Том Клэнси

Thomas Leo Clancy Jr.

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Последние издания книг Томаса Лео Клэнси младшего

  • Threat Vector Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 9780718198121
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    When Jack Ryan Jr, on a highly secret, off-the-books Campus mission in Turkey, discovers that his team's every move is monitored, he knows that US intelligence has been fatally compromised.

    Back in the States, President Ryan watches in horror as China's weakened leader bends to a war-mongering general intent on turning the East into a bloodbath. At the same time, America comes under cyber attack from China, crippling government and military infrastructure. President Ryan needs to act: a covert team must go in and neutralise these threats, and the Campus is the perfect fit.

    Except a sinister figure known only as the Center is watching the Campus and Jack Ryan Jr's every move. Any misstep will be their last . . .

    Jack Ryan is back and he's got everything to play for in Tom Clancy's masterful Threat Vector. The Jack Ryan Jr series also includes The Teeth of the Tiger, Dead or Alive and Locked On.
  • The Teeth of the Tiger Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 9781405915496
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    The Teeth of the Tiger
  • Red Rabbit Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 9781405915458
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Red Rabbit
  • Ruthless.com Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 9780425165706
    Год издания: 2015
  • Rainbow Six Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 9781405915472
    Год издания: 2015
    Язык: Английский
    Rainbow Six
  • Executive Orders Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 978-0-00-647975-8
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
    Язык: Английский
    Jack Ryan is the new US President - in the latest blockbuster from the world's leading thriller writer, continuing the story of the spectacularly successful No 1 bestseller Debt of Honour. At the dramatic climax of Debt of Honour, a runaway Jumbo Jet has crashed into the Capitol Building in Washington, leaving the President dead, along with most of the Cabinet and Congress. Dazed and confused, the man who only minutes before was confirmed as the new caretaker Vice-President is told that he is now President of the United States. President John Patrick Ryan. But how do you run a government without a government? Where do you even begin? Ryan knows that the eyes of the world are on him now - and many of them are unfriendly. In Beijing, in Tehran and even in Washington, there are those eager to take advantage. Soon they will make their moves; soon they will present Jack Ryan with a crisis so great even he could not imagine it.
  • Command Authority Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 9780718179229
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    Number one bestselling author and master of the modern thriller, Tom Clancy delivers an electrifying story of intrigue, power and one family with two generations of heroes.

    Decades ago, when he was a young CIA analyst, President Jack Ryan, Sr was sent on what was supposed to be a simple support mission to investigate the death of an operative who had been looking into suspicious banking activities at a Swiss bank. Ryan's dogged tenacity uncovered not only financial deceit, but also the existence of a KGB assassin, code-named Zenith. He was never able to find the killer.

    But in the shadowy world of covert operations, nothing stays hidden for ever.

    In the present, a new strongman has emerged in the ever-chaotic Russian republic – the enigmatic President Valeri Volodin. His rise to power was meteoric, but shrouded in deception and treachery. The foundations of his personal empire are built on a bloody secret from his past, and he will eliminate anyone who comes close to that truth. For he has set in motion a plot to return Russia to its former glory and might, with the rest of the world once again trembling in fear of the mighty Bear.

    When an old friend of the Ryans is poisoned by a radioactive agent, the trail leads to Russia. And Jack Ryan, Jr – aided by his compatriots John Clark and the covert warriors of the secretive Campus – must delve into an international conflict thirty years in the making, and finish what his father started.

    With President Ryan fighting a desperate campaign to thwart Russian aggression, and his son fighting a silent war against a ruthless foe, the chances for global conflict grow ever greater – and the possibility of survival may soon be lost for all
  • Command Authority Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 978-0-425-27513-9
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Berkley Publishing Group
    Язык: Английский
    In the present, a new strongman has emerged in the ever-сhaotic Russian republic - the enigmatic President Valeri Volodin. He has set a plot in motion - a plot to return Russia to its former glory. But the foundations of his personal empire are built on a bloody secret from his past. And none who now of it have lived to tell. When a family friend of Ryan's is poisoned by a radioactive live agent, the trail leads to Russia. And Jack Ryan, Jr. - I aided by his compatriot John Clark and the covert warriors of the secretive Campus - must delve into an international conflict thirty years in the making, and finish what his father started.

