship to attack: the Egypt is carrying a weapon that could change the war forever.

Now Mason will have to lead the cadets in a daring assault to take back the ship, rescue the survivors, and recover the weapon. Before there isn't a war left to fight.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Мак Барнет 0.0
Some kids are too smart for their own good...and maybe for everybody else's good. The overly ambitious little girl from Oh No! is back for more. But this time, she doesn't have a humongous problem, she has an EPIC crisis on her hands: a mere A on her history test! There's only one solution: travel back in time to 33,000 B.C. to make her wrong answer right! Mac Barnett and Dan Santat's laugh-out-loud sequel to the critically acclaimed Oh No! will be sure to tickle a prehistoric funny bone for fans new and neanderthal alike.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Клит Барретт Смит 0.0
David is looking forward to spending another adventure-filled summer at his grandmother's Intergalactic Bed & Breakfast-a vacation hotspot for aliens. But as soon as he meets Grandma's new repairman, an alien named Scratchull, he becoms suspicious. The only problem is that it is difficult to be sneaky when you have a ravenous alien pet attached to you. Even though no one else-including Grandma-thinks that Scratchull is an underhanded handyman, David decides to spy on him. But no one believes David when he discovers that Scratchull really is an evil mastermind with a plot to destroy the planet. Without the help of Grandma and his friends, will David be able to save Earth before it's too late?
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Марисса Мейер 4.3
Целые дни шестнадцатилетняя Зола чинит на рынке чужие портскрины и андроиды. Она лучший механик Нового Пекина, и ее слава достигла королевского дворца. Но немногие знают, что они киборг. Давным-давно, после несчастного случая, маленькую Золу спасли, вмонтировав в ее тело металлические части тела и электронную нервную систему. Теперь, едва узнав об этом, люди сторонятся ее, а мачеха с двумя дочками без конца осыпает упреками. Но однажды на рынок приходит прекрасный принц Кай, которому нужно починить старенького андроида, и у Золы начинается новая жизнь.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Пэм Смолкомб 0.0
What do you send your alien pen pal Clunk to make it clear you do not want an alien pen pal? You send him your big sister. That'll teach Clunk to have a pen pal from Earth-or so our intrepid narrator thinks. But then Clunk sends him a Zoid, an exasperating Zoid that follows him everywhere. After swapping dirty socks, three Forps, some old lasagna, a weird glob, and a string of Christmas lights, our hero seems to be having . . . could it be . . . fun? But then: Clunk stops sending stuff. Oh no! Earth to Clunk . . . ? Is he too busy being bossed around by our hero's big sister? Will her ever send another package again? Maybe-or maybe not. More hilarious surprises await!

Deadpan comedy, vibrant artwork (a bit Calvin & Hobbes, a bit Eloise), a warm friendship theme, and an extraordinary surprise ending will have kids laughing all the way back to the first page of this sweet-in-spite-of-itself story.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
David Borgenicht, Hena Kahn 0.0
Join the youngest crew of astronauts ever to make the trip to Mars! Faced with fearsome dangers and difficult decisions, your choices will determine your fate on the Red Planet. Will you achieve the mission and return home to Earth safely, successfully earning the title of the youngest astronaut ever to make it to Mars? Or will you be forced to turn back early? This thrilling adventure offers twenty-two possible endings, but only ONE leads to the ultimate success! With eye-catching comic book style illustrations and information based on scientific facts related to Mars and space exploration, young readers will be over the moon with this entertaining addition to the Worst-Case Scenario series!
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Дэвид Вебер 4.5
Это история первого знакомства человека и древесного кота. Стефани Харрингтон хочет быть лесным исследователем, но ей всего одиннадцать, и исследования приходится проводить, сидя на террасе и глядя в окно. Чтобы утешить Стефани, родители предлагают ей разгадать доселе неразрешенную загадку — почему во всех огородах планеты Сфинкс исчезает сельдерей. И Стефани принимается за поиски разгадки.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Anna Sheehan 3.8
Rosalinda Fitzroy has been asleep for sixty-two years when she is woken by a kiss.

Locked away in the chemically induced slumber of a stasis tube in a forgotten sub-basement, sixteen-year-old Rose slept straight through the Dark Times that killed millions and utterly changed the world she knew. Now her parents and her first love are long dead, and Rose -- hailed upon her awakening as the long-lost heir to an interplanetary empire -- is thrust alone into a future in which she is viewed as either a freak or a threat.

