Моника Мерфи

Monica Murphy

  • 52 книги
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Новинки Моники Мерфи

  • Our Kindred Creatures: How Americans Came to Feel the Way They Do About Animals Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9780525659068
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    A compassionate, sweeping history of the transformation in American attitudes toward animals by the best-selling authors of Rabid
  • Запомни этот день Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 978-5-17-144601-7
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Кэролайн Эббот любит свою работу. Она помогает помолвленным парам подготовить свадьбу мечты и умеет договариваться с невестами всех мастей: обезумевшими от счастья, нервными, агрессивными… Кэролайн уверена, что готова к любому вызову, который ей бросит одержимый свадебной лихорадкой мир. Во всяком случае, до тех пор, пока однажды к ней не обращается девушка, чей жених — первый парень, с кем Кэролайн целовалась. Сейчас Алекс Уайлдер — успешный бизнесмен, он управляет сетью отелей и выглядит еще лучше, чем она помнит. Кэролайн строго соблюдает правило не влюбляться в женихов, с которыми работает. Но что делать, если она случайно застанет невесту Алекса с другим мужчиной? Если Алекс разорвет помолвку и проявит интерес к ней? Он просто ищет утешения или, увидев ее после стольких лет разлуки, хочет чего-то большего?
  • Все, что я хотела сказать и не сказала Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 978-5-17-161421-8
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Уит Ланкастер ворвался в мою жизнь словно шторм. Холодный, бессердечный и невероятно красивый, как статуи в садах нашей частной школы ,— школы, на вывеске которой красуется фамилия его семьи. Здесь он всегда прав. Это его владения. Уита обожают и боятся. Ненавидят и уважают. Его насмешки иссекают мою кожу, разрывая меня на части. И все же от его пристального взгляда закипает кровь, и меня переполняет непостижимое желание. Однажды Уит защищает меня от хулиганов, но оказывается избит. Истекает кровью. Чутье подсказывает мне уйти и оставить его мучиться, но я не могу. Я промываю его раны. Верю в его ложь. Позволяю ему полностью завладеть…

  • The Liar's Club Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 978-1649376619
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Entangled Publishing
    Язык: Английский
  • Playing To Win Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: ‎979-8854301268
    Год издания: 2023
    Ace Townsend is the biggest player on campus.

    The sexy new quarterback on the football team.

    I should probably mention he’s also a complete flirt. The life of the party wherever he goes.

    Someone I should avoid at all costs.

    It’s difficult though, when I’m on the social media crew for the football team and we’re out on the field during practice almost every day, filming them. On the sidelines at games. Hanging out with them at bars. The more I spend time with Ace, the more I’m drawn to him. The attraction is there, but it’s more than that. I actually like him. We have a connection, and he definitely feels it too.

    The problem?

    I signed a contract when I started on the social media team with a ‘no dating athletes’ clause. They’re strictly off limits. If we get caught together? It’s cause for my immediate termination. I love my new job and don’t want to risk it, but I’m falling for Ace.


    We’re all for sneaking around and keeping our growing relationship secret, but it’s starting to wear on us. Ace is determined to win me at all costs, though he doesn’t want to be the reason I lose my job, but…

    Maybe the two of us being together is worth the risk.
  • Playing by the Rules Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9798387807190
    Год издания: 2023
    What happens when you fall for your brother's best friend? Find out in this upcoming sports romance by New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy...

    Camden Fields is the star quarterback of our college football team.



    Absolutely gorgeous.

    He’s the man all the women on campus rave about. And while he’s had a few casual hookups over the years, it’s never anything serious. Cam doesn’t do serious.

    He also doesn’t do me.

    See, I’m his best friend’s little sister, and whenever we’re around each other, he’s always warning me that I’m off limits. That nothing can ever happen between us.

    But I see the way he looks at me when he thinks I’m not watching. The heat in his gaze. The hunger. He can deny it, but that man wants me.

    I want him too.

    I’m tired of always being the good girl and doing what everybody expects. For once, I’m going to break all the rules that have restrained me my entire life.

    I’m going after Camden Fields.

    And no one can stop me.
  • Первокурсник Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 978-5-17-144600-0
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Я решила пофлиртовать с одним парнем в сервисном центре. Высокий. Темноволосый. Загадочный. Вряд ли кто-то станет меня винить за то, что я решила с ним пообщаться. Как и я, он приехал в город, чтобы навестить своих родителей. Мы вместе ходим в один университет. Вот это совпадение! Как будто наша встреча была предначертана судьбой… По крайней мере, я так думаю, пока не начинаю везде натыкаться на этого загадочного Тони Сорренто. Оказывается, он еще и играет в американский футбол. Не то чтобы я собиралась гоняться за горячим качком, но ладно, уговорили. А, чуть не забыла. Еще он всего лишь первокурсник. Наши отцы — бизнес-конкуренты и…

  • Playing Hard to Get Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9781945522376
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: EM Publishing
    From New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy comes a sizzling new sports romance...

