Кетлин Киттредж

Caitlin Kittredge

  • 17 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 81 читатель
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Кетлин Киттредж — новинки

  • Dreaming Darkly Кетлин Киттредж
    ISBN: 9780062665621
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Katherine Tegen Books
    Язык: Английский
    Ivy Bloodgood’s mother is dead, and she should probably be sad about it. But she isn’t. Myra Bloodgood was confusing mix of protective and abusive, a manipulative personality who never told the truth—about where she came from, who Ivy’s father was, or why they were living their lives on the run.

    Now that Ivy has been sent to Darkhaven, an island off the New England coast, to live with a rich uncle she didn’t know existed, she is forced to reckon with her mother’s past. Ivy can tell right away there are long-held family secrets buried within these walls, but when she wakes up from one of her nightmares covered in someone else’s blood, Ivy fears that whatever demons her mother battled while she was alive have come to roost in her own mind. Scared that she can no longer trust what she sees, Ivy seeks the help of a boy who thinks her episodes are connected to the sordid history of Darkhaven—but what they don’t know might kill them both.

    A moody and twisty gothic mystery with an impossible romance, Dreaming Darkly is an atmospheric, fast-paced page-turner written by comics veteran Caitlin Kittredge.
  • Coffin Hill: Volume 3: Haunted Houses Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-1-4012-5436-0
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: DC
    Язык: Английский
    Eve Coffin is released from jail in these stories from issues №14-21...and there’s waiting for her in Coffin Hill with open arms. Ghosts are abroad in the town, and one has her sights set on Eve-and on a bloody chain of events her family set in motion almost three hundred years ago! Eve Coffin is released from jail in these stories from issues №14-21...and there’s waiting for her in Coffin Hill with open arms. Ghosts are abroad in the town, and one has her sights set on Eve-and on a bloody chain of events her family set in motion almost three hundred years ago!
  • Coffin Hill Vol. 2: Dark Endeavors Кетлин Киттредж
    ISBN: 9781401250843
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    Years after a night in the woods gone awry, Eve returns to Coffin Hill, only to discover the darkness that she unleashed ten years ago that fateful night was never fully contained. It continues to seep through the town, cursing the soul of this sleepy Massachusetts hollow, spilling secrets and enacting its revenge.
  • Орудия тьмы Кетлин Киттредж
    ISBN: 978-5-17-097249-4
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский
    Комплект состоит их 4-х книг.
    1. Сара Алдерсон "ОХОТНИКИ"
    Семнадцатилетняя Лила хранит два секрета:
    первый - она может двигать вещи силой мысли,
    второй - она по уши влюблена в друга своего брата, Алекса.
    После того как она раскрывает свои способности, Лила решает сбежать к брату в Южную Калифорнию. Но вскоре она понимает: есть другие люди, обладающие сверхспособностями, и один из них - убийца ее матери…
    Ты не сможешь убежать от правды.
    2. Виктория Шваб "АРХИВ"
    Представьте себе библиотеку, где вместо книг на полках лежат мертвецы.
    У каждого из них есть своя особая история, которую под силу прочесть только Библиотекарям. Потому они называют мертвых Историями, а место, где хранятся Истории - Архивом.
    Маккензи Бишоп - Хранитель Архива, спасающий мир от вторжения злобных бесприютных призраков - пробудившихся Историй.
    Однажды происходит нечто жуткое - неизвестный злодей заново переписывает некоторые Истории, подчас стирая целые жизни. И это каким-то образом связано с загадочной деятельностью Библиотекарей и леденящим кровь убийством, произошедшим более 50 лет назад…
    В этой библиотеке на полках не книги…
    3. Кэтлин Киттредж "ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ ШИП"
    В мрачном городе сжигают еретиков, под толщей земли вращаются шестеренки великого Движителя, а по ночным заброшенным улицам бродят жуткие монстры…
    Аойфе Грейсон скоро исполнится шестнадцать, а это значит, что она вот-вот может заболеть опасным некровирусом, вызывающим эпидемию безумия. Мать Аойфе уже давно в сумасшедшем доме, брат пропал без вести, а отца она никогда не видела.
    Ей грозит отчисление из Академии Искусств и Машин, хотя именно там она спасается от реальности - в чертежах, учебниках и математических таблицах.
    Но однажды она получает письмо от брата, в котором всего одно слово: ПОМОГИ…
    Потрясающее сочетание стимпанка, ужасов в духе Г.Ф. Лавкрафта и мрачного фэнтези.
    4. Джулия Кросс "БУРЯ"
    Джексон Мейер - самый обычный парень. Колледж, любимая девушка и хобби - путешествия во времени. Просто развлечение, и не более того: после его прыжков в прошлое и обратно в настоящем ничего не меняется!
    …Так и было до тех пор, пока кто-то не напал на Джексона. В панике путешественник во времени возвращается на два года назад и… застревает в прошлом.
    Собирая по крупицам информацию о себе, о своей семье и о своем предназначении, Джексон должен решить, как далеко он готов зайти, чтобы спасти любимую… и весь мир.
    Динамичный триллер с удивительно мощной романтической составляющей.
    Entertainment Weekly
  • Coffin Hill Vol. 1: Forest of the Night Кэтлин Киттредж
    ISBN: 978-1-4012-4887-1, 140124887X
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vertigo
    Язык: Английский
    Following a night of sex, drugs, and witchcraft in the woods, Eve Coffin wakes up naked, covered in blood and unable to remember how she got there. One friend is missing, one is in a mental ward - and one knows that Eve is responsible! Years later, Eve returns to Coffin Hill, only to discover the darkness that she unleashed ten years ago in the woods was never contained. It continues to seep through the town, cursing the soul of this sleepy Massachusetts hollow, spilling secrets and enacting its revenge.
    Set against the haunted backdrop of New England, Coffin Hill explores what people will do for power and retribution. Noted novelist Caitlin Kittredge, author of the Black London series, brings a smart, mesmerizing style to comics. Artist Inaki Miranda (FABLES) brings his dynamic storytelling to Coffin Hill, following an acclaimed run on Fairest. It collects Coffin Hill numbered 1-7.
  • Орудия Тьмы. Железный шип Кетлин Киттредж
    ISBN: 978-5-17-082051-1
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    В мрачном городе Лавкрафте правят прокторы, сжигающие еретиков за самое невинное инакомыслие, под толщей земли вращаются шестеренки великого Движителя, а по ночным заброшенным улицам бродят жуткие монстры… Аойфе Грейсон скоро исполнится шестнадцать, а это значит, что у нее есть все шансы заболеть опасным некровирусом, породившим необъяснимую эпидемию безумия. Мать Аойфе уже несколько лет лежит в сумасшедшем доме и грезит о лилиях, ее брат считается пропавшим без вести, а отца она никогда не видела. С приближением дня рождения девушке грозит отчисление из Академии Искусств и Машин, хотя именно там она пытается спастись от реальности – в…

