К. А. Такер

K. A. Tucker

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Лучшие книги К. А. Такер

  • Дикая Флетчер К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-144753-3
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Калле Флетчер была совсем маленькой, когда мать увезла ее с Аляски в цивилизованный мир Торонто. Изоляция и экстремальные температуры оказались невыносимы для жены пилота, привыкшей ко всем удобствам большого города. Теперь Калле двадцать шесть, и оставшийся на Аляске отец долгое время был для нее прошлым, о котором она боялась вспоминать. Но теперь настала пора проделать непростой путь к пограничному городку, где она когда-то родилась. Плохие погодные условия, комары, короткий световой день, заоблачные цены — вот с чем Калле приходится мириться ради того, чтобы стать ближе к отцу. Компанию ей составляет Джона — тихий и гордый пилот,…

  • Одна маленькая ложь К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-099004-7
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Это история о Ливи, которая наконец больше не боится потерять сестру - единственного родного человека. Теперь она может учиться, построить отличную карьеру и обязательно встретить надежного и приличного парня, за которого однажды выйдет замуж. Что не входило в этот план, так это студенческие вечеринки, милая тусовщица-соседка по комнате, и Эштон, красивый капитан мужской команды по гребле, который никак не может быть ТЕМ САМЫМ. Но только у него получается вытащить на поверхность совсем иную Лили, с которой никто не знаком.

  • Десять маленьких вдохов К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-105126-6
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Четыре года назад в автокатастрофе, устроенной пьяным водителем, погибает вся семья шестнадцатилетней Кейси и ее друг. В ожидании спасателей заблокированная в покореженном автомобиле девушка могла только наблюдать, как на ее глазах умирают близкие. Спасаясь от страшных воспоминаний, Кейси переезжает в другой город. Она старается никого не впускать в свою жизнь, но все же поддается обаянию своего соседа по дому Трента. Ей начинает казаться, что счастье постучалось в ее дверь, пока не выходит наружу то, что скрывал ее сосед, снова выбивая почву из-под ног.

  • Дикая сердцем К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-147061-6
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Калла Флетчер возвращается в Торонто другим человеком и изо всех сил пытается жить дальше, но не может выбросить из головы сурового пилота, покорившего ее сердце. И когда Джона появляется на ее пороге, она с энтузиазмом бросается назад на Аляску, в их захватывающее совместное будущее. Проходит не так много времени, когда Калла понимает: возможно, за этот компромисс придется заплатить высокую цену. Жизнь в темной непроходимой глуши, Джона, которого вечно нет дома, соседи, один из которых хочет превратить ее в настоящую жительницу Аляски, а второй – скорее застрелит сам, чем придет на помощь… Все это – лишь часть испытаний на пути к…

  • Вечно дикая К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9785171470623
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Для Каллы и Джоны наступает сезон праздников, и вместе с омелой и имбирными пряниками приходит множество семейных драм. Джона готовится провести две недели с отчимом, которого ненавидит, а Калла с нетерпением ждет приезда своей матери и Саймона, которые мечтают отпраздновать ее свадьбу... в Торонто. Добавьте к этому непреднамеренное вмешательство одного упрямого соседа, семейные раздоры другого сварливого соседа, и Рождество в Трапперс Кроссинг будет совсем непростым!

  • Судьба гнева и пламени К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-5-17-146213-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Ромерия — талантливый вор. Но украсть магический камень из святого сада Ислира - задача совсем другого уровня. Если она попадется, то ее тут же приговорят к смертной казни. Задачу усложняет то, что сделать это предстоит в теле принцессы, помолвленной с наследным принцем... Ее суженый, недавно коронованный король Зандер, ненавидит Ромерию каждой частицей своего существа. К счастью для нее, ему выгоднее держать ее живой, чем убить. Зандер предоставляет ей выбор: жизнь в тюремной камере или опасное приключение. Ромерии не остается другого выхода — теперь ей предстоит сыграть роль влюбленной невесты, пока не подвернется возможности для…

  • Four Seconds to Lose K.A. Tucker
    ISBN: 147674050X
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский

    When a gorgeous young dancer walks through his door, a strip club owner must decide whether to follow his rules or his heart in the third novel by the author of One Tiny Lie and Ten Tiny Breaths. Owning a strip club isn’t the fantasy most guys expect it to be. With long hours, a staff with enough issues to keep a psych ward in business, and the police regularly on his case, twenty-nine-year-old Cain is starting to second guess his unspoken mission to save the women he employs. And then blond, brown-eyed Charlie Rourke walks through his door, and things get really complicated. Cain abides by a strict “no sleeping with the staff” rule. But…

  • A Curse of Blood & Stone К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105234
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    From jewelry thief to interloper to queen-in-waiting, Romeria flees Cirilea a traitor to all. But the yawning distance between her and Zander troubles her more than any king’s bounty on her head. While Zander may have escaped by her side, he seeks to regain his throne, and no immortal will ever welcome her as Islor’s queen. She fears it won’t be long before Zander abandons her as everyone else she’s ever loved has.