    With President Ryan fighting the political battle of his life, and his son fighting a silent war against a ruthless foe, global conflict becomes imminent - and the possibility of survival may soon be lost for all...
  • The Cardinal of the Kremlin Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 978-0-425-26939-8
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Berkley Publishing Group
    Язык: Английский
    Two men possess vital data on Russia’s Star Wars missile defense system. One of them is CARDINAL—America's highest agent in the Kremlin—and he's about to be terminated by the KGB. The other is the one American who can save CARDINAL and lead the world to the brink of peace…or war. Here is author Tom Clancy’s heart-stopping masterpiece. A riveting novel of the most important issue of our time.
  • The Bear and the Dragon Tom Clancy,
    ISBN: 9780553545289
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Random House Audio
    Язык: Английский
    A high-level assassination attempt in Russia has the newly elected Ryan sending his most trusted eyes and ears--including antiterrorism specialist John Clark--to Moscow, for he fears the worst is yet to come. And he's right. The attempt has left the already unstable Russia vulnerable to ambitious forces in China eager to fulfill their destiny--and change the face of the world as we know it...
  • Gefahrenzone Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 978-3453268845
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Heyne Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий
    Jack Ryan riskiert alles – noch nie war der Einsatz so hoch

    Wieder einmal legt Bestsellerautor Tom Clancy eine mitreißende Story vor, die schon morgen Wirklichkeit werden könnte: Interne politische und wirtschaftliche Kämpfe sorgen in China dafür, dass die Führung des Landes immer mehr an Einfluss verliert. Um die eigene Macht zu untermauern, soll ein lang gehegter Wunsch in die Tat umgesetzt werden: sich Taiwan mittels eines Militärschlags einzuverleiben. Doch die Insel steht unter dem Schutz der Vereinigten Staaten. Für Präsident Jack Ryan ist die Stunde der großen Entscheidung gekommen. Wie kann er den Krieg der Supermächte verhindern?

    Für die verdeckt agierenden Kämpfer der Geheimorganisation »Campus« ist der Krieg gegen die Feinde Amerikas nie ausgefochten. Diesmal sind Jack Ryan junior und seine Kameraden in unmittelbarer Gefahr: Die Existenz des »Campus« wurde aufgedeckt, und da ist der Weg zu seiner Zerstörung nicht weit. Gleichzeitig hat Jack Ryan senior als amtierender US-Präsident alle Hände voll zu tun. Die politische Balance in China ist nach desaströsen Wirtschaftsentwicklungen gehörig ins Wanken geraten. Aus Gründen der Machterhaltung verlagern die Regierenden die Aufmerksamkeit nach außen und überfallen Taiwan, ein Land, auf das China Anspruch erhebt, das aber den Schutz der USA genießt. Jetzt stehen sich zwei Supermächte gegenüber, und Jack Ryan sieht sich gezwungen, seinen einzigen Joker auszuspielen. Aber so wie es aussieht, wird bereits ein weltumspannender Krieg toben, bevor er den »Campus« effektiv einsetzen kann. Denn im Cyberspace hat der Krieg längst begonnen...
  • The Bear and the Dragon Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 9781405915489
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin
    Язык: Английский

    INSPIRATION FOR THE THRILLING AMAZON PRIME SERIES JACK RYAN . . . A truly brilliant thriller by Tom Clancy, The Bear and the Dragon is a Jack Ryan novel. Newly elected in his own right, Jack Ryan has found that being President has gotten no easier: domestic pitfalls await him at every turn; the Asian economy is going down the tubes; and now, in Moscow, someone may have tried to take out the chairman of the SVR - the former KGB - with a rocket-propelled grenade. Things are unstable enough in Russia without high-level assassination, but even more disturbing may be the identities of the potential assassins. Were they political enemies,…

  • Das Echo aller Furcht Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 978-3453436763
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Heyne Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий
    Der Kalte Krieg scheint Vergangenheit, die Weltmächte verhandeln im Zeichen einer friedlichen Zukunft. Doch hinter den Kulissen tickt eine gefährliche Zeitbombe. Ein seltsamer Bombenfund genügt, um einen weltumspannenden tödlichen Konflikt zu entfachen. Jack Ryan muss einen nahezu aussichtslosen Kampf gegen die Zeit gewinnen …
  • Threat Vector Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 978-0-718-19813-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    For Jack Ryan, Jr., and his comrades at the covert organization known as The Campus, the fight against America's enemies is never over. But the danger has just hit home in a way they never expected…
    The Campus has been discovered. And whoever knows they exist knows they can be destroyed. Meanwhile, President Jack Ryan has been swept back into the Oval Office - and his wisdom and courage are needed more desperately than ever.
    Internal political and economic strife has pushed the leadership of China to the edge of disaster. And those who wish to consolidate their power are using the opportunity to strike at long-desired Taiwan, as well as the Americans who have protected the tiny nation.
    Now, as two of the world's superpowers move ever closer to a final confrontation, President Ryan must use the only wild card he has left - The Campus. But with their existence about to be revealed, they might not even have a chance to enter the battle before the world is consumed by war.
  • Ziel erfasst Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 978-3453268265
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Heyne Verlag
    Язык: Немецкий
    Jack Ryan for President!

    Die Starbesetzung von Tom Clancy ist wieder da: Jack Ryan und John Clark sehen sich zusammen mit Jack Ryan jr. und dem übrigen Campus-Team der größten Herausforderung ihres Lebens gegenüber. Es droht nicht nur eine atomare Auseinandersetzung im Mittleren Osten, auch der Feind im Inneren rüstet sich zum Krieg mit allen Mitteln. Der spannungsreiche Technothriller schließt unmittelbar an »Dead or Alive« an, das große Comeback von Tom Clancy.

