Дженика Сноу

Jenika Snow

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Новинки Дженики Сноу

  • Run, Little Rabbit Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 979-88 65078975
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Independently Published
    It was supposed to be a fun evening at the Halloween carnival, but I ended up being stalked by a masked stranger the entire night.
    He found me in the haunted house and gave me that first forced touch.
    He caught me at the bouncy house and used his mouth and knife on me, making me feel good, even though I tried to hate it.
    And when he chased me through the woods, calling me his prey, I didn’t know if it was the fear or the excitement and anticipation that made me run faster.
    His kinks were unmatched. Dark and depraved.
    They were just for me.
    He called me his little rabbit.
    He told me to run. He wanted to chase me, to hunt me down.
    And when he caught me, he’d do whatever he wanted to me.
  • Take My Daddy, I'll Take Yours Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798376789278
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    I was happy when my father found love again.

    What I hated was that his new wife was not only the same age as me but I was pretty sure she was a sea witch created solely to make my life as miserable as possible.

    A wedding should have been a joyous time. Instead, I kicked back the champagne until my inhibitions were shot and let a much older man lead me to a darkened corner and give me the best sex I’d ever had.

    That one-night stand should have been just that, but it was hard not to think about the silver fox who gave me more orgasms than I thought were humanly possible.

    It wasn't until a family dinner when my new step-mother invited her father over that I realized the man I let screw my brains out was none other than her father.

    I should have felt shame for what I’d done, that forbidden encounter that lived rent free in my head. But instead the only thought that crossed my mind was…

    Take my daddy, I’ll take yours.
  • Just the Tip Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798869999863
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    He broke into my house, watched me sleep.

    He was dressed in black and wore a mask, telling me I could run but he’d catch me.

    I knew he only wanted one thing, and he wouldn’t leave until he got it.

    To use me.

    It was just the tip… of his tongue on my body, his weapon at my throat. It was just the tip of sweetness and fear that held me close and refused to let me go.

    I was frightened of the lengths he’d go, of how close he’d take me to the edge. I didn’t know if he’d throw me over or embrace me in the darkness.

    All I could do was surrender. It was bittersweet and an encounter I didn’t know if I’d live to see the end of.
  • Niestosowne uczucia Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9788328391024
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Editio
    Язык: Польский
    Tego dnia Linda Morris została upokorzona na oczach współpracowników i wyrzucona z pracy. Wściekły szef nie dał jej najmniejszej szansy na wyjaśnienie sytuacji. Ale kilka dni później Linda mogła uznać, że zła passa mija. Dostała zaproszenie na rozmowę o pracę, były szef zaoferował jej miesięczną odprawę, a do tego została umówiona na obiecującą randkę z nieznajomym. Nieznajomy okazał się wyjątkowo przystojnym, zajmującym i inteligentnym mężczyzną. Linda jednak nie spodziewała się, że spotka go już następnego dnia, na rozmowie o pracę. Przystojniak nazywał się Jason Shelby i został jej nowym szefem.

    Jason szybko docenił kompetencje swojej nowej asystentki. Była bystra, profesjonalna i błyskawicznie nauczyła się wykonywania swoich obowiązków. Ale było w niej coś więcej. Uroda, wdzięk, wspaniała inteligencja... i ta osobowość. Pociągała go tak, jak żadna inna kobieta. Musiał ją mieć. Musiał ją zdobyć. Dla niej był gotów zaryzykować wiele, włączając w to złamanie zasad panujących w firmie. Kiedy się zorientował, że Linda odwzajemnia jego uczucia, było już za późno, aby się wycofać. Nikt ani nic na świecie nie mogłoby go powstrzymać. Wydawało mu się, że czekał na Lindę całe życie.

    Linda najbardziej ze wszystkiego pragnęłaby zatracić się w namiętnych pocałunkach Jasona. Był taki przystojny, ambitny, imponujący. Miał cudowne ciemne oczy i seksowny niski głos. Linda obserwowała go ukradkiem... i coraz bardziej zdawała sobie sprawę, że romans z szefem jest niewłaściwy i świadczy o braku profesjonalizmu. Tym razem bardzo chciała, aby rozum wygrał z sercem. Postanowiła nakreślić granice.

    Ale Jason był gotów na wszystko, by ją zdobyć.

