Кевин Хирн

Kevin Hearne

  • 31 книга
  • 16 подписчиков
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Новинки Кевина Хирна

  • Paper & Blood Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 1984821288, 9781984821287
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Del Rey Books
    Язык: Английский
    There’s only one Al MacBharrais: Though other Scotsmen may have dramatic mustaches and a taste for fancy cocktails, Al also has a unique talent. He’s a master of ink and sigil magic. In his gifted hands, paper and pen can work wondrous spells.

    But Al isn’t quite alone: He is part of a global network of sigil agents who use their powers to protect the world from mischievous gods and strange monsters. So when a fellow agent disappears under sinister circumstances in Australia, Al leaves behind the cozy pubs and cafes of Glasgow and travels to the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria to solve the mystery.

    The trail to his colleague begins to pile up with bodies at alarming speed, so Al is grateful his friends have come to help—especially Nadia, his accountant who moonlights as a pit fighter. Together with a whisky-loving hobgoblin known as Buck Foi and the ancient Druid Atticus O’Sullivan, along with his dogs, Oberon and Starbuck, Al and Nadia will face down the wildest wonders Australia—and the supernatural world—can throw at them, and confront a legendary monster not seen in centuries.
  • A Blight of Blackwings Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 0345548574, 9780345548573
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Del Rey Books
    Язык: Английский
    Daryck is from a city that was devastated by the war with the Bone Giants, and now he and a band of warriors seek revenge against the giants for the loved ones they lost. But will vengeance be enough to salve their grief?

    Hanima is part of a new generation with extraordinary magical talents: She can speak to fantastical animals. But when this gift becomes a threat to the powers-that-be, Hanima becomes the leader of a movement to use this magic to bring power to the people.

    Koesha is the captain of an all-female crew on a perilous voyage to explore unknown waters. Though Koesha's crew is seeking a path around the globe, Koesha is also looking for her sister, lost at sea two years ago. But what lies beyond the edges of the map is far more dangerous than storms and sea monsters. . . .

    In this sequel to A Plague of Giants, these characters and more will become the voices of a new generation bringing hope and revolution to a war-torn world.
  • Ink & Sigil Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 9780356515229
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    Al MacBharrais is both blessed and cursed. He is blessed with an extraordinary white moustache, an appreciation for craft cocktails - and a most unique magical talent. He can cast spells with magically enchanted ink and he uses his gifts to protect our world from rogue minions of various pantheons, especially the Fae.

    But he is also cursed. Anyone who hears his voice will begin to feel an inexplicable hatred for Al, so he can only communicate through the written word or speech apps. And his apprentices keep dying in peculiar freak accidents. As his personal life crumbles around him, he devotes his life to his work, all the while trying to crack the secret of his curse.

    But when his latest apprentice, Gordie, turns up dead in his Glasgow flat, Al discovers evidence that Gordie was living a secret life of crime. Now Al is forced to play detective - while avoiding actual detectives who are wondering why death seems to always follow Al. Investigating his apprentice's death will take him through Scotland's magical underworld, and he'll need the help of a mischievous hobgoblin if he's to survive.

    Packed to the brim with mystery, magic and mayhem, Ink & Sigil is perfect for fans of Rivers of London and Rotherweird.
  • Death & Honey (сборник) Chuck Wendig
    ISBN: 1596069147, 9781596069145
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Subterranean Press
    Язык: Английский
    Death & Honey contains three novellas by New York Times bestsellers Delilah S. Dawson (as Lila Bowen), Kevin Hearne, and Chuck Wendig. Each of the stories features a full-color, full-page illustration by Galen Dara, who also contributed the cover and a full-color frontispiece.

    In The Buzz Kill by Kevin Hearne, Oberon the Irish wolfhound and Starbuck the Boston Terrier sink their teeth into a new Meaty Mystery when they discover a body underneath a beehive in Tasmania. It's been badly stung, but the bees aren't at fault: This is homicide. The hounds recruit the help of their Druid, Atticus O'Sullivan, and the Tasmanian police to track down the killer in the interest of a reward—but this time, they want more than food and justice.

    Grist of Bees, by Delilah S. Dawson writing as Lila Bowen, follows Rhett Walker, who has given up his destiny as the monster-hunting Shadow to settle down with his beloved Sam. But when the call to action grows too strong, Rhett saddles up to follow a peculiar bee into the unforgiving desert. The bee leads him to a weeping mother in a strangely prosperous valley, and Rhett has no choice but to hunt the creature that's stolen her child—even if it destroys a land of milk and honey.

