
Лучший криминальный роман
Джейн Харпер 4.7
At a busy festival site on a warm spring night, a baby lies alone in her pram, her mother vanishing into the crowds.

A year on, Kim Gillespie’s absence casts a long shadow as her friends and loved ones gather deep in the heart of South Australian wine country to welcome a new addition to the family.

Joining the celebrations is federal investigator Aaron Falk. But as he soaks up life in the lush valley, he begins to suspect this tight-knit group may be more fractured than it seems.

Between Falk’s closest friend, a missing mother, and a woman he’s drawn to, dark questions linger as long-ago truths begin to emerge.
Лучший первый криминальный роман
Шелли Бурр Уэйк 0.0
The tiny outback town of Nannine lies in the harsh red interior of Australia. Once a thriving center of stockyards and sheep stations, years of punishing drought have petrified the land and Nannine has been whittled down to no more than a stoplight, a couple bars, and a police station.

And it has another, more sinister claim to fame: the still-unsolved disappearance of young Evelyn McCreery nineteen years ago.

Mina McCreery's life has been defined by the intense public interest in her sister's case--which is still a hot topic in true-crime chat rooms and on social media. Now an anxious and reclusive adult, Mina lives alone on her family's sunbaked destocked sheep farm.

Enter Lane Holland, a young private investigator who dropped out of the police academy to earn a living cracking cold cases. Before she died, Mina's mother funded a million-dollar reward for anyone who could explain how Evelyn vanished from her bed in the family's farmhouse. The lure of cash has only increased public obsession with Evelyn and Mina--but yielded no answers.

Lane wins Mina's trust when some of his more unconventional methods show promise. But Lane also has darker motivations, and his obsession with the search will ultimately risk both their lives--and yield shocking results.

Compulsively readable, with an unforgettable setting and cast of characters, Wake is a powerful, unsparing story of how trauma ripples outward when people's private tragedies become public property, and how it's never too late for the truth to come out.
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Сэнди Логан 0.0
The relentlessly fascinating, sometimes hilarious and often jaw-dropping true story of two American women who became unwitting drug mules by driving a hashish-laden campervan from Stuttgart to Bombay, then later to Australia, where they were arrested and jailed.

Think of the two most unlikely drug dealers you can imagine and you'll probably come up with the Drug Grannies: Vera Hays and Florice Bessire, who were 59 and 61 respectively in 1977 when Vera's nephew, Vern Todd, persuaded them to drive a campervan from Germany to India, then on to Australia.

Little did the women know that Vern and his accomplices had packed two tonnes of hashish into the campervan in what was a creative but ultimately destined-to-fail drug trafficking attempt that would go down in Australian history.

Betrayed is the shocking, real-life inside story of 'Toddie' and 'Beezie' - as they were known - drawn from journalist Sandi Logan's experience reporting on the ground at the time, combined with intensive research, including access to the women's own diaries. It chronicles their wild ride across continents and oceans to our shores, where they were busted by Australian Federal Narcotics Bureau agents, arrested and jailed, including what came after.

Were the Grannies none the wiser to the highly lucrative - and highly illegal - cargo they transported here, as they claimed? Were they set up and betrayed by Vera's nephew? Or could they have been the unlikely masterminds behind the entire plot?
Лучший международный роман
Кейт Брутон 0.0
The Lemon Man is Patrick Callen, a bicycle-riding hitman with mild O.C.D. in Dublin, Ireland whose carefully ordered life is totally upended when he becomes the accidental caretaker of a baby boy. Now he's got to balance his daily to-do list of errands and murders-for-hire with his unexpected domesticity, which impacts him and his work in ways he never expected...and that could get him killed.

A Deadly Pleasures Magazine Top 10 Paperback of 2022 : "If you are a fan of quirky characters, you will love THE LEMON MAN. A very funny & enjoyable read & an accomplished debut novel."

