Джон Богл

John Clifton "Jack" Bogle

  • 23 книги
  • 15 подписчиков
  • 322 читателя
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Лучшие книги Джона Богла

  • Руководство разумного инвестора. Надежный способ получения прибыли на фондовом рынке Джон Богл
    ISBN: 978-5-91657-697-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: МИФ
    Язык: Русский

    О чем эта книга Легендарный инвестор Джон Богл, основатель компании The Vanguard Group, совершил своего рода революцию в отрасли, доказав: реальная доходность управляющих компаний может быть гораздо выше, если отказаться от расходов на содержание, рекламу и т. д. Еще будучи студентом Принстона Богл разработал идею индексного фонда, в задачу которого входило просто отслеживать рынок. Такой фонд не требовал дорогих специалистов для управления. Богл разрешил конфликт отрасли, существующий с момента ее появления: кому в первую очередь зарабатывают деньги управляющие компании — себе или своим клиентам? Богл принял сторону клиента. О…

  • Не верьте цифрам! Размышления о заблуждениях инвесторов, капитализме, "взаимных" фондах, индексном инвестировании, предпринимательстве, идеализме и героях Джон Богл
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-1816-3
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский

    "Не верьте цифрам!" - книга легендарного финансиста Джона Богла, которого называют отцом индексного инвестирования, представляет собой антологию последних статей и выступлений на темы, больше всего волнующие автора: непомерная стоимость услуг финансовых посредников; постыдное несоблюдение компаниями своих фидуциарных обязательств; удручающее торжество эмоций над трезвым разумом в очень многих инвестиционных решениях и как результат - победа спекуляций над инвестированием. Основная идея, которую автор пронес через всю книгу и через свою долгую жизнь, до гениальности проста: бессмысленно пытаться обыграть рынок, добиваясь больших доходностей,…

  • Инвесторы против спекулянтов Джон Богл
    ISBN: 978-5-00057-029-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Манн, Иванов и Фербер
    Язык: Русский

    Это новая и, возможно, последняя книга Джона Богла — основателя крупнейшей инвестиционной компании The Vanguard Group, автора идеи индексных фондов и признанного специалиста по финансовому рынку. Богл утверждает, что культуру долгосрочного инвестирования вытесняют краткосрочные спекуляции, которые вместе с расходами на биржевые операции отнимают доход у инвесторов и приведут к пагубным последствиям для экономики в целом. На примере знаменитого Wellington Fund автор демонстрирует превосходство культуры благоразумных инвестиций над спекуляциями и приводит простые правила для инвесторов, желающих достичь своих финансовых целей.

  • Взаимные фонды с точки зрения здравого смысла. Новые императивы для разумного инвестора Джон Богл
    ISBN: 5-94599-047-7
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский

    Взаимные (паевые) фонды - один из самых гибких и эффективных инструментов инвестирования в ценные бумаги. Даже если инвестор обладает очень скромной суммой, но хотел бы попробовать использовать ее для работы на фондовом рынке, он может сделать это, обратившись в фонд. Автор книги Джон Богл, основатель и Председатель Совета директоров Vanguard Group, крупнейшей в мире группы взаимных фондов, исследует преимущества и недостатки, присущие отрасли взаимных (паевых) фондов и формирует солидную аналитическую базу для осуществления продуманных инвестиций. Книга адресована частным инвесторам, специалистам финансовых компаний и банков, а также…

  • The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing Джон Богл
    The irreverent guide to investing, Boglehead style The Boglehead's Guide to Investing is a DIY handbook that espouses the sage investment wisdom of John C. Bogle. This witty and wonderful book offers contrarian advice that provides the first step on the road to investment success, illustrating how relying on typical «common sense» promoted by Wall Street is destined to leave you poorer. This updated edition includes new information on backdoor Roth IRAs and ETFs as mainstream buy and hold investments, estate taxes and gifting, plus changes to the laws regarding Traditional and Roth IRAs, and 401k and 403b retirement plans. With warnings and principles both precisely accurate and grandly counterintuitive, the Boglehead authors show how beating the market is a zero-sum game. Investing can be simple, but it's certainly not simplistic. Over the course of twenty years, the followers of John C. Bogle have evolved from a loose association of investors to a major force with the largest and most active non-commercial financial forum on the Internet. The Boglehead's Guide to Investing brings that communication to you with comprehensive guidance to the investment prowess on display at Bogleheads.org. You'll learn how to craft your own investment strategy using the Bogle-proven methods that have worked for thousands of investors, and how to: Choose a sound financial lifestyle and diversify your portfolio Start early, invest regularly, and know what you're buying Preserve your buying power, keeping costs and taxes low Throw out the «good» advice promoted by Wall Street that leads to investment failure Financial markets are essentially closed systems in which one's gain garners another's loss. Investors looking for a roadmap to successfully navigating these choppy waters long-term will find expert guidance, sound advice, and a little irreverent humor in The Boglehead's Guide to Investing.
  • Держитесь курса. Как основатель Vanguard совершил индексную революцию на Уолл-стрит Джон Богл
    ISBN: 978-5-04-155767-6
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо, Бомбора
    Язык: Русский
    Можно ли из официанта и почтальона на полставки вырасти в основателя инвестфонда, у которого под управлением пять триллионов долларов?