Desperate to put the past behind her and adapt to her new world, Rose finds herself drawn to the boy who kissed her awake, hoping that he can help her to start fresh. But when a deadly danger jeopardizes her fragile new existance, Rose must face the ghosts of her past with open eyes -- or be left without any future at all.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Мак Барнет 0.0
It's a terrible thing when a giant robot starts destroying your city.

It's even worse when it's your fault.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Памела Ф. Сервис, Mike Gorman 0.0
Zack's back at work again, as an Alien Agent. His assignment: find an alien kid who hijacked a spaceship to Roswell, New Mexico. Sound easy? Not quite. Because Zack's dad is going too. And he's being chased by a man with a serious grudge against aliens. Can Zack find the missing alien and keep the truth from his dad while escaping the clutches of one Major Garrett? It's all in a day's work for Earth's Alien Agent.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Robert J. Sawyer 3.8
Webmind is an emerging consciousness that has befriended Caitlin Decter and grown eager to learn about her world. But Webmind has also come to the attention of WATCH-the secret government agency that monitors the Internet for any threat to the United States-and they're fully aware of Caitlin's involvement in its awakening.

WATCH is convinced that Webmind represents a risk to national security and wants it purged from cyberspace. But Caitlin believes in Webmind's capacity for compassion-and she will do anything and everything necessary to protect her friend.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Джек Прелуцки 0.0
Jack Prelutsky’s exploration of outer space is not for the faint of heart. No friendly little E.T.–type aliens await your arrival. There are many imaginative ways to perish in these darkly comedic cautionary verses about unexplored worlds so far beyond our solar system. The final poem is an environmental tour de force that packs a wallop. Here are poems the older reader will find great fun to memorize and rattle off to anyone who will listen! And there is a special bonus: anagrams for the kid who loves word puzzles.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Стивен Коул 0.0
Adam Adlar is alone in an isolated apartment building wondering why his scientist dad hasn't been able to get home for over a week . . . Even he doesn't want to play computer games alone for ever.

Z Rex is a living, breathing, man-eating dinosaur who has been brought to life by Adam's dad. He can talk, think - and kill. And, he has no idea why he's here. Zed wants answers, and Adam's dad has them . . .

When Adam encounters Z Rex his first thought is to flee. But Z Rex is actually the closest Adam has to a friend in this new and terrifying reality.

Can boy and dinosaur work together to defeat the evil forces ranged against them?

