Тамора Пирс

Tamora Pierce

  • 43 книги
  • 10 подписчиков
  • 106 читателей
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Тамора Пирс – лучшие книги

  • Аланна. Начало пути Тамора Пирс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-097601-0
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    И угораздило же Аланну из Требонда родиться девчонкой! Тяжело жить, когда мечтаешь стать рыцарем, а вместо этого учишься магии, пению и танцам. Брат-близнец Аланны Том, наоборот, хочет постичь магическую науку и стать могущественным чародеем. Однажды ребята решают поменяться местами: Том уезжает в монастырь, где ему предстоит учиться волшебству, а Аланна, притворившись мальчиком, отправляется в королевский дворец, чтобы поступить в услужение пажом. Но стать рыцарем не так-то просто. Прежде чем получить право участвовать в сражениях, Аланна должна научиться не только как следует владеть мечом, но и отличать врагов от друзей. Лишь пройдя…

  • Выбор Шутника Тамора Пирс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-036971-3, 978-5-271-16581-3, 978-5-9762-0129-3
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский

    Бог Шутник обещал народу рэка приход избавительницы - она будет править Медным Архипелагом и освободит рэка от гнета завоевателей-луаринов. Однако никто не подозревает, что ключом к свободе станет девчонка Али Хоумвуд - совсем недавно ее звали Алианна из Пиратского Обрыва. Рабыня? Наследница древнего клана лазутчиков? Она и сама не понимает, как исполнить предначертанное и почему выбор Шутника пал именно на нее...

  • Королева Шутника Тамора Пирс
    ISBN: 978-5-17-035636-2, 978-5-271-17165-9, 978-5-9762-0600-7
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: АСТ, Астрель, Хранитель
    Язык: Русский

    Продолжение романа "Выбор Шутника". Бывшая рабыня, в жилах которой течет кровь легендарных лазутчиков, стала лидером повстанцев, хранителем и защитником будущей королевы. Али прекрасно понимает: врагов много и совершить задуманное будет непросто. Единственный выход - бороться с врагами испытанным, но смертельно опасным способом шпионажа...

  • Sandry's Book Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590554085, 978-0590554084
    Год издания: 1999
    Издательство: Scholastic Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский

    Having been sent to Winding Circle Temple, Daja, Briar, Tris and Sandry begin to feel that they have finally found a place where their magical gifts are respected. As they learn and grow in their skills, they must face down everything from pirates to strange diseases.

  • Сказка драконицы Тамора Пирс
    Язык: Русский
    Мудрая сказка, действие которой происходит во вселенной Торталла, рассказывает о драконице, которая из кожи вон лезет, чтобы совершить нечто правильное, и попутно выясняет, как скверно не уметь говорить, когда необходимо сказать нечто важное…
  • Tris's Book Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590554093, 978-0590554091
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    Earthquake damage leaves Winding Circle vulnerable to pirate attack, so everyone - including the young mages-in-training Tris, Briar, Daja, and Sandry - is working to strengthen the community's defenses. When Tris's cousin Aymery comes to visit, he advises the "weather witch" to return to the family that exiled her, but she doesn't wish to leave her friends to face the threat without her.

    As the onslaught begins, two things become terribly clear: The pirates have a powerful new weapon, and they have an accomplice within Winding Circle. But the attackers have failed to reckon with the fury of a young mage betrayed once too often and her very stubborn, very loyal friends....
  • Daja's Book Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590554107, 9780590554107
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    Outcast Trader Daja, along with her fellow mages-in-training, journeys from Winding Circle to the Gold Ridge Mountains, where drought threatens widespread famine. There, Daja creates an astonishing object: a living metal vine, and Daja's dealings with her former people reawaken a longing for familiar ways.

    Daja must choose - should she return to the Traders or remain with the Winding Circle folk who have become her family?
  • Briar's Book Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590554115, 9780590554114
    Год издания: 2000
    Издательство: Scholastic Paperback
    Язык: Английский
    Four elements of power, four mages-in-training learning to control them. In Book 4 of the Circle of Magic Quartet, former "street rat" Briar leads a comfortable life at Winding Circle Temple, learning plant magic from his teacher Rosethorn. But street kids are still his friends, and when one of them gets sick, she turns to Briar for help. As the mysterious illness spreads, Sandry, Daja, and Tris join Briar and their teachers to fight the epidemic. But just as the situation improves, the unthinkable happens. Will Briar be able to save what he loves most?
  • Battle Magic Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0439842972, 978-0439842976
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Scholastic Press
    Язык: Английский
    While visiting the God-King and the First Circle temple in Gyongxe, mages Briar, Rosethorn, and Evvy are invited to visit the emperor's summer palace. Although treated like royalty when they first arrive, the mages soon discover that the emperor plans to invade Gyongxe, posing a fatal threat to the home temple of the Living Circle religion.

    Accompanied by one of the emperor's prize captives, the three mages rush to Gyongxe to warn its citizens of the impending attack. With the imperials hot on their trail, Briar, Rosethorn, and Evvy must quickly help the country prepare for battle.

