Хироми Каваками

川上 弘美

  • 24 книги
  • 15 подписчиков
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Новинки Хироми Каваками

  • Портфель учителя Хироми Каваками
    ISBN: 978-5-17-167442-7
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ

    Они заключили негласный договор о разделении одиночества… Чарующая история о современной Японии и старомодной романтике. Книга переведена на 14 языков! Цукико ведет уединенный образ жизни. По ее мнению, она не создана для любви и привыкла коротать одинокие вечера в баре, где однажды случайно встречает своего школьного учителя. Он тоже живет один в слегка заброшенной квартире, где собирает странные предметы. Учитель и Цукико заключают между собой негласный договор о разделении одиночества. Они выбирают одну и ту же еду, ищут общества друг друга, и им трудно расстаться, хотя иногда они пытаются убежать: учитель – в воспоминания о…

  • Портфель учителя Хироми Каваками
    ISBN: 978-5-17-157583-0
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ, Жанры
    Язык: Русский

    Цукико ведет уединенный образ жизни. По ее мнению, она не создана для любви и привыкла коротать одинокие вечера в баре, где однажды случайно встречает своего школьного учителя. Он тоже живет один в слегка заброшенной квартире, где собирает странные предметы. Учитель и Цукико заключают между собой негласный договор о разделении одиночества. Они выбирают одну и ту же еду, ищут общества друг друга, и им трудно расстаться, хотя иногда они пытаются убежать: учитель — в воспоминания о бросившей его жене; Цукико — о бывшем однокласснике. По мере того, как Цукико и учитель сближаются, течение жизни отмечается нежными намеками на смену…

  • Люди тут у нас Хироми Каваками
    ISBN: 978-5-6048276-9-7
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Поляндрия NoAge
    Язык: Русский

    Состоящая из коротких, связанных друг с другом, 26 сюрреалистичных историй книга, в которой повествуется о жителях одного района в пригороде Токио, где творятся какие-то странные дела. В первой истории рассказчица по пути домой обнаруживает спрятавшегося под деревом угрюмого ребенка. Дитя поселяется у нее в квартире и живет там тридцать лет, не взрослея и не меняясь. Дальше следуют другие сюжеты — о доме, наделяющем жильцов разными свойствами (от быстрорастущих бород до способности слышать мертвых); о старике с двумя тенями; о мужчине, который разводил птиц, а теперь рискует попасть в куриный ад; о таксисте, устраивающем экскурсию для…

  • People from My Neighborhood Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 1593767110, 978-1593767112
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Soft Skull
    Язык: Английский

    A bossy child who lives under a white cloth near a tree; a schoolgirl who keeps doll's brains in a desk drawer; an old man with two shadows, one docile and one rebellious; a diplomat no one has ever seen who goes fishing at an artificial lake no one has ever heard of. These are some of the inhabitants of People from My Neighborhood. In their lives, details of the local and everyday—the lunch menu at a tiny drinking place called the Love, the color and shape of the roof of the tax office—slip into accounts of duels, prophetic dreams, revolutions, and visitations from ghosts and gods. In twenty-six "palm of the hand" stories—fictions small…

  • Les années douces Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 2203203196
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Casterman
    Язык: Французский
    Dans le café où elle a ses habitudes, une trentenaire, Tsukiko, fait la connaissance d’un homme solitaire et élégant, de plus de trente ans son aîné. Elle réalise qu’elle le connaît : il fut autrefois son professeur de japonais. Elle est célibataire, il est veuf. Complices, ils prennent l’habitude de se revoir dans le même café, au hasard de leur emploi du temCastermanps, puis, bientôt, d’improviser des sorties ensemble. Insensiblement, à petites touches légères, une connivence s’établit, puis une véritable affection, et peut être même… Ce sont ces rencontres que retracent une à une les chapitres des Années douces, chacune comme une histoire à part entière : la cueillette des champignons, les poussins achetés au marché, la fête des fleurs ou les vingt-deux étoiles d’une nuit d’automne.
  • People From My Neighbourhood Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 1846276985
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Granta Books
    Язык: Английский
    Take a story and shrink it. Make it tiny, so small it can fit in the palm of your hand. Carry the story with you everywhere, let it sit with you while you eat, let it watch you while you sleep. Keep it safe, you never know when you might need it. In Kawakami's super short 'palm of the hand' stories the world is never quite as it should be: a small child lives under a sheet near his neighbour's house for thirty years; an apartment block leaves its visitors with strange afflictions, from fast-growing beards to an ability to channel the voices of the dead; an old man has two shadows, one docile, the other rebellious; two girls named Yoko are locked in a bitter rivalry to the death. Small but great, you'll find great delight spending time with the people in this neighbourhood.
  • Parade Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 1593765800, 9781593765804
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Soft Skull Press
    Язык: Английский
    A brief, disquieting companion to the bestselling Strange Weather in Tokyo, set during a summer afternoon and featuring a mischievous pair of creatures called tengu.

