Дженнифер Уайнер

Jennifer Weiner

  • 44 книги
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Новинки Дженнифер Уайнер

  • Велике літо Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 978-966-982-994-8
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Vivat
    Шість років тому раптова сварка поклала край дружбі Дафни і Дрю. Відтоді подруги припинили спілкуватися. Аж раптом Дрю звертається до Дафни з проханням бути подружкою нареченої на її шикарному весіллі влітку. Дафна вагається: чи варто їй, успішній блогерці, яка веде інстаграм-сторінку для людей з великими розмірами, знову впускати у своє життя улюбленицю долі Дрю. Урешті Дафна виявляється безсилою перед її чарами та їде на весілля, про яке писатимуть усі таблоїди.

    Це зворушлива й драматична історія про людські стосунки, які не бувають простими, про силу соцмереж та пошук найважливішого в житті.

    Чудова книжка для того, щоб краще зрозуміти себе і світ, у якому так непросто буває розпізнати, що фейк чи маніпуляція, а що справжнє і щире.
  • The Breakaway Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 978-1668033425, 1668033429
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Thirty-three-year-old Abby Stern has made it to a happy place. True, she still has gig jobs instead of a career, and the apartment where she’s lived since college still looks like she’s just moved in. But she’s got good friends, her bike, and her bicycling club in Philadelphia. She’s at peace with her plus-size body—at least, most of the time—and she’s on track to marry Mark Medoff, her childhood summer sweetheart, a man she met at the weight-loss camp that her perpetually dieting mother forced her to attend. Fifteen years after her final summer at Camp Golden Hills, when Abby reconnects with a half-his-size Mark, it feels like the happy ending she’s always wanted.

    Yet Abby can’t escape the feeling that some­thing isn’t right...or the memories of one thrilling night she spent with a man named Sebastian two years previously. When Abby gets a last-minute invi­tation to lead a cycling trip from NYC to Niagara Falls, she’s happy to have time away from Mark, a chance to reflect and make up her mind.

    But things get complicated fast. First, Abby spots a familiar face in the group—Sebastian, the one-night stand she thought she’d never see again. Sebastian is a serial dater who lives a hundred miles away. In spite of their undeniable chemistry, Abby is determined to keep her distance. Then there’s a surprise last-minute addition to the trip: her mother, Eileen, the woman Abby blames for a lifetime of body shaming and insecurities she’s still trying to undo.

    Over two weeks and more than seven hundred miles, strangers become friends, hidden truths come to light, a teenage girl with a secret unites the riders in unexpected ways...and Abby is forced to reconsider everything she believes about herself, her mother, and the nature of love.
  • The Summer Place Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 9780349434438
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Piatkus
    From the No.1 New York Times bestselling author of That Summer comes another heartfelt and unputdownable novel of family, secrets, and the ties that bind.
    When Veronica Levy bought her dream house on the Outer Cape, she imagined a place where generations of her family would gather for years to come.
    Now, forty years later, with her children barely speaking to each other, or to her, Veronica has decided, reluctantly, to put the place on the market. She'll invite the family to gather one last time (and insist on their good behavior) at her granddaughter Celia's wedding. She'll spend one last summer by the beach, with her daughter Sarah, her son Sam, and whichever grandchildren can be coaxed into making the trip. Then she'll say goodbye to the house she's loved for forty years.
    But three months is a long time. Time enough for an old love to reappear, for secrets to come to light, and for three generations of Levy women to decide what kind of lives they want to live, in the summers they have left.
    The Summer Place is a hilarious, delicious, and wickedly observed story about parents and children, husbands and wives, the places we call home, and all the ways that love can surprise us.
  • Хороши в постели Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-122379-3
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Кэнни Шапиро никогда не жаловалась на жизнь: прекрасная работа, верные подруги, любимая собака. Да, Кэнни не отличается изяществом форм, но это ничуть не убавляет ее уверенности в себе. Но в один день все меняется.

    Брюс, бывший парень Кэнни, ведущий в модном журнале рубрику «Хороши в постели», решил вытрясти на публике их грязное белье и опубликовал статью «Любовь с пышной дамой».