    Interlude: Tanager by Chuck Wendig returns us to the world of Miriam Black. Lauren “Wren” Martin is a young psychic woman who can see the stained souls of killers; it is her gift, or as she sees it, her curse. And up until now, it has been her mission to kill those killers, to remove them from the pattern so that they may not murder again. But now, after a death that may not have been deserved, she's left rudderless, without plan or purpose, until a woman with a strange power of her own takes her in and gives her a new mission—and a new target.
  • Das Spiel des Barden Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 3426523299, 978-3426523292
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Knaur TB
    Язык: Немецкий
    Das neue High-Fantasy-Meisterwerk von Kevin Hearne, dem Autor der »Chroniken des eisernen Druiden«, entführt in eine Welt voller wilder Magie, epischer Schlachten und wahrer Helden.

    Sechs Kennings sind in den Reichen des Kontinents Teldwen bekannt: magische Fähigkeiten, die Macht über die Elemente verleihen – für einen hohen Preis: Lebenszeit. Die Erzählungen des Barden Fintan führen bald zu einem Gerücht von einem siebten Kenning, das allen anderen überlegen sein soll. Auf der Suche danach fällt eine gigantische Armee bleicher Knochenriesen in die nördlichen Reiche Teldwens ein. Der Barde und seine Verbündeten geraten mitten in den alles verschlingenden Strudel eines Krieges, der ihre Welt zu vernichten droht – sollte es ihnen nicht gelingen, die letzten Geheimnisse der Kennings zu ergründen.

    New York Times-Bestsellerautor Kevin Hearne fesselt mit einem neuen Fantasy-Epos über die Macht der Erzählung, finstere Magie und vernichtende Schlachten.

    Der Auftakt zur High-Fantasy-Trilogie "Fintans Sage".
  • Besieged (сборник) Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 039918175X, 978-0399181757
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    The ancient gods are alive and well in the modern world in this hilarious, action-packed collection of original short stories featuring Atticus O’Sullivan, the two-thousand-year-old Irishman from Kevin Hearne’s New York Times bestselling Iron Druid Chronicles.

    • In ancient Egypt, Atticus agrees to raid a secret chamber underneath the library of Alexandria, dodging deadly traps, only to learn that on-site security includes two members of the Egyptian pantheon.
    • At a Kansas carnival, fun and games turns to murder and mayhem, thanks to soul-snatching demons and flesh-craving ghouls luring visitors into an all-too-real house of horrors.
    • Verily, in olde England, striking up a friendship with William Shakespeare lands both Atticus and the Bard in boiling hot water with a trio of infamous witches.
    • During the Gold Rush, the avatar of greed himself turns the streets of San Francisco red with blood and upsets the elemental Sequoia. Atticus may have to fight fire with fire if he’s going to restore balance.

    More, you say? Indeed there is—including bogeymen, vampire hordes, wrathful wraiths, and even a journey to the realm of the dead. Prepare to be besieged with nine tantalizing tales—not to be missed, never to be forgotten.
  • Побежденный Кевин Хирн
    ISBN: 978-5-04-094369-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Среди всех представлений людей о загробной жизни, Асгард — одно из самых приятных мест. Воздух пропитан здесь ароматами тайны и опасности. Последний друид Аттикус О’Салливан мчится в Асгард, чтобы отомстить легкомысленному богу грома Тору за восемь жизней и женское сердце. Вернется ли он из Асгарда? Какую цену заплатит за то, что сдержит слово, силу и бессмертие?

  • Scourged Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 9780345548542
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    Kevin Hearne creates the ultimate Atticus O’Sullivan adventure in the grand finale of the New York Times bestselling Iron Druid Chronicles: an epic battle royale against the Norse gods of Asgard.

    Unchained from fate, the Norse gods Loki and Hel are ready to unleash Ragnarok, a.k.a. the Apocalypse, upon the earth. They’ve made allies on the darker side of many pantheons, and there’s a globe-spanning battle brewing that ancient Druid Atticus O’Sullivan will be hard-pressed to survive, much less win.

    Granuaile MacTiernan must join immortals Sun Wukong and Erlang Shen in a fight against the Yama Kings in Taiwan, but she discovers that the stakes are much higher than she thought.

    Meanwhile, Archdruid Owen Kennedy must put out both literal and metaphorical fires from Bavaria to Peru to keep the world safe for his apprentices and the future of Druidry.