    On a summer afternoon, Tsukiko and her former high school teacher have prepared and eaten somen noodles together.

    “Tell me a story from long ago,” Sensei says.

    “I wasn’t alive long ago,” Tsukiko says, “but should I tell you a story from when I was little?”

    “Please do,” Sensei replies, and so Tsukiko tells him that, when she was a child, she awakened one day to find something with a pale red face and something with a dark red face in her room, arguing with each other. They had human bodies, long noses, and wings. They were tengu, creatures that appear in Japanese folktales.

    The tengu attach themselves to Tsukiko and begin to follow her everywhere. Where did they come from and why are they here? And what other invisible and unacknowledged forces are acting upon Tsukiko’s seemingly peaceful world?
  • The Ten Loves of Mr Nishino Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 9781846276972
    Год издания: 2019
    Язык: Английский
    Over the course of his life, Mr Nishino falls hopelessly in love again and again. One woman is a colleague, another a chance encounter; one is the girlfriend of a classmate, another the best friend of Nishino's latest conquest. Some are entranced by Nishino, others care more for their freedom, their children (or their cats).
    As we come to learn of the torments, desires and delights of each woman, a portrait emerges of a complicated ma
  • Record of a Night Too Brief Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 9781782272717
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Pushkin Press
    The Akutagawa Prize-winning stories from one of the most highly regarded and provocative contemporary Japanese writers

    'The nightingale sang again. The plates on the table gleamed, and the food, in all its ceaseless variety, breathed, glossy and bright. The night had only just begun.'

    In these three haunting and lyrical stories, three young women experience unsettling loss and romance.

    In a dreamlike adventure, one woman travels through an apparently unending night with a porcelain girlfriend, mist-monsters and villainous monkeys; a sister mourns her invisible brother whom only she can still see, while the rest of her family welcome his would-be wife into their home; and an accident with a snake leads a shop girl to discover the snake-families everyone else seems to be concealing.

    Sensual, yearning, and filled with the tricks of memory and grief, Record of a Night Too Brief is an atmospheric trio of unforgettable tales.
  • The Nakano Thrift Shop Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 9781846276026
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Granta Books
    Язык: Английский
    Among the jumble of paperweights, plates, typewriters and general bric-a-brac in Mr Nakano's thrift store, there are treasures to be found. Each piece carries its own story of love and loss - or so it seems to Hitomi, when she takes a job there working behind the till. Nor are her fellow employees any less curious or weatherworn than the items they sell. There's the store's owner, Mr Nakano, an enigmatic ladies' man with several ex-wives; Sakiko, his sensuous, unreadable lover; his sister, Masayo, an artist whose free-spirited creations mask hidden sorrows. And finally there's Hitomi's fellow employee, Takeo, whose abrupt and taciturn manner Hitomi finds, to her consternation, increasingly disarming. A beguiling story of love found amid odds and ends, The Nakano Thrift Shop is a heart-warming and utterly charming novel from one of Japan's most celebrated contemporary novelists.
  • The Nakano Thrift Shop Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 1609453999
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Europa Editions
    Язык: Английский
    Featuring a delightfully offbeat cast of characters, The Nakano Thrift Shop is
    a generous-hearted portrayal of human relationships by one of Japan's most beloved authors.
    Objects for sale at the Nakano Thrift Shop appear as commonplace as the staff and customers that handle them. But like those same customers and staff, they hold many secrets. If examined carefully, they show the signs of innumerable extravagancies, of immeasurable pleasure and pain, and of the deep mysteries of the human heart.
    Hitomi, the inexperienced young woman who works the register at Mr. Nakano's thrift shop, has fallen for her coworker, the oddly reserved Takeo.
    Unsure of how to attract his attention, she seeks advice from her employer's sister, Masayo, whose sentimental entanglements make her a somewhat unconventional guide. But thanks in part to Masayo, Hitomi will come to realize that love, desire, and intimacy require acceptance not only of idiosyncrasies but also of the delicate waltz between open and hidden secrets.
    Animating each delicately rendered chapter in Kawakami's playful novel is Mr. Nakano himself, an original, entertaining, and enigmatic creation whose compulsive mannerisms, secretive love life, and impulsive behavior defy all expectations.
  • The Nakano Thrift Shop Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 9781846276002, 1846276004
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Portobello Books
    Язык: Английский
    When Hitomi takes a job on the cash register of a neighbourhood thrift store, she finds herself drawn into a very idiosyncratic community. There is Mr Nakano, an enigmatic ladies' man with several ex-wives; Masayo, Mr Nakano's sister, an artist who has never married; and her fellow employee Takeo, a shy but charming young man. And every day, customers from the neighbourhood pass in and out as curios are bought and sold, each one containing its own surprising story. When Hitomi and Takeo begin to fall for one another, they find themselves in the centre of their own drama - and on the edges of many others.