"Caring for an infant while working as a hired killer is not a good mix. The result is a fast-paced crime novel that is both hilarious & hardboiled, its main character both ruthless and oddly sympathetic." ABC News "What fun. Bruton’s darkly funny Irish noir sparkles. If a hitman and a baby aren’t the best pitch in ages, then I don’t know what is." Linwood Barclay, New York Times bestselling author

"Keith Bruton's passion for his hometown of Dublin and for crime fiction shines like a beacon in hiis glorious debut novel ... bringing to mind some of Donald E. Westlake's vintage efforts. His quiet, domestic set pieces are as rewarding, and as exciting in some ways, as his riveting action scenes." Mystery Scene Magazine "Distinctive and captivating, The Lemon Man ’s unique blend of action, humor, and intrigue make it a book you won’t want to miss." Andrew Grant (aka Andrew Child), New York Times bestselling co-author of the Reacher series. "A fine crime at one moment offbeat, with a darkly funny Irish lilt, and the next moment hard and uncompromising." Garry Disher, three time Ned Kelly Award winning author of the Wyatt series. "A fast-paced and gripping crime novel with a cynical and humorous perspective on modern day Dublin... and an oddly sympathetic but disturbing protagonist, a hired assassin, who turns out to be a living, breathing, shopping, cycling psychopath, a male Villanelle (Killing Eve)." Anthony J. Quinn, author of the Inspector Celcius Daly series.

"Featuring a hitman with heart — not to mention a bike, a man bun, and a baby he found on the job — The Lemon Man is wildly entertaining. With its cast of eccentric characters, richly-drawn Dublin setting, and breakneck pacing, this is a novel you won’t soon forget.” Tessa Wegert, author of Dead Wind .
Лучший криминальный роман
Кэндис Фокс 0.0
The Chase is a modern The Fugitive with characters only #1 New York Times and Globe and Mail bestselling author Candice Fox can write.

“Are you listening, Warden?”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to let them out.”
“Which inmates are we talking about?”
“All of them.”

With that, the largest manhunt in United States history is on. In response to a hostage situation, more than 600 inmates from the Pronghorn Correctional Facility, including everyone on Death Row, are released into the Nevada Desert. Criminals considered the worst of the worst, monsters with dark, violent pasts, are getting farther away by the second.

John Kradle, convicted of murdering his wife and son, is one of the escapees. Now, desperate to discover what really happened that night, Kradle must avoid capture and work quickly to prove his innocence as law enforcement closes in on the fugitives.

Death Row Supervisor, and now fugitive-hunter, Celine Osbourne has focused all of her energy on catching Kradle and bringing him back to Death Row. She has very personal reasons for hating him – and she knows exactly where he’s heading...
Лучший первый криминальный роман
Джош Кемп 0.0
Winner of The 2021 Dorothy Hewett Award for an Unpublished Manuscript

Garreth Hoyle is a true crime writer whose destructive love affair with hallucinogenic drugs has sent him searching for ghosts in the unforgiving mallee desert of Western Australia. Heading north through Kalgoorlie, he attempts to score off old friends from his shearing days on Banjawarn Station. His journey takes an unexpected detour when he discovers an abandoned ten-year-old girl and decides to return her to her estranged father in Leonora, instead of alerting authorities. Together they begin the road trip from hell through the scorched heart of the state’s northern goldfields.

Love, friendship and hope are often found in the strangest places, but forgiveness is never simple, and the past lies buried just beneath the blood red topsoil. The only question is whether Hoyle should uncover it, or run as fast as his legs can take him.

Banjawarn is an unsettling debut from Josh Kemp. Echoing Cormac McCarthy’s haunting border trilogy and narrative vernacular that recalls the sparse lyricism of Randolph Stow and Tim Winton, this is a darkly funny novel that earns its place amongst the stable of Australian gothic literature.
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Деби Маршалл 0.0
In this definitive expose, Walkley-award winning journalist Debi Marshall turns her investigative blowtorch to the shocking Adelaide Family murders and to secrets long hidden in the City of Corpses.

This chilling account begins with the liberalisation of South Australia under the premiership of Don Dunstan and demands answers to decades-old questions. Who were the Family killers? Why are suppression orders still protecting suspects four decades later? Why do some of these serial killings remain unsolved? Only one suspect, Bevan Spencer Von Einem, has been charged and convicted.

With her combination of investigative skills and sensitivity, Marshall treads a harrowing path to find the truth, including confronting Von Einem in prison, pursuing sexual predators in Australia and overseas, taking a deep-dive into the murky world of paedophiles, challenging police and judiciary, and talking to victims and their families. The outcome is shocking and tragic.