    Zander sacrificed his crown to save Romeria’s life, yet he dreads what her existence means for the future of his realm. As Ybaris’s plan to destroy Islor unfurls, a more insidious threat, orchestrated by rival fates, lurks beneath the surface. He can offer his allies no honest explanation for why he protects the Ybarisan princess and takes counsel from Queen Neilina’s caster, leading those closest to doubt his wisdom—and his allegiance.

    As their company aims for the Venhorn Mountains, steered by prophecy, Romeria is desperate to wield her newfound abilities to undo Princess Romeria’s treachery before the kingdom tears itself apart. But with the mortal rebellion swelling, bolstered by the gift of Ybaris’s poison, it may already be too late.

    From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker comes the second novel in her Fate and Flame series, an adult fantasy story that should be read in series order.
  • In Her Wake K.A. Tucker
    Язык: Английский

    Before you knew him as Trent in Ten Tiny Breaths, he was Cole Reynolds—and he had it all. Until one night when he makes a fatal, wrong decision…and loses everything. When a drunken night out at a Michigan State college party results in the death of six people, Cole must come to terms with his part in the tragedy. Normally, he’d be able to lean on his best friends—the ones who have been in his life since he could barely walk. Only, they’re gone. Worse, there’s the shattered body of a sixteen-year-old girl lying somewhere in a hospital bed, her entire life ripped from her because of a case of beer and a set of keys. Everyone assures him…

  • Running Wild К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105203
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    Veterinarian Marie Lehr knows unrequited love all too well after pining for her best friend, only to watch him marry another woman. It’s a mistake she will never make again, especially not when she can practically hear the clock ticking on her childbearing years.

    The trouble is, she can’t seem to find anyone who appeals to her even a fraction as much as that burly bush pilot did. Competitive musher Tyler Brady certainly doesn’t, especially not after the heated altercation with the handsome but arrogant, spiteful man.

    Or so she thinks.

    While volunteering at the Iditarod Sled Dog Race, Marie discovers that first impressions may have been false, and her attraction to Tyler is very real. But his heart belongs to someone else, leaving him with nothing to offer but friendship. Marie’s been down this road before and knows how that ends. Yet, no matter how hard she works to keep from falling for Tyler, it seems she’s doomed to follow her own trail once again.

    From the internationally bestselling author of The Simple Wild comes the story of a woman at a crossroads in her life, struggling between the safe route and the one that will only lead to more heartbreak.
  • A Queen of Thieves & Chaos К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781990105302
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: K.A. Tucker Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    From internationally bestselling author K.A. Tucker comes the third novel in her Fate and Flame series, an adult fantasy novel that should be read in series order.

    "You betrayed your brother to steal a broken crown."

    The kingdom stands on the brink of chaos. Atticus' grip on the realm is faltering, and as threats arise ever closer to home he is driven to increasingly desperate acts to hold onto power.

    With Islor's fate now in the balance, Zander stands to defend the Rift from the oncoming Ybarisan army. With the king's forces scattered, he must risk unlikely new alliances.

    And behind the walls of Ulysede, secrets wait for its new queen. Romeria knows that the paths of the hidden city will lead her to answers. But will they be enough to save the realm – or is their fate already sealed?
  • Five Ways To Fall K.A. Tucker
    Год издания: 2014
    Язык: Русский
    Purple-haired, sharp-tongued Reese MacKay knows all about making the wrong choice; she’s made plenty of them in her twenty-odd-years. So when her impulsive, short-lived marriage ends in heartbreak, she decides it’s time for a change. She moves to Miami with the intention of hitting reset on her irresponsible life, and she does quite well…aside from an epically humiliating one-night stand in Cancun with a hot blond bouncer named Ben. Thank God she can get on a plane and leave that mistake behind her.