  • Dark Days Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-0312388263, 0312388268
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks

    Caitlin Kittredge

    Jack Winter and his girlfriend Pete Caldecott have encountered a lot of strange creatures in the Black—primordial demons, hungry ghosts, witch hunters, and the Prince of Hell himself, Belial. When Belial asks Jack for one last favor to help him keep his throne, Jack may have finally met his match because Belial's rival is something that no one—human or demon—has ever seen before…

    There’s a revolution brewing in Hell, and Jack might be the only one who can stop Belial’s rival from ripping a hole between the Black and the mortal world—a catastrophe that could be worse than Armageddon. But to win, Jack will have to do the one thing he swore he never would: become a servant to the Morrigan, and risk losing everything he knows and loves…including Pete.
  • The Mirrored Shard Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-0385738330
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Aoife Grayson must face death to win back Dean—the love who was ripped from the Iron Lands of the living when he was shot in the arctic north. But getting to the Deadlands is something that Aoife can't do on her own. And if she can find a way there, Tremaine would surely never allow it. He has sworn to keep her in the Thorn Lands, the fairie home of her mother, Nerissa. But Aoife is determined to find her way out. And she has no trouble if that means she has to kill Tremain and his queen to do it.
  • Soul Trade Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-0312388256, 031238825X
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский
    Soul Trade
    A Black London Novel
    Caitlin Kittredge
    The crow-mage Jack Winter returns —to crash a secret gathering of ghost hunters, soul stealers, and other uninvited guests, both dead and alive…

    Normally, Pete Caldecott stays far away from magical secret societies. But ever since her partner and boyfriend Jack Winter stopped a primordial demon from ripping into our world, every ghost, demon, and mage in London has been wide awake—and hungry. And the magical society in question needs their help putting things right.


    It all begins with an invitation. Five pale figures surround Pete in the cemetery to “cordially” invite her to a gathering of the Prometheus Club. Pete’s never heard of them, but Jack has—and he’s not thrilled about it. Especially the part that says, “Attend or die.” The Prometheans wouldn’t come to London unless something big’s about to go down. So Pete and Jack decide to play it safe and make nice with the club—even if that means facing down an army of demons in the process. But now that they’ve joined the group, they’re about to discover that membership comes at a cost…and has apocalyptic consequences.
  • The Nightmare Garden Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-0385738316
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Delacorte Press Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Everything Aoife thought she knew about the world was a lie. There is no Necrovirus. And Aoife isn't going to succomb to madness because of a latent strain—she will lose her faculties because she is allergic to iron. Aoife isn't human. She is a changeling—half human and half from the land of Thorn. And time is running out for her.

    When Aoife destroyed the Lovecraft engine she released the monsters from the Thorn Lands into the Iron Lands and now she must find a way to seal the gates and reverse the destruction she's ravaged on the world that's about to poison her.
  • The Curse of Four Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-1596063983
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Subterranean
    Subterranean Press is proud to present Caitlin Kittredge's first novella-length foray into her Black London series, with an all-original tale of dark magic and darker shadows.

    Jack Winter used to be a bad man, but he left black magic and wickedness behind him for a simpler life exorcising ghosts in London. Then Fiona Hannigan, the girl he abandoned to a life of depraved sorcery, turns up murdered and it's not long before Jack finds himself accused of the crime, along with three other slayings. Someone is hunting London's black magicians--and they've decided Jack is going to pay the price.