A fast-paced, exciting thriller that will take bestselling Astrosaurs author, Steve Cole, to an older audience. Jurassic Park meets Alex Rider!
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Сьюзен Коллинз 4.4
Продолжение романа «Голодные игры», ставшего международным бестселлером! Китнисс и Пит выжили в страшных Голодных играх, и победителями признали их обоих. Но многие из тех, кому не нравится победа, считают парня и девушку опасными. У этих людей хватит силы и власти, чтобы убить и Пита, и Китнисс. Но никому не под силу их разлучить… Теперь противники подстроили так, что Пит и Китнисс вынуждены вернуться на очередной тур Голодных игр. Они снова окажутся лицом к лицу со смертью – ради своей любви, своего будущего, своей надежды на счастье…
Специальная премия
Джон Гамильтон 0.0
This title gives children the tools they need to turn their creativity into readable, cohesive stories. Written by award-winning author and screenwriter John Hamilton, You Write It! Lays out for kids the format, organization, and development of a science fiction book. Novice writers of all ages will find this book a detailed yet easy-to-follow guide for turning thoughts and ideas into readable written works. ABDO & Daughters is an imprint of ABDO Publishing Company.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Колин Макнотон 0.0
Dad's new book has just arrived and the children are sitting down to read his latest adventure... Blasting off into space, Dad's on the hunt for aliens. He meets lots of them – cute, hairy, bug-eyed and scary – and, strangest of all, he falls in love. Dad brings his alien girl back to Earth, where they have a family and live happily ever after. When Dad's book is finished, the family are amused … because it's an extra-terrestrial, extra-true story – all about them!
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Генри Мелтон 0.0
It could be the best prank in the history of Munising High School's unofficial Prank Day. Working for a next door neighbor inventor had left Jon Kish with unlimited quantities of lighter-than-air foam, perfect for building...say a full-sized flying saucer! High school honor demanded it. Plus with the family stress of his mother's surgery, he needed something to keep his mind occupied. But little sister Cherry had her own schemes in play, and events more serious than high school pranks or mother's cancer were about to focus the world's attention on this little northern town. One of the Small Towns, Big Ideas series of Young Adult science fiction adventures by Henry Melton.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Кори Доктороу 3.9
""Младшие братья"" – против всемогущего Старшего Брата. Семнадцатилетний хакер и его команда – против Системы. Они – короли Сети, они уверены, что могут все. Но Система следит за каждым из нас… И каждый из нас в одночасье может попасть в ее когти. Свобода давно уже стала мифом. Люди – пешки в Большой игре пра-вительств и спецслужб. И каждому, кто хочет нанести Системе ответный удар, надо быть не только отчаянно смелым, но и очень, очень умным…
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Сьюзен Коллинз 4.4
Эти парень и девушка знакомы с детства и еще могут полюбить друг друга, но им придется стать врагами… По жребию они должны участвовать в страшных «Голодных играх», где выживает только один — сильнейший. Пока в жестоком квесте остаются хотя бы какие-то участники, Китнисс и Пит могут защищать друг друга и сражаться вместе. Но рано или поздно кому-то из них придется пожертвовать жизнью ради любимого… Таков закон «Голодных игр». Закон, который не нарушался еще никогда!
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Беркли Бритед 2.5
Milo doesn't get it: What's the big deal about moms? They're just slave-driving broccoli bullies. Yet they are worshipped the world over! Perhaps even the galaxy over-because here come Martians and they're after one thing only: moms. Milo's mom in particular! That's quite a long way to come for a mom-could it be that Milo has been overlooking something special?
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Фрэнк Аш 0.0
In Alex Archer's previous journal, Star Jumper, he revealed how his amazing cardboard spacecraft was tragically destroyed during a pillow fight with his little brother Jonathan. Alex knows that all geniuses encounter a setback now and then, yet this setback has only spurred him on to even greater achievements. Alex's new spaceship is twice the size of the old one and is equipped with many astonishing features, such as a telescope that can see around the universe and an electromagnetic shield stronger than Superman's cape!

But will Zoe Breen want to be Alex's co-pilot when he leaves Earth and goes galaxy-hopping? And what about Alex's rotten little brother? Does Jonathan really want to drive Alex stark-raving mad? Or is he just looking for some big brother attention? Find out the answers to all these questions and more as the cardboard genius unleashes his brainchild --- the Gravity Buster --- and defies the laws of physics! But who will bring him back down to Earth?
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Майкл Дэйли 0.0
Thirteen-year-old Stewart Hale dreams of Space Academy and becoming a famous pilot like his mother, and like his hero Val Thorsten. But after his mother’s death, his father has forbidden any talk of Stewart going into space. And Stewart suspects there’s something that is being kept hidden from him, something they don’t want him to remember from his past.

A chance encounter with a washed-up old spacer gives Stewart an unexpected opportunity to sneak off on his own mission to the Moon. But when the old spacer’s intentions turn out to be less than honorable, Stewart realizes he hasn’t found his big break—he’s been shanghaied!
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Дэвид Брин 5.0
"Some of the Math Club nerds have got a real live alien! They're hiding it in a basement rec room." High School junior Mark Bamford didn't believe the silly rumor. For one thing, California homes don't have basements. Besides. A stranded alien? Such a cliche. A movie rip-off. Couldn't the math geeks think up a better hoax? Only... was it a hoax? What about all those black vans from the super-secret Cirrocco Corp cruising all over town, as if searching for something? Time to do some investigating of his own. Only, who could he turn to for help? The skateboarding "X" crowd? The varsity climbing team? When it it came right down to it, should he turn to the least likely ally of them all? Sky Horizon explores a possibility that has always fascinated, since the days of Homer -- that of strangers from beyond -- and gives it new shape under the deft hand of one of science fiction's modern masters.
Джон Гамильтон
Специальная премия
Джон Гамильтон / John Hamilton
3 книги
0 в избранном

Премия вручена За 12 томный цикл книг-nonfiction "The World of Science Fiction Series".

