Мари Ндьяй

Marie NDiaye

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Мари Ндьяй — новинки

  • Vengeance Is Mine Мари Ндьяй
    ISBN: 9780593534250
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    From the best-selling author of Three Strong Women comes a thrilling novel about a triple homicide that dredges up unsettling memories from a lawyer's childhood
  • My Heart Hemmed In Мари Ндьяй
    ISBN: 1931883629
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Two Lines Press
    Язык: Английский
    Marie NDiaye has long been celebrated for her unrivaled ability to make us see just how little we understand about ourselves. My Heart Hemmed In is her most powerful statement on the hidden selves that we rarely glimpse—and are often shocked by.

    There is something very wrong with Nadia and her husband Ange, middle-aged provincial schoolteachers who slowly realize that they are despised by everyone around them. One day a savage wound appears in Ange’s stomach, and as Nadia fights to save her husband’s life their hideous neighbor Noget—a man everyone insists is a famous author—inexplicably imposes his care upon them. While Noget fattens them with ever richer foods, Nadia embarks on a nightmarish visit to her ex-husband and estranged son—is she abandoning Ange or revisiting old grievances in an attempt to save him?

    Conjuring an atmosphere of paranoia and menace, My Heart Hemmed In creates a bizarre, foggy world where strange coincidences, harsh cruelty, and constantly shifting relationships all seem part of some shadowy truth. Surreal, allegorical, and psychologically acute, My Heart Hemmed In shows a masterful author giving her readers her most complex and compelling world yet.
  • Ladivine Marie NDiaye
    ISBN: 978-0385351881
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Knopf Publishing Group
    Язык: Английский
    From the hugely acclaimed author of Three Strong Women—“a masterpiece of narrative ingenuity and emotional extremes” (The New York Times)—here is a harrowing and subtly crafted novel of a woman captive to a secret shame.

    On the first Tuesday of every month, Clarisse Rivière leaves her husband and young daughter and secretly takes the train to Bordeaux to visit her mother, Ladivine. Just as Clarisse’s husband and daughter know nothing of Ladivine, Clarisse herself has hidden nearly every aspect of her adult life from this woman, whom she dreads and despises but also pities. Long ago abandoned by Clarisse’s father, Ladivine works as a housecleaner and has no one but her daughter, whom she knows as Malinka.

    After more than twenty-five years of this deception, the idyllic middle-class existence Clarisse has built from scratch can no longer survive inside the walls she’s put up to protect it. Her untold anguish leaves her cold and guarded, her loved ones forever trapped outside, looking in. When her husband, Richard, finally leaves her, Clarisse finds comfort in the embrace of a volatile local man, Freddy Moliger. With Freddy, she finally feels reconciled to, or at least at ease with, her true self. But this peace comes at a terrible price. Clarisse will be brutally murdered, and it will be left to her now-grown daughter, who also bears the name Ladivine without knowing why, to work out who her mother was and what happened to her.

    A mesmerizing and heart-stopping psychological tale of a trauma that ensnares three generations of women, Ladivine proves Marie NDiaye to be one of Europe’s great storytellers.
  • Un temps de saison: Niveau B2 Мари Ндьяй
    ISBN: 978-2-278-07902-5
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Les Editions Didier
    Язык: Русский
    Hermann s'apprete a rentrer a Paris apres des vacances en province, quand sa femme et son fils disparaissent. Il decouvre alors Fautre visage de la charmante petite ville touristique ou il vient de passer deux mois : a partir du 1 septembre, il у pleut sans cesse et les habitants se montrent tout a coup moins souriants, moins accueillants... Peu a peu, l'atmosphere brumeuse et fantomatique de Fendroit anesthesie les desirs d'Hermann...
    Un roman aux allures de reve eveille par l'une des auteures francophones les plus importantes de sa generation.
  • Three Strong Women Marie Ndiaye
    ISBN: 978-0307594693
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Knopf Publishing Group
    Язык: Английский

    In this new novel, the first by a black woman ever to win the coveted Prix Goncourt, Marie NDiaye creates a luminous narrative triptych as harrowing as it is beautiful. This is the story of three women who say no: Norah, a French-born lawyer who finds herself in Senegal, summoned by her estranged, tyrannical father to save another victim of his paternity; Fanta, who leaves a modest but contented life as a teacher in Dakar to follow her white boyfriend back to France, where his delusional depression and sense of failure poison everything; and Khady, a penniless widow put out by her husband’s family with nothing but the name of a distant…

  • Trois Femmes Puissantes Marie NDiaye
    ISBN: 978-2070440498
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Gallimard
    Язык: Французский
  • Drei starke Frauen Marie NDiaye
    ISBN: 978-3518421659
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Suhrkamp Verlag Gmbh
    Язык: Немецкий
    Die vierzigjährige Norah gibt dem Drängen ihres Vaters nach und besucht ihn in Dakar: Die Juristin soll ihren Bruder aus dem Gefängnis holen. Das schwierige Treffen mit dem Vater führt die Frau an den Rand des Wahnsinns. Fanta hat im Unterschied zu Norah Dakar verlassen, um ihrem Ehemann Rudy in die französische Provinz zu folgen. Sie gibt sich dort vor Langeweile auf, so meint Rudy, durch dessen Perspektive wir von Fanta erfahren - doch ihm entgeht Entscheidendes. Von Afrika aus betrachtet erscheint ihre Existenz geradezu luxuriös und begehrenswert, weshalb Khady, die junge Afrikanerin, illegal nach Frankreich einzuwandern sich bemüht - doch sie endet, tot, an Grenzen. Drei Lebensläufe, drei starke Frauen, die ihre Würde verteidigen, indem sie sich im entscheidenden Moment weigern, so zu handeln, wie es die Umgebung verlangt: drei Frauen, die selbst in extremster Situation ihre Würde verteidigen.
  • Rosie Carpe Marie NDiaye
    ISBN: 2707317403
    Год издания: 2001
    Издательство: Editions de Minuit
    Язык: Французский
    La vie de Rosie Carpe commence à Brive-la-Gaillarde, entre son frère Lazare et ses deux parents Carpe qui sont encore, alors, dépourvus de toute espèce de fantaisie vénéneuse. Rosie conservera de Brive un souvenir confus et voilé de jaune, tandis que, pour son frère Lazare, le bonheur à Brive-la-Gaillarde gardera les couleurs d'un magnolia dont il est le seul à se rappeler la splendeur. Ensuite, à Anthony, Rosie Carpe est adulte. Elle met au monde Titi, travaille, et doucement chavire. Quand Rosie Carpe débarque en Guadeloupe, elle a perdu depuis longtemps la maîtrise de ce qu'elle fait. Et tout ce qui lui arrive, enfant ou désastres, concerne tout aussi bien quelqu'un qui n'est peut-être pas elle.