    Knox Maguire is the king of our college campus.

    Star offensive tight end on the football team.

    He is the complete opposite of me in every way.

    I'm quiet. He's loud.

    I'm shy. He's definitely not.

    Everyone loves him. No one knows me.

    Fresh out of a breakup, I don't really trust him, and why should I? Knox is the ultimate player. When I become his English tutor, I tell myself we need to keep things between us strictly business. Watching my mother deal with my ex-athlete father long, long ago taught me to stay far away from that type of man.

    Yet Knox is impossible to resist. Next thing I know, we're getting hot and heavy in the library—and that was never part of the plan. When Knox admits he can't stop thinking about me, I have a realization.

    I can't stop thinking about him either.

    Instead of keeping my distance, I pull him in closer. Until somehow, we're spending all of our time together and I find myself falling for Knox. Hard.

    Will this actually work between us? Or am I getting played?
  • A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 979-8424677380
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    Wren Beaumont is many things.





    At Lancaster Prep, the girls love her. They all want to be her friend. Only I see Wren for who she really is.

    A repressed little virgin who keeps her feelings locked up so tight she’s probably close to bursting. She thinks she’s above us all.

    Even me.

    I shouldn’t be drawn to her. She’s not my type.

    Until we’re forced to work together in class and realize we might have more things in common than we originally thought. Soon enough I find myself completely obsessed. I will do anything for this girl to make her fall in love with me.

  • A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 1945522291, 9781945522291
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: EM Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Wren Beaumont is many things.


    At Lancaster Prep, the girls love her. They all want to be her friend. Only I see Wren for who she really is.

    A repressed little virgin who keeps her feelings locked up so tight she’s probably close to bursting. She thinks she’s above us all.

    Even me.

    I shouldn’t be drawn to her. She’s not my type.

    Until we’re forced to work together in class and realize we might have more things in common than we originally thought. Soon enough I find myself completely obsessed. I will do anything for this girl to make her fall in love with me.

  • Things I Wanted to Say, But Never Did Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9798538048021
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский

    Whit Lancaster burst into my life like a storm. Dark and thunderous, furious and fierce. Cold, heartless and devastatingly beautiful, like the statues in our prep school gardens. The school with his family name on the sign. He can do no wrong here. This is his domain. He’s a menace on campus. Adored and feared. Hated and respected. His taunting words carve into my skin, shredding me to ribbons. Yet his intense gaze scorches my blood, fills me with a longing I don’t understand. When I stumble upon him one night alone, I find him broken. Bleeding. My instincts scream to leave and let him suffer, but I can’t. I sneak him into my room.…

  • Blind Date Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9798497474862
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    Amelia Lee is in desperate need of a change.

    Finally free from her controlling ex-boyfriend, she’s not looking to date someone new, even though all of her friends are encouraging her to do exactly that. One in particular believes she’s found the perfect guy for Amelia. So she sets her up on a blind date.

    At a wedding.

    Amelia has no idea the guy she bumped into at her friend’s Christmas tree farm is the same one she’s been set up with at a wedding reception. Isaac Jones is a nice guy. A good looking guy. A much younger guy. No way could they be compatible - they have nothing in common.

    The more time Amelia spends with Isaac though, the more she realizes he just might be perfect for her. He makes her laugh. He’s a complete gentleman. And they’re definitely compatible between the sheets…

    But is he only the rebound guy? Or can they actually make this newfound romance work?
  • The Freshman Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9781945522277
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: EM Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    I started flirting with a guy while waiting for my car to be serviced. Now granted, he wasn’t just any guy. Tall. Dark. Hot. Mysterious. Can you blame me for wanting to talk to him? He’s in town visiting his parents. So am I. He goes to the same college as I do. Such a coincidence. Almost as if our meeting is destined...

    But I shouldn't believe in that sort of thing. I am single as a Pringle and always ready to mingle. Until I keep running into Mr. Tall, Dark and Mysterious everywhere I go. Tony Sorrento. Turns out he’s on the football team. I mean, I’m not one to chase after a sexy jock but, okay. I’m down. And did I mention he’s only a freshman?

    Our fathers are business rivals, and they forbid us from dating. We need to keep this on the low. Can we remain friendly? Sure. Maybe turn our friendship into friends with benefits? Most definitely. Here’s the thing though. I didn’t plan on catching feelings for him so quickly. Seems like he’s falling pretty hard for me too.

    Defying our fathers’ wishes is only asking for trouble, but is being with Tony worth the risk?
  • Fighting For You Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9781945522260
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    Diego Garcia.

    Class bully.

    Football star.

    My boyfriend.

    I fell hard and fast for the resident bad boy and he fell just as hard for me too. We were the perfect couple, until things turned sour.

    Senior year and we’re both super busy. He has football. I have volleyball. Soon enough, I hear the rumors - Diego’s cheating on me. After everything we’ve been through, I’m devastated. Breaking up with him was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. He doesn’t love me. Besides, only a few more months of school, and then I’m going away to college. And Diego will be permanently out of my life.