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Scott Nickel 0.0
Explains how Trevor deprogrammed his brainwashed class from loving homework.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Марк Янсен 0.0
In California's Central Valley, FarmTek Industries creates a new order of life as source of manual labor, but an unintended side-effect happens, a high level of intelligence leading to ... pruning.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Пит Хаутман 0.0
"Of course, without people like us Marstens, there wouldn't be anybody to do the manual labor that makes this country run. Without penal workers, who would work the production lines, or pick the melons and peaches, or maintain the streets and parks and public lavatories? Our economy depends on prison labor. Without it everybody would have to work -- whether they wanted to or not."

In the late twenty-first century Bo Marsten is unjustly accused of a causing a rash that plagues his entire high school. He loses it, and as a result, he's sentenced to work in the Canadian tundra, at a pizza factory that's surrounded by hungry polar bears. Bo finds prison life to be both boring and dangerous, but it's nothing compared to what happens when he starts playing on the factory's highly illegal football team. In the meantime, Bork, an artificial intelligence that Bo created for a science project, tracks Bo down in prison. Bork has spun out of control and seems to be operating on his own. He offers to get Bo's sentence shortened, but can Bo trust him? And now that Bo has been crushing skulls on the field, will he be able to go back to his old, highly regulated life?
Специальная премия
Тиш Фарелл 0.0

Премия вручена За документальную книгу.

Follow this fantastic step by stepguide and you will soon be writing exiting mystery stories filled with heroes and villains and packed with dramatic plot twists!
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Кевин О'Мэлли 0.0
Book Description The planet Jurassica is in an uproar. An unidentified flying object has crashed into the mysterious moon of Eon. This looks like a job for ... CAPTAIN RAPTOR! ... hero of a thousand space missions;
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Джим Бентон 0.0
Franny K. Stein didn't think the time would ever come when someone would realize what the K in her name stood for. And she REALLY didn't think that same someone would say her middle name in front of the whole school! But that's what happened at the Science Fair award ceremony, and all the kids and teachers burst out laughing. So Franny does what any respectable mad scientist would do -- she goes back in time to change her name.
However, things don't always turn out as calculated, and Franny ends up having to face her teenage self in a warped, fourth-dimensional, kid-versus-teen, good-versus-evil, Franny-versus-Franny battle of the minds!
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
М. Т. Андерсон 0.0
What sort of madman would unleash an army of stilt-walking, laser-beaming, thoroughly angry whales upon the world? Who cares! All that matters is that his dastardly plan be foiled. Lucky for Lily Gefelty, her two best friends are the intrepid stars of their own middle-grade series novels: Jasper Dash (better know as the Boy Technonaut) and Katie Mulligan (beloved by millions as the heroine of the Horror Hollow series). It's going to take all their smarts to stop this insane, inane plot from succeeding.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Скотт Вестерфельд 3.8
В постапокалиптическом мире будущего, в котором живет Тэлли, всем подросткам, достигшим шестнадцати лет, делают пластическую операцию, чтобы превратить их в ослепительных красавцев. Тэлли осталось ждать совсем недолго: через пару недель из вызывающей отвращение уродины она преобразится в красотку и все кардинально изменится. Ведь единственная задача красавцев и красавиц в высокотехнологичном раю — веселиться и получать удовольствие от жизни.

