Ребекка Яррос

Rebecca Yarros

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Лучшие книги Ребекки Яррос

  • Четвёртое крыло Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: 978-5-353-10479-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Кислород (Росмэн)
    Язык: Русский

    Двадцатилетняя Вайолет Сорренгейл готовилась стать писцом и спокойно жить среди книг и пыльных документов. Но ее мать – прославленный генерал, и она не потерпит слабости ни в каком виде. Поэтому Вайолет вынуждена присоединиться к сотням молодых людей, стремящихся стать элитой Наварры – всадниками на драконах. Однако из военной академии Басгиат есть только два выхода: окончить ее или умереть. Смерть ходит по пятам за каждым кадетом, потому что драконы не выбирают слабаков. Они их сжигают. Сами кадеты тоже будут убивать, чтобы повысить свои шансы на успех. Некоторые готовы прикончить Вайолет только за то, что она дочь своей матери.…

  • Железное пламя Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: 978-5-353-10910-5
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Кислород (Росмэн)
    Язык: Русский

    В первый год многие из нас лишаются жизни. Во второй — те, кто выжил, лишаются человечности. Все знают: из академии Басгиат есть только два выхода — окончить ее или умереть. Никто не ожидал, что Вайолет Сорренгейл выживет в первый год обучения. Даже сама Вайолет. Дело за малым — выжить снова! Ведь Вайолет знает страшный секрет, который веками скрывали в академии. Это поможет ей спасти друзей и Наварру. Но тайны — плохой рычаг давления. Они умирают вместе с теми, кто их хранит. Добро пожаловать в революцию!

  • Full Measures Rebecca Yarros
    ISBN: 978-1495303425
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    She knew. That’s why Mom hadn’t opened the door. She knew he was dead. Twenty years as an army brat and Ember Howard knew, too. The soldiers at the door meant her dad was never coming home. What she didn’t know was how she would find the strength to singlehandedly care for her crumbling family when her mom falls apart. Then Josh Walker enters her life. Hockey star, her new next-door neighbor, and not to mention the most delicious hands that insist on saving her over and over again. He has a way of erasing the pain with a single look, a single touch. As much as she wants to turn off her feelings and endure the heartache on her own, she can’t deny their intense attraction. Until Josh’s secret shatters their world. And Ember must decide if he’s worth the risk that comes with loving a man who could strip her bare.
  • The Last Letter Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: 9781640635333
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Amara
    Язык: Английский

    If you’re reading this, well, you know the last-letter drill. You made it. I didn’t. Get off the guilt train, because I know if there was any chance you could have saved me, you would have.

    I need one thing from you: get out of the army and get to Telluride.

    My little sister Ella’s raising the twins alone. She’s too independent and won’t accept help easily, but she has lost our grandmother, our parents, and now me. It’s too much for anyone to endure. It’s not fair.

    And here’s the kicker: there’s something else you don’t know that’s tearing her family apart. She’s going to need help.

    So if I’m gone, that means I can’t be there for Ella. I can’t help them through this. But you can. So I’m begging you, as my best friend, go take care of my sister, my family.

    Please don’t make her go through it alone.
  • In the Likely Event Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: 9781662511561
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Montlake
    Язык: Английский
    When Izzy Astor gets on a plane to go home, she isn’t expecting much. It’s the usual holiday travel experience: busy, crowded, stressful.

    Then she spots her seatmate, who is anything but ordinary. Nate Phelan sports dark hair, blue eyes, and a deliciously rugged charm that Izzy can’t resist. Their connection is undeniable. Izzy never believed in destiny before, but she does now.

    Just ninety seconds after takeoff, their plane goes down in the Missouri River.

    Their lives change. They change. Nate goes on to a career in the military while Izzy finds her way into politics. Despite a few chance encounters over the years, the timing never feels right.

    Then comes a high-stakes reunion in Afghanistan, where Nate is tasked with protecting Izzy’s life.

    He’ll do anything to keep her safe. And everything to win her heart.
  • Începuturi fără sfârșit Rebecca Yarros
    ISBN: 9786303192208
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Litera
    Язык: Румынский
    După un divorț brutal, Georgia Stanton trebuie să lase în urmă aproape totul – viața din New York, prietenii, mândria. Întoarsă la casa copilăriei din Colorado, îl cunoaște din întâmplare pe Noah Harrison, un celebru autor de romane de dragoste, extrem de chipeș, dar și extrem de arogant. Iar lucrurile se complică atunci când se dovedește că Noah este cel ales să termine ultimul roman pe care străbunica Georgiei, și ea o foarte cunoscută scriitoare, nu a mai apucat să îl încheie.

