Томас Мур

Thomas Moore

  • 20 книг
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  • 52 читателя
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Томас Мур — новинки

  • Душа секса. Культивирование жизни как акт любви Томас Мур
    ISBN: 978-5-521-23982-5
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Касталия
    Язык: Русский
    Эта книга о человеческой сексуальности, но в ней нет информации по биологии, анатомии или здоровью и она мало что может сказать о сексуальных техниках и взаимоотношениях. Она начинается с предположения, что человек являет собой целый мир смыслов, эмоций, сновидений, желаний, страхов, прошлого, культурной среды и внутренней жизни мысли и фантазии — короче говоря, речь о душе. Душа обретает полноту там, где встречает Бога, бесконечность или что-либо ещё, что мы считаем объектом нашего религиозного интереса. И хоть я бы предпочел менее очевидные фразы, эта книга действительно о душе секса.
  • Планеты внутри Томас Мур
    ISBN: 978-5-519-65836-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Касталия
    Язык: Русский
    «Планеты внутри» приглашают нас взглянуть на древность новым взглядом. Книга концентрируется на одном из самых психологических движений в донаучную эпоху — на итальянском Возрождении, где группа «внутренних Колумбов» разведывала территории, до сих придающие нам столь необходимое чувство осознания себя и своих истоков, а также верные пути к плодородным и неизученным местам.
    Среди этих мастеров внутренней жизни ведущим был Марсилио Фичино, гений флорентийской Академии, который учил, что все вещи существуют в душе и должны быть прожиты на опыте. Это изучение Фичино расширяет и углубляет наше понимание психики, ведь Фичино был врачевателем души, и его озарения учат нас заботе и питанию души.
    Мур ведет нас как наставник по фундаментальному инструменту Фичино — воображению. Уважая целостность и автономию образов, «Планеты внутри» разворачивают поэтику души в неком диалоге между лаконичными замечаниями Фичино и необходимостью придать этим замечаниями жизненность и контекст в наши дни.
  • Душа секса: культивирование жизни как акт любви Томас Мур
    ISBN: 978-5-519-60654-7
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Касталия
    Язык: Русский

    Эта книга о человеческой сексуальности, но в ней нет информации по биологии, анатомии или здоровью и она мало что может сказать о сексуальных техниках и взаимоотношениях. Она начинается с предположения, что человек являет собой целый мир смыслов, эмоций, сновидений, желаний, страхов, прошлого, культурной среды и внутренней жизни мысли и фантазии — короче говоря, речь о душе. Душа обретает полноту там, где встречает Бога, бесконечность или что-либо ещё, что мы считаем объектом нашего религиозного интереса. И хоть я бы предпочел менее очевидные фразы, эта книга действительно о душе секса.

  • Темные ночи души Томас Мур
    ISBN: 978-5-519-60737-7
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Касталия
    Язык: Русский
    Вашему вниманию предлагается книга "Темные ночи души" автор Мур Т.
  • Темные ночи души Томас Мур
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Клуб Касталия
    Язык: Русский

    Нигредо. Темная ночь души. Духовный кризис. Все мы так или иначе сталкивались с этими тяжелыми состояниями. Книга Томаса Мура "Темные ночи души" является настоящим путеводителем по темной стороне нашей психики, и может стать настоящей нитью Ариадны которая поможет выйти из лабиринта и трансмутировать наш внутренний свинец в сияющее золото Самости.