    Это будет долгий год, в течение которого Кэнни придется примириться с прошлым, чтобы заглянуть в будущее. А главное, Кэнни предстоит понять: несмотря ни на что, жизнь прекрасна..

    Семья – это не только родственные связи. Семьей становятся те, кого вы решили любить.
  • The Summer Place Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 9781501133572
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Atria Books
    From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of That Summer comes another heartfelt and unputdownable novel of family, secrets, and the ties that bind.

    When her twenty-two-year-old stepdaughter announces her engagement to her pandemic boyfriend, Sarah Danhauser is shocked. But the wheels are in motion. Headstrong Ruby has already set a date (just three months away!) and spoken to her beloved safta, Sarah’s mother Veronica, about having the wedding at the family’s beach house on Cape Cod. Sarah might be worried, but Veronica is thrilled to be bringing the family together one last time before putting the big house on the market.

    But the road to a wedding day usually comes with a few bumps. Ruby has always known exactly what she wants, but as the wedding date approaches, she finds herself grappling with the wounds left by the mother who walked out when she was a baby. Veronica ends up facing unexpected news, thanks to her meddling sister, and must revisit the choices she made long ago, when she was a bestselling novelist with a different life. Sarah’s twin brother, Sam, is recovering from a terrible loss, and confronting big questions about who he is—questions he hopes to resolve during his stay on the Cape. Sarah’s husband, Eli, who’s been inexplicably distant during the pandemic, confronts the consequences of a long ago lapse from his typical good-guy behavior. And Sarah, frustrated by her husband, concerned about her stepdaughter, and worn out by challenges of life during quarantine, faces the alluring reappearance of someone from her past and a life that could have been.

    When the wedding day arrives, lovers are revealed as their true selves, misunderstandings take on a life of their own, and secrets come to light. There are confrontations and revelations that will touch each member of the extended family, ensuring that nothing will ever be the same.

    From “the undisputed boss of the beach read” (The New York Times), The Summer Place is a testament to family in all its messy glory; a story about what we sacrifice and how we forgive. Enthralling, witty, big-hearted, and sharply observed, this is Jennifer Weiner’s love letter to the Outer Cape and the power of home, the way our lives are enriched by the people we call family, and the endless ways love can surprise us.
  • That Summer Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 9780349429830
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Piatkus
    Daisy Shoemaker can't sleep. With a thriving cooking business, full schedule of volunteer work, and a beautiful home in the Philadelphia suburbs, she should be content. But her teenage daughter can be a handful, her husband can be distant, her work can feel trivial, and she has lots of acquaintances, but no real friends. Still, Daisy knows she's got it good. So why is she up all night?
    While Daisy tries to identify the root of her dissatisfaction, she's also receiving misdirected emails meant for a woman named Diana Starling, whose email address is just one punctuation mark away from her own. While Daisy's driving carpools, Diana is chairing meetings. While Daisy's making dinner, Diana's making plans to reorganize corporations. Diana's glamorous, sophisticated, single-lady life is miles away from Daisy's simpler existence. When an apology leads to an invitation, the two women meet and become friends. But, as they get closer, we learn that their connection was not completely accidental. Who IS this other woman, and what does she want with Daisy?
    From the manicured Main Line of Philadelphia to the wild landscape of the Outer Cape, written with Jennifer Weiner's signature wit and sharp observations, That Summer is a story about surviving our pasts, confronting our futures, and the sustaining bonds of friendship.
  • Миссис Всё на свете Дженнифер Уайнер
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Это история двух сестер, которая начинается в 1950-х годах. Девочки взрослеют – мир меняется. Они пытаются найти свое место в жизни, пытаются быть верными себе, но, как известно, у каждого своя дорога, а настоящий дом там, где тебя ждут. Они стояли перед новым домом на Альгамбра-стрит. Девочки, полные надежды. Бунтарка Джо и милашка Бетти. Такие разные – сестры. А впереди социальные потрясения, война во Вьетнаме, музыка свободы и борьба за женские права. А впереди первая любовь, рассветы, закаты, громкий смех, соленые слезы, взросление. Это искреннее и очень женское путешествие по разноцветным десятилетиям Америки. Это путешествие длиною в жизнь – удивительную, сложную и неповторимую. Роман Дженнифер Вайнер стал бестселлером New York Times и полюбился многим читателям. Эта книга заставит вас смеяться и плакать, и, может быть, уже завтра вы решите изменить свою жизнь, переписав ее воображаемый сценарий. А еще вам очень захочется обнять того, кто всегда рядом, несмотря ни на что. «Блестящее повествование, охватывающее несколько поколений». – People «Вайнер сыграет на каждой струнке вашего сердца». – Publishers Weekly
  • Кого ти кохаєш Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 978-966-982-276-5, 978-966-942-826-4
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Vivat
    Язык: Украинский

