Би Уилсон

Beatrice Dorothy "Bee" Wilson

  • 12 книг
  • 85 читателей
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Новинки Би Уилсон

  • Що ми їмо. Як харчова революція змінює наші життя і світ навколо Бі Вілсон
    ISBN: 978-617-7866-09-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Наш Формат
    Язык: Украинский
    Чи можна жити одночасно в раю та в пеклі? Можна, якщо йдеться про світ сучасної їжі. З одного боку, нашим предкам і не снилося, що їхні нащадки щодня смакуватимуть виноградом, м’ясом, лате чи шматком медовика. А з другого — ми об’їдаємося фабрикатами і снеками, а продукти з поживи перетворюються на отруту.Що чекати в майбутньому, якщо зараз ми перебираємо норми цукру в кілька разів? На кому відповідальність: на кожній людині чи на виробниках фастфуду і снеків? Як в Індії діабет став хворобою дітей? Чому в Чилі заборонено ставити мультикових персонажів на пачках пластівців? Як сухарики Flint з ароматом холодцю і хрону стали привидом страв, які раніше їли українці?Ця книжка шокує вас, але водночас запевнить, що в людства є майбутнє. Воно — у зміні звичок: відмовитися від культури нетерплячки, повернути обідні години й домашню кухню, а також — розмаїття овочів на столі.Авторка не пропонує готових рецептів. Вона наводить статистику, роздуми, спостереження, харчові тренди, після яких вам захочеться щонайменше переглянути власний раціон і вдумливо відбирати те, що потрапляє в продуктовий кошик.
  • The Way We Eat Now. Strategies for Eating in a World of Change Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 9780008240783
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: 4th Estate
    Язык: Английский
    A riveting exploration of the hidden forces behind what we eat, The Way We Eat Now explains how modern food has transformed our lives and our world. To re-establish eating as something that gives us both joy and health, we need to find out where we are right now, how we got here and where we're going.
  • Tak dziś jemy. Biografia jedzenia Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 9788381296533
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Sine Qua Non
    Язык: Польский
    Jeszcze nigdy nie mieliśmy tylu superfoods… i tylu rodzajów chipsów.

    Jeszcze nigdy nie mieliśmy takiego problemu z definicją jedzenia.

    Czy wiesz, że na Islandii uprawia się banany, a w Danii jeszcze 30 lat temu nie znano czosnku? Za życia dwóch pokoleń dokonała się globalna zmiana. Tradycyjne diety oparte na ograniczonej liczbie składników ustąpiły miejsca najrozmaitszym modom i trendom, w mediach roi się od samozwańczych ekspertów żywieniowych, a my czujemy się coraz bardziej zagubieni.

    Część z nas korzysta z bogactwa, do którego wcześniej nie mieliśmy dostępu: smakuje egzotycznych ziół, zaopatruje się na ryneczkach i wymienia przepisami na wyszukane potrawy. Innych jedzenie powoli zabija: powoduje cukrzycę i problemy z sercem na skalę dotąd niespotykaną. Zdrowa żywność jest droższa i trudniej dostępna, a otyłość – paradoksalnie – coraz częściej idzie w parze z niedożywieniem.

    Tak dziś jemy to pasjonujący reportaż o znikającej godzinie lunchu, sproszkowanych zamiennikach jedzenia takich jak Huel, braku czasu na gotowanie oraz rosnącej popularności weganizmu i Uber Eats. Jeśli chcesz się dowiedzieć, jak rewolucja żywieniowa wpływa na nasze zdrowie, relacje z ludźmi i otaczający na świat – ta książka jest dla Ciebie.
  • Как мы едим. Как противостоять вредной еде и научиться питаться правильно Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-105743-5
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Разговор о том, что в нашем питании что-то не так — очень деликатная тема. Никто не хочет, чтобы его осуждали за выбор еды, именно поэтому не имеют успеха многие инициативы, связанные со здоровым питанием. Сегодня питание оказывает влияние на болезни и смертность гораздо сильнее, чем курение и алкоголь. Часто мы едим нездоровую еду в спешке и с трудом понимаем, как питаться правильно, что следует ограничить, а чего нужно потреблять больше. Стремление к идеальному питанию, поиск чудо-ингредиента, экстремальные диеты — за всем этим мы забываем о простой и хорошей еде. Наша культура питания и традиции в значительной степени исчезли. Кто может…

  • The Way We Eat Now Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 0465093973
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Basic Books
    Язык: Английский
    An award-winning food writer takes us on a global tour of what the world eats--and shows us how we can change it for the better

    Food is one of life's great joys. So why has eating become such a source of anxiety and confusion?