Но не все жители Уродвилля стремятся стать красивыми. И когда новая подруга Тэлли, Шэй, сбегает в Дым — убежище мятежников, мир красавцев раскрывается для Тэлли по-новому, и он уже далеко не так безупречен, как все привыкли его видеть. Представители власти ставят перед Тэлли невозможное условие: или она находит Шэй и сдает ее, или Тэлли никогда не превратится в красавицу. От решения Тэлли зависит ее будущее, которое может измениться навсегда...
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Джон Шеска 0.0
Amoeba Style Do not tease a wee amoeba/By calling him a her amoeba/And don't call her a him amoeba/And never he a she amoeba./'Cause whether his or hers amoeba, /They too feel like you and meba. What if a boring lesson about the food chain becomes a sing-along about predators and prey? A twinkle-twinkle little star transforms into a twinkle-less, sunshine-eating-and rhyming Black Hole? What if amoebas, combustion, metamorphosis, viruses, the creation of the universe are all irresistible, laugh-out-loud poetry? Well, you're thinking in science verse, that's what. And if you can't stop the rhymes ... the atomic joke is on you. Only the amazing talents of Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith, the team who created Math Curse, could make science so much fun. ...
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Йон Колфер 4.0
В городе будущего, полностью управляемом огромным спутником, вдруг начинают происходить странные вещи. Сверхъестественные существа, невидимые для большинства людей, преследуют больных и умирающих. И так уж сложилось, что судьба свела Космо Хилла с теми немногими, кто пытается противостоять тварям-невидимкам. Эти ребята, его ровесники, называют себя супернатуралистами...
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Шарон Ли, Стив Миллер 4.6
Человечество колонизировало сотни планет. Теперь в Галактике бок о бок живут, торгуют и воюют потомки землян - и "чужие". Но война - жестокая, страшная - обрушивается на одну планету за другой. Друзья становятся врагами, враги - союзниками, а мирно сосуществовавшие расы проливают кровь друг друга.
Следующим миром, вступившим в бессмысленную галактическую войну, может стать Лиаден… и это станет его концом.
Как остановить неизбежное?!
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Дэвид Эллиотт 0.0
The title character creates musical monsters.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Margaret Peterson Haddix 0.0
While playing around with hypnotism at a party, Kira remembers fleeing a war-torn country with her mother, speaking a language she can't identify. A few days later her mother disappears, and a woman who calls herself Kira's aunt Memory takes Kira to Crythe, a country that doesn't officially exist, in order to rescue her – or so she says.

Kira soon learns that Aunt Memory is not what she seems, and Kira and her mother are both in terrible danger. There are memories locked in Kira's mind that could get her and her mother killed. But those memories are the only things that might save them...
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Гарри Тертлдав 0.0
Jeremy Solter is a teenager growing up in the late 21st century. During the school year, his family lives in Southern California-but during the summer the whole family lives and works in the city of Polisso, on the frontier of the Roman Empire. Not the Roman Empire that fell centuries ago, but a Roman Empire that never fell.

For we now have the technology to move between timelines, and to exploit the untapped resources of those timelines that are hospitable to human life. So we send traders and businesspeople-but as whole-family groups, in order to keep the secret of Crosstime Traffic to ourselves.

But when Jeremy ducks back home for emergency medical treatment, the gateways stop working. So do all the communication links. Jeremy and his sister are on their own, Polisso is suddenly under siege, and there's only so much you can do when cannonballs are crashing through your roof...
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Кёртис Сэкстон 0.0
Star Wars: Episode II -- The Saga Continues... Illustrated by DK's acclaimed cross-section artists, Hans Jenssen and Richard Chasemore, Episode II Incredible Cross-Sections is written by new author, Dr. Curtis Saxton, who has a Ph.D. in theoretical astrophysics and well-known to Star Wars fans through his high-profile website (The Star Wars Commentaries, hosted by the biggest fan site, Force.net) Episode II will include detailed cross-sections of all the new spaceships and vehicles, including: Obi-Wan Kenobi's Starfighter, Anakin Skywalker's "hotrod" speeder, Padme's stylish chrome-plated starship, Jedi battleship, plus amazing new bounty hunter vehicles, cool speeder bikes and other spaceships from previously unseen civilizations in the Star Wars galaxy.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Дж. К. Гринберг 0.0
When Andrew’s latest invention, the Atom Sucker, goes haywire, Andrew and Judy are shrunk down to microscopic level! Andrew and Judy find themselves lost on their neighbor’s dog, where they encounter everything from colossal fleas to crab-like eyelash mites. Now they have to find their way back to the Atom Sucker and get unshrunk before it’s too late!
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
M.T. Anderson 4.2
Titus doesn't think much of the moon. But then Titus doesn't think much period. He's got his "feed" – an internet implant linked directly into his brain – to do his thinking for him. It tells him where to party or get the hottest bargains and how to accessorize the mysterious lesions everyone's been getting lately. But then Titus meets Violet, a girl who cares what's happening to the world and challenges everything Titus and his friends hold dear. A girl who decides to fight the feed...
Джулия Чернеда
Специальная премия
Джулия Чернеда / Julie E. Czerneda
24 книги
2 в избранном

Премия За лучшее научно-техническое образование, как автору цикла из пяти книг "Tales from the Wonder Zone Series".

Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Джон Шеска 0.0
The twisted team that gave the world Squids Will Be Squids and The Stinky Cheese Man now delivers a whole lot of Baloney. Henry P. Baloney. Henry is an alien schoolkid who needs to come up with one very good excuse to explain why he is late for szkola, again. Otherwise, his teacher Miss Bugscuffle promises, it's Permanent Lifelong Detention.

Henry's tall tale of his lost zimulis-received from deep space by Jon Scieszka-is told in at least twenty different Earth languages and graphically recreated in Lane Smith's out-of-this-world illustrations.

The unbelievable trip into Henry's wild universe may be the most original excuse ever for being late for szkola. Or it might just be Baloney. Henry P. Baloney.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Квентин Додд 0.0
A hilarious sci-fi comedy.
Walter Nutria, bored with high school in East Weston, is only too happy to enter the spaceship that descends from the sky one afternoon. Once inside, he learns he has been specifically sought out by the Lirgonians, a race of aliens who look like middle-aged men in footie pajamas, to act as their commander in their long-enduring feud with the Wotwots, who look like rutabagas with goatees and tentacles. Why Walter? Because of his meritorious sci-fi video rental record. But the Wotwots had the same idea and have recruited his friend Yselle Meridien, who has lately been renting on Walter's card, as their commander. Once the battle begins, things go absolutely haywire, and the two enemy races find themselves having to team up in search of their spaceships when they're stolen by the elusive Space Mice from Galaxy Four.
The jokes come fast and furious in this clever novel, which will have appeal for both devotees of the science-fiction genre and those with only a casual interest in distant planets and giant talking thumbs.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Стивен Л. Лэйн 0.0
Something wicked this way comes--in this case, it's highschooler Jack Barrett's father, who forcibly relocates his family to Paradise, a village owned by Eden Corporation's CEO. Delving into the secrets of the community, Jack soon learns how high the price for perfection can be.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Кэтлин Дуэй 0.0
Six young friends become Time Soldiers when they stumble onto a secret time portal, leading them to an ancient world of dinosaurs and danger. The Time Soldiers fight to survive, escape the T. rex's fury, and make it home alive.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Нэнси Этчеменди 0.0
This fascinating, approachable, and critically-acclaimed sci-fi/fantasy story is blessed with an intelligent and likeable character. The Power of Un was the winnter of the 2000 Bram Stoker Award.

Until a week ago, Gib Finney was just a regular guy, shooting spitballs and messing up his science experiments. But when he finds a mysterious device called the Unner, everything changes. Gib discovers that the Unner has the power to erase any and all mistakes. At first, Gib thinks this is better than winning the lottery: he'll never flunk another test or strike out again!
But after a terrible accident, Gib must decide which events of the previous day he must undo to stop the disaster from happening the second and third time around. He soon learns that some things are more worthy of "unning" than others, and some things can't be changed at all. Ultimately, Gib learns the value of life and family in this touching and straight-forward fantasy
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
David Gerrold 0.0
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Дэниел Кирк 0.0
Based on the bedtime favorite Hush Little Baby, this adorable book takes a trip complete with goonie birds and shooting stars as an alien dad sings his baby a good-night lullaby. Illustrations.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Брюс Ковилл 0.0
He came from the stars -- and sixth grade will never be the same!
The aliens have finally made contact! But when the first ambassador from another planet arrives, he insists that his son, Pleskit Meenom, be treated like any other citizen on Earth.

Which is why Pleskit has become the first purple kid in Ms. Weintraub's sixth grade class.