    Until I find out I’m pregnant. And now we’re forever tied together…
  • Hate to Date You Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9798633710502
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: EM Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Stella Ricci is bored.

    Her overprotective family barely let her out of their sight, despite the fact she’s a grown woman. Yes, she loves her job at her family’s café and she’s the best barista in the entire Monterey Peninsula, but is that enough? She’s thinking no. But what else can she do?

    Enter Carter Abbott. Burnt out after the never-ending grind of selling high end real estate in Los Angeles, he’s returned home, unsure of what to do next. He needs someplace to crash temporarily until he gets back on his feet.

    It's easy for Stella to suggest Carter move in. Temporarily of course. It'll give her someone to talk to. The only problem?

    That one night stand Stella and Carter had about a year ago. They never talked about it. They still don’t really talk about it. Despite the fact that the old chemistry has come back full force. Living together has made that obvious. Should they admit that one night wasn't enough? Or will dating each other turn into an epic fail?

    Only one way to find out…
  • Meant To Be Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 979-8699563562
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Independently Published
    Язык: Английский
    Ava Callahan.

    Love of my life.

    Wrecker of my soul.

    I would have sworn on anything that what we shared was real.

    But she broke my trust. And then my heart. I don't think I can piece it back together without her, but I'm sure gonna try.

    I’m better off on my own, anyways, right? Who needs girls when you have football?

    If only I believed that. Look, when you need someone in your life, you don’t want to let her go. And I can’t let go of Ava. I love her. She loves me. Nothing can convince me otherwise. It’s as simple as that. I know no matter what, this girl belongs to me. We may have issues, but we’re meant to be. So I'll do whatever it takes to get her back.

    Even if I have to fight dirty.
  • Addicted To Him Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9798682807109
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: EM Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Eli Bennett.

    Quarterback at our biggest rival high school.

    My brother’s worst enemy.

    So why can’t I stop thinking about him?

    For one, he’s totally gorgeous and boy, does he know it. He’s an arrogant trash talker who brings drama wherever he goes.

    And for some reason, he’s set his sights on me.

    The more I get to know him, the more I realize he’s actually kind of...sweet. Deep down, he’s broken. Hurting. He’s dealing with a lot, but he also puts on a major front so no one can tell. I want to be there for him. I want to be with him. But because everyone in my life hates Eli, we have to keep our relationship a secret.

    The problem with secrets is they never stay secret for long...
  • Falling For Her Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9798649162463
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: EM Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    From New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy comes an angsty new adult romance about the popular quarterback and the smart girl who brings him to his knees.

    Jake Callahan. Prince of the popular crowd.

    My mortal enemy.

    Gorgeous. All the girls want him.

    Quarterback. All the boys want to be his friend. He’s the most popular boy in the senior class.

    And he hates me.

    Or so I thought.

    What I mistook for hatred turns out to be…interest. There’s that thin line, right? It makes me crazy. I can’t stand it. Attraction, chemistry, whatever it is, I also can’t resist it.

    And neither can he.

    Together, we make no sense. The odds are against us. His friends definitely don’t approve. I’m not a part of their crowd. Not one of the cool kids. I don’t fit in, or so they say.

    But that doesn’t stop him from falling for me.

    And it won’t stop me from fighting for him.
  • Close to Me Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9798610975429
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: EM Publishing
    Язык: Английский

    From New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy comes an angst-filled, high school standalone romance featuring Drew + Fable's (One Week Girlfriend) daughter, Autumn Callahan! Asher Davis. My first crush. My first kiss. The boy who ripped my heart out of my chest again and again. Over and over. I let him have it every single time. Willingly. We are that toxic high school couple you hear about, the one you witness in the hallway as they avoid each other. You laugh at them in class when they’re forced to work together, their gazes full of hatred. We are the couple you gossip about when they win homecoming prince and…

  • Fake Date Моника Мерфи
    ISBN: 9781094109022
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Blackstone Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Working at Bliss, Sarah Harrison deals with all sorts of … interesting clientele. Yet no one sparks her interest more than Jared Gaines, the ultra-rich, ultra-sexy businessman who frequents her shop, buying delicate little “gifts” for the women in his life.

    But one day, Jared sends Sarah a gift from Bliss. Then another—and another. So when Sarah walks into his office demanding to know why, he makes her an offer she somehow can’t refuse: be his fake girlfriend for the weekend while attending his brother’s engagement party.

    The next thing Sarah knows, she’s in San Francisco pretending to be in love with Jared. Not that it’s a hardship. Once you get the man away from the office, he’s much more relaxed. Sweet. Funny. Even … thoughtful? Oh, and sexier than ever, of course.

    Their pretend relationship feels very real, very quickly. Soon Sarah’s in over her head. Could what she and Jared share turn into something real? Or is it all actually … fake?
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