    Noah se află la apogeul carierei, dar nu poate refuza să contribuie la ceea ce ar putea fi cea mai bună carte a secolului – cea pe care idolul său, Scarlett Stanton, a lăsat-o neîncheiată. Să aducă un final care să se ridice la standardele legendarei autoare este dificil, însă și mai dificil pare să se înțeleagă cu superba, dar încăpățânata ei strănepoată.

    Pe măsură ce Noah și Georgia citesc manuscrisul, dar și scrisorile legate de acesta, încep să înțeleagă motivul pentru care Scarlett nu a terminat niciodată cartea – este bazată pe povestea de dragoste pe care ea a trăit -o în timpul celui de Al Doilea Război Mondial, iar finalul nu este unul fericit. Georgia știe prea bine că dragostea aduce numai durere și lasă în urmă răni adânci; și deși atracția dintre ea și Noah este de netăgăduit, este hotărâtă să învețe din greșelile trecutului – chiar dacă asta înseamnă să distrugă cariera lui Noah și speranța unui nou început.
  • Вопреки всему Ребекка Яррос
    Язык: Русский
    Любите музыку, а не мужчину В двадцать лет Сабрина Кэролайн была прославленной поп-звездой в Америке, пока не взяла отпуск на год, чтобы вылечить свою фобию - боязнь толпы., за что ее мать, а по совместительству - продюсер , отдала крупную сумму денег.Теперь , когда она возвращается на сцену, ей придется сотрудничать с одной из самых сексуальных рок-команд, занявшей вершины хит-парадов - "Хищными птицами" - чей соло-гитарист был самой большой ошибкой Сабрины, и тем, о ком она больше всего сожалела.
    Хоук Оуэнс никогда и представить себе не мог, что "Хищные птицы" вырвутся из подвала Дунканской школы искусств, более того отправятся в Европейский тур. Но за успех приходится платить. И его расплатой станет вынужденное сотрудничество с девушкой, разбившей его сердце - Сабриной Кэролайн. С ней связаны все его воспоминания, и более того, когда она рядом, все его фантазии и воспоминания оживают. Их прикосновения словно магнетическое притяжение, которое также сильно, как и ее желание следовать правилу номер один - не встречаться с рок-звездами...хотя она все равно станет его.
    Снова любить ее так же естественно, как держать в руках гитару, но когда-то эта девушка уничтожила его. Теперь же ставки еще более высоки, их история может стать достоянием общественности, а последствия - изменят их жизнь. На фоне рождения MTV им придется выбирать между требованиями организаторов и продюсеров и желаниями своего сердца.
  • Great and Precious Things Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: 9781804992418
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Penguin
    How do you define yourself when others have already decided who you are?
    Six years ago, when Camden Daniels came back from war without his younger brother, no one in the small town of Alba, Colorado, would forgive him-especially his father. He left, swearing never to return.
    When he receives a desperate message from his father, all of the memories come rushing back. The betrayal. The pain. And the need to go home again. But home is where the one person he still loves is waiting. Willow. The one woman he can never have. Because there are secrets buried in Alba that are best left in the dark.
    If only he could tell his heart to stay locked away when she whispers she's always loved him, and always will...
    Great and Precious Things is a heart-wrenching story about family, betrayal, and what we're willing to sacrifice for those who need us most.
  • Wilder Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: 9781682812686
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Entangled Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    I'm Paxton Wilder.
    Twenty-two-year-old, five-time X Games medalist.
    And I have more tattoos than scars.
    I've never seen a stunt I couldn't pull off--
    Or a girl I can't get off.
    Until she walks in.