    Football scholarship and frat parties with hot chicks? Part of charmer Ben Morris’s plan. Blown knee that kills any hope of a professional football career? So not part of the plan. Luckily Ben has brains to go with his knockout looks and magnetism. After three long years of balancing law school with his job as a bouncer at Penny’s Palace, he’s ready to lead a more mature life—until his first day of work, when he finds himself in the office of that crazy, hot chick he met in Cancun. The one he hasn’t stopped thinking about.

    If Ben truly were a smart guy, he’d stay clear of Reese. She’s the boss’s stepdaughter and it’s been made very clear that office romances are grounds for dismissal. Plus, rumor has it she’s trouble. The only problem is, he likes trouble, especially when it’s so good-looking…
  • Burying Water K. A. Tucker
    ISBN: 9781476774183
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Atria
    Left for dead in the fields of rural Oregon, a young woman defies all odds and survives—but she awakens with no idea who she is, or what happened to her. Refusing to answer to “Jane Doe” for another day, the woman renames herself “Water” for the tiny, hidden marking on her body—the only clue to her past. Taken in by old Ginny Fitzgerald, a crotchety but kind lady living on a nearby horse farm, Water slowly begins building a new life. But as she attempts to piece together the fleeting slivers of her memory, more questions emerge: Who is the next-door neighbor, quietly toiling under the hood of his Barracuda? Why won’t Ginny let him step foot on her property? And why does Water feel she recognizes him?

    Twenty-four-year-old Jesse Welles doesn’t know how long it will be before Water gets her memory back. For her sake, Jesse hopes the answer is never. He knows that she’ll stay so much safer—and happier—that way. And that’s why, as hard as it is, he needs to keep his distance. Because getting too close could flood her with realities better left buried.

    The trouble is, water always seems to find its way to the surface.
  • Until It Fades K.A. Tucker
    Язык: Английский
    Twenty-four-year-old truck stop waitress and single mother Catherine Wright has simple goals: to give her five-year-old daughter a happy life and to never again be the talk of the town in Balsam, Pennsylvania: population two thousand outside of tourist season.

    And then one foggy night, on a lonely road back from another failed attempt at a relationship, Catherine saves a man’s life. It isn’t until after the police have arrived that Catherine realizes exactly who it is she has saved: Brett Madden, hockey icon and media darling.

    Catherine has already had her fifteen minutes of fame and the last thing she wants is to have her past dragged back into the spotlight, only this time on a national stage. So she hides her identity. It works.

    For a time.

    But when she finds the man she saved standing on her doorstep, desperate to thank her, all that changes. What begins as an immediate friendship quickly turns into something neither of them expected. Something that Catherine isn’t sure she can handle; something that Catherine is afraid to trust.

    Because how long can an extraordinary man like Brett be interested in an ordinary woman like Catherine…before the spark fades?
  • He Will Be My Ruin K.A. Tucker
    ISBN: 1501112074, 978-1501112072
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский
    A woman who almost had it all . . .

    On the surface, Celine Gonzalez had everything a twenty-eight-year-old woman could want: a one-bedroom apartment on Manhattan’s Lower East Side, a job that (mostly) paid the bills, and an acceptance letter to the prestigious Hollingsworth Institute of Art, where she would finally live out her dream of becoming an antiques appraiser for a major auction house. All she had worked so hard to achieve was finally within her reach. So why would she kill herself?

    A man who was supposed to be her salvation . . .

    Maggie Sparkes arrives in New York City to pack up what’s left of her best friend’s belongings after a suicide that has left everyone stunned. The police have deemed the evidence conclusive: Celine got into bed, downed a lethal cocktail of pills and vodka, and never woke up. But when Maggie discovers a scandalous photograph in a lock box hidden in Celine’s apartment, she begins asking questions. Questions about the man Celine fell in love with. The man she never told anyone about, not even Maggie. The man Celine believed would change her life.

    Until he became her ruin.

    On the hunt for evidence that will force the police to reopen the case, Maggie uncovers more than she bargained for about Celine’s private life—and inadvertently puts herself on the radar of a killer. A killer who will stop at nothing to keep his crimes undiscovered.
  • Chasing River K.A. Tucker
    ISBN: 1442384794
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский
    Armed with two years' worth of savings and the need to experience life outside the bubble of her Oregon small town, twenty-five-year old Amber Welles is prepared for anything. Except dying in Dublin. Had it not been for the bravery of a stranger, she might have. But he takes off before she has the chance to offer her gratitude.