    And Atticus recruits the aid of a tyromancer, an Indian witch, and a trickster god in hopes that they’ll give him just enough leverage to both save Gaia and see another sunrise. There is a hound named Oberon who deserves a snack, after all.
  • Проклятый Кевин Хирн
    ISBN: 978-5-04-092580-3
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Оказывается, победить бога – не повод почивать на лаврах! Аттикус О'Салливан, последний друид, знает это не понаслышке, как и то, что ласки богини Смерти – испытание не для слабаков. С верным псом Обероном ему придется вновь сражаться – с вакханками, злобными порождениями ада, и со старыми врагами, преследующими друида со времен второй мировой. Плечом к плечу с вампиром, мечтающим убить бога грома, и трикстером-койотом, и стаей оборотней, и ведьмой Хинду. Помогают в этом волшебный меч, защитный талисман и неистребимое чувство юмора. Недругам лучше не стоит испытывать судьбу и мешать им. Не пропусти бестселлер The New York Times! «Хроники Железного Друида» вдохнули новую жизнь в старые мифы. Теперь по современным улицам разгуливают древние боги, вампиры и ведьмы. И только друид Аттикус может предотвратить возвращение безумного Вакха и его кровожадных последовательниц. Второй роман успешного и популярного цикла в жанре «городской фэнтези» понравится фанатам «Американских богов» и «Файлов Дрездена». Продолжение приключений последнего друида Аттикуса О'Салливана и ирландского волкодава Оберона. Прекрасно написанный роман, с обаятельными героями, неожиданными сюжетными ходами и «гиковским» юмором. Автор создает уникальные ситуации, сталкивая богов и магических существ разных эпох и пантеонов на фоне современной Америки (кельтский друид, вампиры, боги Ирландии и Центральной Америки, ведьмы из Польши и Германии). Бестселлер New York Times. Кевин Хирн занимает 12-е место среди фантастов по рейтингу Amazon.com.
  • Преследуемый. Hounded Кевин Хирн
    ISBN: 978-5-04-089558-8
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Аттикус О‘Салливан, последний друид, мирно живёт в Аризоне, занимается своим оккультным книжным магазином и иногда оборачивается, чтобы поохотиться со своим верным псом – ирландским волкодавом. Для соседей и покупателей он симпатичный, татуированный ирландский парниша лет за двадцать, но на самом деле его возраст насчитывает две тысячи лет. Стоит упомянуть, что он обладает острым умом и не менее острым магическим мечом, известным как Фрагарах, Находящий ответы. К несчастью, очень недовольный кельтский бог хочет присвоить этот меч себе и преследует Аттикуса веками. Друиду понадобятся вся его магия, вся помощь друзей - обольстительной…

  • Oberon's Meaty Mysteries: The Squirrel on the Train Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 1596068477, 978-1596068476
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Subterranean
    Язык: Английский
    Oberon the Irish wolfhound is off to Portland to smell all the things with canine companions wolfhound Orlaith and Boston terrier Starbuck, and, of course, his human, ancient Druid Atticus O'Sullivan. The first complication is an unmistakable sign of sinister agendas afoot: a squirrel atop the train. But an even more ominous situation is in store when the trio plus Atticus stumble across a murder upon arrival at the station. They recognize Detective Gabriela Ibarra, who's there to investigate. But they also recognize the body—or rather that the body is a doppelganger for Atticus himself. The police, hampered by human senses of smell and a decided lack of canine intuition, obviously can't handle this alone. Not with Atticus likely in danger. Oberon knows it's time to investigate once more—for justice! For gravy! And possibly greasy tacos!
    Alongside his faithful Druid, Oberon and the other loyal hounds navigate by nose through Portland to find a bear-shifter friend with intel, delicious clues at the victim's home, and more squirrels. Always more squirrels!
    But will our hungry band of heroes be able to identify the culprit before someone else is murdered? Will there be mystery meat in gravy as a reward or tragedy in store for the world's (or at least the Pacific Northwest's) greatest dog detective.
  • Besieged (сборник) Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 0356509575, 978-0356509570
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    Harry Dresden meets American Gods in this collection of all-new stories set in the bestselling world of The Iron Druid Chronicles, starring 2,000-year-old Irishman/Druid, Atticus O’Sullivan.

    The Iron Druid Chronicles is a hilarious and action-packed urban fantasy set in a modern world in which all the gods of every pantheon are alive and well, as in American Gods; its hero is a smart-mouthed, buttkicking magician, like Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden. But it’s told in a smart, witty, unforgettable voice that’s all Kevin Hearne—a star in the fantasy world. This addictive and wildly imaginative series stars hero Atticus O’Sullivan: a handsome, tattooed Irishman who looks like a young rock star, but is in actuality a 2,000-year-old Druid with extraordinary magic powers. In Besieged, Atticus’ adventures throughout history are told in a collection of nine new and original short stories.