    Да. Нужно просто держаться курса и не сворачивать с выбранного пути, как однажды и решил легендарный инвестор Джон Богл. Идеалист-мечтатель и упорный трудяга. «Безумный глупец», сражавшийся за лучший финансовый мир и прибыль инвесторов с жадным спекулятивным рынком ценных бумаг.
  • Character Counts : The Creation and Building of the Vanguard Group Джон Богл
    ISBN: 0071391150
    Язык: Русский
    How John Bogle built Vanguard and transformed the investment world­­in his own words Jack Bogle remains one of the titans of the investment world and a hero to the independent investor, as renowned for his influence as he
  • Putting Investors First: Real Solutions for Better Corporate Governance Scott Newquist
    ISBN: 1576601412
    Язык: Русский
    After all the shocks and aftershocks in corporate America in recent years, corporate governance has become a leading topic in the news and in the boardroom. This timely and important book explores the reasons why our system of corporate checks and
  • Don't Count on It!. Reflections on Investment Illusions, Capitalism, "Mutual" Funds, Indexing, Entrepreneurship, Idealism, and Heroes Джон Богл
    ISBN: 9780470949009
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Praise for Don't Count On It! «This collection of Jack Bogle's writings couldn't be more timely. The clarity of his thinking—and his insistence on the relevance of ethical standards—are totally relevant as we strive to rebuild a broken financial system. For too many years, his strong voice has been lost amid the cacophony of competing self-interests, misdirected complexity, and unbounded greed. Read, learn, and support Jack's mission to reform the industry that has been his life's work.» —PAUL VOLCKER, Chairman of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board and former Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1979–1987) «Jack Bogle has given investors throughout the world more wisdom and plain financial 'horse sense' than any person in the history of markets. This compendium of his best writings, particularly his post-crisis guidance, is absolutely essential reading for investors and those who care about the future of our society.» —ARTHUR LEVITT, former Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission «Jack Bogle is one of the most lucid men in finance.» —NASSIM N.TALEB, PhD, author of The Black Swan «Jack Bogle is one of the financial wise men whose experience spans the post–World War II years. This book, encompassing his insights on financial behavior, pitfalls, and remedies, with a special focus on mutual funds, is an essential read. We can only benefit from his observations.» —HENRY KAUFMAN, President, Henry Kaufman & Company, Inc. «It was not an easy sell. The joke at first was that only finance professors invested in Vanguard's original index fund. But what a triumph it has been. And what a focused and passionate drive it took: it is a zero-sum game and only costs are certain. Thank you, Jack.» —JEREMY GRANTHAM, Cofounder and Chairman, GMO «On finance, Jack Bogle thinks unconventionally. So, this sound rebel turns out to be right most of the time. Meanwhile, many of us sometimes engage in self-deception. So, this book will set us straight. And in the last few pages, Jack writes, and I agree, that Peter Bernstein was a giant. So is Jack Bogle.» —JEAN-MARIE EVEILLARD, Senior Adviser, First Eagle Investment Management Insights into investing and leadership from the founder of The Vanguard Group Throughout his legendary career, John Bogle-founder of the Vanguard mutual fund group and creator of the first index mutual fund-has helped investors build wealth the right way, while, at the same time, leading a tireless campaign to restore common sense to the investment world. A collection of essays based on speeches delivered to professional groups and college students in recent years, in Don't Count on It is organized around eight themes Illusion versus reality in investing Indexing to market returns Failures of capitalism The flawed structure of the mutual fund industry The spirit of entrepreneurship What is enough in business, and in life Advice to America's future leaders The unforgettable characters who have shaped his career Widely acclaimed for his role as the conscience of the mutual fund industry and a relentless advocate for individual investors, in Don't Count on It, Bogle continues to inspire, while pushing the mutual fund industry to measure up to their promise.
  • The Clash of the Cultures. Investment vs. Speculation Джон Богл