    Вечір у лікарні, доленосна зустріч. Восьмирічні Рейчел та Енді випадково стикаються в коридорі. Дівчинка має вроджену ваду серця й уже звикла до цих палат, а от хлопчик збентежений, бо в лікарні він сам, без батьків, з переломом руки. Вони й не сподівалися побачитися знову. Такі цілком різні: вона виросла в затишній заможній родині, а його виховувала небагата матиодиначка. Через хворе серце їй не до занять спортом, а він — один з найкращих атлетів. Але їхні зустрічі та розставання не припиняються, поки кожен з них закінчує школу, бере шлюб і розлучається, будує кар’єру… Колись Рейчел та Енді таки доведеться визначитися, кого ж вони кохають…

  • That Summer Jennifer Weiner
    ISBN: 1501133543, 978-1501133541
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский
    Daisy Shoemaker can’t sleep. With a thriving cooking business, full schedule of volunteer work, and a beautiful home in the Philadelphia suburbs, she should be content. But her teenage daughter can be a handful, her husband can be distant, her work can feel trivial, and she has lots of acquaintances, but no real friends. Still, Daisy knows she’s got it good. So why is she up all night?

    While Daisy tries to identify the root of her dissatisfaction, she’s also receiving misdirected emails meant for a woman named Diana Starling, whose email address is just one punctuation mark away from her own. While Daisy’s driving carpools, Diana is chairing meetings. While Daisy’s making dinner, Diana’s making plans to reorganize corporations. Diana’s glamorous, sophisticated, single-lady life is miles away from Daisy’s simpler existence. When an apology leads to an invitation, the two women meet and become friends. But, as they get closer, we learn that their connection was not completely accidental. Who IS this other woman, and what does she want with Daisy?

    From the manicured Main Line of Philadelphia to the wild landscape of the Outer Cape, written with Jennifer Weiner’s signature wit and sharp observations, That Summer is a story about surviving our pasts, confronting our futures, and the sustaining bonds of friendship.
  • Миссис Всё на свете Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-118571-8
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Они стояли перед новым домом на Альгамбра-стрит. Девочки, полные надежды. Бунтарка Джо и милашка Бетти. Такие разные - сестры. А впереди социальные потрясения, война во Вьетнаме, музыка свободы и борьба за женские права. А впереди первая любовь, рассветы, закаты, громкий смех, соленые слезы, взросление. Это искреннее и очень женское путешествие по разноцветным десятилетиям Америки. Это путешествие длиною в жизнь – удивительную, сложную и неповторимую.
  • Big Summer Jennifer Weiner
    ISBN: 1501133519, 9781501133510
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский

    Six years after the fight that ended their friendship, Daphne Berg is shocked when Drue Cavanaugh walks back into her life, looking as lovely and successful as ever, with a massive favor to ask. Daphne hasn’t spoken one word to Drue in all this time—she doesn’t even hate-follow her ex-best friend on social media—so when Drue asks if she will be her maid-of-honor at the society wedding of the summer, Daphne is rightfully speechless. Drue was always the one who had everything—except the ability to hold onto friends. Meanwhile, Daphne’s no longer the same self-effacing sidekick she was back in high school. She’s built a life that she loves,…

  • Everyone's A Critic Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 9781797108414
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Simon Schuster Audio
    Язык: Английский
    Laurel Spellman is the most respected and feared literary critic in America. For years—more than she wants to admit—she’s written acid-etched reviews, gleefully goring sacred cows, anointing Great American Novelists, keeping the mob of scribbling authors in their place while enjoying all the perks of her position.