For Tim Tompkins, who has been waiting his entire life to meet an alien, this is like a dream come true. But when Pleskit invites Tim back to the embassy and they stumble across a plan to sabotage the alien mission, Tim's dream becomes a life-threatening nightmare.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Роджер Макбрайд Аллен 0.0
A young troublemaker is yanked to the future, in 2345, to lead a historic meeting between humans and the warlike K'lugu and Devlins. Will he display the grit that only a select few in his generation possess? Will he become the hero he is destined to be?
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Лора Сесил 0.0
Many years from now, Earth is very crowded and polluted. Only a few animals are left, and they all live in a park with the last trees and flowers. Noah and his family take care of these small creatures. As the air on Earth gets thicker and smokier, Noah finally decides it's time to look for a new place to live. He buys a rocket kit at the Build-It-Yourself Superstore, and before long, the animals are climbing aboard the Space Ark, two-by-two. Will Noah and his family find a new home far from Earth? Follow them on their quest for greener pastures.
Кевин Андерсон
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Кевин Андерсон / Kevin J. Anderson
166 книг
13 в избранном

Премия за серию из 14 книг Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights Series.

Ребекка Места
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Ребекка Места / Rebecca Moesta
5 книг
1 в избранном

Премия за серию из 14 книг Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights Series.

Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Ларри Сегрифф 0.0
After an encounter with space pirates in which the pirates came out on bottom and himself on top, Tom Jenkins finds his dreams coming true aboard the Space Guard ship "Daedalus". He's gotten off the interstellar reformatory Brighthome. He's befriended his muse, Alex. And he's well on his way to finding out about a past of which he has no memory. But what will his dreams cost him in payment?
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Дэвид Гетц 0.0
Picture book fiction that accurately depicts the launch of the Space Shuttle--from the eyes of an eight-year-old astronaut!

Ever wonder what it would be like to be an astronaut? In Floating Home, eight-year-old Maxine finds out when she becomes the world's first child astronaut. Written in David Getz's familiar compact and engaging style, Floating Home gives kids a chance to journey to space and see the earth in a different light. Michael Rex's illustrations complement the text as they aptly depict the Space Shuttle and all of Maxine's gear. The flair and wit of Michael Rex's art offsets David Getz's deadpan tone to make a child-appealing combination.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Katherine Alice Applegate 4.0
Relates the story of Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul, the Andalite war-prince responsible for creating the human animorphs on Earth.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Гарт Никс 0.0
The Key to Survival Rests in the Hands of Shade's Children If you’re lucky, you live to fight another day. In a futuristic urban wasteland, evil Overlords have decreed that no child shall live a day past his fourteenth birthday. On that Sad Birthday, the child is the object of an obscene harvest resulting in the construction of a machine like creature whose sole purpose is to kill. The mysterious Shade — once a man, but now more like the machines he fights — recruits the few children fortunate enough to escape. With luck, cunning, and skill, four of Shade's children come closer than any to discovering the source of the Overlords' power — and the key to their downfall. But the closer the children get, the more ruthless Shade seems to become ...
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Тимоти Р. Гаффни 0.0
It's been many years since Grandpa rocketed to the moon on an Apollo spacecraft, but his grandchild still loves to hear about it. Whenever Grandpa visits, they share a bedtime story in which the two of them blast off together. "Striking....Root captures especially well the camaraderie between the two moon walkers....This book makes a momentous and remote event engagingly accessible."--Publishers Weekly.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Чарльз Л. Фонтене 0.0
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Steven Gould 0.0
A teenager holds the key to a gateway that leads from an overpopulated, polluted Earth to a mysterious parallel planet untainted by humans.
Специальная премия
Чарльз Л. Фонтене 0.0

Премия за Сильные женские характеры.

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Фрэнк Аш 0.0
An invasion of insect aliens from another planet disrupts Earth Bugs' Dance until one brave bug befriends the invaders and fear gives way to peace and understanding. Pencil and watercolor illustrations.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Маргарет Бечард 0.0
The female-dominated culture of a distant planet encounters human beings for the first time.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Хелен Мэри Хувер 0.0
When rebel forces strike against her father, the all-powerful president of Mars, teenage Annalyn finds her comfortable existence turned upside-down and her life threatened from unexpected sources.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Е. М. Голдман 0.0
Is seeing your future a dream come true-- or a nightmare?
High school junior Ira is intrigued when he is chosen to participate in the Argus project-- a computer program that will simulate his tenth high school reunion. Six other classmates will participate, including Sandra, on whom Ira has a serious crush. But Tess, a reporter for the school paper, is worried about the dangers involved. And she's right. As the students enter the Night Room, one by one, they learn surprising things about themselves-- and discover that one of them isn't at the reunion. Argus predicts she'll be long dead...
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Эрик Романн 0.0
It is at once a wordless time-travel adventure and a meditation on the scientific theory that dinosaurs were the evolutionary ancestors of birds.

