Элисон Уэйр

Alison Weir

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Новинки Элисон Уэйр

  • The Passionate Tudor: A Novel of Queen Mary I Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 9780593355107
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский
    The New York Times bestselling author of the Six Tudor Queens series explores the dramatic and poignant life of King Henry VIII's daughter—infamously known as Bloody Mary—who ruled England for five violent years.

    Born from young King Henry’s first marriage, his elder daughter, Princess Mary, is raised to be queen once it becomes clear that her mother, Katherine of Aragon, will bear no more surviving children. However, Henry’s restless eye has a devastating influence on the young princess’s future when he declares her a bastard and his marriage to her mother unlawful. In hopes of a male heir, he marries Anne Boleyn and banishes Katherine and Mary from the royal court. But when Anne too fails to produce a son, she is beheaded and Mary is allowed to return to court as the default heir. At age twenty, she hopes in vain for her own marriage and children, but who will marry her, bastard that she is?

    Yet Mary eventually triumphs and becomes queen, after first putting down a seventeen-year-old usurper, Lady Jane Grey, and ordering her beheading. Any hopes that as the first female queen to rule Britain Mary will show more compassion are dashed when she embarks on a ruthless campaign to force Catholicism on the English by burning hundreds of Protestants at the stake. But while her brutality will forever earn her the name Bloody Mary, at heart she is an insecure and vulnerable woman, her character forged by the unhappiness of her early years.

    In Alison Weir’s masterful novel, the drama of Mary I’s life and five-year reign—from her abusive childhood, marriage, and mysterious pregnancies to the cruelty that marks her legacy—comes to vivid life.
  • Генрих VIII. Жизнь королевского двора Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 978-5-389-23078-1
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Английскому королю Генриху VIII суждено было стать одним из тех монархов, чье имя и спустя несколько столетий известно всему миру. Его внешний облик запечатлели портреты работы великих живописцев эпохи Возрождения, характерные черты его личности, восхищавшей, интриговавшей и устрашавшей современников, в изобилии проступают в самых разнообразных свидетельствах на страницах исторических документов. Как и подробности его биографии: с течением веков она стала поистине легендарной, и в наши дни побуждает ученых, писателей, режиссеров вновь и вновь обращаться к жизни королевского двора в ту далекую эпоху. В своем исследовании Элисон Уэйр —…

  • Королевы завоеваний Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 978-5-389-23316-4
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Жизнь средневековых королев Англии была насыщена событиями — любовью, интригами, предательствами, супружескими изменами и войнами. Но подробности их биографий после многих столетий умолчания изгладились из исторической памяти, а реально произошедшее в трактовке биографов последующих веков обросло легендарными деталями. Признанный мастер биографического жанра Элисон Уэйр предлагает прикоснуться к самым надежным источникам, чтобы отделить подлинную жизнь нескольких из этих выдающихся женщин от многовекового налета романтических преданий и вернуть им законное место в истории. Эта монументальная королевская сага охватывает годы от Нормандского…

  • Елизавета I. Брачная игра Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 978-5-389-24738-3
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Их любовный роман вызвал скандал в Европе. Еще бы, блистательная Елизавета Тюдор, объявившая себя «королевой-девственницей», не смогла сдержать своих чувств к лорду Роберту Дадли, человеку женатому, занимающему высокий пост при дворе. В христианском мире ее и без того принимали за незаконнорожденную еретичку, силой захватившую трон, а тут еще подобный скандал. Тем не менее, наследники многих монарших фамилий по-прежнему добиваются ее милости, надеясь вступить с королевой в брак. Но Елизавета умна: не отвечая ни «да», ни «нет», она не подпускает их близко, но и не лишает надежды. В народе это называют «брачными играми»… Вторая часть дилогии…

  • The King's Pleasure Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 9780593355060
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Ballantine Books
    Язык: Английский
    The New York Times bestselling author of the Six Tudor Queens series explores the private side of the legendary king Henry VIII and his dramatic and violent reign in this extraordinary historical novel.

    Having completed her Six Tudor Queens series of novels on the wives of Henry VIII, extensively researched and written from each queen’s point of view, Alison Weir now gives Henry himself a voice, telling the story of his remarkable thirty-six-year reign and his six marriages.

