Эмили Бронте

Emily Jane Brontë

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Эмили Бронте — библиография

  • Грозовой Перевал Эмили Бронте
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wuthering Heights
    Дата написания: ~ 1847
    Первая публикация: 2023
    Язык: Русский
  • Uğultulu Tepeler Эмили Бронте
    Kadınların edebiyatla uğraşmasının hoş karşılanmadığı Victoria ?ağında Emily Bront?, kendi yolunda ilerleyerek ezberleri bozdu. Kız kardeşleriyle birlikte ?nce erkek isimleri kullanarak edebiyata hizmet etti. Ardından İngiliz edebiyatının k?lt eserleri arasında sayılan Uğultulu Tepeler’i okuyuculara kazandırdı. Aradan ge?en uzun yıllara rağmen eserin h?len pop?lerliğini koruması, Bront?’nin karakterleri titizlikle ilmek ilmek ?rmesiyle ilişkili olsa gerek. İnsan psikolojisinin karakterler ?zerinden ne kadar iyi analiz edildiğine tanık olduğumuz Uğultulu Tepeler aşk ile nefret, tutku ile intikam gibi ?etrefil duygularla yoğrulmuş bir eser. ?yle ki pek ?ok kişi tarafından eserdeki olayların ger?eğe aykırı bulunmaması, Emily Bront?’nin kendi hayatından da izler taşıdığını akıllara getirmiştir. «Biri ?mitle beklemesini bilmiş, ?b?r? ?mitsizliğe kapılmıştı; ikisi de kaderlerini se?ti, ikisi de buna katlanmak zorunda kaldı.»
  • 3 Books To Know Victorian Women Эмили Бронте
    Welcome to the3 Books To Knowseries, our idea is to help readers learn about fascinating topics through three essential and relevant books. These carefully selected works can be fiction, non-fiction, historical documents or even biographies. We will always select for you three great works to instigate your mind, this time the topic is: Victorian Women.

    Wuthering Heights by Emily Bront?. –
    Middlemarch by George Eliot. –
    North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell.Wuthering Heights, Emily Bront?'s only novel, was published in 1847 under the pseudonym «Ellis Bell». It was written between October 1845 and June 1846. Wuthering Heights and Anne Bront?'s Agnes Grey were accepted by publisher Thomas Newby before the success of their sister Charlotte's novel Jane Eyre. After Emily's death, Charlotte edited the manuscript of Wuthering Heights and arranged for the edited version to be published as a posthumous second edition in 1850. Middlemarch, A Study of Provincial Life is a novel by the English author George Eliot (Mary Anne Evans). The novel is set in the fictitious Midlands town of Middlemarch during 18291832, and follows several distinct, intersecting stories with a large cast of characters. Issues include the status of women, the nature of marriage, idealism, self-interest, religion, hypocrisy, political reform, and education. North and South is a social novel published in 1854 by English writer Elizabeth Gaskell. Gaskell's first novel, Mary Barton (1848), focused on relations between employers and workers in Manchester from the perspective of the working poor; North and South uses a protagonist from southern England to present and comment on the perspectives of mill owners and workers in an industrialising city. The novel is set in the fictional industrial town of Milton in the north of England. This is one of many books in the series 3 Books To Know. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the topics
  • Грозовой перевал Эмили Бронте
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wuthering Heights
    Дата написания: ~ 1847
    Первая публикация: 2019
    Перевод: Д. Вольпин
    Язык: Русский
    Произведение представляет собой историю, которую рассказывает экономка Эллен Дин постояльцу своего хозяина, историю свидетельницей которой она была на протяжении своей жизни. Эта история разворачивается на неприветливых вересковых пустошах Йоркшира, ее героями становятся обитатели двух соседних поместий — Мызы Скворцов и Грозового Перевала. А начало описываемым событиям положил один вроде бы добрый и безобидный поступок: хозяин одного из поместий спас и приютил маленького беспризорного мальчика. Если бы он знал к какому бурному кругообороту событий это приведет...
  • Безупречная классика Эмили Бронте
    Комплект безупречной классики — это романы из «золотого фонда» литературы об удивительных женских судьбах, полных решительных поступков, любви и попыток найти свое призвание.
    Книги серии «Нескучный сад» отличаются необычным, выполненным с безупречным вкусом оформлением. В комплект вошли «Джейн Эйр», «Грозовой перевал» и «Тэсс из рода д'Эрбервиллей».