    Bee Wilson shows that in two generations the world has undergone a massive shift from traditional, limited diets to more globalized ways of eating, from bubble tea to quinoa, from Soylent to meal kits.

    Paradoxically, our diets are getting healthier and less healthy at the same time. For some, there has never been a happier food era than today: a time of unusual herbs, farmers' markets, and internet recipe swaps. Yet modern food also kills--diabetes and heart disease are on the rise everywhere on earth.

    This is a book about the good, the terrible, and the avocado toast. A riveting exploration of the hidden forces behind what we eat, The Way We Eat Now explains how this food revolution has transformed our bodies, our social lives, and the world we live in.
  • First Bite. How We Learn to Eat Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 9780007549726
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: 4th Estate
    Язык: Английский
    We are not born knowing what to eat; we each have to figure it out for ourselves. From childhood onwards, we learn how big a portion is and how sweet is too sweet. The way we learn to eat holds the key to why food has gone so disastrously wrong for so many people. But how does this happen? And can we ever change our food habits for the better?
    An exploration of the extraordinary and surprising origins of our taste and eating habits, in First Bite award-winning food writer Bee Wilson explains how we can change our palates to lead healthier, happier lives.
  • First Bite: How We Learn to Eat Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 978-0465094127
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Basic Books
    Язык: Английский
    We are not born knowing what to eat; as omnivores it is something we each have to figure out for ourselves. From childhood onward, we learn how big a “portion” is and how sweet is too sweet. We learn to enjoy green vegetables—or not. But how does this education happen? What are the origins of taste?

    In First Bite, award-winning food writer Bee Wilson draws on the latest research from food psychologists, neuroscientists, and nutritionists to reveal that our food habits are shaped by a whole host of factors: family and culture, memory and gender, hunger and love. Taking the reader on a journey across the globe, Wilson introduces us to people who can only eat foods of a certain color; prisoners of war whose deepest yearning is for Mom's apple pie; a nine year old anosmia sufferer who has no memory of the flavor of her mother's cooking; toddlers who will eat nothing but hotdogs and grilled cheese sandwiches; and researchers and doctors who have pioneered new and effective ways to persuade children to try new vegetables. Wilson examines why the Japanese eat so healthily, whereas the vast majority of teenage boys in Kuwait have a weight problem—and what these facts can tell Americans about how to eat better.

    The way we learn to eat holds the key to why food has gone so disastrously wrong for so many people. But Wilson also shows that both adults and children have immense potential for learning new, healthy eating habits. An exploration of the extraordinary and surprising origins of our tastes and eating habits, First Bite also shows us how we can change our palates to lead healthier, happier lives.
  • Еда. Отправная точка. Какими мы станем в будущем, если не изменим себя в настоящем? Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 978-5-699-90274-3
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    "Одни люди относятся к еде легко, для других она является темой многочисленных сомнений и размышлений. До недавнего времени я принадлежала ко второй категории: у меня тоже складывались непростые отношения с едой. И вот, наконец, к собственному удивлению и радости, мне удалось перейти на другую сторону. В этой книге я постараюсь рассказать, как такое стало возможным." Эта книга подробно шаг за шагом описывает то, как рождаются наши пристрастия, симпатии и антипатии к разным продуктам и блюдам. С одной стороны, генетика, семейные традиции, социальное окружение очень влияет на формирование наших вкусов. С другой стороны - все не так…

  • First Bite Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 9780008121389
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    We are not born knowing what to eat. We all have to learn it as children sitting expectantly at a table. For our diets to change, we need to relearn the food experiences that first shaped us. Everyone starts drinking milk. After that it's all up for grabs. We are not born knowing what to eat; we each have to figure it out for ourselves.

