Кэнди Стайнер

Kandi Steiner

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Лучшие книги Канди Штайнер

  • Слепая зона Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 9785171521608
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Лучший игрок футбольного клуба, известного на всю страну, и скромная студентка, скучный координатор по связям с общественностью. Что может объединить эту пару? Ну, например, игра в отношения. Цель Клэя — заставить ревновать бывшую. Цель Джианы — привлечь внимание парня, в которого она влюблена. Что может пойти не так? Узнайте из бестселлера Кэнди Стайнер, полного страсти, драйва и крутых поворотов сюжета!

  • Письмо любви к тебе Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-193674-7
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Я увидела Джейми первой. Но это было неважно. Потому что сначала он посмотрел на нее… Просто невероятно, как сердце начинает учащенно биться при одном взгляде на человека, которого ты когда-то любила… И вот он снова стоит на моем пороге. Только на этот раз нет ни дождя, ни гнева, ни приглашения на свадьбу — только мы. Мой старый друг, способный утешить в любую минуту. Но чтобы правильно рассказать нашу с Джейми историю, нужно вернуться назад, к началу. К тому, как мы встретились в детстве, столкнувшись на велосипедах. Это мое письмо любви к тебе, Джейми. Надеюсь, однажды ты его прочитаешь…

  • Нечестная игра Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-193679-2
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    Два билета на матч. Одна гениальная идея. Ноль заинтересованности в отношениях. План прост: совершенно незнакомый, горячий, желательно веселый и одинокий парень будет занимать одно из мест на стадионе на каждой игре сезона. А я займу место рядом с ним. Одна игра — одно заранее спланированное свидание. Мне не удалось придумать лучшего способа использовать билеты, которые я купила для бывшего. Я люблю действовать согласно плану, и моя задумка должна увенчаться успехом. Так я считала, пока в моей жизни не появился Зак. Самонадеянный, властный. И великолепный… Он меня бесит. Зак способен привлечь любую девушку, у которой…

  • The Christmas Blanket Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 9798698691884
    Год издания: 2020
    Язык: Английский
    A Second Chance Holiday Romance

    From bestselling author Kandi Steiner comes a cozy second-chance romance about love, loss, and adventure...

    When I decided to surprise my family in Wellhaven, Vermont for Christmas, I never could have known that I'd get a surprise of my own -- in the form of an unexpected blizzard.

    I haven't been home in four years, not since I left this town with my eyes set on adventure.

    And my heart set on forgetting the only man I’ve ever loved.

    River Jensen -- my ex-husband.

    I don't plan on seeing him during my visit. I definitely don't plan on him saving me when my little rental car slides off the icy road. And the last thing I could have ever prepared for is being stuck in a tiny cabin with him, waiting out the storm.

    Four years have passed since I've seen him -- the boy I loved, now a man I don't know at all.

    But being stuck inside with him leaves us nothing but time together.

    Everything about him has changed, and yet, he still has the same forest green eyes that have haunted me since I left. Back then, we were at an impasse. Back then, there was nothing left to talk about, nothing left to fix. Back then, the only choice I had was to leave and start anew.

    But the more I re-discover the man I left behind, the more I question why I ever left at all.

    And if I’m too late to find my way back home.

    The Christmas Blanket is a stand-alone holiday novella set in a snowy small town in Vermont.
  • Градус любви Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 9785171616175
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Ноа Беккер сулит одни неприятности. Так убеждала меня мама, когда я, еще ребенком, хихикала над играми, которые он придумывал. Так утверждали жители города, когда умер его отец и братья Беккер слетели с катушек. И так думала я в тот день, когда шла на винокурню, где он работал, чтобы купить подарок своему жениху. Ноа — возмутитель спокойствия. Мерзкий, грубый бунтарь. Но, сколько бы ни убеждала себя, я не могу избежать встречи с Ноа. И чем чаще я с ним сталкиваюсь, тем сильнее он меня бесит. Потому что видит то, чего остальные не замечают: меня настоящую. Ту, которой мне быть запрещено. Я — Руби Грейс Барнетт, дочь мэра. Скоро я стану…

  • Fair Catch Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 9798427951876
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    As if things aren’t already tough enough as the only girl on a college football team, Coach had to go and assign Zeke Collins as my roommate.⁣⁣
    A cocky kick returner and my brother’s best friend who should have been ripped of that title years ago, he’s as infuriating as he is undeniably sexy.⁣⁣
    I hate him, and for good reason — reason I won’t ever let him forget.⁣⁣
    He thinks because we grew up together that it’s his role to protect me, but all he does is get in my way, make me look weak, and piss me off more.⁣⁣
    I tell him I can handle myself, and I’m hell-bent on getting that point across to him and the rest of the nation watching the only girl in collegiate football.⁣⁣
    The pressure doesn’t get to me. The scrutiny? I’m ready for.⁣⁣
    But sharing very thin walls with Zeke Collins? I wasn’t prepared for that.⁣⁣
    And the more we’re forced together, the harder it is to distinguish that pencil-thin line between hating him… and wanting him.⁣⁣
  • Quarterback Sneak Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 979-8356618901
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    Quarterback Holden Moore can have any girl he wants.