Following broadcast of the Foxtel television and podcast series Debi Marshall Investigates Frozen Lies, numerous people came forward to courageously share new information with Marshall. Their stories are here. Banquet takes aim at the public service, wealthy professionals and the judiciary and for the first time reveals hitherto unpublished details of the Family. And it demands a Royal Commission to break the silence that keeps the truth hidden.
Лучший международный роман
Нита Проуз 3.6
Молли Грей никогда в жизни не видела своих родителей. Воспитанная любящей и мудрой бабушкой, она работает горничной в отеле и считает это своим призванием, ведь наводить чистоту и порядок — ее подлинная страсть! А вот отношения с людьми у нее не слишком ладятся, поскольку Молли с детства была не такой, как все. Коллеги считают ее более чем странной, и у них есть на то основания. Так что в свои двадцать пять Молли одинока и в свободное от работы время то смотрит детективные сериалы, то собирает головоломки... Однако вскоре ее собственная жизнь превращается в детектив, в котором ей отведена роль главной подозреваемой, — убит постоялец отеля, богатый и могущественный мистер Блэк. Теперь Молли предстоит решить исключительно важную головоломку или закончить свои дни в тюрьме...
Лучший криминальный роман
Гарри Дишер 0.0
Winter in Tiverton.

Constable Paul Hirschhausen has a snowdropper on his patch. Someone is stealing women’s underwear, and Hirsch knows enough about that kind of crime—how it can escalate—not to take it lightly.

But the more immediate concerns are a call from the high school, a teacher worried about a student who may be in danger at home. Another call, a different school: a man enraged about the principal’s treatment of his daughter.

A little girl in harm’s way and an elderly woman in danger. An absent father who isn’t where he’s supposed to be; another who flees to the back country armed with a rifle. Families under pressure. And the cold, seeping feeling that something is very, very wrong.
Лучший первый криминальный роман
Лорейн Пек 0.0
Duty always has a price.

When Ivan Novak is shot dead putting out his garbage bins in Sydney’s west, his family wants revenge, especially his father Milan, a notorious crime boss. It’s a job for the second son, Ivan’s younger brother Johnny.

But Johnny loves his wife Amy and their son Sasha. And she’s about to deliver her ultimatum: either the three of them escape this wave of killing or she’ll leave, taking Sasha.

Torn between loyalty to his family and love for his wife, Johnny plans the heist of a lifetime and takes a huge risk. Is he prepared to pay the price? And what choice will Amy make?

The Second Son is a brilliant action-packed crime debut that creates a world where honour is everything, violence is its own language, and love means breaking all the rules.
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Брет Кристиан 0.0
The gripping true story of the notorious Claremont serial murders and the nation's longest and most expensive investigation to catch the killer

In the space of just over a year in 1996-7, three young women disappeared from Claremont, an upmarket suburb in central Perth. When two of the young women were found murdered, Australia's longest and most expensive investigation was established. More than twenty years later, an unlikely suspect was arrested based on forensic evidence that also linked the murders to two previous vicious rapes. Stalking Claremont, by local newsman Bret Christian, is a riveting story of young lives cut short, a city in panic, an investigation riddled with error, and a surprising twist that absolutely no one saw coming.
Лучший международный роман
Крис Уитакер 4.1
Как убежать от прошлого, если жизнь – это замкнутый круг?

Тридцать лет назад Винсент Кинг стал убийцей. Отсидев весь срок, он возвращается в родной городок на побережье Калифорнии, где далеко не все рады видеть его снова. Например, Стар Рэдли – бывшая девушка Винсента и… родная сестра той, кого он убил.

Тридцать лет назад шериф Уокер был лучшим другом Винсента Кинга. Он так и не смог избавиться от всепоглощающего чувства вины. Ведь именно из-за его показаний Винсент на несколько десятков лет угодил в тюрьму.

Тридцать лет назад Дачесс Рэдли еще не родилась. Ей всего тринадцать, а она уже считает себя «вне закона». Правила придуманы для других – не для нее. Только она способна позаботиться о маленьком братике и беспутной матери, которую Дачесс, несмотря ни на что, яростно защищает.

И теперь эта ярость запускает цепь событий, обернувшихся трагедией не только для ее семьи, но и для всего города…
Лучший криминальный роман
Кристиан Уайт 5.0
The second standalone thriller from the award-winning author of THE NOWHERE CHILD

Set against the backdrop of an eerie island town in the dead of winter, The Wife and The Widow is an unsettling thriller told from two perspectives: Kate, a widow whose grief is compounded by what she learns about her dead husband’s secret life; and Abby, an island local whose world is turned upside when she’s forced to confront the evidence of her husband’s guilt. But nothing on this island is quite as it seems, and only when these women come together can they discover the whole story about the men in their lives. Brilliant and beguiling, The Wife and The Widow takes you to a cliff edge and asks the question: how well do we really know the people we love?
Лучший первый криминальный роман
Натали Коньер 0.0
What if justice isn't enough?