    Young Henry began his rule as a magnificent and chivalrous Renaissance prince who embodied every virtue. He had all the qualities to make a triumph of his rule, yet we remember only the violence. Henry famously broke with the Pope, founding the Church of England and launching a religious revolution that divided his kingdom. He beheaded two of his wives and cast aside two others. He died a suspicious, obese, disease-riddled tyrant, old before his time. His reign is remembered as one of dangerous intrigue and bloodshed—and yet the truth is far more complex.

    The King’s Pleasure brings to life the idealistic monarch who expanded Parliament, founded the Royal Navy, modernized medical training, composed music and poetry, and patronized the arts. A passionate man in search of true love, he was stymied by the imperative to produce a male heir, as much a victim of circumstance as his unhappy wives. Had fate been kinder to him, the history of England would have been very different.

    Here is the story of the private man. To his contemporaries, he was a great king, a legend in his own lifetime. And he left an extraordinary legacy—a modern Britain.
  • Леди Элизабет Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 978-5-389-24512-9
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Англия, 1536 год. В английской истории не было королевского двора более пышного и блестящего. Но под сверкающей позолотой живет измена… Элизабет Тюдор, дочь Генриха VIII, самого могущественного из королей, которых когда-либо знала Англия. Ей предназначено взойти на престол, ибо она — наследница короля. Но все изменится в одночасье, когда Анна Болейн, ее мать, будет казнена за предательство. Друзья сделаются врагами, и единственное, на что ей останется надеяться в борьбе за будущий трон, — это на собственные силы…

  • Трон и плаха леди Джейн Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 978-5-389-24349-1
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Джейн Грей, юная шестнадцатилетняя леди королевских кровей, совершенно не претендует на корону Британии. И близкое родство с королевской семьей ей безразлично. Она не сомневается в праве на трон Марии Тюдор и мечтает лишь об уединенной жизни в окружении любимых книг. Но ее родители решили иначе: любой ценой их дочь взойдет на престол! И вихрь политических событий действительно возносит ее к вершинам власти, но всего лишь… на девять дней. После этого Джейн остается уповать лишь на милость законной властительницы.

  • Елизавета Йоркская. Последняя Белая роза Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 9785389234116
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский
    Английская принцесса Елизавета появилась на свет в разгар Войны Алой и Белой розы – династических распрей между Ланкастерами и Йорками. Старшая дочь королевского дома Йорков, она мечтает о короне. Но внезапно умирает Эдуард IV, отец принцессы, и в ее судьбе наступают резкие перемены. Клан Алой розы стремится захватить власть, безжалостно уничтожая других претендентов на престол. Два юных принца, братья Елизаветы, убиты в Тауэре… Враги все ближе. Они желают посадить на трон выскочку из дома Ланкастеров, Генриха Тюдора.

    Переломить ситуацию в пользу Йорков мог бы удачный брак принцессы Елизаветы. Ей предстоит сделать нелегкий выбор, ведь неверный ход на шахматной доске истории зачастую означает утрату не только политического влияния, но и самой жизни… Впервые на русском!
  • Елизавета Йоркская. Последняя Белая роза Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 978-5-389-22376-9
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Английская принцесса Елизавета появилась на свет в разгар Войны Алой и Белой розы — династических распрей между Ланкастерами и Йорками. Старшая дочь королевского дома Йорков, она мечтает о короне. Но внезапно умирает Эдуард IV, отец принцессы, и в её судьбе наступают резкие перемены. Клан Алой розы стремится захватить власть, безжалостно уничтожая других претендентов на престол. Два юных принца, братья Елизаветы, убиты в Тауэре... Враги всё ближе. Они желают посадить на трон выскочку из дома Ланкастеров, Генриха Тюдора. Переломить ситуацию в пользу Йорков мог бы удачный брак принцессы Елизаветы. Ей предстоит сделать нелёгкий выбор, ведь…