    Except me: the coach’s daughter.

    With piercing green eyes, herculean biceps, and irresistible dimples, Holden is the number one target for every girl on campus. But according to his teammates, football is the only love of his life.

    He’s their leader, their QB1 and team captain who is all business and no play.

    But when I’m with him? Mr. Serious isn’t serious at all. He loves to push my buttons, to pin me with those sexy eyes of his and tease me until I bite back.

    I remind him I’m off limits.
    He can’t have me, and I don’t want him — or anyone else, for that matter.

    I’m here for one reason: to show my father I'm more than his greatest disappointment.

    But when an old injury flares up and I’m forced to work with Holden every day as his athletic trainer, his attempts to get under my skin start becoming harder to resist.

    We can’t give in, no matter how much the air crackles between us when we’re close.

    I’m the coach’s daughter, and if Holden Moore wants to go pro, he’s got to play by daddy’s rules.

    Otherwise, he’ll be off the team.
    And he’s not the only one with something to lose.
  • The Right Player Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 9781705271360
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Tantor Audio
    I have a three date rule—but it's not what you think.

    See, I've been told I'm the "good time girl," not the one you take home to Mom. And while that label stung at first, I've since embraced it—living the wild and free life and sticking to a three date max. That's just enough time to have some fun and snuff out the possibility of catching feelings. And it's been working for me for years . . . Until Makoa Kumaka.

    Sadly, he also has a three date rule—and it's the exact opposite of mine. From the second I meet him, all I can think about is stripping down that six-foot-five Herculean hunk of a man. But like the gentleman I wish he wasn't, he's making me wait.

    The more time we spend together, the more I feel those pesky emotions creeping in. I'm even tempted to trust him, but blame it on my past or my instincts, I can't shake the feeling that he's hiding something . . .

    I've been playing the game forever, and no man has ever won my heart—which meant they never had the power to break it. But maybe I just hadn't met the right player.

    Maybe I'll wish I never did.
  • Meet your match Кэнди Стайнер

    One Month with Vince Tanev: Tampa’s Hotshot Rookie Twenty-four-seven access on and off the ice.

    The headline says it all, and my bosses are over the moon when the opportunity of a lifetime lands in my lap. Of course, they aren’t aware that I’ve already met Vince Cool at an all-star gala — and that we were at each other’s throats the entire time.

    It doesn’t matter that he’s the kind of hot that shows God has favorites — messy brown hair, heated hazel eyes, the smirk of a rockstar, and a scar over his eyebrow that makes every woman particularly feral.

    He’s a rich, cocky playboy — a brand I’m all too familiar with, and one I’m determined to never…

  • Оставь меня в прошлом Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 978-5-04-197760-3
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Freedom
    Язык: Русский

    В объятиях брата моей лучшей подруги я как никогда близка к греху. Взгляд Тайлера скользит по моим губам, и я вспоминаю, как впервые поцеловала его семь лет назад, прежде чем покинула этот город и поклялась никогда не возвращаться. Его руки сжимают мою талию, и я вспоминаю боль, когда он отверг меня, и весь мой мир рухнул. Мы не принадлежим друг другу и не должны целоваться. Я старалась держаться подальше от Тайлера, но, когда свадьба его сестры возвращает нас в тот же город, в тот же дом, я не могу избежать встречи с ним, как бы ни старалась. Он всегда рядом, его темные глаза завораживают, маня в свои глубины. Воспоминания о нас…

  • Hail Mary Кэнди Стайнер
    Leo F*cking Hernandez. North Boston University’s star running back, notorious bachelor, and number one on my people I would murder if I could get away with it list. And now?
    He’s my new roommate. I used to think I loved him.
    But that was before I hated him. He doesn’t remember who I am, or how he made my life miserable for years. And before I unknowingly moved across the street from him, I couldn’t have cared less. I was living my life despite him and what happened that summer, chasing my dream of becoming a tattoo artist. “The Pit,” as the university so gracefully nicknamed the house he lives in with three other football players, has served as nothing more than a pain in my ass and a constant reminder of the boy who broke my heart. Watching him parade his one-night-stands in and out of it never helped, either. But with rent this cheap and so close to the tattoo shop, I’ve learned to ignore him — no matter how he’s tried to get under my skin. At least, until this summer. Because when a water and mold disaster leaves me with no choice but to vacate my house, I have nowhere to go. And Leo Hernandez offers me a deal I can’t refuse. Live at The Pit with him and the guys, free of charge, until my landlord fixes this mess. Ignoring him was easy when I lived across the street, but in the same house, with him shirtless half the time and watching me with his cocky grin and searing gaze? It’s impossible. Still, I have to try. I have to push him away, even when he makes it infuriatingly difficult to do so. He’s broken my heart once.
    I won’t let him do it again.
  • A Love Letter from the Girls Who Feel Everything Бриттани Ш. Черри
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    Bestselling authors Brittainy C. Cherry and Kandi Steiner come together for the first time in an emotional compilation of poetry and prose. Written and collected over the course of more than two years, A Love Letter from the Girls Who Feel Everything is an intimate, honest, and raw assemblage of two women’s feelings in a modern world that often quiets any kind of emotion past indifference.