    Nigdy nie słuchaj głosu serca.
  • Primal Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 979-8393987008
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Independently Published
    They didn’t care who got me pregnant… just that one of them did.
    The first time I saw the beasts, I’d wandered off and gotten lost. But I hadn't been alone. Not the entire time. I’d been found, just not by something that was human. Bear-beasts. They were myths whispered amongst the villagers and that parents told their children before bed to keep them inside, to make them fearful of what lurked in the dark. Seven-foot-tall creatures covered in fur, with sharp claws, fangs, and the strength of a hundred men. But the creature kept me safe and led me out of the woods. I never saw it again, but I felt it—no, I felt them —watching me. Following me. Stalking me. They waited for me all these years. Protected and provided for me, even when I hadn’t realized it. Now, I was on my own, and not one but three primal beasts had come for me. And what they wanted was To make me theirs in any way they saw fit. I was Goldie, and these were now my three bears.
  • The Fall Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798842083985
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский

    I was a ruthless monster. A right-hand enforcer to the most powerful sociopathic vampire in the world.

    The only thing that mattered was satiating my bloodthirst for killing.

    When it came time to take out the Assembly, a group of demented humans who used creatures of the Otherworld for their own sick entertainment, I was ready to litter the ground with their corpses.

    And I did my job well.

    But when I woke up in the middle of nowhere and realized I’d been thrust into another dimension, the idea of death was a sweet relief.

    But then I was found by an unlikely ally. She saved me.

    This tiny Fae female with pointed ears, tiny fangs, deep red hair, and freckles that made me hungry and thirsty and dying to see every part of her.

    Ada. My mate.

    It was an enemies-to-lovers start, where it was her and me against everything else in this dangerous new world.

    And for the first time in my life I actually… wanted something for myself. I wanted to protect instead of kill.

    I wanted to love instead of hate.

    I just didn’t know if I could ever be anything but the villain of my own story.
  • The Wild Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798802018989
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский

The moment I found her, my fated mate—the only good and right thing in my dark, hollow life—she was taken from me by my enemies.

    She was gone, ripped from my arms, a feeling more painful than if my heart had been torn from my chest.

    I changed that day. I didn’t see myself as Odhran, loyal soldier to the king of the Scottish Lycans, any longer. I became scarred, emotionless… soulless. 
And over the decades, I became stronger, more deadly.

    I turned into a killing machine, a warlord who took lives because mine had no meaning any longer.

    I realized I became this male for a reason, a purpose. To take down the organization that stole and enslaved what was mine by right and fate.

    And I knew that because I found her. I found them. 
They thought they could take her, keep my mate from me.

    They didn’t know I’d destroy them because of it.
  • Bite Marks Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798775908300
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский

    I was ruthless, brutal. A sociopath by all accounts. The leader of the American Vampire Clan, a male who all feared because I was merciless.

    And then I found my mate. Kayla. So fragile. Breakable. So human.

    I’d make her mine, and she’d hate me for it. I wanted to give her pain with pleasure, wanted to break her skin and lick up the blood I spilled… take Kayla into me like she’d take me into her.

    I’d have her surrendering to my needs. I’d give her my body but wouldn't be able to give her my heart.

    How could I when it wasn’t something I had to offer, when I was nothing but a coldhearted killer?

    So when the threats come to my front door, it’s time to show my female she’s mated to the most dangerous vampire in the world.
  • The King Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798425090454
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский

    I was eighteen.
    He was over two hundred years old.
    I was an inexperienced vampire exploring Eastern Europe by myself.
    Banner was the king of the Scottish Lycans.
    He was huge. I was small. And he wouldn't take no for an answer.
    Talk about a forbidden, age-gap romance.
    Our meeting had been nothing short of happenstance, luck of the draw, a strike of fate, or one of the many other things people say when you meet the one person meant to be yours and yours alone.
    But we were meant to be together. Fated mates by destiny.
    Maybe I should have fought the attraction. Maybe I should have played hard to get. Especially when my Lycan mate was so big and burly, growly and an over-the-top alpha?
    But where was the fun in that?
  • The Alpha Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798471676206
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    I’d never felt like I was missing anything in my life, not until my only friend left to start a journey to find out her own history. It had been clear in the ugliest way that I relied on her company too much over the years.

    I needed to make my own path, create my own story.

    But then one video call changed my entire life, and I was thrown into a new world where creatures that had only ever been in fiction and movies were now very much real.

    And one of them was coming after me.

    A werewolf—Lycan—from myth and lore.

    He said I was his. He said he was coming for me.

    So there was only one thing for me to do. Run.

    Cian said he wouldn’t stop until he found me, until he put his mark on my neck. He said he’d go to the ends of the world to make me his mate in all ways.

    He’d have one hell of a chase on his hands, because I wasn’t going to make this easy on him.

    That was my plan until everything changed--and someone else was hunting us.
  • The Hunger Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798530000096
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    I had no family, no friends. I was utterly alone and always had been. And once I aged out of the system that had raised me, I decided to find out exactly who I was.

    Where did I come from? Who were my parents? What made me… me?