    The ancient gods are alive and well in the modern world in this hilarious, action-packed collection of original short stories featuring Atticus O’Sullivan, the two-thousand-year-old Irishman from Kevin Hearne’s New York Times bestselling Iron Druid Chronicles.

    • In ancient Egypt, Atticus agrees to raid a secret chamber underneath the library of Alexandria, dodging deadly traps, only to learn that on-site security includes two members of the Egyptian pantheon.
    • At a Kansas carnival, fun and games turns to murder and mayhem, thanks to soul-snatching demons and flesh-craving ghouls luring visitors into an all-too-real house of horrors.
    • Verily, in olde England, striking up a friendship with William Shakespeare lands both Atticus and the Bard in boiling hot water with a trio of infamous witches.
    • During the Gold Rush, the avatar of greed himself turns the streets of San Francisco red with blood and upsets the elemental Sequoia. Atticus may have to fight fire with fire if he’s going to restore balance.

    More, you say? Indeed there is—including bogeymen, vampire hordes, wrathful wraiths, and even a journey to the realm of the dead. Prepare to be besieged with nine tantalizing tales—not to be missed, never to be forgotten.
  • A Plague of Giants Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 0345548604, 978-0345548603
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский

    MOTHER AND WARRIOR Tallynd is a soldier who has already survived her toughest battle: losing her husband. But now she finds herself on the front lines of an invasion of giants, intent on wiping out the entire kingdom, including Tallynd’s two sons—all that she has left. The stakes have never been higher. If Tallynd fails, her boys may never become men. SCHOLAR AND SPY Dervan is an historian who longs for a simple, quiet life. But he’s drawn into intrigue when he’s hired to record the tales of a mysterious bard who may be a spy or even an assassin for a rival kingdom. As the bard shares his fantastical stories, Dervan makes a shocking…

  • The Purloined Poodle Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 9781596068094
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Subterranean Press
    Язык: Английский
    Thanks to his relationship with the ancient Druid Atticus O’Sullivan, Oberon the Irish wolfhound knows trouble when he smells it—and furthermore, he knows he can handle it.

    When he discovers that a prizewinning poodle has been abducted in Eugene, Oregon, he learns that it’s part of a rash of hound abductions all over the Pacific Northwest. Since the police aren’t too worried about dogs they assume have run away, Oberon knows it’s up to him to track down those hounds and reunite them with their humans. For justice! And gravy!

    Engaging the services of his faithful Druid, Oberon must travel throughout Oregon and Washington to question a man with a huge salami, thwart the plans of diabolical squirrels, and avoid, at all costs, a fight with a great big bear.

    But if he’s going to solve the case of the Purloined Poodle, Oberon will have to recruit the help of a Boston terrier named Starbuck, survive the vegetables in a hipster pot pie, and firmly refuse to be distracted by fire hydrants and rabbits hiding in the rose bushes.

    At the end of the day, will it be a sad bowl of dry kibble for the world’s finest hound detective, or will everything be coming up sirloins?

    The Purloined Poodle is another exciting novella entry in Kevin Hearne’s New York Times best-selling Iron Druid series.
  • Staked Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 0345548531, 978-0345548535
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    Iron Druid Atticus O’Sullivan, hero of Kevin Hearne’s epic urban fantasy series, has a point to make—and then drive into a vampire’s heart.

    When a Druid has lived for two thousand years like Atticus, he’s bound to run afoul of a few vampires. Make that legions of them. Even his former friend and legal counsel turned out to be a bloodsucking backstabber. Now the toothy troublemakers—led by power-mad pain-in-the-neck Theophilus—have become a huge problem requiring a solution. It’s time to make a stand.

    As always, Atticus wouldn’t mind a little backup. But his allies have problems of their own. Ornery archdruid Owen Kennedy is having a wee bit of troll trouble: Turns out when you stiff a troll, it’s not water under the bridge. Meanwhile, Granuaile is desperate to free herself of the Norse god Loki’s mark and elude his powers of divination—a quest that will bring her face-to-face with several Slavic nightmares.

    As Atticus globetrots to stop his nemesis Theophilus, the journey leads to Rome. What better place to end an immortal than the Eternal City? But poetic justice won’t come without a price: In order to defeat Theophilus, Atticus may have to lose an old friend.
  • Staked Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 0345548515
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Del Rey
    Язык: Английский
    Iron Druid Atticus O'Sullivan, hero of Kevin Hearne's epic New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series, has a point to make—and then drive into a vampire's heart.

    When a druid has lived for two thousand years like Atticus, he's bound to run afoul of a few vampires. Make that legions of them. Even his former friend and legal counsel turned out to be a bloodsucking backstabber. Now the toothy troublemakers—led by power-mad pain-in-the-neck Theophilus—have become a huge problem requiring a solution. It's time to make a stand.