  • Elizabeth of York. The Last White Rose Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 9781472278036
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Headline
    A princess born into a war between two families...
    Firstborn of the royal House of York, Elizabeth dreams of wearing a crown. But in England, queens do not rule.
    When her beloved father, King Edward, dies suddenly, his brother seizes power. Two young princes disappear into the Tower. Yet another claimant seeks the crown, the upstart heir of the rival House of Lancaster. Marriage to this Henry Tudor would unite their warring families - and help Elizabeth to the throne she knows is hers by right.
    A glorious new age awaits. Now Elizabeth must choose her allies wisely as she fights to become mother and queen of a great new dynasty.
    Elizabeth of York.
    The first Tudor queen.
    Her story.
  • Six Tudor Queens. Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife Alison Weir
    ISBN: 9781472227867
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Headline
    Язык: Английский
    The stunning final novel in the highly acclaimed and bestselling Six Tudor Queens series by historian and Sunday Times bestselling author, Alison Weir.
    Alison Weir, historian and author of the Sunday Times bestselling Six Tudor Queens series, recounts the story of Henry VIII's last wife - Katharine Parr, the queen who survived him.
    A Woman Torn Between Love and Duty.
    Two husbands dead, a boy and a sick man. And now Katharine is free to make her own choice.
    The ageing King's eye falls upon her. She cannot refuse him... or betray that she wanted another.
    She becomes the sixth wife - a queen and a friend. Henry loves and trusts her. But Katharine is hiding another secret in her heart, a deeply held faith that could see her burn...
    Katharine Parr. Henry's Final Queen. Her Story.
    Renowned, bestselling historian Alison Weir reveals a warm, clever woman of great fortitude who rose boldly to every turn her life took.
  • Six Tudor Queens. Anna of Kleve, Queen of Secrets Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 9781472227768
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Headline
    The fourth spectacular novel in the highly acclaimed Six Tudor Queens series by historian and Sunday Times bestselling author, Alison Weir.
    Alison Weir, historian and author of the Sunday Times bestsellers Katherine of Aragon: The True Queen, Anne Boleyn: A King's Obsession and Jane Seymour: The Haunted Queen, paints a spellbinding portrait of Anna of Kleve, Henry VIII's fourth queen.
    'This six-book series looks likely to become a landmark in historical fiction' The Times
    A German Princess with a Guilty Secret.
    The King is in love with a portrait, but the real Anna does not enchant him.
    She must win him over. Everyone knows that Henry won't stand for a problem queen.
    But rumours of Anna's past are rife at court - dangerous talk that could mark her downfall. Can this clever, spirited young woman reach out in friendship to the King, and gain his love forever?
    Anna of Kleve
    The Fourth of Henry's Queens
    Her Story
    Acclaimed, bestselling historian Alison Weir draws on new evidence to conjure a startling image of Anna as you've never seen her before. A charming, spirited woman, she was loved by all who knew her - and even, ultimately, by the King who rejected her.
    History tells us she was never crowned.
    But her story does not end there.
    Six Tudor Queens. Six Novels. Six Years.
  • Firstborn Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 9781472296481
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Review
    Язык: Английский
    In this short prequel to Alison Weir's new novel, Elizabeth of York, The Last White Rose, the young princess is born - and the future of England hangs in the balance.

    The Palace of Westminster, 1466. As the Queen of England lies in her chamber, exhausted from childbirth, the court awaits news of the longed-for heir...

    The King
    Edward prays for a son to ensure the succession of his line.

    The godfather
    Warwick knows his influence over the King cannot last.

    The grandmother
    Cecily hopes her new grandchild will one day bring great fortune to England.

    The friend
    Lord Hastings fears the growing hostility within King Edward's inner circle.

    The young rival
    The boy Henry does not yet know his own significance.