    From childhood onwards, we learn how big a portion is and how sweet is too sweet. We learn to love broccoli - or not. But how does this happen? What are the origins of taste? And once we acquire our food habits, can we ever change them for the better?

    In First Bite, award-winning food writer Bee Wilson draws on the latest research from food psychologists, neuroscientists and nutritionists to reveal how our food habits are shaped by a whole host of factors: family and culture, memory and gender, hunger and love. She looks at the effects siblings can have on eating choices and the social pressures to eat according to sex. Bee introduces us to people who can eat only food of a certain colour; toddlers who will eat nothing but hot dogs; and doctors who have found radical new ways to help children eat vegetables.

    First Bite also looks at how people eat in different parts of the world: we see how grandparents in China overfeed their grandchildren and how Japan came to adopt such a healthy diet (it wasn't always so).

    The way we learn to eat holds the key to why food has gone so disastrously wrong for so many people. But Bee Wilson also shows that both adults and children have immense potential for learning new, healthy eating habits. An exploration of the extraordinary and surprising origins of our taste and eating habits, First Bite explains how we can change our palates to lead healthier, happier lives.
  • Consider the Fork. A History of How We Cook and Eat Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 9780141049083
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский
    Bee Wilson is the food writer and historian who writes as the 'Kitchen Thinker' in the Sunday Telegraph, and is the author of Swindled!. Her charming and original new book, Consider the Fork, explores how the implements we use in the kitchen have shaped the way we cook and live.
    This is the story of how we have tamed fire and ice, wielded whisks, spoons, graters, mashers, pestles and mortars, all in the name of feeding ourselves. Bee Wilson takes us on an enchanting culinary journey through the incredible creations, inventions and obsessions that have shaped how and what we cook. From huge Tudor open fires to sous-vide machines, the birth of the fork to Roman gadgets, Consider the Fork is the previously unsung history of our kitchens.
    Bee Wilson writes a weekly food column, 'The Kitchen Thinker' in The Sunday Telegraph, for which she has three times been named the Guild of Food Writers Food Journalist of the Year. Her previous books include The Hive: The Story of the Honeybee and Us and Swindled!. Before she became a food writer, she was a Research Fellow in History at St John's College, Cambridge. She has also been a semi-finalist on Masterchef. Her favourite kitchen implement is currently the potato ricer.
  • Consider the Fork: A History of How We Cook and Eat Bee Wilson
    ISBN: 046502176X, 9780465021765
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Basic Books
    Язык: Английский
    Since prehistory, humans have braved sharp knives, fire, and grindstones to transform raw ingredients into something delicious—or at least edible. Tools shape what we eat, but they have also transformed how we consume, and how we think about, our food. Technology in the kitchen does not just mean the Pacojets and sous-vide of the modernist kitchen. It can also mean the humbler tools of everyday cooking and eating: a wooden spoon and a skillet, chopsticks and forks.

    In Consider the Fork, award-winning food writer Bee Wilson provides a wonderful and witty tour of the evolution of cooking around the world, revealing the hidden history of everyday objects we often take for granted. Knives—perhaps our most important gastronomic tool—predate the discovery of fire, whereas the fork endured centuries of ridicule before gaining widespread acceptance; pots and pans have been around for millennia, while plates are a relatively recent invention. Many once-new technologies have become essential elements of any well-stocked kitchen—mortars and pestles, serrated knives, stainless steel pots, refrigerators. Others have proved only passing fancies, or were supplanted by better technologies; one would be hard pressed now to find a water-powered egg whisk, a magnet-operated spit roaster, a cider owl, or a turnspit dog. Although many tools have disappeared from the modern kitchen, they have left us with traditions, tastes, and even physical characteristics that we would never have possessed otherwise.

    Blending history, science, and anthropology, Wilson reveals how our culinary tools and tricks came to be, and how their influence has shaped modern food culture. The story of how we have tamed fire and ice and wielded whisks, spoons, and graters, all for the sake of putting food in our mouths, Consider the Fork is truly a book to savor.
  • This Is Not A Diet Book Би Уилсон
    ISBN: 9780008225780
    Издательство: Gardners Books