    As always, Atticus wouldn't mind a little backup. But his allies have problems of their own. Ornery archdruid Owen Kennedy is having a wee bit of troll trouble: Turns out when you stiff a troll, it's not water under the bridge. Meanwhile, Granuaile is desperate to free herself of the Norse god Loki's mark and elude his powers of divination—a quest that will bring her face-to-face with several Slavic nightmares.

    As Atticus globetrots to stop his nemesis Theophilus, the journey leads to Rome. What better place to end an immortal than the Eternal City? But poetic justice won't come without a price: In order to defeat Theophilus, Atticus may have to lose an old friend.
  • Three Slices (сборник) Kevin Hearne
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Podium Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Three Slices presents three novellas by modern fantasy writers:

    A Prelude to War by Kevin Hearne
    After an old friend is murdered in retaliation for his mercenary strikes against the oldest vampires in the world, Atticus O'Sullivan must solicit the aid of another old friend in Ethiopia if he's going to have a chance of finishing a war he never wanted. Meanwhile, Granuaile MacTiernan starts a private war of her own against Loki, the lord of lies, and if it brings Ragnarok early—so be it.

    Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys by Delilah S. Dawson
    The number one rule of the circus? Don't kill your volunteers, even accidentally. That's how young magician Criminy Stain ends up on the run in a forest, where he meets a beautiful woman holding a bucket of blood. But is Merissa the answer to his prayers-- or the orchestrator of his ruin?

    Interlude: Swallow by Chuck Wendig
    Miriam Black is back. Miriam is tired of her curse and finally believes she knows how to be rid of her ability to see when and how other people die. She follows a lead to the mountains of Colorado, where she believes she sees signs of a serial killer she thought she already killed. (Set between THE CORMORANT and THUNDERBIRD.)
  • Heir to the Jedi: Star Wars Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 9780345544865
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Del Ray
    Язык: Английский
    This is a key moment of personal growth for the young Luke Skywalker--the time between the original Star Wars film and The Empire Strikes Back. As he struggles to gain a new appreciation for the Force, a mission for the Rebel Alliance leads Luke into more danger than he bargained for.
  • Star Wars: Heir to the Jedi Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 9780804191753
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Random House Audio
    Язык: Английский

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . .

    A thrilling new adventure set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, and—for the first time ever—written entirely from Luke Skywalker’s first-person point of view.

    Luke Skywalker’s game-changing destruction of the Death Star has made him not only a hero of the Rebel Alliance but a valuable asset in the ongoing battle against the Empire. Though he’s a long way from mastering the power of the Force, there’s no denying his phenomenal skills as a pilot—and in the eyes of Rebel leaders Princess Leia Organa and Admiral Ackbar, there’s no one better qualified to carry out a daring rescue mission crucial to the Alliance cause.

    A brilliant alien cryptographer renowned for her ability to breach even the most advanced communications systems is being detained by Imperial agents determined to exploit her exceptional talents for the Empire’s purposes. But the prospective spy’s sympathies lie with the Rebels, and she’s willing to join their effort in exchange for being reunited with her family. It’s an opportunity to gain a critical edge against the Empire that’s too precious to pass up. It’s also a job that demands the element of surprise. So Luke and the ever-resourceful droid R2-D2 swap their trusty X-wing fighter for a sleek space yacht piloted by brash recruit Nakari Kelen, daughter of a biotech mogul, who’s got a score of her own to settle with the Empire.

    Challenged by ruthless Imperial bodyguards, death-dealing enemy battleships, merciless bounty hunters, and monstrous brain-eating parasites, Luke plunges head-on into a high-stakes espionage operation that will push his abilities as a Rebel fighter and would-be Jedi to the limit. If ever he needed the wisdom of Obi-Wan Kenobi to shepherd him through danger, it’s now. But Luke will have to rely on himself, his friends, and his own burgeoning relationship with the Force to survive.
  • Star Wars: Heir to the Jedi Kevin Hearne
    ISBN: 0345544854, 9780345544858
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: LucasBooks
    Язык: Английский

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . . A thrilling new adventure set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, and—for the first time ever—written entirely from Luke Skywalker’s first-person point of view. Luke Skywalker’s game-changing destruction of the Death Star has made him not only a hero of the Rebel Alliance but a valuable asset in the ongoing battle against the Empire. Though he’s a long way from mastering the power of the Force, there’s no denying his phenomenal skills as a pilot—and in the eyes of Rebel leaders Princess Leia Organa and Admiral Ackbar, there’s no one better qualified to carry out a daring…

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