Schalk Lourens got out his phone and started filming, something Pieterse taught him years ago. Keep a record. Do it yourself, boykie, every time. That way you can be sure. Cover your arse. Don't trust any of them.

Schalk began with Pieterse himself, what was left of him.

Cape Town, South Africa.

Retired police chief Piet Pieterse has been murdered, necklaced in fact. A tyre placed round his neck, doused with petrol, set alight. An execution from the apartheid era and one generally confined to collaborators. Who would target Pieterse this way, and why now?
Veteran copy Schalk Lourens is trying to forget the past. But Pieterse was his old boss and when Schalk is put on the case, he finds the past has a way of infecting the present.
Meanwhile, it's an election year. People are pinning their hopes on charismatic ANC candidate Gideon Radebe but there's opposition and in this volatile country, unrest is never far from the surface.
Schalk must tread a difficult path between the new regime and the old, between the personal and the professional, between justice and revenge.
This investigation will change his life, and could alter his county's future.

"A truly remarkable book. South Africa comes to vivid life in these pages." - Kerry Greenwood

"A gripping story of murder, revenge and betrayal set in the new South Africa." - Malla Nunn
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Дэн Бокс 0.0
A true crime story cannot often be believed, at least at the beginning. In Bowraville, all three of the victims were Aboriginal. All three were killed within five months, between 1990 and 1991. The same white man was linked to each, but nobody was convicted.
More than two decades later, homicide detective Gary Jubelin contacted Dan Box, asking him to pursue this serial killing. At that time, few others in the justice system seemed to know – or care – about the murders in Bowraville. Dan spoke to the families of the victims, Colleen Walker-Craig, Evelyn Greenup and Clinton Speedy-Duroux, as well as the lawyers, police officers and even the suspect involved in what had happened. His investigation, as well as the families’ own determined campaigning, forced the authorities to reconsider the killings. This account asks painful questions about what ‘justice’ means and how it is delivered, as well as describing Dan’s own shifting, uncomfortable realisation that he was a reporter who crossed the line.

Praise for the Bowraville podcast:

'It is a gripping true crime tale and an essay on racism; a challenge to the lies Australia tells itself about its treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people told through the voices of three Aboriginal families who have been indisputably let down … The podcast has galvanised the public in a way that two decades of print and television reporting on the Bowraville murders have not.’ The Guardian

'A masterful example of crime reporting which forensically details the worst of human nature, inexplicably compounded by the gross negligence of the only people who could provide justice. It’s stirred thousands, including the prime suspect, to re-engage with the case after trusting the journalist to take them to dark places.’ Walkley judges’ comments

‘Outstanding.’ Leigh Sales

‘Moving, brilliant.’ Annabel Crabb

'If you haven't listened to Bowraville by Dan Box, then you should.’ David Campbell
Лучший международный роман
Эдриан Маккинти 3.6
«Наши требования могут показаться невыполнимыми, а на самом деле вполне вам по силам», — говорит незнакомый голос в мобильном телефоне. Нет, вам звонят не по ошибке. «Молитесь, чтобы никогда не узнать, ни кто мы, ни на что мы способны». Это значит, что вы попали в Цепь. Все происходит как в кошмарном сне, но это реальность. Схема, по сути, очень проста. У вас похищают ребенка. Вы платите выкуп. Дополнительное условие: вы похищаете чужого ребенка. Из этой западни не вырваться... Но обычная женщина по имени Рейчел бросает вызов Цепи, и между ними начинается смертельное противостояние.
Лучший криминальный роман
Джейн Харпер 4.2
Квинсленд, самые жаркие и засушливые территории Австралии.
Два брата, Натан и Баб Брайт, впервые за несколько лет встречаются на границе своих обширных владений. У могильного камня, настолько старого, что никто уже не вспомнит, кто именно там похоронен, они находят тело их среднего брата, Кэмерона. Нет ни следов борьбы, ни каких-либо улик. Все говорит о том, что причиной смерти стали жара и обезвоживание. Что же заставило Кэмерона выйти под палящее солнце? Какую загадочную цель он преследовал? Натан пытается найти ответы, и одна за другой начинают вскрываться давно забытые и тщательно скрываемые семейные тайны.
Лучший первый криминальный роман
Дервла Мактирнан 4.3
It's been twenty years since Cormac Reilly discovered the body of Hilaria Blake in her crumbling Georgian home. But he's never forgotten the two children she left behind...