    But even with the help of new allies, will their combined forces be enough to fight the imperial army and win the war?
  • The Will of the Empress Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0439441722, 978-0439441728
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    Sandry, Daja, Briar, and Tris, are older now and back together again, in an exciting and much-awaited, stand-alone novel by everyone's favorite mage, Tamora Pierce.
  • Street Magic Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590396439, 978-0590396431
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    Once a thief, Briar now wields the magic of all green and growing things. On a journey east, he encounters a girl - Evvy - who reminds him of his younger self. She too is a wily street rat, with a power she barely understands. But, when Briar attempts to help her, he finds himself embroiled in a war between rival street gangs. Who is the mysterious noblewoman behind this power struggle? And, what does she want with Evvy?
  • In the Hand of the Goddess Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0689878567, 978-0689878565
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    "I don't want to fall in love. I just want to be a warrior maiden."Still disguised as a boy, Alanna becomes a squire to none other than the prince of the realm. Prince Jonathan is not only Alanna's liege lord, he is also her best friend -- and one of the few who knows the secret of her true identity. But when a mysterious sorceror threatens the prince's life, it will take all of Alanna's skill, strength, and magical power to protect him -- even at the risk of revealing who she really is...Filled with swords and sorcery, adventure and intrigue, good and evil, Alanna's second adventure continues the saga of a girl who dares to follow her dreams -- and the magical destiny that awaits her.Alanna's journey continues...
  • Shatterglass Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 059039696X, 978-0590396967
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    Kethlun Warder was a gifted glassmaker until his world was shattered in a freak accident. Now his remaining glass magic is mixed with lightning, and Tris must teach him to control it (if she can teach him to control his temper first). But there's more at stake than Keth's education. With his strange magic, he creates glass balls that reflect the immediate past and expose the work of a murderer. If he can harness his power properly, he'll be able to see the crimes as they take place. Keth and Tris race against time, and the local authorities, to identify a killer who's living in plain sight.
  • Cold Fire Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590396560, 978-0590396561
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Scholastic Paperbacks
    Язык: Английский
    Daja and Frostpine expect to have a peaceful winter's visit with old friends in Kugisko, a port in the vast empire of Namon. But there is no peace when mysterious fires begin to blaze across the vulnerable city. Daja assists Bennat Ladradun, a local firefighter with a tragic past, to fight the flames. The two become fast friends-until they realize the fires have been deliberately set, and their relationship is deeply tested. Daja's magic helps her track down the firestarter, but no magic can protect her or Ben from the effects of madness and betrayal.
  • Melting Stones Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 193418005X, 978-1934180051
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Full Cast Audio
    Язык: Английский
    New York Times bestselling author Tamora Pierce has written the new novel in her popular Circle of Magic universe to go directly to audio--preceding the print version by at least a year. Residents on one of the islands south of Emelan have sent a call for help to Winding Circle temple: Their plants and trees and the animals that live around them are mysteriously dying.

    From Winding Circle come two familiar figures: prickly green mage Rosethorn, whose plant magic will help her decipher what's ailing the plant life, and Briar's former student, the stone mage Evvy. With them comes the eager, nervous Dedicate Initiate Myrrhflower and Luvo, a being best described as a walking, intelligent rock. All are pulled into the island's mystery when Evvy is caught up by the wild spirits loose in an immense bubble of molten rock. Can they evacuate the island in time--or will they try to shift a volcano?
  • Magic Steps Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 0590396056, 978-0590396059
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Scholastic
    Язык: Английский
    First in a new quartet, The Circle Opens, Magic Steps follows the characters from the Circle of Magic series. The four mages of the circle have dispersed, travelling with their mentors-except for Sandry who is left back in Summersea caring for her sick uncle, Duke Vedris. It's not that she minds-she loves the old man, but it is hard to think of the excitement the others are having. untilshe sees a boy dancing on the beach, dancing what is quite clearly a magical working. He has no idea of the power he is unleashing-while Sandry can feel it in the very air around them. Now she just has to convince Pasco-and his family...
  • The Woman Who Rides Like a Man Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 978-0689878589
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    The third book in the popular "Song of the Lioness" series about Alanna, the knight errant.
  • Wild Magic Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 978-1416903437
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Young Daine's knack with horses gets her a job helping the royal horsemistress drive a herd of ponies to Tortall. Soon it becomes clear that Daine's talent, as much as she struggles to hide it, is downright magical Horses and other animals not only obey, but listen to her words. Daine, though, will have to learn to trust humans before she can come to terms with her powers, her past, and herself.

  • Emperor Mage Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 978-1416903376
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Emperor Ozorne's Immortal minions have savaged peaceful Tortall. Daine has lost many friends to Hurrock claw and Stormwing talon. Now Ozorne talks of treaties, and for Tortall's sake, Daine must attend the peace conference - somehow keeping her wild magic in check. But other forces demand she unleash that power. The Gods are furious with Emperor Ozorne, and have chosen Daine to deliver their dreadful retribution. Compelled by the Graveyard Hag, Daine confronts Ozorne. But should she use divine power to bring the mighty Empire to its knees.?
  • The Realms of the Gods Tamora Pierce
    ISBN: 978-1416908173
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    Язык: Английский
    Trouble has come again to Tortall. Not only are Daine, Numair and their friends fighting against their old enemy, Ozorne, but the barrier between the realms has vanished. When Numair and Daine are dragged into the Divine Realms, they realise the situation is worse than they had thought.
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