  • Жизнь на работе Томас Мур
    ISBN: 978-5-519-60738-4
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Клуб Касталия
    Язык: Русский
    Томас Мур – один из самых популярных современных аналитических психологов, который потрясающим образом сочетает лёгкий и доступный стиль с глубиной культурного и символического кругозора. Его вторая книга, изданная на русском языке, «Жизнь на работе», раскрывает те глубинные архетипические идеи, которые оказываются связаны с такой обычно понимаемой как «профанная» деятельностью, как работа и карьера.
  • A Religion of One's Own Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9781592408849
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Something essential is missing from modern life. Many who’ve turned away from religious institutions—and others who have lived wholly without religion—hunger for more than what contemporary secular life has to offer but are reluctant to follow organized religion’s strict and often inflexible path to spirituality. In A Religion of One’s Own, bestselling author and former monk Thomas Moore explores the myriad possibilities of creating a personal spiritual style, either inside or outside formal religion.
  • A Religion of One's Own Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9781592408290
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Something essential is missing from modern life. Many who’ve turned away from religious institutions—and others who have lived wholly without religion—hunger for more than what contemporary secular life has to offer but are reluctant to follow organized religion’s strict and often inflexible path to spirituality. In A Religion of One’s Own, bestselling author and former monk Thomas Moore explores the myriad possibilities of creating a personal spiritual style, either inside or outside formal religion.
  • The Soul's Religion Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9780553815276
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Английский
    I see The Soul's Religion as a necessary and important part two of Care of the Soul, not repeating what I wrote there but adding what was missing - a clear and forthright discussion of the spiritual life.' Thomas Moore In the international bestseller Care of the Soul Thomas Moore laid the foundation for a new approach to spirituality. Now, in this long-awaited follow-up, he continues this journey as he goes in search of the spirit in everyday life. Amidst the tangled emotions, the impossible relationships, the endless failures that many of us experience, he shows us how to celebrate the mystery of the spiritual and embrace a more honest way of living. Through a series of challenging and provocative meditations, he also leads us to re-imagine how we can all live a rich and rewarding spiritual life.
  • A Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do Томас Мур
    ISBN: 978-0767922531
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Harmony
    Язык: Английский
    A job is never just a job. It is always connected to a deep and invisible process of finding meaning in life through work.

    In Thomas Moore’s groundbreaking book Care of the Soul, he wrote of “the great malady of the twentieth century…the loss of soul.” That bestselling work taught readers ways to cultivate depth, genuineness, and soulfulness in their everyday lives, and became a beloved classic. Now, in A Life’s Work, Moore turns to an aspect of our lives that looms large in our self-regard, an aspect by which we may even define ourselves—our work. The workplace, Moore knows, is a laboratory where matters of soul are worked out. A Life’s Work is about finding the right job, yes, and it is also about uncovering and becoming the person you were meant to be.

    Moore reveals the quest to find a life’s work in all its depth and mystery. All jobs, large and small, long-term and temporary, he writes, contribute to your life’s work. A particular job may be important because of the emotional rewards it offers or for the money. But beneath the surface, your labors are shaping your destiny for better or worse. If you ignore the deeper issues, you may not know the nature of your calling, and if you don’t do work that connects with your deep soul, you may always be dissatisfied, not only in your choice of work but in all other areas of life. Moore explores the often difficult process—the obstacles, blocks, and hardships of our own making—that we go through on our way to discovering our purpose, and reveals the joy that is our reward. He teaches us patience, models the necessary powers of reflection, and gives us the courage to keep going.

    A Life’s Work is a beautiful rumination, realistic and poignant, and a comforting and exhilarating guide to one of life’s biggest dilemmas and one of its greatest opportunities.
  • A Life at Work: The Joy of Discovering What You Were Born to Do Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9781481550994
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Blackstone Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Bestselling author and internationally known lecturer Thomas Moore finds people everywhere he goes who express unhappiness with their work lives and ask, “Why am I doing what I’m doing?” In A Life at Work, Moore takes listeners through the transformative process of discovering their deepest purpose in life.

    In exploring the strong desire in all of us to feel fulfilled by our work, Moore offers no charts or questionnaires but rather a personal, contemplative guide to traversing obstacles such as inflated egos, despair, and fear that prevent us from finding purpose in our careers. He also shares the struggles of great thinkers and artists who grappled with uncertainty before finding their calling. For those who feel dissatisfied and question the path they’ve chosen, this poignant, practical work will help them discover new answers.
  • The Buddha and the Terrorist Томас Мур
    ISBN: 1565125207
    Год издания: 2006
    Язык: Русский
    International terrorism may have become the central specter of our time, but the threat of violence is as old as history. Among all the experiences of the Buddha, perhaps this story of his eye-to-eye encounter with a fearsome terrorist is the one
  • Care of the Soul : A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9780060893880
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    In Care of the Soul readers are presented with a revolutionary approach to thinking about daily life—everyday activities, events, problems and creative opportunities—and a therapeutic lifestyle is proposed that focuses on looking more deeply into emotional problems and learning how to sense sacredness in even ordinary things.