    Twenty-four-year-old River Delaney is rattled. No one was supposed to get hurt. But then that American tourist showed up. He couldn't let her die, but he also couldn't risk being identified at the scene—so, he ran. Back to his everyday life of running his family’s pub. Only, everyday life is getting more and more complicated, thanks to his brother, Aengus, and his criminal associations. When the American girl tracks River down, he quickly realizes how much he likes her, how wrong she is for him. And how dangerous it is to have her around. Chasing her off would be the smart move.

    Maybe it's because he saved her life, or maybe it's because he's completely different from everything she's left behind, but Amber finds herself chasing after River Delaney. Amber isn’t the kind of girl to chase after anyone.

    And River isn't the kind of guy she'd want to catch.
  • Becoming Rain К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 9781476774206
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Atria
    Luke Boone doesn't know exactly what his uncle Rust is involved in but he wants in on it-the cars, the money, the women. And it looks like he's finally getting his wish. When Rust hands him the managerial keys to the garage, they come with a second set—one that opens up the door to tons of cash and opportunity. Though it's not exactly legal, Luke's never been one to worry about that sort of thing. Especially when it puts him behind the wheel of a Porsche 911 and onto the radar of gorgeous socialite named Rain.

    Clara Bertelli is at the top of her game—at only twenty-six years old, she's one of the most successful undercover officers in the Washington D.C. major crime unit, and she's just been handed a case that could catapult her career and expose one of the west coast's most notorious car theft rings. But, in order to do it, she'll need to go deep undercover as Rain Martines. Her target? The twenty-four-year old nephew of a key player who appears ready to follow in his uncle's footsteps.

    As Clara drifts deeper into the luxurious lifestyle of Rain, and further into the arms of her very attractive and charming target, the lines between right and wrong start to blur, making her wonder if she'll be able to leave it all behind. Or if she'll even want to.
  • Be the Girl К. А. Такер
    ISBN: 978-0991686070
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: K.A.Tucker Books

    Almost sixteen-year-old Aria Jones is starting over. New postal code, new last name, new rules. But she doesn’t mind, because it means she can leave her painful regrets behind. In the bustling town of Eastmonte, she can become someone else. Someone better. With the Hartford family living next door, it seems she will succeed. Sure, Cassie Hartford may be the epitome of social awkwardness thanks to her autism, but she also offers an innocent and sincere friendship that Aria learns to appreciate. And Cassie’s older brother, Emmett—a popular Junior A hockey player with a bright future—well … Aria wishes that friendship could lead to…

  • Surviving Ice K.A. Tucker
    ISBN: 9781476774251
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Atria Books
    The USA TODAY bestselling author of the Ten Tiny Breaths series and Burying Water—which Kirkus Reviews called “a sexy, romantic, gangster-tinged page-turner”—returns with a new novel packed with romance, plot twists, and psychological suspense.

    Ivy, a talented tattoo artist who spent the early part of her twenties on the move, is finally looking for a place to call home. She thinks she might have found it in San Francisco, but all that changes when she witnesses a terrible crime. She’s ready to pack up her things yet again, when a random encounter with a stranger keeps her in the city, giving her reason to stay after all.

    That is, until Ivy discovers that their encounter wasn’t random. Not at all…
  • Say you still love me К. А. Такер
    ISBN: ISBN13 9781501133442
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Life is a mixed bag for Piper Calloway.

    On the one hand, she’s a twenty-nine-year-old VP at her dad’s multibillion-dollar real estate development firm, and living the high single life with her two best friends in a swanky downtown penthouse. On the other hand, she’s considered a pair of sexy legs in a male-dominated world and constantly has to prove her worth. Plus, she’s stuck seeing her narcissistic ex-fiancé—a fellow VP—on the other side of her glass office wall every day.

    Things get exponentially more complicated for Piper when she runs into Kyle Miller—the handsome new security guard at Calloway Group Industries, and coincidentally the first love of her life.

    The guy she hasn’t seen or heard from since they were summer camp counsellors together. The guy from the wrong side of the tracks. The guy who apparently doesn’t even remember her name.

    Piper may be a high-powered businesswoman now, but she soon realizes that her schoolgirl crush is not only alive but stronger than ever, and crippling her concentration. What’s more, despite Kyle’s distant attitude, she’s convinced their reunion isn’t at all coincidental, and that his feelings for her still run deep. And she’s determined to make him admit to them, no matter the consequences.
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