When Aisling Conroy's boyfriend Jack is found in the freezing black waters of the river Corrib, the police tell her it was suicide. A surgical resident, she throws herself into study and work, trying to forget - until Jack's sister Maude shows up. Maude suspects foul play, and she is determined to prove it.

DI Cormac Reilly is the detective assigned with the re-investigation of an 'accidental' overdose twenty years ago - of Jack and Maude's drug- and alcohol-addled mother. Cormac is under increasing pressure to charge Maude for murder when his colleague Danny uncovers a piece of evidence that will change everything...

This unsettling crime debut draws us deep into the dark heart of Ireland and asks who will protect you when the authorities can't - or won't. Perfect for fans of Tana French and Jane Casey.
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Бри Ли 0.0
'Scorching, self-scouring: a young woman finds her steel and learns to wield it' - Helen Garner

EGGSHELL SKULL: A well-established legal doctrine that a defendant must 'take their victim as they find them'. If a single punch kills someone because of their thin skull, that victim's weakness cannot mitigate the seriousness of the crime.

But what if it also works the other way? What if a defendant on trial for sexual crimes has to accept his 'victim' as she comes: a strong, determined accuser who knows the legal system, who will not back down until justice is done?

Bri Lee began her first day of work at the Queensland District Court as a bright-eyed judge's associate. Two years later she was back as the complainant in her own case.

This is the story of Bri's journey through the Australian legal system; first as the daughter of a policeman, then as a law student, and finally as a judge's associate in both metropolitan and regional Queensland-where justice can look very different, especially for women. The injustice Bri witnessed, mourned and raged over every day finally forced her to confront her own personal history, one she'd vowed never to tell. And this is how, after years of struggle, she found herself on the other side of the courtroom, telling her story.

Bri Lee has written a fierce and eloquent memoir that addresses both her own reckoning with the past as well as with the stories around her, to speak the truth with wit, empathy and unflinching courage. Eggshell Skull is a haunting appraisal of modern Australia from a new and essential voice.

'Brutal, brave and utterly compelling . . . I can't remember a book I devoured with such intensity, nor one that moved me so profoundly' Rebecca Starford, author of Bad Behaviour and co-founder of Kill Your Darlings

'Courageous, heartbreaking and ultimately hopeful' Liam Pieper, author of The Toymaker

'Sensitive and clear-eyed' Jessica Friedmann, author of Things That Helped

'A page-turner of a memoir, impossible to put down' Krissy Kneen, author of An Uncertain Grace
Лучший криминальный роман
Сулари Джентилл 5.0
Sulari Gentill, author of the 1930s Rowland Sinclair Mysteries, jumps to the post-modern in Crossing the Lines.

A successful writer, Madeleine, creates a character, Edward, and begins to imagine his life. He, too, is an author. Edward is in love with a woman, Willow, who's married to a man Edward loathes, and who loathes him, but he and Willow stay close friends. She's an artist. As Madeleine develops the plot, Edward attends a gallery show where a scummy critic is flung down a flight of fire stairs...murdered. Madeleine, still stressed from her miscarriages and grieving her inability to have a child, grows more and more enamored of Edward, spending more and more time with him and the progress of the investigation and less with her physician husband, Hugh, who in turn may be developing secrets of his own.

As Madeline engages more with Edward, he begins to engage back. A crisis comes when Madeleine chooses the killer in Edward's story and Hugh begins to question her immersion in her novel. Yet Crossing the Lines is not about collecting clues and solving crimes. Rather it's about the process of creation, a gradual undermining of the authority of the author as the act of writing spirals away and merges with the story being told, a self-referring narrative crossing over boundaries leaving in question who to trust, and who and what is true.
Лучший первый криминальный роман
Сара Бэйли 0.0
In a suspense thriller to rival Paula Hawkins and Tana French, a detective with secrets of her own hunts the killer of a woman who was the glamorous star of their high school.

Rose was lit by the sun, her beautiful face giving nothing away. Even back then, she was a mystery that I wanted to solve.