    She doesn’t want to lose her spot on top of the literary world—not any more than she wants to replace her decades-old cartoon head shot with a new photograph. But when Laurel ends up taking a group of bibliophiles on a tour of literary Paris, she meets her worst nightmare: an eager debut author of commercial fiction named Tess Kravitz.

    Laurel despises books like Tess’s: easy reads with happy endings, where the fat girl finds true love, or happiness through yoga. She can’t stand Tess herself, a chirpy, chunky blond with a tote bag full of a seemingly inexhaustible supply of her book, The Comfort Diet. But Tess is undeterred by Laurel’s scorn. She makes it clear that she’ll do anything—absolutely anything—to get her book on Laurel’s radar.

    As author and critic play cat and mouse in Paris, ominous tokens appear, dark secrets are revealed, and Laurel finds herself haunted by her history and tormented by Tess’s book. The line between reality and fantasy begins to blur in a clash between an aging critic who will do anything to hold on to what she has, and a desperate author, who will stop at nothing to get what she wants.
  • Mrs. Everything Jennifer Weiner
    ISBN: 1501133489, 978-1501133480
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский
    Do we change or does the world change us?

    Jo and Bethie Kaufman were born into a world full of promise.

    Growing up in 1950s Detroit, they live in a perfect “Dick and Jane” house, where their roles in the family are clearly defined. Jo is the tomboy, the bookish rebel with a passion to make the world more fair; Bethie is the pretty, feminine good girl, a would-be star who enjoys the power her beauty confers and dreams of a traditional life.

    But the truth ends up looking different from what the girls imagined. Jo and Bethie survive traumas and tragedies. As their lives unfold against the background of free love and Vietnam, Woodstock and women’s lib, Bethie becomes an adventure-loving wild child who dives headlong into the counterculture and is up for anything (except settling down). Meanwhile, Jo becomes a proper young mother in Connecticut, a witness to the changing world instead of a participant. Neither woman inhabits the world she dreams of, nor has a life that feels authentic or brings her joy. Is it too late for the women to finally stake a claim on happily ever after?

    In her most ambitious novel yet, Jennifer Weiner tells a story of two sisters who, with their different dreams and different paths, offer answers to the question: How should a woman be in the world?
  • Добре в ліжку Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 9789669428653
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Vivat
    Язык: Украинский

    Кенні — щаслива й успішна жінка, яка має прекрасну роботу, друзів і відданого пса. Незважаючи на пишні форми тіла, вона має вигляд впевненої в собі леді. Але одного разу Кенні бачить у журналі статтю про любов до великої жінки, написану її колишнім бойфрендом Брюсом, і життя її несподівано змінюється. Вона розчаровується в коханцеві, вирішує схуднути, шукає творчої реалізації й нарешті розуміє, що всі її страхи були марні…

  • Hungry Heart: Adventures in Life, Love, and Writing Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 1476723400
    Год издания: 2016
    Язык: Английский
    She’s also a mom, a daughter, and a sister; a former rower and current cyclist; a best friend and a reality TV junkie. In her first foray into nonfiction, she takes the raw stuff of her personal life and spins into a collection of essays on modern womanhood as uproariously funny and moving as the best of Tina Fey, Fran Lebowitz, and Nora Ephron.

    Jennifer grew up as an outsider in her picturesque Connecticut hometown (“a Lane Bryant outtake in an Abercrombie & Fitch photo shoot”) and at her Ivy League college, but finally found her people in newsrooms in central Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, and her voice as a novelist, activist, and New York Times columnist.

    No subject is off-limits in this intimate and honest essay collection: sex, weight, envy, money, her mom’s newfound lesbianism, and her estranged father’s death. From lonely adolescence to modern childbirth to hearing her six-year-old daughter’s use of the f-word—fat­­—for the first time, Jennifer Weiner goes there, with the wit and candor that have endeared her to readers all over the world.

