О премии

Премия «Зеленая Земля» - единственная в США награда за лучшие книги на экологическую тематику для детей и молодежи.

Премия была учреждена в 2005 году. The Nature Generation в партнерстве с Университетом Солсбери присуждает эту награду ежегодно. Премия продвигает книги, которые вдохновляют детей и молодежь на более глубокое понимание, уважение и ответственность за свое естественное окружение.

Экспертное жюри выбирает книги, которые лучше всего передают идею охраны окружающей среды. Премия имеет четыре номинации, в каждой из которых определяется одна книга-победитель.

Автор и иллюстратор/фотограф самой лучшей книги получают денежные вознаграждения в размере 1000 долларов США. Кроме того, книги, отмеченные наградой, передаются в дар школам или военным базам Title I в Северной Вирджинии, Мэриленде и Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия. Книги, попавшие в шорт-лист, называют "почетными".

Присуждение и вручение премий приурочено к празднованию Дня Земли.


Детская художественная книга
Children’s Fiction

Присуждается с 2009 года.

Номинируются художественные книги для юных читателей в возрасте до 12 лет.

Художественная литература для молодежи
Young Adult Fiction

Номинируются художественные книги для читателей в возрасте от 13 лет до 21 года.

Иллюстрированная книга
Picture Book

Номинируются книги для юных читателей, в которых визуальные и словесные повествования рассказывают историю.

Документальная литература для детей и молодежи
Children's and Young Adult Nonfiction

Премия присуждается с 2020 года.

Номинация образовалась после объединения ранее существовавших номинаций: "Документальная литература для детей" и "Документальная литература для молодежи".

Документальная литература для детей
Children’s Nonfiction Winners

Номинация для научно-популярных книг для читателей от младенчества до 12 лет.

Существовала до 2019 года. Далее была объединена с номинацией "Документальная литература для молодежи" в одну - "Документальная литература для детей и молодежи".

Документальная литература для молодежи
Young Adult Non-Fiction

Номинация для научно-популярных книг для читателей от 12 лет до 21 года.

Существовала до 2019 года. Далее была объединена с номинацией "Документальная литература для детей" в одну "Документальная литература для детей и молодежи".

Детская художественная книга
Elaine Dimopoulos 0.0
Twelve-year-old Mimi Laskaris is inspired by the Wijsen sisters of Bali to turn her focus from classical piano to a new forming a grassroots, kid-led movement to ban plastic bags in her new island home in Florida. Written in accessible verse, this timely story of environmental activism has extensive back matter for aspiring activists. With a foreword by Melati Wijsen, cofounder of Bye, Bye Plastic Bags. Mimi has a plan for her seventh grade play piano in the Young Artists competition at Carnegie Hall with her best friend, Lee; enjoy a good old Massachusetts snow day or two; and work in her community garden plot with her dad. But all that changes when her family’s Greek restaurant falls on hard times. The Laskarises’ relocation to Wilford Island, Florida, is a big key change for Mimi. Where does she fit in in this shell-covered paradise without Lee? Mimi is taken by the beauty of the island and alarmed by the plastic pollution she sees on the beaches. Then her science teacher, Ms. Miller, shows her class a TED Talk by Melati and Isabel Wijsen. At ages twelve and ten, they lobbied to ban single-use plastic bags on their home island of Bali—and won. Their story strikes a chord for Mimi. She’s twelve. Could a kid like her make such a big change in a place that she’s not yet sure feels like home? Can she manage to keep up with piano, her schoolwork, and activism? And does confident and flawless Carmen Alvarez-Hill really want to help her with the movement? In this story of environmental activism, friendship, and self-discovery, Mimi figures out what’s truly important to her, and takes her place in the ranks of real-life youth activists like the Wijsen sisters, Greta Thunberg, and Isra Hirsi.
Художественная литература для мо...
Алан Гратц 0.0
Fire. Ice. Flood. Three climate disasters.

Four kids fighting for their lives.

Akira is riding her horse in the California woods when a wildfire sparks--and grows scarily fast. How can she make it to safety when there are flames everywhere?

Owen and his best friend, George, are used to seeing polar bears on the snowy Canadian tundra. But when one bear gets way too close for comfort, do the boys have any chance of surviving?

Natalie hunkers down at home as a massive hurricane barrels toward Miami. When the floodwaters crash into her house, Natalie is dragged out into the storm--with nowhere to hide.

Akira, Owen, George, and Natalie are all swept up in the devastating effects of climate change. They are also connected in ways that will shock them--and could alter their destinies forever.
Иллюстрированная книга
Кристина Суонторнват 0.0
Our planet seems tough,
but it is fragile.
Our planet seems big,
but it needs us.
Spare, poetic text and jaw-dropping pictures gently illuminate the causes of climate change while also providing hope and hands-on solutions that will edify and empower even the youngest readers.
One carbon dioxide molecule may seem small and insignificant. But when cars, factories, and cities let loose millions and billions and trillions, they can trap and stifle like a too-warm blanket. One notch higher on the thermometer may seem small and insignificant, but one notch higher can change our seas, our seasons, life, us. But when one person and one person and one person become many...THEY can change a planet-for the better.
With calm, truthfulness, and beauty, To Change a Planet demonstrates the importance of caring for our planet, and how our individual and collective actions multiplied together can make the world better. Eye popping explosions of color on every page create a stunning visual narrative that invites readers to spot and follow the same characters through their daily lives and ultimately to the famous climate march on Washington. Clear, informative, and meticulously researched endnotes answer a myriad of questions in simple language, cite irrefutable sources, and provide hands-on solutions that even young children can be a part of.
With our planet warming at an alarming pace, and the effects of climate change ravaging whole communities and countries-especially the most vulnerable populations-we need clearheaded, fact-based stories about the reality of climate change more than ever. This book will be especially appealing to parents, caregivers, STEM teachers, and librarians looking to help children understand the natural world and to foster responsibility and stewardship. It is also sure resonate with budding young climate activists.
Документальная литература для де...
Megan Clendenan 0.0
Everyone depends on clean air to breathe, safe water to drink and healthy soil for growing food. But what if your drinking water is dangerous, your air is polluted and your soil is toxic?

What can you do about that? Do you have the right to demand change?

Fresh Air, Clean Water: Our Right to a Healthy Environment explores the connections between our environment and our health, and why the right to live in a healthy environment should be protected as a human right. The book features profiles of kids around the world who are taking action and important environmental rights court cases. Hear the powerful stories of those fighting for change.
Документальная литература для де...
Rowena Rae 0.0
Swimming for Survival introduces us to the dramatic life story of salmon . These fish hatch in streams, swim extreme distances out to sea, and then migrate home to where they were born to produce the next generation. But today their habitats and very survival are threatened by human activity. This book looks at the unique biology of salmon, their importance to many Indigenous communities, their cultural and economic impact and the vital role they play in ecosystems. With profiles from scientists, educators, fishers and more, learn about the people who are working hard to change the uncertain future of salmon and improve the chance that these iconic fish can survive for generations to come.
