Х. Д. Карлтон

H. D. Carlton

  • 16 книг
  • 39 подписчиков
  • 2017 читателей
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Новинки Х. Д. Карлтон

  • Where's Molly Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 9781957635163
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: H. D. Carlton
    Язык: Английский
    A spinoff of the Cat & Mouse Duet...

    “Molly Devereaux has been missing for more than two weeks, and police are still searching for the girl who seemed to vanish out of thin air. The world still wants to know... Where's Molly?”

    In my dreams, I never escaped the Oregon woods.

    Life after death isn't easy to accept, especially when I still feel like a ghost.

    Now, I live deep in the mountains of Montana—the paradigm of beauty. But they are also the home of horrors.

    Horrors that I only unleash at night.

    When my pigs are allowed to feast.

    It is strongly recommended to read Haunting Adeline and Hunting Adeline before reading Where's Molly.

    Warning: This is a dark romance that contains dark subject matter. Please refer to the author's website for content warnings.
  • Полювання на Аделіну Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 978-617-548-230-8
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: BookChef
    Язык: Украинский

    Діамант Смерть крокує обіч мене, та Похмурий Жнець мені більше не рівня. Я потрапила в пастку до чудовиськ у подобі чоловіків і до тих, хто видає себе за когось іншого. Вони не зможуть тримати мене в себе завжди. Я не впізнаю людину, котрою стала, та б’юся за те, щоб знайти шлях назад, до звіра, котрий полював на мене вночі. Мене називають діамантом, та спромоглися створити лише янгола смерті. Шукач Я народився хижаком, безжальність викарбувана в мене на кістках. Коли те, що належить мені, викрали посеред ночі, немовби діамант сховали у фортеці, Я з’ясував, що не можу більше стримувати звіра. Кров плямуватиме землю, коли я розриватиму…

  • Преследуя Аделин. Специальное издание Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-162857-4
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Манипулятор Я могу манипулировать эмоциями любого, кто мне это позволит. Я заставлю вас страдать, заставлю вас плакать, заставлю вас смеяться и вздыхать. Но мои слова на него не действуют. Особенно тогда, когда я умоляю его уйти. Он всегда рядом, наблюдает и ждет. И я просто не могу отвести взгляд. Тогда, когда хочу, чтобы он был ближе ко мне. Тень Я не планировал влюбляться. Но теперь я не могу смотреть по сторонам. Я загипнотизирован ее улыбкой, ее глазами и тем, как она двигается. Как она раздевается... Я буду продолжать наблюдать и ждать. Пока не смогу сделать ее своей женой. И как только она согласится, я никогда ее не отпущу.…

  • Преследуя Аделин Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-151116-6
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Манипулятор Я могу манипулировать эмоциями любого, кто мне это позволит. Я заставлю вас страдать, заставлю вас плакать, заставлю вас смеяться и вздыхать. Но мои слова на него не действуют. Особенно тогда, когда я умоляю его уйти. Он всегда рядом, наблюдает и ждет. И я просто не могу отвести взгляд. Тогда, когда хочу, чтобы он был ближе ко мне. Тень Я не планировал влюбляться. Но теперь я не могу смотреть по сторонам. Я загипнотизирован ее улыбкой, ее глазами и тем, как она двигается. Как она раздевается... Я буду продолжать наблюдать и ждать. Пока не смогу сделать ее своей женой. И как только она согласится, я никогда ее не…

  • Hauting Adeline Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 978-83-8320-789-6
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: NieZwykłe
    Язык: Польский

    Manipulatorka Potrafię manipulować emocjami każdego, kto mi na to pozwoli. Potrafię sprawić, żeby cierpiał, płakał lub się śmiał. Ale moje słowa nie wpływają na NIEGO… Szczególnie kiedy błagam go, żeby odszedł. Jednak on zawsze tam jest. Czeka, patrzy, obserwuje. A ja nie mogę odwrócić wzroku, nie potrafię. Zwłaszcza gdy chcę, żeby podszedł bliżej. Cień Nie miałem zamiaru się zakochać. Jednak teraz, kiedy to się stało, nie potrafię trzymać się od niej z daleka. Uwielbiam jej uśmiech, jej oczy, sposób, w jaki się porusza. Sposób, w jaki się rozbiera. Będę ją obserwował i czekał, aż w końcu będzie należała tylko do…