Time Flies , a wordless picture book, is inspired by the theory that birds are the modern relatives of dinosaurs. This story conveys the tale of a bird trapped in a dinosaur exhibit at a natural history museum. Through Eric's use of color, readers can actually see the bird enter into a mouth of a dinosaur, and then escape unscathed.

The New York Times Book Review called Time Flies "a work of informed imagination and masterly storytelling unobtrusively underpinned by good science...an entirely absorbing narrative made all the more rich by its wordlessness." Kirkus Reviews hailed it as "a splendid debut."
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Билл Бриттен 0.0
A shapeshifting extraterrestrial cop, Zymel, enlists the aid of shrimpy seventh-grader Frank Dunn and his friend Lauren to repair his flying saucer and recapture Fek, an escaped shape-changing prisoner. As they change in rapid succession, Frank and Lauren find themselves mixed up with a ram, a dog, a watermelon, a bottle of aspirin, and a bicycle. In an exciting ending, Frank, Lauren, and Zymel finally nab the evil Fek. "Moves rapidly to a surprising and definitely satisfying conclusion."—SLJ. "Funny scenes abound in this fast-paced, enthralling adventure."—H. "This story should be a hit."—BL.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Nancy Farmer 0.0
General Matsika's children steal out of the house on a forbidden adventure--and disappear. In Zimbabwe, in the year 2194, the children's parents call in Africa's most unusual detectives--the Ear, the Eye and the Arm--who have powers far beyond those of other human beings. The children must avoid the evils of the past, the technology of the future, and a motley assortment of criminals in order to return home safely. 1995 Newbery Honor Book; ALA Notable Book; ALA Best Book for Young Adults.
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Джоан Андерсон 0.0
Richie builds a rocket on the roof of his apartment building and flies to the moon, where he explores to his heart's content.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Питер Дэвид 0.0
Before he was an officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise...

Cadet Worf arrived at Starfleet Academy as the first Klingon to gain entrance since the Federation-Klingon Peace Treaty. Raised on Earth by human parents, Worf wonders if he is still a Klingon, the proud member of an honorable warrior race, or is he more... human? Where does he fit in?

Command-level classes fill his schedule, but nothing prepares him for his fellow cadets, among them his human foster brother. Intelligent, ambitious, and confident, the Academy cadets make life difficult for the young warrior. How can he win over his classmates -- including the always logical Vulcans and the fierce Brikar -- if they are still trained to think of him as the enemy?

When a routine trip to a training satellite turns into an unexpected disaster, Worf must unite the cadets and risk his life before a terrible accident destroys the entire mission.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Лоис Лоури 4.2
Мир, в котором живёт Джонас, идеален. Здесь нет ни войны, ни боли, ни страха. У каждого есть свое предназначение Когда Джонасу исполняется двенадцать лет, он узнает, что в Комунне есть человек, хранящий воспоминания о настоящем мире.
Лучшая иллюстрированная книга
Дэвид Визнер 0.0
The lively imagination of Caldecott medalist David Wiesner forecasts astounding goings-on for a Tuesday in the not too distant future -- an occurrence of gigantic vegetal proportions.
Специальная премия Элеанор Кэмерон
Памела Ф. Сервис 0.0
Another amusing tale about teenagers encountering aliens, from the author of Stinker from Space. Aliens disguised as garbage cans invade Earth but meet their match in Mandy and Owen--two teenagers who fight them off by calling up some mythical characters on their computer.
Специальная премия Хола Клемента
Кэролайн Стивермер 0.0
A paddle wheeler cruises up the Mississippi, delivering mail and hosting an occasional concert. A scene straight out of the nineteenth century? Not quite. This Mississippi is a toxic brown river. And the paddle wheeler is run by the River Rats, a troop of orphans who survived the Flash, a nuclear holocaust. What were once huge cities are now plague-ridden ruins haunted by gangs of savage children. And the concerts the Rats play are post-apocalyptic rock and roll--a music as rough and ragged as the musicians who perform it.

When the Rats rescue a stranger from the river, all the troubles of the old world suddenly threaten to end their travels forever.
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