    It became the fire in my veins.

    And my journey led me to Scotland, the Highlands, and for the first time in my life, I had this feeling of… belonging.

    What should have been a simple hike through the Scottish countryside led me to discover that there were things far more mysterious than trying to find out who I was.

    There were other things—creatures—lurking in this world, ones who were stronger, fiercer… ones who were not human.

    Everything I’d ever known seemed like a fable now.

    And it was one of those otherworldly creatures who stalked me—chased me.

    And I knew I couldn’t outrun him. I couldn’t escape.

    He’s bigger than any man I’d ever seen, stronger than anyone should be. His growls were feral, his fangs animalistic, and when he watched me it was with glowing eyes.

    I found myself at his mercy, chained to a bed, and alone with this man who isn’t really a man at all. I asked him why I was there, why he took me, held me against my will.

    And all he said was… I was his mate.
  • You Are Mine Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798728380191
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский

    I'd lost my mind, was more animal than man. More crazed than sane.

    And all because I hadn't found my mate, that one female born to be mine and mine alone.

    As an over four-hundred-year-old Lycan, a supernatural being who was able to shift from human to my inner wolf, my kind was known as fearsome beasts with unimaginable power. All feared us, and rightfully so.

    I had given up hope of ever finding my mate and because of that had let my inner beast reign supreme, control me. I was far more rabid than anything else.

    But then it happened. I saw her, my halfling mate. Part Lycan. Part vampire. She was perfect and made just for me.

    I craved her like no other, and I'd have her as mine no matter what.

    For there was nothing more dangerous than a male of the Otherworld finding his mate and keeping her close.

    But she had protectors, brothers, and a father who saw me for the beast I was and were ready to go to war with me... to keep her from me.

    I'd been waiting my entire life for her, and they'd soon realize I'd level anything and anyone who thought to stand in the way of claiming my prize, no matter the consequences or repercussions.

  • Big Bad Wolf Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798589285413
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский

    It was a spur of the moment, maybe reckless, definitely a shock to everyone I knew when I decided to take a trip across the ocean to a foreign country and stay for an undetermined amount of time.

    Renting out a cottage in a tiny European village whose residents barely spoke English was the perfect escape from overbearing parents, fake friends, and a future that seemed bleak. And helping out an elderly woman with her shopping to earn some extra cash seemed easy enough.

    Mindless, hour-long walks through the thick woods that surrounded said village also sounded ideal. No Internet. No television. And just the bare basics to get me by.

    Perfection. Stress-free. Exactly what I needed.

    Or maybe I was wrong about it all.

    I felt someone or something watching me from the darkened, dangerous woods.

    I felt someone—something—stalking me.
    I didn’t know what or who it was, but I knew with certainty it wasn’t human… and that it wanted me.


    I wasn’t human, not completely.

    A Lycan—a centuries-old wolf-like creature that was feared by all, stronger than anything on the planet, and who was only ever after one thing.

    My mate.

    For over three hundred years, I had one purpose in life. Find her, the one female born to be mine. My female who’d cause the Linking Instinct—that supernatural connection that told me she was mine and I hers—to finally take root and make me whole.

    And for hundreds of years, I’d been alone, saving myself for my mate, never stopping the search.

    Until I scented her, saw her, finally felt my heartbeat and the blood rush through my veins with hope and anticipation.


    She didn’t see me, but she sensed me. And she ran. She couldn’t possibly know how much the chase turned me on.

    I didn’t know how I’d make her understand I could never let her go, that nothing and no one would stop me from making her mine.

    Because once a Lycan found his mate… nothing in this world, nothing supernatural or human, could keep him from her.
  • On His Terms Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798651393589
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    The contract was simple.Be his for one week and her money troubles would disappear.It seemed simple enough to Sorcha Case. Cut and dry. She'd be Rian Hartford's in any way he saw fit, but only for seven days.But Sorcha should have known nothing was that simple.Rian was arrogant, ruthless, and brought cold to a whole new level. He was gorgeous, intelligent, charming, and charismatic. He's dominating and demanding, and infuriates her to no end. Despite the fact that he was the devil in disguise, Sorcha wanted him like no other, so signing on that dotted line was easier than it should have been.But Rian started to show her a different side, a gentler side that had her falling harder for him. She wanted to hate him, but the longer she stayed with him, the more she gave herself over. Sorcha knew leaving him once the contract was up would be one of the hardest things she's ever done.
  • Until Forever Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798613882489
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    She was the shy new girl who’d walked into class. I instantly knew we’d be inseparable.

    Abigail and Max. That sounded perfect.