    Basing his writing on the ancient model of "care of the soul"—which provided a religious context for viewing the everyday events of life—Moore brings "care of the soul" into the 21st century. Promising to deepen and broaden the reader's perspective on his or her own life experiences, Moore draws on his own life as a therapist practicing "care of the soul," as well as his studies of the world's religions and his work in music and art, to create this inspirational guide that examines the connections between spirituality and the problems of individuals and society.
  • Original Self Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9780060893705
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    According to Thomas Moore, people today have lost the deep, direct, and vivid sense of what it means to live with passion and originality. Moore believes that beneath the many thick layers of indoctrination about who we are and who we should be lies an original self, a person who came into this world full of possibility and destined for a particular life.

    The fifty mediations in this collection offer fresh interpretations of living with that original self rather than conformity. he presents multidimensional portraits of the creative self and different angles from which to tap one's primal emotions and possibilities. This audio demonstrates what it means to live from the burning essence of the heart, with the creativity that comes from allowing the soul to blossom in its own colors and shapes.

    With his usual grace and insight, Moore counters the prevailing assumptions of the day and offers strikingly unorthodox views on what is virtuous and healthy, opening up possibilities for a renewal of the way we live socially and in our private lives.
  • Meditations Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9780060893903
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    Thomas Moore, bestselling author of Care of the Soul and Soul Mates, draws on the twelve years he lived as a monk in this insightful book of a hundred one-page meditations. Interspersed with glimpses of the beauty and humor of the monk's life, each page suggests a way of finding spirituality and nurturing the soul that can be applied in any walk of life.
  • The Soul of Sex: Cultivating Life as an Act of Love Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9780060893866
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский

    In our age of science and psychology, it's tempting to think of human sexuality in terms of biology and interpersonal relationships. But in The Soul of Sex, Thomas Moore regards sex as an experience of the soul and emphasizes the more human themes of fantasy, desire, meaning, and morality. Moore turns especially to the religious traditions of the world, to rites, stories, and visual imagery that see in sex some of the most profound mysteries of life. He finds spirituality inherent in sex, and at the same time explores the many ways in which spiritual values can sometimes wound our sexuality. He recommends chastity and celibacy for everyone,…

  • The Soul's Religion Томас Мур
    ISBN: 9780060893729
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: HarperAudio
    Язык: Английский
    This long-awaited companion volume to the bestselling Care of the Soul is Thomas Moore at his most provocative, celebrating the mystery of the spiritual and rejecting simplistic paths to religious vision.

    In The Soul's Religion, Moore goes beyond the precepts of tradition and external religious practice to show how readers can find the spirit moving in everyday life. In this challenging and comprehensive revisioning of religion and spirituality, Moore provokes the reader to reimagine how a rich and personal spiritual life can be within the grasp of every seeker.
  • Dark Nights of the Soul Томас Мур
    ISBN: 1592401333
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Gotham Books
    Язык: Русский
    There's an old saying that a devil is appealing at first but leaves you in despair, while an angel appears terrifying at first but leaves you refreshed and hopeful. This eighth book since Moore's extraordinarily successful Care of the Soul considers
  • The Soul of Sex: Cultivating Life as an Act of Love Томас Мур
    ISBN: 0060930950, 9780060930950
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Harper Perennial
    Язык: Английский

    A highly original approach from best selling author Thomas Moore, restoring sex to its rightful place in the human psyche as an experience of the soul. In The Soul of Sex, Thomas Moore at last restores sex to its rightful place in the human psyche. Describing sex as an experience of the soul, Thomas Moore here brings out the fully human side of sex – the roles of fantasy, desire, meaning, and morality – and draws on religion, mythology art, literature, and film to show how sex is one of the most profound mysteries of life. While finding spirituality inherent in sex, Moore also explores how spiritual values can sometimes wound our…

  • Care of the Soul : A Guide for Cultivating Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life Томас Мур
    ISBN: 0060922249, 978-0060922245
    Год издания: 1994
    Издательство: Perennial Library
    Язык: Английский
    Therapist and religious historian Moore's invigorating guide to a "soulful" life poses a radical challenge to contemporary psychotherapy.