The lead homicide investigator in a rural town, Detective Sergeant Gemma Woodstock is deeply unnerved when a high school classmate is found strangled, her body floating in a lake. And not just any classmate, but Rosalind Ryan, whose beauty and inscrutability exerted a magnetic pull on Smithson High School, first during Rosalind's student years and then again when she returned to teach drama.

As much as Rosalind's life was a mystery to Gemma when they were students together, her death presents even more of a puzzle. What made Rosalind quit her teaching job in Sydney and return to her hometown? Why did she live in a small, run-down apartment when her father was one of the town's richest men? And despite her many admirers, did anyone in the town truly know her?

Rosalind's enigmas frustrate and obsess Gemma, who has her own dangerous secrets—an affair with her colleague and past tragedies that may not stay in the past.
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Грэхам Арчер 0.0
An investigation into an intriguing murder case and an unprecedented account of how the decisions made by organs of government can be defended and mistakes covered up.

Anna-Jane Cheney worked at the epicentre of the conservative Adelaide legal community. She was vivacious, popular and talented, with an impeccable middle-class upbringing. The man she loved, Henry Vincent Keogh, was a divorced 39-year-old Irish migrant with three children. She died just six weeks before their wedding date.

According to the prosecution, Keogh had planned the drowning murder of Anna-Jane 18 months in advance. He had taken out five insurance policies amounting to $1.2 million over his fianc�e's life and forged her signature on them.

Journalist Graham Archer became fascinated by the case. It wasn't a matter of Henry Keogh's guilt or innocence, but that a man could be sentenced to life in prison without him having received a fair trial. The story became an odyssey for Graham. Deliberately, he had no contact with Henry Keogh in the 13 years it took to have the case reviewed by the Supreme Court and have his conviction quashed.

In the end dogged determination prevailed, and after 20 years behind bars Henry Keogh was released.
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Adrian McKinty 4.0
Belfast 1988: A man is found dead, killed with a bolt from a crossbow in front of his house. This is no hunting accident. But uncovering who is responsible for the murder will take Detective Sean Duffy down his most dangerous road yet, a road that leads to a lonely clearing on a high bog where three masked gunmen will force Duffy to dig his own grave.
Hunted by forces unknown, threatened by Internal Affairs, and with his relationship on the rocks, Duffy will need all his wits to get out of this investigation in one piece
Лучший первый криминальный роман
Джейн Харпер 4.1
Австралия, фермерский городок Кайверра второй год не видел дождя. Аарон Фальк, сделавший блестящую карьеру в мельбурнской полиции, приезжает в эти измученные палящим солнцем края, где он не был двадцать лет, на похороны своего когда-то лучшего друга Люка Хэдлера. Смерть Люка нельзя назвать легкой: если верить результатам расследования, то он убил свою жену и шестилетнего сына, а потом застрелился. Но стоит ли им верить?..

Фальку предстоит глубоко погрузиться в большие секреты маленького города, жители которого каждый день борются за выживание, и на своем опыте узнать, что выстоять в этой борьбе суждено не всем...
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Дункан Макнаб 0.0
Sydney's shame: Up to 80 men murdered, 30 cases remain unsolved.

From 1977 to the end of 1986, Duncan McNab was a member of the NSW Police Force. Most of his service was in criminal investigation. The many unsolved deaths and disappearances of young gay men are the crimes that continue to haunt him.

Around 80 men died or disappeared in NSW from the late 70s to early 90s during an epidemic of gay-hate crimes. The line between a vicious assault and murder is a slender one and this was a time of brutal attacks on gay men, featuring gangs of young thugs like the 'Parkside Killers' and 'Bondi Boys', who took to the growing gay rights community with fists and feet.

Even more troubling are incidents in which gay men disappeared and have never been found, or where deaths were initially dismissed by the NSW Police as either misadventure or suicide. We now know that a number of these men were hunted down by gangs and thrown over beachside cliffs near the nation’s top tourist spots.

Investigation of crimes against gay men wasn’t always high on the list of priorities for the police and over twenty years later they are still slow to come to grips with their own dismal track record. The families of the victims, and some journalists, have not given up and continue to push the NSW Police Force for more answers.

This book is the story of a unique time in our history when social change, politics, devastating disease and police culture collided, and you could literally get away with murder.

About the Author

Duncan McNab is a former police detective, private investigator, investigative journalist and media adviser to government and the private sector. He is the author of eight books, including the phenomenally bestselling The Dodger - Inside the World of Roger Rogerson and Dead Man Running.
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