    My new tutor is sexy, smart, more stubborn than I am, and one hundred percent off limits.
    That's right--the only rule this semester is Don't Touch the Tutor.
    For the first time in my life, I want someone I can't have.
    She's the girl who obeys every rule.
    I'm the guy who breaks them.
    Our biggest risk is falling for each other,
    But I live for risk...
  • Onyx Storm Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: 9781649374189, 1649374186
    Год издания: 2025
    Издательство: Entangled: Red Tower Books
    Язык: Английский
  • Boy in Luv Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: ‎978-1701413047
    Год издания: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    Distance sure as hell made his heart grow fonder… But it shattered hers into a million pieces. Langley Vaughn knows she's never going to make the same mistake again. Who falls head over heels in love in a week? Langley did, and she's regretted it every day since she handed her heart to a boy with too many secrets and too much baggage. Iker doesn't fit into Langley's world, and he made it clear he doesn't want to. He left before she even got a chance to try and change his mind or to prove to him how good they could be together. Langley's spent the last nine months healing her heart and making big plans for the future. Plans that absolutely don't include Iker… even though he's back, looking better than ever, and saying all the right things. Iker Alvarez knows he made the biggest mistake of his life. At first, the pretty blonde in the red dress was nothing more than a means to an end. But, she quickly became so much more. As soon as Iker walked away from Langley, claiming it was for her own good, he knew he screwed up. He left her so she wouldn't worry about him when he deployed, so she wouldn't waste her time waiting around for a guy who was never going to be good enough for her. Only, nine months and a deployment later, Iker still can't get Langley out of his head… and he totally underestimated the hold she has on his hardened heart. He's a guy who's not sure how love should work, or how to go about winning his girl back… he's about to get a crash course in both.
  • Girl in Luv Ребекка Яррос
    ISBN: ‎978-1701202559
    Год издания: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    Langley Vaughn is in desperate need of a date. But not just any date. She's looking for a date to the wedding from hell. It isn't every day you're forced to be in the bridal party while your first love marries your archnemesis… otherwise known as the world's worst stepsister. The entire situation is a nightmare, and Langley is sick and tired of taking orders and forcing a fake smile. She's done being the bad guy when she was the one who was wronged. She needs to find a date who's not afraid of her family's money… someone willing to shake things up. She needs someone outside of her normal social circle, someone ready to go to war with the well-to-do. She needs someone who won't back down. Someone willing to play the complicated game of tug-of-war she's been engaged in with her family for years. Never in a million years did she think she was going to stumble across her very own heroic heartthrob when she set her crazy plan in motion. Not only does Iker show up for her time and time again, he also forces her to finally fight for herself. He says he's only there for the money… but his actions speak so much louder than his words. Iker Alvarez would do anything and everything to get his hands on some quick cash. Not just any cash, but enough to make sure his younger brother gets into the college of his dreams. Thank goodness for a desperate, pretty little rich girl with too much money and her heart set on an outrageous scheme. Being in the right place at the right time might just be the answer to both of their prayers—and this smart soldier has never let a golden opportunity slide by. Iker doesn't mind coming to Langley's rescue and being her plus-one… as long as the price is right. Only, he didn't plan on liking the blonde socialite as much as he does. He is totally unprepared for the pull he feels toward her, coupled with his growing desire to protect her from the vultures and villains living under the same roof. He wants to be the guy who keeps her safe and gives her the courage she obviously needs to fight back… But someone else, someone far more powerful and influential than Langley's wealthy family, has dibs on Iker's time and on his future. He knows he isn't the guy Langley can count on in the long run, but damn, if he doesn't want to do everything in his power to be that man.
  • The Reality of Everything Ребекка Яррос
    Язык: Английский
    Two years after the man she loved was killed in Afghanistan, Morgan Bartley is trying to put the pieces of her life back together. The reno on her dilapidated beach house in the Outer Banks might be just the distraction she needs to keep her debilitating anxiety attacks at bay and begin to heal her heart...if she can ignore the ridiculously handsome guy next door. At twenty-eight, single-dad Jackson Montgomery’s life revolves around his five-year-old daughter and his job as a search-and-rescue pilot for the coast guard. He’s no stranger to saving a damsel in distress, and though his gorgeous new neighbor is clearly in distress, she’s no damsel. She’s stubborn as hell with walls a mile thick, and the dog tags hanging from her rearview mirror give him a pretty good clue as to why. It doesn’t matter that their attraction is undeniable—she swore she’d never fall for another pilot, let alone a military man. There are some wounds time can’t heal, and some fears too consuming to conquer. She’s a barely breathing heartbreak on the edge of recovery.
    He’s a crash waiting to happen.
    Together they could have it all...if they can endure the coming storm.
  • Beyond What is Given Ребекка Яррос
    Язык: Английский