    Discussing themes of love, worth, loss and hope, A Love Letter from the Girls Who Feel Everything is a journey of discovery and healing.

    “We are the girls who feel everything.

    And this is our love letter. To you, to them, to us, to the world, to no one at all. Whether it’s the brightest, sunniest day where everything is perfect, or the darkest, dreariest night of rain where life seems unbearable — we have lived it, we have survived it, and we have felt every, blissful, aching second.

    Here’s to embracing the feels, to the brave souls that listen to the way their hearts beat and aren’t afraid to ask someone else if they feel those same beats, too. Here’s to the girls, the boys, the love we sometimes share and the love we all-too-often conceal.

    And more than anything, Reader — here’s to you.”
  • Black Number Four Кэнди Стайнер
    ISBN: 978-1508763666
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Known as one of the youngest and most ambitious poker players in the country, Skyler Thorne has a reputation to uphold in Vegas this year. Her sole focus for spring semester is to perfect her game and get tournament ready – and have some fun with her sorority sisters, of course. Meeting a care-free pledge with incredible arms adds a whole new element of fun to her semester, but when a shocking discovery about his past surfaces, Skyler finds herself stuck in a game she wasn’t prepared to play.

    Kip Jackson is on a mission from his father. His plan was to get in, have a little fun, and then get out – on to bigger and better things. A feisty girl with bright blue eyes wasn’t on his list of things to do, but she quickly moves her way up to the very top. When he realizes completing his dad’s mission means crushing her in the process, he must decide if his dreams are worth the risk – or if he even has the same dreams, at all.

    Two secrets. Two hearts. Two hands being played in one twisted game of deceit.

    When the cards are on the table, will anyone be left standing?

    The perfect poker face can only hide them for so long
  • Neat Кэнди Стайнер
    Язык: Английский
    My life is over. I swore I would never work at the whiskey distillery with my last name on it, that I would never be a part of my father’s legacy. But when I graduated with my art degree and realized there were no jobs, the devil appeared, and I sold my soul, agreeing to work in the family business if he’d give me the art studio I’d always dreamed of. It can’t be that bad, I thought. Until I realized my new boss was Logan Becker. The Becker brothers have a reputation for being trouble, and since I love trouble, it’s no surprise to me that I’m infatuated by that forbidden fruit the first day I walk into the distillery. That lean, whiskey-eyed, too-hot-for-his-own-good man hates me — and I can’t blame him. His family has been at war with mine for decades, and for good reason. The Beckers and the Scooters are the Montagues and Capulets of Stratford, Tennessee. But if he’s Romeo, and I’m Juliet? Well… we all know how that story ends — and for that reason, I tell myself to steer clear. Because if my father finds out I’m falling for Logan Becker, my life actually will be over. And Logan’s will be, too.
  • Manhattan Кэнди Стайнер
    Язык: Английский
    Everyone knows not to fall in love with your best friend. But when your best friend is Michael Becker, it’s impossible not to. He’s everything our town knows a Becker brother to be: devastatingly handsome, charming as a thief, and the icing on the cake — a sentimental musician who’s never without his guitar. And he was mine. At least, that’s what I’d convinced myself. Our bond was born in elementary school, strengthened by circumstance and the promise to always be there for each other, no matter what. And the best thing about my life was being friends with Michael Becker. Until it was the worst. I watched him fall in love with someone else, and helped patch him back up when she left him behind. But when he drops the bomb that he’s moving to New York, I realize it’s my last chance to tell him how I feel. And I ask him to make one more promise. One summer. One list of adventures to remind him that our small town has more to offer than memories of the girl who left him behind. One last chance to tell him I’m in love with him. And I’m just dumb enough to believe that maybe he could love me, too.
  • Old Fashioned Кэнди Стайнер
    Язык: Английский
    It’s a man’s world. When I declared sports medicine as my major and every man narrowed their eyes, that saying proved true. It was true when my ex-husband decided I’d give up my career when our daughter was born. And again when I divorced the Chief of Police in our small town, and he made it painfully clear that I could leave him, but I would never be free. Landing the job as the new athletic trainer for Stratford’s high school team is my chance to start over. And walking into a male-dominated sport and staff, I’m ready for the challenge. I’m not ready for Jordan Becker. The head coach of our championship winning team is a Herculean force of nature—as severe as he is determined. His icy blue eyes and permanent scowl drive the women in this town mad, and his quiet power and undeniable command conjure respect from every man. When I join his team, I expect the doubt and anticipate the fight from him. And I get them both. I don’t expect to form a friendship. And I never expect to fall for him. My breath catches when those cool eyes fall to my lips. My body comes alive when his is near. And as those lines begin to blur, every warning bell sounds. My job, my reputation are on the line.
    And my ex is around every corner, waiting to remind me of his power. It’s a man’s world, and if I want to survive, I can never fall in love with Jordan Becker. Even if he falls in love with me first.