    Recommended Reading by Warren Buffet in his March 2013 Letter to Shareholders How speculation has come to dominate investment—a hard-hitting look from the creator of the first index fund. Over the course of his sixty-year career in the mutual fund industry, Vanguard Group founder John C. Bogle has witnessed a massive shift in the culture of the financial sector. The prudent, value-adding culture of long-term investment has been crowded out by an aggressive, value-destroying culture of short-term speculation. Mr. Bogle has not been merely an eye-witness to these changes, but one of the financial sector’s most active participants. In The Clash of the Cultures, he urges a return to the common sense principles of long-term investing. Provocative and refreshingly candid, this book discusses Mr. Bogle's views on the changing culture in the mutual fund industry, how speculation has invaded our national retirement system, the failure of our institutional money managers to effectively participate in corporate governance, and the need for a federal standard of fiduciary duty. Mr. Bogle recounts the history of the index mutual fund, how he created it, and how exchange-traded index funds have altered its original concept of long-term investing. He also presents a first-hand history of Wellington Fund, a real-world case study on the success of investment and the failure of speculation. The book concludes with ten simple rules that will help investors meet their financial goals. Here, he presents a common sense strategy that «may not be the best strategy ever devised. But the number of strategies that are worse is infinite.» The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation completes the trilogy of best-selling books, beginning with Bogle on Investing: The First 50 Years (2001) and Don't Count on It! (2011)
  • Bogle On Mutual Funds. New Perspectives For The Intelligent Investor Джон Богл
    ISBN: 9781119109563
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    The seminal work on mutual funds investing is now a Wiley Investment Classic Certain books have redefined the way we view the world of finance and investing—books that should be on every investor’s shelf. Bogle On Mutual Funds—the definitive work on mutual fund investing by one of finance’s great luminaries—is just such a work, and has been added to the catalog of Wiley’s Investment Classic collection. Updated with a new introduction by expert John Bogle, this comprehensive book provides investors with the wisdom of the pioneer of mutual funds to help you identify and execute the ideal mutual fund investment choices for your portfolio. The former Vanguard Chief Executive, Bogle has long been mutual funds' most outspoken critic; in this classic book, he provides guidance on what you should and shouldn't believe when it comes to mutual funds, along with the story of persistence and perseverance that led to this seminal work. You'll learn the differences between common stock, bond, money market, and balanced funds, and why a passively managed «index» fund is a smarter investment than a fund managed by someone making weighted bets on individual securities, sectors, and the economy. Bogle reveals the truth behind the advertising, the mediocre performance, and selfishness, and highlights the common mistakes many investors make. Consider the risks and rewards of investing in mutual funds Learn how to choose between the four basic types of funds Choose the lower-cost, more reliable investment structure See through misleading advertising, and watch out for pitfalls Take a look into this timeless classic and let Bogle On Mutual Funds show you how to invest in mutual funds the right way, with the expert perspective of an industry leader.
  • A Decade of Delusions. From Speculative Contagion to the Great Recession Джон Богл
    ISBN: 9781118078143
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    The proven strategies rational investors require for success in an irrational market When the dot-com and real estate bubbles of the 1990s and 2000s burst, few were spared the financial fallout. So, how did an investment advisory firm located in Elkhart, Indiana—one of the cities hit hardest by the economic downturns—not only survive, but also thrive during the highly contagious speculative pandemics. By remaining rational. In A Decade of Delusions: From Speculative Contagion to the Great Recession, Frank Martin founder of Elkhart, Indiana's Martin Capital Management offers a riveting and real-time insider's look at the two bubbles, and reflects on how investors can remain rational even when markets are anything but. Outlines strategies the average investor can use to wade through the endless news, information, and investment advice that bombards them Describes the epidemic of market speculation that gradually infects feverish investors Details how investors can spare themselves the emotional devastation and accompanying paralysis resulting from shocking financial losses Investors are still reeling from the instability in the market. A Decade of Delusions: From Speculative Contagion to the Great Recession provides the information investors need to achieve safety, liquidity, and yield.
  • Stay the Course. The Story of Vanguard and the Index Revolution Джон Богл
    ISBN: 9781119404323