    A tender and affecting exploration of the mystery that lurks in the ordinary, this novel traces the seemingly imperceptible threads that weave together a community, and the knots that bind us to one another.
  • なめらかで熱くて甘苦しくて / Namerakade atsukute ama kurushikute Хироми Каваками
    ISBN: 9784101292434
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: 新潮社
    Язык: Японский
  • The Book of Tokyo - A City in Short Fiction Банана Ёсимото
    ISBN: 9781905583577
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Comma Press
    Язык: Английский
    A shape-shifter arrives at Tokyo harbour in human form, set to embark on an unstoppable rampage through the city’s train network…

    A young woman is accompanied home one night by a reclusive student, and finds herself lured into a flat full of eerie Egyptian artefacts…

    A man suspects his young wife’s obsession with picnicking every
    weekend in the city’s parks hides a darker motive…

    At first, Tokyo appears in these stories as it does to many outsiders: a city of bewildering scale, awe-inspiring modernity, peculiar rules, unknowable secrets and, to some extent, danger. Characters observe their fellow citizens from afar, hesitant to stray from their daily routines to engage with them. But Tokyo being the city it is, random encounters inevitably take place – a naïve book collector, mistaken for a French speaker, is drawn into a world he never knew existed; a woman seeking psychiatric help finds herself in a taxi with an older man wanting to share his own peculiar revelations; a depressed divorcee accepts an unexpected lunch invitation to try Thai food for the very first time… The result in each story is a small but crucial change in perspective, a sampling of the unexpected yet simple pleasure of other people’s company. As one character puts it, ‘The world is full of delicious things, you know.’
  • Strange Weather in Tokyo Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 9781846275104
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Granta Books
    Язык: Английский
  • なめらかで熱くて甘苦しくて / Namerakade atsukute ama kurushikute (сборник) Хироми Каваками
    ISBN: 978-4104412068
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: 新潮社
    Язык: Японский
  • Strange Weather in Tokyo Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 9781846275081
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Portobello Books
    Язык: Английский

    Tsukiko is drinking alone in her local sake bar when by chance she meets one of her old high school teachers and, unable to recall his name, she falls back into her old habit of calling him 'Sensei'. After this first encounter, Tsukiko ans Sensei continue to meet. Together they share edamame beans, bottles of cold beer, and a trip to the mountains to eat wild mushrooms. As their relationship deepens, Tsukiko comes to realise that the solace she has found with Sensei might be something more. An immaculate tale of modern Tokyo and old-fashioned romance from one of Japan's most respected literary writers, this is a heartbreaking,…

  • Strange Weather in Tokyo Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 9781846275081
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Potobello Books Ltd
    Язык: Английский

    Tsukiko is in her late 30s and living alone when one night she happens to meet one of her former high school teachers, 'Sensei', in a bar. He is at least thirty years her senior, retired and, she presumes, a widower. After this initial encounter, the pair continue to meet occasionally to share food and drink sake, and as the seasons pass - from spring cherry blossom to autumnal mushrooms - Tsukiko and Sensei come to develop a hesitant intimacy which tilts awkwardly and poignantly into love. Perfectly constructed, funny, and moving, Strange Weather in Tokyo is a tale of modern Japan and old-fashioned romance.

  • The briefcase Hiromi Kawakami
    ISBN: 1582435995
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Counterpoint
    Язык: Английский

    Tsukiko, thirty-eight, works in an office and lives alone. One night, she happens to meet one of her former high school teachers, "Sensei" in a local bar. Tsukiko had only ever called him "Sensei" ("Teacher"). He is thirty years her senior, retired, and presumably a widower. Their relationship, traced by Kawakami’s gentle hints at the changing seasons, develops from a perfunctory acknowledgment of each other as they eat and drink alone at the bar, to an enjoyable sense of companionship, and finally into a deeply sentimental love affair. As Tsukiko and Sensei grow to know and love one another, time’s passing comes across through the…

  • Манадзуру Хироми Каваками
    ISBN: 978-5-89332-188-3
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Гиперион
    Язык: Русский

    Есть на земле таинственные места силы, где граница между миром живых и миром мертвых прозрачная и зыбкая. Морской курорт Манадзуру именно такое место. Здесь можно встретиться с пропавшим много лет назад мужем, здесь приходится вспоминать о себе много такого, что хотелось бы забыть навсегда, здесь, наконец, можно обнаружить в себе силы сделать выбор и жить дальше. Но для этого нужно пройти испытание...

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