  • Грозовой перевал Эмили Бронте
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wuthering Heights
    Дата написания: ~ 1847
    «Грозовой Перевал» (1847) — единственный роман, написанный Эмили Бронте без участия сестер. Эта книга принесла писательнице славу. На вересковых пустошах Йоркшира «Грозовой Перевал» скрывает мрачные тайны, здесь разворачивается трагическая история бурной, роковой любви Хитклифа и Кэтрин. Демоническая страсть двух сильных личностей, не желающих идти на уступки, из-за чего страдают и гибнут не только они, но и окружающие их люди. Читатели и литературные критики назвали эту книгу шедевром уже после смерти автора. Эта история по сей день остается одной из самых популярных книг в мире, она многократно экранизировалась различными режиссерами, включая таких мастеров, как Луис Бунюэль и Жак Риветт.
  • The Complete Bronte Collection Сёстры Бронте
    Дата написания: 2018
    Each boxset contains seven books, together creating a comprehensive collection of the Bronte Sisters' best and much-loved works.
    Beautifully packaged in a ridged, matt-laminated slipcase with metallic detailing, complete with strikingly attractive, bespoke artwork.
  • Грозовой перевал Эмили Бронте
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: Wuthering Heights
    Дата написания: ~ 1847
    Первая публикация: 2008
    Перевод: А. Ненашева
    Язык: Русский
    Произведение представляет собой историю, которую рассказывает экономка Эллен Дин постояльцу своего хозяина, историю свидетельницей которой она была на протяжении своей жизни. Эта история разворачивается на неприветливых вересковых пустошах Йоркшира, ее героями становятся обитатели двух соседних поместий — Мызы Скворцов и Грозового Перевала. А начало описываемым событиям положил один вроде бы добрый и безобидный поступок: хозяин одного из поместий спас и приютил маленького беспризорного мальчика. Если бы он знал к какому бурному кругообороту событий это приведет...
  • Les Hauts de Hurlevent Эмили Бронте
    Mr Earnshaw, p?re de famille, a deux enfants: un fils, Hindley, et une fille, Catherine. Parti en voyage ? Liverpool pendant plusieurs semaines, le vieil Earnshaw revient avec sous son manteau un petit boh?mien errant d'environ 6 ans, Heathcliff. Hindley et lui entrent rapidement en conflit et, ? la mort du p?re, Hindley devient le ma?tre de maison. Heathcliff est alors trait? plus durement que jamais. La petite Catherine et lui se d?couvrent de tendres sentiments qui n'auront de cesse de s'approfondir au fil de leur adolescence. R?vant tous deux d'un avenir plus glorieux que leurs vies respectives, les deux enfants s'?chappent fr?quemment dans la lande pour aspirer ? de jours meilleurs. " Les Hauts de Hurlevent " de Emily Bront? est reconnu comme l'un des plus grands classiques de la litt?rature du XIXe si?cle, et il poss?de une place non n?gligeable dans la culture britannique et mondiale. Le roman est un des derniers ouvrages majeurs du romantisme europ?en en litt?rature.
  • Der Sturm-Heidehof Эмили Бронте
    Die »d?monische« Gestalt eines Heathcliff ist keineswegs unnat?rlich. Es gibt und gab wohl stets Menschen von solch suggestiver Gewalt wie dieser Heathcliff, von so geheimnisvollem Lebenswandel und so immenser Willenskraft. Und es gibt Menschen, die zehnmal weiter gehen in ihrer Lust am B?sen, als dieser Mann, dessen leidersch?tterte Seele ihn zwang, mit Energie und Bosheit ein ganzes Geschlecht zu vernichten.
  • Poems of the Bronte Sisters Сёстры Бронте
    Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bront? were successful poets and novelists in their own right; however, their careers began with several collaborative works of stories and poetry. They first wrote under male pseudonyms as they feared retribution by the male-dominated literary world if they published works under their own names. They attracted attention immediately, and soon after found success with works like Charlotte's «Jane Eyre» and Emily's «Wuthering Heights». This collection of poetry reveals the highly imaginative minds of these siblings, who grew up in the moors of Yorkshire and were greatly influenced by the deaths of their mother and two older sisters. Each sister displays a unique poetic voice and style, varying between passionate, melancholic, terse, melodic and symbolic. This is an excellent introduction to the siblings' highly original and influential writing, as well as a wonderful addition to any Bront? enthusiast's collection.