    Jack Ryan sr. stellt sich wieder zur Wahl für das Amt des US-Präsidenten. Er will seinem Land angesichts der terroristischen Bedrohung in dessen schwerster Stunde beistehen. Allerdings hat er nicht mit der Niedertracht seiner Gegner gerechnet, die ihn mit erfundenen Vorwürfen gegen John Clark, seinen engsten Vertrauten, konfrontieren. Wer steckt hinter den zwielichtigen Operationen, die ihn und Clark zur Strecke bringen sollen? Währenddessen befasst sich der Campus – ein inoffizieller, top-secret Geheimdienst, der Jack Ryan zuarbeitet – im Nahen und Mittleren Osten mit einer brisanten anderen Frage: Was hat ein hoher pakistanischer Militär mit russlandfeindlichen, dagestanischen Terroristen zu schaffen? Die Antwort führt schließlich zu einem verzweifelten Ringen, bei dem nichts weniger als der Weltfriede auf dem Spiel steht ...
  • Command Authority Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 0399160477, 978-0399160479
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Putnam Adult
    Язык: Английский
    The #1
    New York Times-bestselling author and master of the technothriller returns with his All-Star team.

    There’s a new strong man in Russia but his rise to power is based on a dark secret hidden decades in the past. The solution to that mystery lies with a most unexpected source, President Jack Ryan.
  • Живым или Мертвым Том Клэнси
    ISBN: 978-5-699-54563-6
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    По всему миру происходят события, кажущиеся поначалу совершенно не связанными друг с другом: загадочные убийства, исчезновения самолетов, похищения техники и разных видов устройств, связанных с атомной энергетикой. И только Джек Райан-младший и его коллеги из особой организации "Кампус" уверены, что за всеми событиями стоит самая влиятельная исламская террористическая организация и ее глава - Эмир. Теперь их основная задача - переиграть хитроумного противника и вычислить местонахождение его штаб-квартиры...
    Впервые на русском языке! Новая книга о расследованиях Джека Райана, его сына и бывшего агента ЦРУ Джона Кларка!
  • Dead or Alive Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 978-0-241-95186-6
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Michael Joseph
    Язык: Английский
    Tom Clancy returns with a #1 New York Times bestseller that will remind readers why he is the acknowledged master of international intrigue and nonstop military action.
    It is The Campus. Secretly created under the administration of President Jack Ryan, its sole purpose is to eliminate terrorists and those who protect them. Officially, it has no connection to the American government - a necessity in a time when those in power consider themselves above such arcane ideals as loyalty, justice, and right or wrong.
    Now covert intelligence expert Jack Ryan Jr. and his compatriots at The Campus - joined by black ops warriors John Clark and "Ding" Chavez - have come up against their greatest foe: a sadistic killer known as the Emir. Mastermind of countless horrific attacks, the Emir has eluded capture by every law enforcement agency in the world. But his greatest devastation is yet to be unleashed as he plans a monumental strike at the heart of America.
    On the trail of the Emir, Jack Ryan Jr. will find himself following in his legendary father's footsteps on a manhunt that will take him and his allies across the globe, into the shadowy arenas of political gamesmanship, and back onto U.S. soil in a race to prevent the possible fall of the West…
  • Locked On Tom Clancy
    ISBN: 978-0-718-15970-2
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    When a deadly terrorist alliance creates the potential to bakmail any world power into submission, it's got to be stopped before it is too late. That's just the trigger Jack Ryan Jr needs to take his work for shadowy intelligence agency The Campus from the back room to the sharp end: black ops.
    Meanwhile, his father, Jack Ryan Sr, campaigning for re-election as US President, is up against a privately funded vendetta to discredit him. Caught at the heart of the conspiracy is former Navy SEAL John Clark. And Ryan Sr soon discovers that being his friend could have deadly consequences.

    With the breakneck speed and military action scenes that have made him the premier thriller writer of ourtime, Tom Clancy delivers a novel of high-tech warfare in which the enemy within may be even more devastating than the enemy without.
  • Against All Enemies Tom Clancy
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd.
    Язык: Английский
    When ex-Navy SEAL and CIA operative Maxwell Moore barely survives a prisoner exchange that goes explosively wrong off the coast of Pakistan, he realizes that powerful, cunning forces have been marshalled against him. Determined to dig out the truth, he uncovers a shocking conspiracy.
    The two greatest threats to US security - the Taliban and a vicious Mexican drug cartel - have forged an unholy alliance. For the cartel, it means money, power and control of the drug trade. But for the Taliban, it is an opportunity to bring the fire of jihad to the heartland of the infidel.
    Now Moore and his depleted team must infiltrate the drug cartel in the hunt for terrorists preparing to bring destruction to America's streets.
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