    Be careful what you wish for... Lt. Grayson Masters is focused on graduating the Apache helicopter course, and the last thing he needs is his gorgeous new roommate Samantha Fitzgerald distracting him. While her smart mouth and free spirit are irresistibly irritating, he can't deny their off-the-charts chemistry, no matter how hard he tries. Having just been expelled from college, Sam has no business digging for Grayson's secrets while she's hiding her own, but that doesn't stop her from trying to tear down his walls. Each barrier she busts through drops one of her own, though, and she's not prepared for the truth: another woman laid claim to Grayson's heart long ago. Falling in love is something neither Grayson nor Sam can afford, and when that line is crossed and secrets are exposed, they'll learn that sometimes it's the answered prayers that will put you through hell.
  • Eyes Turned Skyward Ребекка Яррос
    Язык: Английский
    Life's too short to play it safe... Since her sister's death, twenty-year-old Paisley Donovan has been treated like delicate glass by her parents. She may share her sister's heart condition, but nothing will stop her from completing her Bucket List, even if it kills her. And it almost does, until Jagger Bateman pulls her from the ocean and breathes more than air into her lungs—he sets her soul on fire. Jagger is enrolled in the country's toughest flight school. He's wickedly hot, reckless, and perfect for a girl looking to live life to the fullest. Except that Paisley is the commanding general's daughter, and her boyfriend is Jagger's biggest rival. Now Paisley must decide just how much to risk for a guy who makes her heart pound a little too hard. They're flying through dangerous territory—and one wrong move could make them crash and burn...
  • Hallowed Ground Ребекка Яррос
    Язык: Английский
    There are some debts you can't repay... Josh Walker is loyal, reckless, and every girl's dream. But he only has eyes for December Howard, the girl he has yearned for since his high school hockey days. Together they have survived grief, the military, distance, and time as they've fought for stolen weekends between his post at Ft. Rucker and her schooling at Vanderbilt. Now that Josh is a medevac pilot and Ember is headed toward graduation, they're moving on—and in—together. Ember never wanted the Army life, but loving Josh means accepting whatever the army dictates—even when that means saying goodbye as Josh heads to Afghanistan, a country that nearly killed him once before and that took her father. But filling their last days together with love, passion, and plans for their future doesn't temper Ember's fear, and if there's one thing she's learned from her father's death, it's that there are some obstacles even love can't conquer. Flight school is over. This is war.
  • A Little Too Close Ребекка Яррос
    Язык: Английский
    Nine years ago, Weston Madigan saved me. I came to Colorado penniless, heartbroken, and pregnant, searching for a fresh start. Weston gave me a job at his family’s resort, then left the next day and never returned, not even to visit. Then I stumble in on Weston cooking breakfast shirtless—gloriously, inappropriately shirtless—in the shared kitchen of my duplex in employee housing. Given the shock on both our faces, he wasn’t expecting a roommate either, let alone two. The growly pilot is only home to start his family’s new heli-skiing operation. I can handle being his temporary roommate, right? Chemistry and attraction aren’t impossible to ignore when you agree on ground rules. Besides, even with those gorgeous, brooding brown eyes, the guy is a walking thundercloud…until my daughter, Sutton, makes him laugh and he smiles at me. Then everything changes. Cue inconvenient heart flip. This is only temporary.
    I can’t fall for Weston.
    I. Will. Not. Fall. For. Weston.
    But rules go out the window when you’re a little too close.
  • Reason To Believe Ребекка Яррос
    Язык: Английский
    “I’ll take them!” That’s what I tell the social worker when my pre-k student and his baby brother need an emergency foster placement. I’ll do anything to keep the brothers from being split up. But my apartment’s flooded and there’s only one house I can take them to on such short notice…his. Knox Daniels, my older brother’s best friend, offers his new place without hesitation. He’s not moving back to our tiny town until next month—that’s when all our hotshot firefighters are returning for their one and only chance to rebuild our fathers’ fallen, iconic crew. It doesn’t matter that I’ve been silently in love with Knox since we were kids.
    It can’t matter that we pretend that reckless prom night kiss never happened.
    It won’t matter that my feelings for him could destroy his lifelong friendship with my brother and threaten the certification of their hotshot crew.
    Because I’ll be out of his house long before he gets back. Except Knox just walked in…a month early.
    And the icing on this awkward cake?
    He’s gorgeous as always and I’m covered in baby puke.
    He takes one look at the boys and tells me we can make this work—
    We can temporarily fake a relationship to keep them from being separated by the system.
  • Ignite Ребекка Яррос
    Язык: Английский
    It only takes a spark... In Legacy, Colorado, I buried my father alongside his elite Hotshot team.
    Ten years later, I’ve followed in his footsteps—fighting fires in the mountains of Alaska with my brother.
    Amid the flames, nothing ignites me like Avery Claire.
    She’s stubborn, strong, sexy as hell, and my best friend.
    She also has no idea that I’m in love with her.
    But Colorado is calling me home, needing every Legacy-born firefighter to successfully rebuild our fathers’ team.
    One night will change everything between us,
    But she’s tied to Alaska and my future is in Colorado.
    Now I’m torn between what my honor demands,
    And what my heart can’t live without.
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