    The uncle
    Richard visits the new baby - and dreams that night of a golden crown.
  • Queens of the Crusades Alison Weir
    ISBN: 9781784701871
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    Crusading queens, queens in rebellion against their king, queen seductresses, learned queens, queens in battle - the Plantagenet queens broke through medieval constraints to exercise power and influence, for good and sometimes for ill.
    Beginning with the formidable Eleanor of Aquitaine whose marriage to Henry II sows the seeds for some of the most destructive family conflicts in history and ending with Eleanor of Castile, the grasping but beloved wife of Edward I, Alison Weir's ground-breaking history of the queens of medieval England provides an enthralling new perspective on a dramatic period of high romance and sometimes low politics, with determined women at its heart.
  • Katherine Swynford Alison Weir
    ISBN: 9780712641975
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    The first full-length biography of an extraordinary love affair between one of the most important men of English History and a thoroughly modern woman.
    Katherine Swynford was first the mistress, and later the wife, of John of Gaunt, the Duke of Lancaster. Her charismatic lover was one of the most powerful princes of the fourteenth century and Katherine was renowned for her beauty and regarded as enigmatic, intriguing and even dangerous by some of her contemporaries.
    In this impressive book, Alison Weir has triumphantly rescued Katherine from the footnotes of history, highlighting her key dynastic position within the English monarchy. She was the mother of the Beaufort, then the ancestress of the Yorkist kings, the Tudors, the Stuarts and every other sovereign since - a prodigious legacy that has shaped the history of Britain.
  • Mary Boleyn. 'The Great and Infamous Whore' Alison Weir
    ISBN: 9780099546481
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    Sister to Anne Boleyn and seduced by two kings, Mary Boleyn has long been the subject of scandal and myth. Her affair with Henry VIII fuelled the shocking annulment of his marriage to Anne, and Mary is rumoured to have borne his child in secret.
    In this, the first full-length biography of Mary Boleyn, Alison Weir explodes much of the mythology that surrounds her subject's notoriety. Her extensive research gives us a new and detailed portrayal, revealing Mary as one of hte most misunderstood figures of the Tudor age.
  • The Lost Tudor Princess Alison Weir
    ISBN: 9780099546467
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    The captivating life of Margaret Douglas - a life of scandal, political intrigue and royal romance that spanned five Tudor reigns.
    Royal Tudor blood ran in her veins. Some thought Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox, should be queen of England.
    She ranked high at the court of her uncle, Henry VIII, and was lady of honour to five of his wives. Beautiful and tempestuous, she created scandal - twice - by falling in love with unsuitable men.
    Throughout her life her dynastic ties to two crowns proved hazardous. A born political intriguer, she was imprisoned in the Tower of London three times, once under sentence of death. Her husband and son were brutally murdered, she warred with two queens, and proved instrumental in securing the Stuart succession to the throne of England for her grandson.
    Alison Weir brings Margaret Douglas's captivating character out of the shadows for the first time.
  • Mary Queen Of Scots. And the Murder of Lord Darnley Alison Weir
    ISBN: 9780099527077
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Vintage Books
    Язык: Английский
    On the night of 10 February 1567 an explosion devastated the Edinburgh residence of Henry Stewart, Lord Darnley, second husband of Mary, Queen of Scots.
    Found naked amongst the destruction, the bodies of Darnley and his valet bore marks of strangulation. Alison Weir's investigation of Darnley's murder is set against one of the most dramatic periods in British history. Her conclusions shed a brilliant new light on the actions and motives of the conspirators and, in particular, the extent of Mary's own involvement.
  • Six Tudor Queens. Katharine Parr, The Sixth Wife Alison Weir
    ISBN: 9781472227829
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Headline
    Язык: Английский
    A Woman Torn Between Love and Duty.
    Two husbands dead, a boy and a sick man. And now Katharine is free to make her own choice.
    The ageing King's eye falls upon her. She cannot refuse him... or betray that she wanted another.
    She becomes the sixth wife - a queen and a friend. Henry loves and trusts her. But Katharine is hiding another secret in her heart, a deeply held faith that could see her burn...
    Katharine Parr. Henry's Final Queen. Her Story.
    Renowned, bestselling historian Alison Weir reveals a warm, clever woman of great fortitude who rose boldly to every turn her life took.
  • In the Shadow of Queens. Tales from the Tudor Court Элисон Уэйр
    ISBN: 9781472286284
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Headline
    The complete Six Tudor Queens series short-story collection by acclaimed historian and Sunday Times bestselling author, Alison Weir.
    Behind every great king stands a queen. And behind every queen, the whole court watches on...
    Over the years of his reign, six different women took their place beside King Henry VIII of England as his wife and queen.
    But the real stories of the six Tudor queens belong to those who lived among them. Played out in glittering palaces and whispering courts, these are tales of the people who loved and served these women, and those who lied and betrayed them.
    Collected together for the first time, In the Shadow of Queens reveals thirteen startling stories from the Tudor court, told by those at the very heart of that world.
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