    Everything about her mesmerized me, from her sandy blonde hair to the sweet scent of cotton candy bubble gum that clung to her. And as the years passed, those feelings of infatuation I had for her grew to something so much more.

    Bone-deep, soul-claiming love.

    And now at eighteen, we were both ready to start new paths in life. I was ready to be a man and tell her how I felt. But was I crossing a line that couldn’t be uncrossed?

    Would I ruin what I had with my best friend all for the hope she was in love with me, too?

    But fear of the unknown had nothing on what I felt for Abigail, and damn any consequences that rose up by being honest with her.
  • Wicked Bedmate Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9798646537387
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    Getting fired and humiliated in front of everyone at my newly acquired secretarial job at Morgan Financial Holdings wasn’t how I’d seen my day going.

    And then chaos—or maybe luck—ensured.

    I was set up on a blind date, shocked that my former boss was giving me a month’s severance, and had the perfect interview lined up.

    Maybe things were looking up for me after all.

    And although finding a man should have been on the bottom of my to-do list, I couldn’t get Jason—the uber-sexy blind date—out of my head. Sexy and confident—or maybe arrogant—he had me yearning for more with just a smoldering look and a smirk of his lips.

    But when a night of drinking leads to getting in bed with him and having the wildest, most intense night of my life, I didn’t know if I should ask to see him again or do the good old walk of shame.

    And it’s when I walk into my interview the next day and come face-to-face with my prospective employer that the reality of my situation sinks in.

    Because there, sitting across from me with that devilish smile on his face, that knowing expression of what we’d done the night before, is the one and only Jason, my supposedly one-night stand.

    Looked like my humiliation wasn’t over just yet.
  • Just Friends Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9781096079088
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    Just friends.

    That’s what I thought we were … until we weren’t, until my love for Mia was too consuming that I couldn’t ignore it anymore. Until I couldn’t deny it.

    And when we’d lost someone close to us both—her brother, my best friend—it was that life-changing moment that I told myself to man up.

It was that loss that drew us closer, that made me realize I’d been a fool to stay back.

    But we’d always been just friends.
Two words that meant a hell of a lot more than I wanted them to.

    Two words that were this wall between us.

    Two words that I wanted going when I looked at her.

    There was a time when I would have been fine with that title. But that time had passed.
I was done being just friends. I was ready to finally make Mia mine. I just hoped she felt the same way.

  • Berserker Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9781797644561
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский

They were known to be the fiercest of all Norse warriors, charging into battle in a wild frenzy, no protection except the weapon they held in their hand. 
Said to have the spirit of a wild animal inside of them, they were feared … revered.
And I had fallen in love with one.


    I was a wanderer, a free spirit. I was paid to track and hunt, to kill. It’s what I did, how I survived. And I loved every minute of it.
 But I found myself going to the same village because of one person … Greta.
I shouldn’t want her. She’s far too innocent for the likes of me, more animal, more feral than the fiercest of Vikings. But I couldn't stop myself from being drawn to her.
 And then she’s taken from me. 
I'd track her, hunt her down and bring her back. But that’s not all I'd do.
Once Greta was back in my arms, I was claiming her and never letting her go.
  • Breaking In His Virgin Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9781986380096
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    Nothing would stop him from claiming her.


    She’s been my best friend for more years than I can count. But my friendly affection for her has turned into something so much more.

    I am in love with Marie but too afraid to tell her. No other woman compares to her.

    She's smart and hardworking, sweet and sexy, innocent yet made for temptation. And it’s because of that, because I want her so damn much, that I’ve stayed celibate, hoping one day Marie will be mine.

    But it’s the threat of someone making her another notch in his bedpost that drives me into action.

    I should have made Marie mine long ago, but there’s no time like the present.

    It’s time I show her that nothing will stop me from claiming her.
  • Wrangling His Virgin Дженика Сноу
    ISBN: 9781985022638
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    I'm going to rope her in and make her mine.


    I ran from him, from my feelings … from my hometown, all because I was too afraid of how I felt. I was gone for years, trying to stay away because I thought that was the best. I was wrong. But I’m back now, and my feelings for Logan haven’t changed, haven’t dimmed.

    I love him, have always loved him.

    And it’s time I face reality and tell him how I felt all those years ago. It’s time I will finally be truthful and hopes that I don’t cross lines and ruin the most important relationship I have.

    Because not having Logan in my life is not an option.


    From the second I saw her, I knew she was my girl. But I was a fool and let her slip away. She was gone without a trace for years, but now she's back.

    That face, the kindness in her eyes, those curves, that fire between us still raging hotter than summer in the desert. I'm surer than ever. Lila is still perfect for me.

    I doubt she'll give me another chance this time around, but I don't care. I won't give her up. Not without answers. Not without a fight.
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