  • Переслідування Аделіни Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 978-617-548-182-0
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: BookChef
    Язык: Украинский
    У середині 1940-х червоногубу красуню Женев’єву (Джіджі) Парсонс переслідує сталкер. Одначе їй така увага й таємничість цього чоловіка стають приємними і дарують живу віддушину, ковток свіжого повітря, маленькі радощі життя. Щоправда, красуня гине за загадкових обставин, а вбивство лишається нерозкритим.
    За 75 років по тому подібна історія зі сталкером спіткає правнучку Женев’єви, пишногруду письменницю Аделіну Рейлі. Красуня намагається розгадати історію вбивства прабабусі, яку вичитала з її щоденника, знайденого в таємному сховку. Втім і гадки не має, що на неї полює Товариство Всесвітнього Відродження, яке торгує людьми і приносить у жертву маленьких дівчаток.
    Чи допоможе Аделіні її сталкер із розкриттям убивства Джіджі і чи хтось врятує світ від некрофілів-сектантів, які поклоняються уроборосу?
  • Shallow River Х. Д. Карлтон
    Год издания: 2023
    Язык: Английский
    Shallow Hill is where souls suffer slow and miserable deaths.
    When River McAllister escaped from Shallow Hill, she left her innocence behind--and some of her sanity, too. Now she's rebuilding her life with her dream man and life couldn't be better.
    Ryan Fitzgerald is everything you'd want in a man. Attractive, rich, an aspiring lawyer, and would do anything to keep River. But that's not the only thing that attracts her. It's his attentiveness, his possessiveness... maybe not so much his temper.
    When her relationship takes a dark turn, Ryan's estranged brother, Mako, is the only one who sees it. He knows exactly what Ryan is capable of, and it's not the first time he had to be a knight in shining armor.
    River came from Shallow Hill, though. She's never needed saving before. What Mako doesn't see, is that River is perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
    The only one who should be scared is Ryan.
  • Does It Hurt? Х. Д. Карлтон
    Год издания: 2023
    Язык: Английский
    Who am I?

    I've forgotten the answer to that question long ago. Ever since I ran from that house, so desperate to escape, I left with only the clothes on my back and socks on my feet. After that day, I've only ever walked in stolen shoes.

    Could I be a girl who is searching for the meaning of life in faceless men? They were all so forgettable. Until he came along. He took me under a waterfall and made me forget my name, and in return, I took his instead.

    Enzo Vitale.

    An enigmatic man that will only ever love the deep sea. Or rather the predators that inhabit it. Turns out, he's not so different than the monsters he feeds. He lured me onto his boat like a fish in the ocean, seeking vengeance for my crime. Had I realized his intentions, and that a massive storm would leave us shipwrecked, I would've ran.

    Now, I'm a girl who's seeking refuge in a decrepit lighthouse with a man who loathes me almost as much as he craves me. He wants to hurt me, but the old caretaker of the abandoned island may have intentions far more sinister.

    It's no longer a question of who I am, but rather, will I survive?
  • Satan's Affair Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 1957635061
    Год издания: 2022
    Every Halloween, Satan's Affair will come to you.
    We travel the country, offering terrifying haunted houses, thrilling rides and the tastiest food. And with every passing town, I cleanse this world, one execution at a time.
    I hide within the walls, casting my judgement for those that reek of evil, singing lullabies to their rotting souls.
    Once you've been chosen, there's no escaping my henchmen—they cater to my every desire.
    You can run and you can hide, but it only excites me.
    Take a walk through my dollhouse, where your screams will blend and your cute little pleas will go unanswered.
    But I can't promise it'll be over quickly...
  • Hunting Adeline Х. Д. Карлтон
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    The Diamond

    Death walks alongside me,
    But the reaper is no match for me.
    I'm trapped in a world full of monsters dressed as men, and those who aren't as they seem.
    They won't keep me forever.
    I no longer recognize the person I've become,
    And I'm fighting to find my way back to the beast who hunts me in the night.
    They call me a diamond,
    But they've only created an angel of death.

    The Hunter

    I was born a predator,
    With ruthlessness ingrained in my bones.
    When what's mine is stolen from me in the night,
    Like a diamond hidden within a fortress,
    I find that I can no longer contain the beast.
    Blood will paint the ground as I tear apart this world to find her.
    And bring her back to where she belongs.
    No one will escape my wrath,
    Especially not those who have betrayed me.
  • Haunting Adeline Х. Д. Карлтон
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    The Manipulator

    I can manipulate the emotions of anyone who lets me.
    I will make you hurt, make you cry, make you laugh and sigh.
    But my words don't affect him. Especially not when I plead for him to leave.
    He's always there, watching and waiting.
    And I can never look away.
    Not when I want him to come closer.