  • 3 books to know Bront? Sisters Эмили Бронте
    Welcome to the3 Books To Knowseries, our idea is to help readers learn about fascinating topics through three essential and relevant books. These carefully selected works can be fiction, non-fiction, historical documents or even biographies. We will always select for you three great works to instigate your mind, this time the topic is:Bront? Sisters: &t;br/&t; &t;br/&t; –
    The Tenant of Wildfell Hall , by Anne Bront?. –
    Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bront?. –
    Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bront?Anne's second novel, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, was published in the last week of June 1848. It was an instant, phenomenal success; within six weeks it was sold out. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is perhaps amongst the most shocking of contemporary Victorian novels. In seeking to present the truth in literature, Anne's depiction of alcoholism and debauchery was profoundly disturbing to 19th-century sensibilities. Charlotte's Jane Eyre tells the story of a plain governess, Jane, who, after difficulties in her early life, falls in love with her employer, Mr Rochester. They marry, but only after Rochester's insane first wife, of whom Jane initially has no knowledge, dies in a dramatic house fire. The book's style was innovative, combining naturalism with gothic melodrama, and broke new ground in being written from an intensely evoked first-person female perspective. Emily Bront?'s Wuthering Heights was first published in London in 1847. Wuthering Heights's violence and passion led the Victorian public and many early reviewers to think that it had been written by a man. According to Juliet Gardiner, «the vivid sexual passion and power of its language and imagery impressed, bewildered and appalled reviewers.» This is one of many books in the series 3 Books To Know. If you liked this book, look for the other titles in the series, we are sure you will like some of the topics.
  • The Bront?s: Complete Novels of Charlotte, Emily & Anne Bront? - All 8 Books in One Edition Эмили Бронте
    Musaicum Books presents to you the greatest classics of English literature. This particular collection includes the following novels: Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bront?, published in 1847 Shirley by Charlotte Bront?, published in 1849 Villette by Charlotte Bront?, published in 1853 The Professor by Charlotte Bront?, was published after her death in 1857 Emma by Charlotte Bront? (unfinished), she wrote only 20 pages of the manuscript which was published in 1860. Wuthering Heights by Emily Bront?, published in 1848 Agnes Grey by Anne Bront?, published in 1847 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bront?, published in 1848 The Bront? Sisters (1818-1855), Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bront? were sisters and writers whose novels have become classics. Before writing novels, the sisters first published a volume of poetry in 1846. Many novels of the Charlotte, Emily, and Anne are based on women in Victorian England and the difficulties that they faced like few employment opportunities, dependence on men in the families for support, and social expectations.
  • Poems of the Bronte Sisters Сёстры Бронте
    Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bront? were successful poets and novelists in their own right; however, their careers began with several collaborative works of stories and poetry. They first wrote under male pseudonyms as they feared retribution by the male-dominated literary world if they published works under their own names. They attracted attention immediately, and soon after found success with works like Charlotte's «Jane Eyre» and Emily's «Wuthering Heights». This collection of poetry reveals the highly imaginative minds of these siblings, who grew up in the moors of Yorkshire and were greatly influenced by the deaths of their mother and two older sisters. Each sister displays a unique poetic voice and style, varying between passionate, melancholic, terse, melodic and symbolic. This is an excellent introduction to the siblings' highly original and influential writing, as well as a wonderful addition to any Bront? enthusiast's collection.
  • The Complete Poems of Emily Bronte Эмили Бронте
    Emily Bront? (1818-1848), of the well-known Bront? family, is best known for her novel «Wuthering Heights», which has been deemed a classic of English literature. She wrote two complete notebooks of poetry by 1844, which were soon discovered by her sister, Charlotte. At Charlotte's urging, Emily began publishing the poems in collaborative works with her two sisters under the pseudonyms Acton, Ellis and Currer Bell. Emily's poems were praised by critics for their power and intellect, although the collections did not sell well upon their publication. Because she wrote entirely for her own satisfaction, without desire for fame or posterity, Emily Bront?'s poetry displays a private, instinctive style. The genuine nature of her words, which were inspired by the traditions of her Romantic predecessors, expresses a true artistic vision of energy, life and the soul from an intensely introspective point of view.
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