Питер Эббот

Peter Abbott

  • 11 книг
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Питер Эббот — новинки

  • Modern African Wars (4): The Congo 1960–2002 Питер Эббот
    ISBN: 1782000763, 978-1782000761
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    From Belgian and French paratroops to Che Guevara and CIA funded Cuban B-26 pilots, the Congo has been a hotbed of African conflict in the late 20th century.
    When the colonial powers began retreating from Africa in the 1950s and 1960s, the Belgian Congo/Zaire became the bloodiest, most chaotic example of 'how not to do it', and has remained so ever since. A vast region with huge mineral wealth, abandoned in 1960 with virtually no infrastructure or functioning government, it was immediately torn by civil wars.

    Many whites remained in-country, both as missionaries and to exploit the mines, and Belgian military advisors were caught up in the chaotic conflict that threatened them. White mercenary troops were hired, and in the 1960s these became famous world-wide for some dramatic rescue missions. Manipulated by mining interests, the rich province of Katanga/Shaba seceded from the Republic; Swedish, Irish and 14 other UN contingents had to intervene, and the UN Secretary General was killed there under suspicious circumstances. In the late 1960s even Che Guevara tried to stick his nose in, so the CIA got involved, providing T-28s and B-26s with mercenary Cuban exile pilots.

    In the 1970s, during the ruinous 30-year dictatorship of General Mobutu, periodic rebellions required the hasty insertion once again of Belgian and French paratroops to save European lives. From the mid-1990s the country split again, becoming the battleground for the largest African war in history, as armies and rebel groups from Rwanda, Angola, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Namibia and other countries crossed into the Congo to support one side or the other, or simply to loot the rich resources. Major operations ended - or paused - in 2002, but the old hatreds and constant lure of the Congo's natural resources continue to boil over into periodic outbreaks.

    Featuring specially commissioned full-color artwork and rare photographs, this is the harrowing story of the wars that ravaged Congo for four decades.
  • Ukrainian Armies 1914–55 Питер Эббот
    ISBN: 9781841766683
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    There can be no region in Europe whose history has been more tortured than Ukraine. During the 20th century Austria, Poland, Russia, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania vied for power over parts of this vast and fragmented area; and its divided peoples rose time and again in vain attempts to win their independence. For the first time in the West, this book gives a succinct summary of all the different armed forces raised among the Ukrainians, and of their uniforms and insignia. These are illustrated in colour and in a selection of extremely rare photographs, dating from the Great War to the aftermath of World War II, when Ukrainian guerrillas continued to defy the Soviet authorities until the mid-1950s.
  • Немецкая армия во Второй мировой войне 1939-1945 Найджел Томас
    ISBN: 5-17-022254-8, 5-271-08002-1, 1-85532-639-6, 1-85532-640-Х, 1-85532-795-3, 1-85532-797-Х, 0-85045-475-1, 0-85532-796-1
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель
    Язык: Русский
    Немецкая армия во Второй мировой войне вела военные действий на различных театрах военных действий: в центральной и Западной Европе, в Северной Африке и на Балканах, на советско-германском фронте, во Франции и Италии. Каждый ТВД имел свои особенности, что неизбежно отражалось и на организации, способах ведения войны, обмундировании, снаряжении и т.д.

    Книга Н.Томаса и П.Эббота детально рассматривает структуру, военные действия и изменения в обмундировании, произошедшие в частях вермахта во время Второй мировой войны на всех фронтах. Текст сопровождается уникальными фотографиями. Цветные иллюстрации подготовлены на основании документов военного времени и дают точное представление о форме одежды военнослужащих вермахта.

    Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей, увлекающихся историей армии и военной формы.
  • Armies in East Africa 1914–18 Питер Эббот
    ISBN: 9781841764894
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    One of the least-published campaigns of the Great War was that fought in East Africa by forces of colonial troops - British Empire, Belgian, Portuguese and German. Short of resources, many European, African and Indian soldiers recorded epics of endurance as they hunted the outnumbered but brilliantly led German colonial forces across a disease-ridden wilderness. The achievements of Paul von Lettow Vorbeck - the last German commander in the field to lay down his arms - brought him fame and respect comparable to that won by Rommel in World War II. The events and the forces are described here in concise detail, and illustrated with rare photographs and striking colour artworks.
  • Союзники Германии на Восточном фронте. 1941-1945 гг. Найджел Томас
    ISBN: 5-17-008681-4, 5-271-03114-4, 0-85045-475-1
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель
    Язык: Русский
    С началом войны Германии против СССР вместе с германскими войсками сражались сильные финские и румынские армии. Рядом шли значительно меньшие по численности и слабо вооруженные воинские контингенты из Венгрии, Италии и Словакии. Когда вооруженные силы Финляндии достигли линии советско-финской границы 1939 г., они отказались от дальнейшего продвижения в глубь территории СССР. Другие национальные контингенты к началу зимы 1941/42 г. были истощены, а венгерские и большинство румынских частей отводились в тыл для перегруппировки.
    В книге П.Эббота и Н.Томаса подробно рассматривается организация, структура воинских соединений, участие в военных действиях, форма и знаки различия военнослужащих войск союзников Германии, сражавшихся на советско-германском фронте. Выверенная до мельчайших подробностей информация сопровождается уникальными фотографиями. Цветные иллюстрации подготовлены на основании документов военного времени и дают точное представление о форме одежды военнослужащих войск союзников Германии.
    Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей, увлекающихся историей армии и военной формы.
  • Война в Корее 1950-1953 Найджел Томас
    ISBN: 5-17-009752-2, 5-271-02561-6, 0-85045-685-1
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель
    Язык: Русский
    Война в Корее занимает особое место в истории локальных войн. В военных действиях, развернувшихся на Корейском полуострове, приняли участие не только армии северного и южного корейских государств, но и солдаты Китая, СССР, США, Великобритании,
  • Modern African Wars (2): Angola and Mozambique 1961–74 Питер Эббот
    ISBN: 9780850458435
    Год издания: 1988
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    Portugal was both the first and the last of the great European colonial powers. For 500 years Portugal had colonies in Africa. In 1960, as liberation movements swept across colonial Africa, the Portuguese flag still flew over vast expanses of territory across the continent. The spread of decolonization and the establishment of independent states whose governments were sympathetic to the cause of African nationalism led, in the early 1960s, to a series of wars in Angola, Guiné and Mozambique. This book details each of these liberation movements, focusing on the equipment, uniforms and organization of the Portuguese forces.
  • Modern African Wars (1): Rhodesia 1965–80 Питер Эббот
    ISBN: 9780850457285
    Год издания: 1986
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    The Rhodesian War of 1965-80 is the battle for control of present day Zimbabwe. The former British colony of Southern Rhodesia rejected British moves towards majority rule and on 11 November 1965 the Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith announced his country's Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. That act sparked a series of violent encounters between the traditional colonial army and the African guerilla insurgents of the Patriotic Front. This book examines the successes and failures of the counter-insurgency campaign of Smith's security forces and the eventual bloody birth of a modern African nation.
  • The Korean War 1950–53 Найджел Томас
    ISBN: 9780850456851
    Год издания: 1986
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    At 4am on Sunday 25 June 1950 powerful North Korean forces invaded South Korea, advancing down the Uijongbu Corridor towards the Southern Capital of Seoul. South Korean troops resisted bravely, but were crushed by overwhelming Northern superiority. Later that day the United Nations Security Council condemned the aggression, and on 7 July appointed US General of the Army Douglas MacArthur to command UN forces which would be sent to save South Korea. Nigel Thomas and Peter Abbott explore the history of this conflict, which pitted UN forces against the People's Republic of China in a resulting in hundreds of thousands of casualties.
  • Partisan Warfare 1941–45 Найджел Томас
    ISBN: 9780850455137
    Год издания: 1983
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    During 1941 the Germans occupied first Greece and the former Yuogslavia, then enormous areas of European Russia. Once the front line troops had moved on the struggle continued as bands of resistance fighters waged war against the occupation forces until their final withdrawal. The term 'partisan' is associated with Communist-led bands and they were often the most fanatical defenders of the Soviet realm. However, there were also non-Communist resistance groups which were nationalist and broadly constitutionalist and as a result a complicated three-way war developed. This book details the guerrilla war which was waged in the various regions and the uniforms and equipment of the combatants.
  • Germany's Eastern Front Allies 1941–45 Найджел Томас
    ISBN: 9780850454758
    Год издания: 1982
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    The 1930s were a time of growing tension for the smaller states of Eastern Europe. Since the end of the First World War they had enjoyed an independence which most of them had not known for centuries, but this was now threatened by the growing power of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Instead of combining for self defence, they were bitterly divided. The Munich crisis showed how little reliance could be placed on the Western democracies, whose power to intervene militarily in Eastern Europe was negligible. In effect this left the smaller East European states with little alternative but to become clients of either Germany or Russia.