    The Shadow

    I didn't mean to fall in love.
    But now that I have, I can't stay away.
    I'm mesmerized by her smile, by her eyes, and the way she moves.
    The way she undresses...
    I'll keep watching and waiting. Until I can make her mine.
    And once she is, I'll never let her go.
    Not even when she begs me to.
  • Does It Hurt? Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 978-1957635040
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский

    Who am I? I've forgotten the answer to that question long ago. Ever since I ran from that house, so desperate to escape, I left with only the clothes on my back and socks on my feet. After that day, I've only ever walked in stolen shoes. Could I be a girl who is searching for the meaning of life in faceless men? They were all so forgettable. Until he came along. He took me under a waterfall and made me forget my name, and in return, I took his instead. Enzo Vitale. An enigmatic man that will only ever love the deep sea. Or rather the predators that inhabit it. Turns out, he's not so different than the monsters he feeds. He…

  • Does It Hurt? Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 978-1957635040
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    Who am I?

    I've forgotten the answer to that question long ago. Ever since I ran from that house, so desperate to escape, I left with only the clothes on my back and socks on my feet. After that day, I've only ever walked in stolen shoes.

    Could I be a girl who is searching for the meaning of life in faceless men? They were all so forgettable. Until he came along. He took me under a waterfall and made me forget my name, and in return, I took his instead.

    Enzo Vitale.

    An enigmatic man that will only ever love the deep sea. Or rather the predators that inhabit it. Turns out, he's not so different than the monsters he feeds. He lured me onto his boat like a fish in the ocean, seeking vengeance for my crime. Had I realized his intentions, and that a massive storm would leave us shipwrecked, I would've run.

    Now, I'm a girl who's seeking refuge in a decrepit lighthouse with a man who loathes me almost as much as he craves me. He wants to hurt me, but the old caretaker of the abandoned island may have intentions far more sinister.

    It's no longer a question of who I am, but rather, will I survive
  • Hunting Adeline Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 978-1957635019
    Год издания: 2022
    Язык: Английский
    The Diamond

    Death walks alongside me,
    But the reaper is no match for me.
    I'm trapped in a world full of monsters dressed as men, and those who aren't as they seem.
    They won't keep me forever.
    I no longer recognize the person I've become,
    And I'm fighting to find my way back to the beast who hunts me in the night.
    They call me a diamond,
    But they've only created an angel of death.

    The Hunter

    I was born a predator,
    With ruthlessness ingrained in my bones.
    When what's mine is stolen from me in the night,
    Like a diamond hidden within a fortress,
    I find that I can no longer contain the beast.
    Blood will paint the ground as I tear apart this world to find her.
    And bring her back to where she belongs.
    No one will escape my wrath,
    Especially not those who have betrayed me.
  • Shallow River Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 9781957635095
    Год издания: 2021
    Shallow Hill is where souls suffer slow and miserable deaths.
    When River McAllister escaped from Shallow Hill, she left her innocence behind--and some of her sanity, too. Now she's rebuilding her life with her dream man and life couldn't be better.
    Ryan Fitzgerald is everything you'd want in a man. Attractive, rich, an aspiring lawyer, and would do anything to keep River. But that's not the only thing that attracts her. It's his attentiveness, his possessiveness... maybe not so much his temper.
    When her relationship takes a dark turn, Ryan's estranged brother, Mako, is the only one who sees it. He knows exactly what Ryan is capable of, and it's not the first time he had to be a knight in shining armor.
    River came from Shallow Hill, though. She's never needed saving before. What Mako doesn't see, is that River is perfectly capable of taking care of herself.
    The only one who should be scared is Ryan.
  • Haunting Adeline Х. Д. Карлтон
    ISBN: 979-8454848842
    Год издания: 2021
    Язык: Английский
    The Manipulator

    I can manipulate the emotions of anyone who lets me.
    I will make you hurt, make you cry, make you laugh and sigh.
    But my words don't affect him. Especially not when I plead for him to leave.
    He's always there, watching and waiting.
    And I can never look away.
    Not when I want him to come closer.

    The Shadow

    I didn't mean to fall in love.
    But now that I have, I can't stay away.
    I'm mesmerized by her smile, by her eyes, and the way she moves.
    The way she undresses...
    I'll keep watching and waiting. Until I can make her mine.
    And once she is, I'll never let her go.
    Not even when she begs me to.