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    A journey through the Index Revolution from the man who started it all Stay the Course is the story the Vanguard Group as told by its founder, legendary investor John C. Bogle. This engrossing book traces the history of Vanguard—the largest mutual fund organization on earth. Offering the world’s first index mutual fund in 1976, John Bogle led Vanguard from a $1.4 billion firm with a staff of 28 to a global company of 16,000 employees and with more than $5 trillion in assets under management. An engaging blend of company history, investment perspective, and personal memoir, this book provides a fascinating look into the mind of an extraordinary man and the company he created. John Bogle continues to be an inspiring and trusted figure to millions of individual investors the world over. His creative innovation, personal integrity, and stubborn determination infuse every aspect of the company he founded. This accessible and engaging book will help you: Explore the history of some of Vanguard’s most important mutual funds, including First Index Investment Trust, Wellington Fund, and Windsor Fund Understand how the Vanguard Group gave rise to the Index Revolution and transformed the lives of millions of individual investors Gain insight on John Bogle’s views on values such as perseverance, caring, commitment, integrity, and fairness Investigate a wide range of investing topics through the lens of one of the most prominent figures in the history of modern finance The Vanguard Group and John Bogle are inextricably linked—it would be impossible to tell one story without the other. Stay the Course: The Story of Vanguard and the Index Revolution weaves these stories together taking you on a journey through the history of one revolutionary company and one remarkable man. Investors, wealth managers, financial advisors, business leaders, and those who enjoy a good story, will find this book as informative and unique as its author.
  • The Clash of the Cultures. Investment vs. Speculation Джон Богл
    ISBN: 9781118224748
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Recommended Reading by Warren Buffet in his March 2013 Letter to Shareholders How speculation has come to dominate investment—a hard-hitting look from the creator of the first index fund. Over the course of his sixty-year career in the mutual fund industry, Vanguard Group founder John C. Bogle has witnessed a massive shift in the culture of the financial sector. The prudent, value-adding culture of long-term investment has been crowded out by an aggressive, value-destroying culture of short-term speculation. Mr. Bogle has not been merely an eye-witness to these changes, but one of the financial sector’s most active participants. In The Clash of the Cultures, he urges a return to the common sense principles of long-term investing. Provocative and refreshingly candid, this book discusses Mr. Bogle's views on the changing culture in the mutual fund industry, how speculation has invaded our national retirement system, the failure of our institutional money managers to effectively participate in corporate governance, and the need for a federal standard of fiduciary duty. Mr. Bogle recounts the history of the index mutual fund, how he created it, and how exchange-traded index funds have altered its original concept of long-term investing. He also presents a first-hand history of Wellington Fund, a real-world case study on the success of investment and the failure of speculation. The book concludes with ten simple rules that will help investors meet their financial goals. Here, he presents a common sense strategy that «may not be the best strategy ever devised. But the number of strategies that are worse is infinite.» The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation completes the trilogy of best-selling books, beginning with Bogle on Investing: The First 50 Years (2001) and Don't Count on It! (2011)
  • John Bogle on Investing. The First 50 Years Джон Богл
    ISBN: 9781119109594
    Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Get fifty years of industry-defining expertise in a single volume John Bogle on Investing is a compilation of the best speeches ever delivered by one of the 20th century's towering financial giants. Individually, each of these speeches delivers a powerful lesson in investing; taken together, Bogle's lifelong themes ring loud and clear. His investing philosophy has remained more or less constant throughout his illustrious career, and this book lays it out so you can learn from the very best. You'll learn what makes a successful investment strategy, consider the productive economics of long-term investing, and how emotional investment in financial markets is often counterproductive enough to forfeit success. Bogle discusses the «fiscal drag» of investing, and shows you how to cut down on sales charges, management fees, turnover costs, and opportunity costs, as he unravels a lifetime's worth of expertise to give you deep insight into the mind of a master at work. John C. Bogle founded Vanguard in 1974, then in the space of a few years, introduced the index mutual fund, pioneered the no-load mutual fund, and redefined bond fund management. This book wraps up the essence of his half-century of knowledge to deepen your understanding and enhance your investment success. Learn why simple strategies are best Discover how emotions can ruin the best investment plan Examine the universality of indexing in the financial markets Minimize the costs – financial and otherwise – associated with investing John Bogle is still in there fighting, still pushing the industry onward and upward. Take this rare opportunity to have industry-shaping expertise at your fingertips with John Bogle on Investing.