    By turns hilarious and deeply touching, this collection shows that the woman behind treasured novels like Good in Bed and Best Friends Forever is every bit as winning, smart, and honest in real life as she is in her fiction.
  • The Littlest Bigfoot Jennifer Weiner
    ISBN: 1481470744
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Aladdin
    Язык: Английский
    Alice Mayfair, twelve years old, slips through the world unseen and unnoticed. Ignored by her family and shipped off to her eighth boarding school, Alice would like a friend. And when she rescues Millie Maximus from drowning in a lake one day, she finds one.

    But Millie is a Bigfoot, part of a clan who dwells deep in the woods. Most Bigfoots believe that people—No-Furs, as they call them—are dangerous, yet Millie is fascinated with the No-Fur world. She is convinced that humans will appreciate all the things about her that her Bigfoot tribe does not: her fearless nature, her lovely singing voice, and her desire to be a star.

    Alice swears to protect Millie’s secret. But a league of Bigfoot hunters is on their trail, led by a lonely kid named Jeremy. And in order to survive, Alice and Millie have to put their trust in each other—and have faith in themselves—above all else.
  • Who Do You Love Jennifer Weiner
    ISBN: 145161781X, 9781451617818
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Atria Books
    Язык: Английский

    Rachel Blum and Andy Landis are eight years old when they meet late one night in an ER waiting room. Born with a congenital heart defect, Rachel is a veteran of hospitals, and she's intrigued by the boy who shows up all alone with a broken arm. He tells her his name. She tells him a story. After Andy's taken back to the emergency room and Rachel's sent back to her bed, they think they'll never see each other again. Rachel, the beloved, popular, and protected daughter of two doting parents, grows up wanting for nothing in a fancy Florida suburb. Andy grows up poor in Philadelphia with a single mom and a rare talent that will let him…

  • Маленькие землетрясения Дженнифер Вайнер
    ISBN: 978-5-699-65714-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Актриса, организатор мероприятий, шеф-повар и телерепортер – что может объединить таких разных женщин? Совместные занятия йогой для беременных, неожиданные роды подруги, радости и горести материнства помогут им подружиться и найти общий язык. Отныне их судьбы тесно связаны. Лиа, Келли, Бекки и Айинде готовы не только помогать друг другу, но и жить общими проблемами. Ведь порой справиться с некоторыми из них в одиночку просто невозможно.

  • Всем спокойной ночи Дженнифер Вайнер
    ISBN: 978-5-699-63766-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Трое детей, муж, который пропадает на работе, и ни одной минуты, которую можно было бы потратить на себя. Такова жизнь Кейт Боровиц. А ведь когда-то она была журналистом, подавала надежды.
    Но инстинкт журналиста — как умение кататься на велосипеде: можешь сколь угодно долго не крутить педали, но, стоит тебе сесть за руль, обязательно поедешь.
    Обнаружив свою знакомую, Китти Кавано, убитой, Кейт решила провести расследование и во что бы то ни стало выяснить, кому понадобилось убивать образцовую мать и домохозяйку.
    К тому же на столе в кухне убитой Кейт обнаружила записку с телефоном человека, который когда-то очень много значил в ее жизни, да и сейчас — что обманывать себя? — ей далеко не безразличен.
  • In Her Shoes Дженнифер Уайнер
    ISBN: 978-1-84983-401-8
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Simon & Schuster
    Язык: Английский
    Rose Feller is thirty years old, a high-powered attorney, with a secret passion for romance novels, an exercise regime she's going to start next week, and dreams of a man who will slide off her glasses, gaze into her eyes, and tell her that she's beautiful. Meet Rose's sister Maggie. Twenty-eight years old, drop-dead gorgeous and only occasionally employed, Maggie is a backing singer in a band called. She dreams of fame and fortune - and of getting her dowdy big sister to stick to a skin-care regime. These two women with nothing in common but a childhood tragedy, shared DNA, and the same size feet, are about to learn that their family is more different than they ever imagined, and that they're more alike than they'd ever believe. Funny and poignant, richly detailed and wrenchingly real, In He Shoes will speak to anyone who's endured the bonds of sisterhood, and to everyone who's dreamed of trying something else on for size.
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