    Running from the police and pursued by his own ghosts, Jack must go back to the supernatural underworld he left behind to find who wanted Fiona dead, who framed him for the deed and why the spirit of Aleister Crowley is turning up in his living room. Because it's not just Jack's ghosts who are running free in London--older, darker spirits are stirring, and the same person who murdered Fiona has their sight set on performing a binding ritual to gain unimaginable power. Jack's out of options and out of time, and his past may be the only thing that can save him...if he can survive the trip.
  • Devil's Business Caitlin Kittredge
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks
    Pete Caldecott did everything she could to save Jack from Hell, even reigning in the dark machinations of the Morrigan to help bring him home. Still, Black London has not welcomed Jack back with open arms. . . So when a friend in Los Angeles asks for help tracking a sorcerous serial killer, Pete and Jack decide a change of scenery couldn’t hurt. . .

    But the shadow side of the City of Angels turns out to be more treacherous than they ever imagined. Together, Pete and Jack must navigate a landscape teeming with hostile magic-users— and fight an unknown enemy. When their investigation leads to a confrontation with the demon Belial, Jack learns that he wasn't the only thing to escape from Hell. Now it’s up to him and Pete to track and eliminate an evil older than the Black itself—before it turns L.A. into Hell on Earth. And destroys life as they know it back at home…
  • The Iron Thorn Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 9780385738293
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Delacorte Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    In the city of Lovecraft, the Proctors rule and a great Engine turns below the streets, grinding any resistance to their order to dust. The necrovirus is blamed for Lovecraft's epidemic of madness, for the strange and eldritch creatures that roam the streets after dark, and for everything that the city leaders deem Heretical—born of the belief in magic and witchcraft. And for Aoife Grayson, her time is growing shorter by the day.

    Aoife Grayson's family is unique, in the worst way—every one of them, including her mother and her elder brother Conrad, has gone mad on their 16th birthday. And now, a ward of the state, and one of the only female students at the School of Engines, she is trying to pretend that her fate can be different.
  • Bone Gods Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-0312388201, 0312388209
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks
    Witch hunts are on the rise and supernatural turf wars are reaching a boiling point. Then, just when it seems life couldn’t get any worse for Pete, Jack reappears—but he’s no longer the man she’s always known. Hell has changed him forever. And he’s brought back with him a whole world of trouble…

    A cabal of necromancers are using ancient, unspeakable magic to turn the tide of war in their favor. Then, as the city is about to sink into chaos, Pete receives a chilling directive: To end the war, you must kill the crow-mage. Beset from all sides, Pete finds herself turning to an unholy source for help…even if doing so could destroy Black London—and life as she knew it—once and for all.
  • Demon Bound Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-0312943639, 0312943636
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks
    Thirteen years ago, Jack Winter lay dying in a graveyard. Jack called upon a demon and traded his soul for his life… and now the demon is back to collect its due. But Jack has finally found something to live for. Her name is Pete Caldecott, and because of her, Jack's not going to Hell without a fight.

    Pete doesn't know about Jack's bargain, but she does know that something bigger and far more dangerous than Jack's demon is growing in the Black. Old gods are stirring and spirits are rising--and Jack doesn't stand a chance of stopping them without Pete's help.
  • Street Magic Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 978-0312943615
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: St. Martin’s Press
    Язык: Русский
    The first in the Black London series, this dark tale takes Kittredge’s supernatural shadows to the next level. At 16, Pete Caldecott witnessed the apparent death of punk rocker Jack Winter after he raised an ancient spirit. Twelve years later, Det. Insp. Caldecott has followed in her dead father’s footsteps at Scotland Yard. She follows a tip about a missing child and finds Jack, now a heroin junkie claiming intimate knowledge of a parallel realm called the Black. As Jack detoxes and more children disappear, he joins Pete’s quest to find them, teaching her to use hexes and spells as well as her physical abilities in the fight against a rising dark power. Kittredge (the Nocturne City series) knows how to create a believable world, and her fans will enjoy the mix of magic and city grit.
  • Night life Caitlin Kittredge
    ISBN: 9780312948290
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: St. Martin's Paperbacks
    Язык: Русский
    The first book in a thrilling, addictive new series by a talented new voice in dark fantasy. Welcome to Nocturne City, where werewolves, black magicians, and witches prowl the streets at night… Among them is Luna Wilder, a tough-as-nails police officer whose job is to keep the peace. As an Insoli werewolf, Luna travels without a pack and must rely on instinct alone. And she’s just been assigned to find the ruthless killer behind a string of ritualistic murders—a killer with ties to an escaped demon found only in legend…until now.
    But when she investigates prime suspect Dmitri Sandovsky, she can’t resist his wolfish charms. Pack leader of a dangerous clan of Redbacks, Dimitri sends her animal instincts into overdrive and threatens her fiercely-guarded independence. But Luna and Dimiri will need to rely on each other as they’re plunged into an ancient demon underworld and pitted against an expert black magician with the power to enslave them for eternity…